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Polyfills are a fantastic way to enable the use of modern code even while supporting legacy browsers, but currently using polyfills is too hard, so at the FT we’ve built a new service to make it easier. We’d like to invite you to use it, and help us improve it. More pictures, they said. So here’s a unicorn, which is basically a horse with a polyfill. The challenge Here are some of the issues we ar
<html> <head> <style>body { background-color: cyan; } </style> </head> <body> <img src="
What is McFly? When writing ReactJS apps, it is enormously helpful to use Facebook's Flux architecture. It truly complements ReactJS' unidirectional data flow model. Facebook's Flux library provides a Dispatcher, and some examples of how to write Actions and Stores. However, there are no helpers for Action & Store creation, and Stores require 3rd party eventing. McFly is a library that provides al
This post begins a series of articles about algorithms, inspired by my recent “lazy evaluation” contribution to Lo-Dash. Stay tuned for more! I always thought libraries like Lo-Dash can’t really get any faster than they already are. Lo‑Dash almost perfectly mixes various techniques to squeeze out the most from JavaScript. It uses JavaScript fastest statements, adaptive algorithms, it even measures
モノリシックがダメだからといって、マイクロサービスが解決策になるわけではない ソフトウェア開発業界は流行に左右されやすいという証拠に、今マイクロサービスが、いたるところで大騒ぎされています。”次の大ブーム”だと思う人もいるでしょう。また、(10年前に”上出来”と見なされたような)大型のSOA、サービス指向アーキテクチャが単に軽量化して進化したものだと捉える人もいるでしょう。私は現在のマイクロサービスアーキテクチャに関しては好意的に見ています。しかし、だからといってこのアーキテクチャは決して万能薬ではありません。言うまでもないことかもしれませんが、多くの人が間違った理由でマイクロサービスに飛び付いているように思えるのです。 これは私の講演でよくお見せするスライドで、 以前ブログにも書きましたた が、ソフトウェアシステムを開発するにはいろいろな方法があります。まず、昔ながらのモノリシック(一枚
The npm blog has been discontinued. Updates from the npm team are now published on the GitHub Blog and the GitHub Changelog. We’ve known for a while that front-end asset and dependency management is a huge use-case for npm and a big driver of Node.js adoption in general. But how big, exactly? It’s a hard question to answer. The list of most-downloaded packages on npm is not very helpful: packages
Hey! If you do front end development, you should know about CatchJS. It’s a JavaScript error logging service that doesn’t suck. Below is a graph over the amount of searches for AngularJS versus a bunch of other Single Page Application frameworks. Despite the flawed methodology, the story seems to be pretty clear: Popularity wise, Angular is beating the shit out of the other frameworks. I spent mos