
2016年10月28日のブックマーク (3件)

  • Mozilla’s Quantum Project

    A few months ago, Mozilla began a project to make significant changes to our Gecko rendering engine to make it faster and more reliable. The project was just announced. In this post I will fill in some technical details. Quantum was originally conceived to integrate technology from our Servo research browser into Gecko. While the project has evolved somewhat since then, Servo has heavily influence

    Mozilla’s Quantum Project
    Rockridge 2016/10/28
    記事の後半にQuantum DOMの解説がある。Firefoxのプチフリ発生を抑えるため、DOM処理をスケジューリングしてマルチスレッドで行う仕組みを、OSに頼らず自前で用意するらしい。
  • Quantum - MozillaWiki

    Quantum is not a new web browser. Quantum is Mozilla's project to build the next-generation web engine for Firefox users, building on the Gecko engine as a solid foundation. Quantum will leverage the fearless concurrency of Rust and high-performance components of Servo to bring more parallelization and GPU offloading to Firefox. As the project evolves we'll be adopting more of Servo's components,

    Rockridge 2016/10/28
    Quantumプロジェクトの成果が投入されることにより、GeckoはマルチコアCPUとGPUの力を活用できるようになる。なお、Quantum DOMやQuantum Compositor(旧名GPUプロセス)のように、現在開発途上の機能も一部混じっている。
  • A Quantum Leap for the Web

    Over the past year, our top priority for Firefox was the Electrolysis project to deliver a multi-process browsing experience to users. Running Firefox in multiple processes greatly improves security and performance. This is the largest change we’ve ever made to Firefox, and we’ll be rolling out the first stage of Electrolysis to 100% of Firefox desktop users over the next few months. But, that doe

    Rockridge 2016/10/28
    MozillaがQuantumプロジェクトをアナウンスし、2017年中にServo/WebRenderのGeckoへの移植を大きく進めることを宣言した。パフォーマンスのQuantum Leap(飛躍的進歩)を達成するという。開発言語もRustが中心に。脱XUL化へ。