Feb 28, 2021

Sex Files: Alien Erotica II (2000)

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Moonshine Girls (1974)


A hicksploitation porno about the three daughters of a moonshiner and the authorities that want to arrest them.

Furburgers (Home of the Box Lunch) (1987)


In the tradition of Hot & Saucy Pizza Girls (1978), Buford's Beach Bunnies (1993) and Bikini Bistro (1995) the story centers around a restaurant with scantily clad waitresses.

Farmer's Daughters (1986)


(AKA Farmer's Daughters: The Movie) Not to be confused with the fairly well known 1976 film by the same name, this is a very eighties rendition on the hicksploitation genre.... meaning the seedy, grimy sheen of the seventies is long gone in favor of big hair and white pumps.

Feb 27, 2021

The Lucifers (1971)


Satan has come to claim the souls of those who desperately want to get laid. 

Hot Circuit (1972)


From the great Rialto Report article on the film: In the early 1970s, a pioneering adult film with a gimmick made headlines and profits, and was the subject of a high profile prosecution. No, not Deep Throat. We’re referring to a film that was released a full six months before ‘Deep Throat’ – called Hot Circuit. Hot Circuit was an interesting and imaginative effort that avoided many of the tired conventions that would plague later sex films. It wasn’t sleazy and didn’t feature any recognizable porn stars. It had a spirit and spontaneity that suggested it was made by a group of hippies fresh from a weekend at Woodstock. Despite its seeming innocence however, within months of its release, it was being prosecuted in Washington D.C. and its filmmakers faced jail sentences and fines.

The Pimps (1981)


(Original Title: Los chulos) Another Pajares-Esteso production - that means an imaginative plot with lots of naked actresses.  This one has Esteso as a pimp and Pajares as his enemy, a pious ex-seminarian.  Featuring Jenny Llada in one her best roles.

Los energéticos (1979)


A Pajares y Esteso production, one of the many brilliant sex comedies created by this duo, always accompanied by Antonio Ozores and a bevy of naked actresses.

La noche viene movida (1980)


An Argentinian sex comedy featuring your usual "Three's Company" style mix-up and comedy-of-errors.  Featuring many familiar names of the genre including Susana Traverso, Ethel Rojo, Nadiuska, and Tristán.

Deep Sleep (1972)


Directed by Alfred Sole who would do Alice Sweet Alice a few years later.  He shot it in his hometown of Paterson, New Jersey using a cast and crew made up of friends and family members.  From articles on the subject: This meant that the local lawyer, banker, policeman, high school teachers, funeral home director, the mayor’s wife, even Alfred’s wife and his mother were part of the film-making group. It seemed like everyone in Paterson knew someone who was involved in the making of ‘Deep Sleep’. And so predictably when it came out it was a smash hit in New Jersey, with long lines of people breaking box office records trying to get into the theaters to see it. It was pulled from theaters on charges that it was obscene, and all the prints were confiscated. It became one of the most notorious prosecutions of an adult film in American history.

Experto en ortología (1991)

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Hard times for Dracula (1976)


(Original Title: Tiempos duros para Drácula) A Spanish-Argentinian collaboration about a down-on-his-luck vampire.

Feb 26, 2021

Cute But Ordinary (1981)


(Original Title: Bonitinha Mas Ordinária) A Brazilian film adaptation of a play about a guy who is paid to marry a girl who was raped by five black guys.

The Temptress (1980)


(Original Title: Las tentadoras) Directed by Rafael Portillo, the man that gave us Face of the Screaming Werewolf (1964) and The Robot Vs. the Aztec Mummy (1958). With Las Tentadoras, he delivers a standard fichera movie with your usual troupe of actors.

Feb 25, 2021

The Milkman's Girlfriends (1989)


(Original Title: Las novias del lechero) In the grand tradition of The Amorous Milkman (1975) we meet the silly milkman and his various female customers.

