Dec 31, 2024

12-31-24 UPDATE


Well gang, 2024 was a ball buster for VZ1, but I think we've landed on our feet the last day of the year.  Over the next few days I will be restoring things to essentially to where they were right before Google curb stomped this site.

As many of you know, I tried to turn lemons into lemonade by revisiting the movies and re-posting with an artful (using air quotes when I use that word) AI filter.  Thing is, lemonade is really just watered down lemons; the site was diluted and (to keep this fruitful metaphor going) lost its zest. 

So, we're back to the old look, and I still have another 1000+ movies to restore (no exaggeration), so we're not there yet, but it'll be complete within the week for sure. This "old" theme isn't as mobile-friendly, but I think it's better to navigate for our purposes and allows me to put things into he sidebar better.  So we'll keep the old theme/look for a bit.

I'm sure you're asking - this is great and all, but isn't VZ1 just going to get shut down again?  Maybe.  But if it does, I'm going to go over to Wordpress - and hopefully will be able to get you all the link to the new site when/if that does happen.  I hate to have to start spending money (Blogger is free), but it'll just have to happen.  Adding shitty AI filters piecemeal and still getting Blogger restriction notices is for the birds.  

[You might also be asking how the hell are all these posts suddenly available again.  Well, I got a Gmail while I was in Barnes & Noble today that "your post titled [x] has been reinstated. We have re-evaluated the post titled [x] against Community Guidelines... upon review the post has been reinstated.  You may access your post at..." yada yada.  Got this for basically the whole blog.  So, here we are.  I should mention that I have to go and individually republish these posts from draft and this is taking forever.  I've sorted by label-year and am plowing my way through.]

Lastly, there will be a bit of a change around here in terms of content.  (At least for a while.)  I've become interested in some of the newer softcore releases - especially those which have come out of Mexico and other non-US countries.  When I say "newer" they're still 10+ years old, but still new compared to the bulk of VZ1's catalog.  I realize these won't interest most of you... but hey, you'll have the entire Library of Alexandria to explore while one row of shelves (2000-2014 Mexican sexploitation section, for example) gets stocked.

While it undoubtedly sucks that we've lost thousands of VZ1 readers this year - thanks to Google's smack-down and my subsequent AI filter experiment - the fact remains, we're still here. Thank you to the VZ1 readers have weathered this roller coaster of a year.

Well, my real job resumes after this holiday break, and I'll be back to traveling each week and watching sleazy movies and updating VZ1 in hotels around the country. Right now I'm going to go join the family upstairs for some drinking and games to celebrate the New Year, and will be back in the saddle soon. Cheers!

Dec 30, 2024

El sexo me divierte 2 (2016)

(AKA Sex Amuses Me 2) I've watched a ton of the Mexican sex comedies from the eighties and early nineties - so I thought it was high time to check in on how the genre is doing these days (although this is actually nearly ten years old!) I was a bit surprised at how raunchy it was (so glad to see the sex comedy hasn't been sanitized south of the border as it has in the states). But nothing could have prepared me for the clown rape. 

The Thirsting (2007)

(The Thirsting - AKA Lilith) A satansploitation film about five catholic schoolgirls on a retreat who summon the demon Lilith.

Dec 29, 2024

The Turnpike Killer (2009)

Supposedly the film's entire budget came from drug money; if you've seen this film, this sounds reasonable. It's yet another movie inspired by Maniac (1980).

Wild Malibu Weekend! (1995)

Female contestants compete on a game show for cash and an acting role. The girls play a variety of games such as Twister and musical chairs in their bikinis.

Emmanuelle in Venice (1993)

In 1993 there was an Emmanuelle TV movie series where Emmanuelle has Tibetan magic which makes her youthful again, and allows her to possess people. Each episode features George Lazenby and Sylvia Kristel aboard a plane sharing stories from her past.

Emmanuelle's Perfume (1993)

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Dec 28, 2024

Emmanuelle's Love (1993)

In 1993 there was an Emmanuelle TV movie series where Emmanuelle has Tibetan magic which makes her youthful again, and allows her to possess people. Each film features George Lazenby and Sylvia Kristel aboard a plane sharing stories from her past.

Emmanuelle Forever (1993)

In 1993 there was an Emmanuelle TV movie series where Emmanuelle has Tibetan magic which makes her youthful again, and allows her to possess people. Each film features a crotchety and cobwebbed George Lazenby and Sylvia Kristel aboard a plane sharing stories from her past.

