Our Best Friend, the Dog, has been around for thousands of years. When man learned to harness dogs for his use, there began the creation of an unbreakable bond that would grow and last forever. Through selective breeding by humans, the dog has developed into hundreds of varied breeds, and shows more behavioral and morphological variation than any other land mammal. style=”display:block” data-ad-cl
Back in 2006, when I first hit “publish,” I had no idea this little blog would outlast my attention span—or that I even had an attention span. Funny how life surprises you, right? Here’s the thing: once upon a time, I read that the secret to happiness is low expectations. Maybe that’s why this blog has thrived for so long—and why you’re here, staring at a 404 page instead of the thing you wanted.
luisitog 25 Swinging Dogs a few minutes ago laurentiur 25 Swinging Dogs about a half hour ago Carolina S. thinks 25 Swinging Dogs is LOL & Cute about an hour ago gothamist.com readers just made 25 Swinging Dogs more viral about an hour ago Michelle Ann 25 Swinging Dogs and thinks it’s Cute & LOL about 2 hours ago Hatter 25 Swinging Dogs and thinks it’s Cute & LOL about 2 hours ago estherh thinks 2
The dog being considered as man’s best friend is a nice subject for logos. Dogs are well-loved by many people because they perform many roles for them such as hunting, protection and most especially, accompanying them in their everyday lives as their domestic pet partners. Dog logo designs are popularly used in business branding most commonly in veterinary clinics and among pet sitters because a d