Too Naughty to Say No (1985)


A parochial school girl has a series of bizarre adventures involving a satanic flasher, a necrophiliac undertaker, a sex maniac, etc. Starring Angel and Ginger Lynn.

Feb 24, 2021

Sweet and Naughty (1984)


You can keep your Ingmar Bergman Criterion Collection; I'll take the Nikki Charm Collection instead. This chick was so incredibly "eighties" - she came to fame right in the middle of the decade when the hair and fashions got really loud, and she captured that vibe perfectly.  Of course, things didn't go so well for Charm in the next decade, but the mid to late eighties were all hers, and this is where it started - her first film.

The Thieves (1989)


(Original Title: Los rateros) A Mexican comedy starring the usual gang about three losers who turn to crime and get wrapped up in a drug cartel enterprise by accident.  

Feb 22, 2021

The Loving Ones (1979)

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Feb 21, 2021

The Whore's Son (1981)


(Original Title: O Filho da Prostituta) A Brazilian action-drama where a rich man's household is taken over by a pretender.  Lots of violence and gratuitous nudity ensues.

Elite Devassa (1984)


(Translation: Elite Wanton) A pretentious and boring erotic thriller from Brazil.  The only reason anyone watched it then or is watching it now is because of the extensive nude scene from Aldine Muller.  This was after a decade of being one of the sexiest ladies in cinema and right before a long successful career on TV - so an in-between stage were Muller evidently decided the route to go was graphic sex and nudity.  It didn't pan out, but at least made this sorry film notable in that regard.

Feb 20, 2021

Seduced by the Demon (1978)


(Original Title: Seduzidas Pelo Demônio)  One of the best bad movies I've seen in a long time - possibly ever.  That's quite a statement when you see how many bad movies we've covered on this site.  It's a Brazilian satansploitation flick where events surrounding a murder are presented in court. 

The Artisan of Women (1978)


(Original Title: O Artesão de Mulheres) There have been a number of Casanova masseuse movies over the years [Carnal Desires (1999). Totally Exposed (1991), The Sex Substitute (2003)], and this may be the grand poobah.  

Caligula's Daughter (1981)


(Original Title: A Filha de Calígula) The Bob Guccione Caligula movie was released a couple years before this, so probably this Brazilian flick was capitalizing on that.  Whatever the case, it's a pretty cheap-o production but maybe worth a look for its sheer oddness.

Liberated Women (1982)


(Original Title: Mulheres Liberadas) A three part anthology featuring three well-known actresses in Brazilian sex cinema: Ana Maria KreislerRossana Ghessa and Tania Moraes.

Love, Word Prostitute (1982)


(Original Title: Amor, palavra prostituta)  The director Reichenbach refuses to allow the uncut version to be shown, which of course only makes this more intriguing (given that it's already pretty explicit).  The film is a deep reflection on class, humanity, etc. which you could spend all day discussing.  This is VZ1, so we won't go into all that, and focus instead on the sleazy exploitative elements.

Feb 19, 2021

The Sex Swindlers (1982)

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The Peephole of Love (1982)


(Original Title: O Olho Mágico do Amor) Not at all the sex film portrayed by the poster.  This is a quirky surreal film.  On the surface, it's about a girl who finds a peephole in her office to a hotel room where a prostitute services a succession of weirdos.  However, there are much deeper meanings below the surface.

The Bacchanal Night (1981)


(Original Title: A Noite dos Bacanais) A Brazilian flick which looks to be just your average sex drama, but things escalate. Featuring biker gang rapes, test tube baby technology, orgies, erotic medical exams, and much more.

Os Rapazes das Calçadas (1981)


The title translates to "The Boys on the Sidewalks" and is about male prostitution.  However, there are plenty of naked ladies in this odd Brazilian flick, erasing any notion this is strictly a gay film. It's a slice of life in the Rio de Janeiro underworld.

Feb 18, 2021

Nymphets of Wild Sex (1983)


(Original Title: Ninfetas do Sexo Selvagem) Absolutely nonsensical Brazilian garbage about two girls stranded on an island.  On the other side of the island there seems to be a completely unrelated Sword & Sandal movie.

