
イラクに関するdwnrvrのブックマーク (4)

  • ニュース争論:検証・イラク戦争支持 柳沢協二氏/細谷雄一氏 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)

    日米同盟を理由にイラク戦争を支持した小泉政権の決断は正しかったのか。首相官邸で自衛隊派遣を統括した柳沢協二元内閣官房副長官補が、この問題の検証を求めている。日では過去になりつつあるイラク戦争にこだわる訳は? 英ブレア政権の戦争指導に詳しい細谷雄一・慶応大教授と論じ合った。【立会人・岸俊光編集委員、写真・塩入正夫撮影】 ◆政策決定者の論理見えぬ--元内閣官房副長官補・柳沢協二氏 ◆断罪でなく政策のために--慶応大教授(外交史)・細谷雄一氏 ◇限界にきた同盟外交 柳沢 防衛官僚としての私の最後の10年は変動の時代でした。冷戦が終結し、91年に湾岸戦争が起き、93年には北朝鮮の核開発の危機があった。日米同盟の再活性化が求められ、防衛協力のための指針の改定作業をしました。 次の転換点は9・11テロ事件です。イラク戦争が始まり、防衛研究所所長として専門家を集めてフリーディスカッションを何度も開きま

  • Tensions flare in Iraq rallies

    Protesters demand an end to corruption, shortages of food and power and replacement of local officials [Reuters] Hundreds of Iraqis have converged on Baghdad’s Liberation Square as part of an anti-government rally named the Day of Rage, organised mainly through the social networking website Facebook. About 2,000 protesters are said to have already gathered on Friday, which comes after weeks of sca

    Tensions flare in Iraq rallies
    dwnrvr 2011/02/25
    "Popular uprisings mobilised by youths using social media (…) have motivated young Iraqis." "Our aim is not to topple the regime but to make reforms and fight corruption." / 産経は「イラクでデモが起きてないのはBushによる民主化成功の証」と豪語してたな確か
  • Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war

    The defector who convinced the White House that Iraq had a secret biological weapons programme has admitted for the first time that he lied about his story, then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war. Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, codenamed Curveball by German and American intelligence officials who dealt with his claims, has told the Guardian that he fabricated tales of mobile bioweap

    Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war
  • Tony Blair at Chilcot Iraq inquiry – live

    Blair suggests west should be willing to attack Iran • Denies offering George Bush blank cheque over Iraq • Says Islamism is more powerful than people realise • Said in 2002 Iraq WMD threat not getting worse • Second resolution admission would have been 'catastrophe' • Regrets loss of life 'deeply and profoundly' • Read more: Blair regarded attorney's advice as 'provisional' • More: Blair wanted

    Tony Blair at Chilcot Iraq inquiry – live
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