Editor’s note: This blog post is an April Fool’s faux product launch. However, to see how we actually built the real demo for ‘launch’, see our full explanation. At Algolia, we are always pushing the boundaries of search. Today is an important day for us as it marks the official release of our 11th API Client: the CSS API Client. CSS is an awesome language. It only takes you a few years of practic
Here's what makes GitLocalize a great fit for GitHub-based localization projects: Your repository is the single source of truth. GitLocalize tracks changes in both the source and translated documents and pulls them into the project. Translations added on GitLocalize are sent to the repository via a pull request. Have existing translations that need to be imported? No problem! Those will be synced
Key Takeaways Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript created by Facebook, designed to find type errors in JavaScript code, often without requiring code modification. This results in the minimization of programmer effort. Flow’s type checking is opt-in, meaning you can select which files you want to check. This is done by adding @flow as a comment at the top of any JavaScript files you want t
年度末の金曜日を英語で締めくくろう! # 今年こそ...今年こそ英語レベルアップしたい... もう一人で挫折したくない、仲間が欲しい、月一くらいでモチベーション維持のためにアウトプットの場がほしい...。 そんな気持ちで、今年こそ英語が… 主催のkayocoがTwitterで呼びかけてとりあえず始まってみたこの勉強会も第3回です。毎回満員御礼。LT枠は倍率約2倍です。枠の都合でなかなか来れない皆様には申し訳ありませんが、毎回内容はかなり濃密だと自負しています。 3回目にして、なぜここで記事を上げるのかというと、今回僕が登壇してほしいとお願いした吉川さんはじめ、内容が濃すぎて僕自身振り返りの時間を取らないと内容が吸収しきれなかったからなんですね。LT枠で登壇されたみなさまには大変申し訳無いんですけど、この記事では吉川さんが話されていた内容にフォーカスさせてください。(LT枠を含めたまとめは後
We've already helped to create 420,849 flowcharts for hundreds of companiesHappy customers include top tech, medical and service companies: Describe your flows at the speed of thought!Transform your ideas and workflows into an easy to understand diagram. Create perfect diagrams within seconds — whether it be complex technical alorithms, business flows or anything in between. TRY NOW FOR FREE No mo
Specification and Description Language (SDL) is a specification language targeted at the unambiguous specification and description of the behaviour of reactive and distributed systems. The ITU-T has defined SDL in Recommendations Z.100 to Z.106. SDL originally focused on telecommunication systems; As of 2016 its current areas of application include process control and real-time applications in gen