The Dirtiest Game (1970)

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Dec 27, 2024

Quitenme la calentura (1994)

(AKA Take Away My Fever / "El Indomable") It's another Alberto Rojas sex comedy which takes place at a sex clinic. Not much really to say about this film; I'll touch on the highlights - but it's really just gobs of eye candy signifying nothing.

Geteven (1993)

(AKA Champagne and Bullets / Road to Revenge) Sometimes cited as one of the worst movies ever made. I'd have to agree that you rarely see a film with so many layers of bad: terrible soundtrack, awful acting, insanely stupid dialog, even stupider plot, and on it goes. But it does have heart (and boobs), so let's have a look.

Dec 25, 2024

Blonde Velvet (1976)

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The Torturer (2005)

The tagline says "Saw Meets Fahrenheit 9/11".. what? I absolutely hate the torture porn movies like Saw and Hostel which were big around this time. But it's by Lamberto Bava, who can make some good stuff; Delirium was great - but that was almost twenty years before this film. Let's see if he's still got it.

Las turistas quieren guerra (1977)

(AKA The Tourists Want War ) The setup for most Porcel-Olmedo movies is basically the same as a Three Stooges film: the likable buffoons get a new job, which they're bad at and it gets them into trouble, and their new employers have ulterior motives. While it's an overused plot device, it worked well for them.

Dec 24, 2024

Anabolyzer (2000)

These steroids help you pump iron, but they also turn you into a homicidal rapist. Two lovers conspire to use the steroids to no good end.

Maschio latino cercasi (1977)

(AKA L'affare s'ingrossa/ Latin Male Wanted ) An anthology of sex comedy segments.

Dec 23, 2024

Sexy Urban Legends: Skeletons in the Closet (2002)

[Season 2 Episode 3 of Sexy Urban Legends] The two tales are "Switch" and "Cold Love".

Hey, There's Naked Bodies on My TV! (1978)

TV shows from the seventies are spoofed. Happy Days, Welcome Back Kotter and Barney Miller are given the naughty treatment.

Dec 21, 2024

Three-Way Weekend (1979)

Featuring a stalking pervert in a gorilla mask, honeymooners joined at the groin, drug abuse, gratuitous boobs, casual racism, and a sadistic park ranger. What are we waiting for?...

The Sisters Four (2008)

A low budget horror-thriller from Dallas about a woman haunted by memories of her childhood at an orphanage, while a serial killer stalks her city.

La nuit de la mort! (1980)

(AKA Night of Death) A young woman gets a job working at a retirement home for crazy geriatric cannibals.

Dec 20, 2024

Busted (1997)

There's so much sad backstory here, I had to take a look. Cory Haim was apparently doing so much drugs at the time, it affected his work to the point where Cory Feldman had to fire him. Feldman has since said it was one of the most painful things he's ever had to do.

Cash on Delivery (1992)

(Original Title: Yu ya gong wu) A romantic comedy from Hong Kong - which sort of turns into a disturbing drama in the last quarter. Starring the mega hottie Veronica Yip.

Witchcraft XIV: Angel of Death (2016)

(You have to admit, the Witchcraft logo is really awesome - so good that they kept it throughout the entire series.) Well folks, I think we've come to the last of the Witchcraft series on VZ1. Yes, there's two more; we're so close... but I just can't.

Witchcraft 13: Blood of the Chosen (2008)

The thirteenth installment of the Witchcraft Series features another coven of deadly dames. These girls have a habit of removing both their tops and men's throbbing hearts.

Witchcraft XII: In the Lair of the Serpent (2002)

A sinister entity uses strippers to lure men to their death. Spanner once again helps solve the case using his warlock powers - and we find he can shoot lightning now.

Dec 19, 2024

Witchcraft XI: Sisters in Blood (2000)

This episode features three drama students who can't keep their tops on who get in league with the devil.

Witchcraft X: Mistress of the Craft (1998)

This time we're in England where a group of female vampires works with Hyde to summon a demon and rule the world.

Dec 18, 2024

Witchcraft IX: Bitter Flesh (1997)

This film takes up right from where Part 7 left off (as Part 8 was a pointless attempt as a standalone in the series). Landon Hall plays a prostitute who helps Spanner, now a ghost, defeat his clone and an Egyptian cult.

Witchcraft VIII: Salem's Ghost (1996)

This episode was actually filmed before part 7, and released simply as Salem's Ghost. It did so poorly and sucked so bad, they re-released as a Witchcraft sequel. It isn't a good sign to be sure, but let's have a look nonetheless.

Witchcraft VII: Judgment Hour (1995)

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