The Prisoner of Sex (1978)


(Original Title: O Prisioneiro do Sexo) A Brazilian film about a pervy old man who isn't satisfied with just his young hot wife.  No. He has to have more, and fucks everything up.

The Taste of Sin (1980)

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The Pleasure of Sex (1982)


(Original Title: O Prazer Do Sexo) A Brazilian film about two guys accustomed to the playboy lifestyle learn how to be in a serious relationship.  

Feb 17, 2021

Temptation Woman (1982)


(Original Title: Mulher Tentação) A Brazilian sex comedy about an oversexed family.  The mother has an insatiable sexual appetite, the daughter likes it rough, the house servants are all doing each other, and dad likes to watch it all.

Penal School for Violated Girls (1977)


(Original Title: Escola Penal de Meninas Violentadas) A WIP film from Brazil about a penal school for delinquent and violated girls run by a diabolical nun.

The Empire of Desire (1981)


(Original Title: O Império do Desejo) A surrealist film from Brazil about a beach house that is visited by a diverse group of bizarre characters.  With lots of sex and head-scratching moments for those of us who are too lazy to try and decipher deeper meanings.

Nineteen Women and One Man (1977)


(Original Title: Dezenove Mulheres e Um Homem) A group on a tour bus in Paraguay are held hostage by escaped convicts.

O Sexomaníaco (1976)


A very odd and campy film from Brazil about a sexual maniac known as the "Goat's Beard" of Rio de Janeiro who is stalking a woman.

Sluts (1982)


(Original Title: As Safadas) Despite the lurid title, this Brazilian film is a fairly tame drama anthology with three tales each focusing on a promiscuous woman.

Loved and Violent (1975)

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Feb 16, 2021

A Taste of the Customer (1984)


(Original Title: A Gosto do Freguês) Three stories from Brazil about... well not about much except sex.  Given the title, I thought they'd be linked by a theme - such as, being about sales, retail, etc. Nope.  It's just three sex stories.

One Bed For Seven Brides (1979)


(Original Title: Uma Cama Para Sete Noivas) As in Diary of a Bed (1972) we follow the history of a bed. Two beggars find the bed in a junkyard and spend their wedding night there. The bed tells all the adventures she witnessed since it was installed in a honeymoon suite of a first-class hotel where seven brides used it. Featuring the gorgeous Aldine Muller who was amazing in The Woman Who Invented Love (1979).

Sadism - Sexual Aberrations (1983)

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Feb 15, 2021

These Delicious Women (1979)


(Original Title: Essas Deliciosas Mulheres) A Brazilian sex romp starring stone cold fox Ana Maria Kreisler as a woman who lusts after a womanizer, but can't get close to him because of, well, his womanizing.

In Search of Orgasm (1981)


(Original Title: Em Busca do Orgasmo) A bizarre Brazilian film about a beekeeper who loses his mind and makes the people at a neighboring restaurant-whorehouse become his "human hive".   Yeah, the title and the poster have absolutely nothing to do with anything.

The Woman Who Invented Love (1979)


(Original Title: A Mulher Que Inventou o Amor) A Brazilian film starring the always amazing Aldine Muller as a confused and more-than-slightly psychotic young woman obsessed with a soap star.

The Girl of Diabolical Sex (1987)


(Original Title: A Menina do Sexo Diabólico) An ultra-violent sexually charged shit-show from Brazil.

Feb 14, 2021

The Nun and the Torturer (1983)


(Original Title: A Freira e a Tortura) A Brazilian film about a nun who is tortured by a police officer for political crimes. 

The Girl and the Rapist (1983)


(Original Title: A Menina e o Estuprador) The title and movie art are very misleading.  The cover shows a wild black guy raping a young white girl... when in fact the titular rapist in this film is a white psychiatrist, and the black guy depicted on the cover is actually the heroic character.