Oct 31, 2024

The Dorm That Dripped Blood (1982)

A slasher from a time before they really started sticking fastidiously to the template. In other words, it's a slasher film, but doesn't have a lot of the tropes we're used to - a creepy mask, a signature weapon, a childhood backstory, etc. The story involves a group of students cleaning up a dorm (for a move to a new dorm), and they're picked off ten-little-Indians style as per usual.

Silent Madness (1984)

A 3-D slasher filmed in New Jersey; a dangerous mental patient has been set free, and it's up to his doctor to find him. Sound familiar? Well, that's where the similarities to Halloween end, and a rather different scenario unfolds as the killer makes his way to a sorority.

L'insegnante viene a casa (1978)

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Oct 30, 2024

Marie the Doll (1976)

Marie the Doll (AKA Marie Poupée) is a French artsy movie with an odd twist, from the director of Don't Deliver Us From Evil (1971). You may not care for it, but you'll have to admit there's not another film quite like it.

Intimate Crimes (1996)

(Original Title: Delitti a luce rossa) A rich guy grows tired of his wife and wants a younger girl, so he hatches a plan to have her killed. But through a series of twists and turns, things turn out much differently than you'd expect.

Oct 27, 2024

The Cook (2008)

A cook is hired for the sorority who turns out to be a bloodthirsty cannibal.

Oct 26, 2024

The Toolbox Murders (1978)

Following a series of grisly murders in a Los Angeles apartment building, a girl is abducted and her brother and Will from Land of the Lost play Hardy Boys to catch the killer.

Toe Tags (2003)

Directed by and starring Darla Enlow; I'm always interested when there is a female director for horror movies - just because they're so underrepresented that it can be a refreshing take on the genre. Not to generalize, but they're still plenty sexy and even gory, but with a different tone than films directed by males (usually). So, let's have a look at this Oklahoma based production made for $30K.

Oct 25, 2024

After School Massacre (2014)

"Some students just don't make the grade" - A modern version of Slumber Party Massacre (1982).

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)

I find it wildly satisfying that this script was written as a biting parody by a staunch feminist, but was filmed straight exploitative slasher film. The director was actually a female, who would go on to do very NON exploitative films, namely the Beethoven films as well as Mystic Pizza.

Oct 24, 2024

El erótico enmascarado (1980)

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Delta Delta Die! (2003)

For some reason there has been a lot of dark comedy cannibal movies. Examples include Auntie Lee's Meat Pies (1992), Blood Diner (1987),Video Violence 2 (1987) and Microwave Massacre (1983). This time, let's check out a cannibal sorority.

Bloody Sect (1982)

What was it with Spain in the late seventies, early eighties? They put out some horror and exploitation films that were off-the-charts evil and depraved during this period: Black Candles (1982) and Satan's Blood (1978) in particular, but the list goes on. This one is by Director Ignacio F. Iquino who'd been doing movies for decades, then whatever was in the Spanish water during this time infected him as well.

Oct 23, 2024

Mardi Gras Massacre (1978)

Mardi Gras Massacre was on the infamous "Video Nasty" list in the UK. Let's see if it deserves its bad reputation...

Oct 21, 2024

Death Spa (1989)

A cool new Los Angeles health club opens, but the customers keep winding up dead. Featuring murderous bathroom tiles, killer tanning beds, and fatal saunas.

Oct 20, 2024

Blood Harvest (1987)

A slasher movie starring Tiny Tim as a demented clown?... Are you kidding me? I'm not sure how this slipped under my radar all these years, but I plan on amending this deficiency forthwith. Let's press play..

The Devil's Nightmare (1971)

It's the same old story - travelers are stranded, and so have to take shelter in an old creepy castle. We've seen the story setup a million times in the horror genre; however, this Belgian flick comes with a twist, setting it apart from its cookie-cutter clones.

Patrick Still Lives (1980)

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Zum Gasthof der spritzigen Mädchen (1979)

(AKA The Inn of the Lively Girls) Similar cast as Greetings from Lederhose 5 (1978).

Oct 19, 2024

Bikini Summer (1991)

A group of friends are tasked with redecorating a beach house. Prepare for bikini contests, bad jokes, slow-mo skinny dipping, and the worst music 1991 had to offer.

FleshEater (1988)

Bill Hinzman, best known for playing the cemetery ghoul in George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead (1968). wrote, produced, edited, directed and starred in this film. I just have to say, I wish all zombie movies - or even horror movies in general - would go this hard, and leave at that for now.

Waves of Lust (1975)

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Oct 18, 2024

Naked Vengeance (1985)

A rape-revenge film starring Deborah Tranelli while she was still on Dallas. Tranelli also sings the cheesy theme song.She plays a woman who returns to her hometown after her husband is murdered. There she finds that quite literally every guy in the town is a rapist murderer.

Gefährlicher Sex frühreifer Mädchen (1972)

(AKA Gipfelglück im Dirndlrock, Private School Girls) I love how, when these German films were marketed for US audiences, they were careful to remove any clue this was a European production. This is a fairly nonsensical story of a caretaker accused of molesting the students. It begins with a courtroom trial then meanders into all manner of irrelevant stories.

Oct 13, 2024

Frankenstein 2000 - Ritorno dalla morte (1991)

Joe D'Amato's very last stab at a horror film. The film is interesting because it unites D'Amato with Cinzia Monreale, from his disturbing-as-hell horror classic, Beyond the Darkness.

Frankenstein '80 (1972)

An Italian Frankenstein movie that is more based on those wonderfully lurid adult fumetties than Shelly's novel. Which, if you're all about sleazy exploitation, is a good thing.

Killer Eye: Halloween Haunt (2011)

(AKA the Disembodied) I did not enjoy the original Killer Eye movie [The Killer Eye (1999)] - it had so much potential with the giant rapey eyeball. But aside from an amazing shower scene from Nanette Bianchi there was nothing to see there. But let's give Charles Band another shot.

The Killer Eye (1999)

It's a movie about a giant rapey eyeball - so, of course, it demands a VZ1 look.

Oct 12, 2024

Gefangene Frauen (1980)

(AKA Caged Women) A Women In Prison flick from Switzerland, featuring Brigitte Lahaie, directed by Erwin C. Dietrich

Oct 10, 2024

The Big Doll House (1971)

An early Roger Corman produced WIP film featuring Pam Grier and Roberta Collins. Much of the tropes we're used to in WIP flicks are here - not necessarily originating here, but definitely solidifying them in the genre playbook strictly followed for years to come.

Oct 6, 2024

Restless Souls (1998)

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Un Toro Da Monta (1976)

(AKA A Bull for Riding) An Italian comedy about a virile playboy who finds himself impotent when he marries the gorgeous Femi Benussi. Will his problem be solved by science or the bull he inherits from his father?... I think you can guess.

Che dottoressa ragazzi! (1976)

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Oct 5, 2024

The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made: The Re-Make (2008)

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The Sex Thief (1973)

"He stole their jewels. All they reported was the robbery."

Oct 4, 2024

Hide and Go Shriek (1988)

Four couples spend the night in a furniture store to celebrate graduation. In standard slasher fashion, the couples are picked off one by one.