プロダクトのビルドツールを webpack から Rspack に移行したので、その経緯と注意点をまとめます。 🦀 Rspackとは? Rustで書かれた高速なJavaScriptのバンドルツールです。 webpackエコシステムとの強力な互換性を持ちます。 2024/08/24にv1.0.0がリリースされました。 🤔 なぜRspackに移行したのか? ビルド速度改善のため以前からwebpackの移行を検討していましたが、プロダクトがwebpack依存の構成[1]で、Viteやその他のビルドツールへの移行が少し面倒でした。 Rspackであればwebpackのプラグインもそのまま動き移行が容易、かつ速度改善が見込まれるためRspackへの移行を選びました。 💡 移行方法 移行方法は、rspackの公式ドキュメントの migrate from webpack をそのまま参考にして進めま
Disclaimer: This post expresses my opinions, which do not necessarily reflect consensus by the whole Web Components community. A blog post by Ryan Carniato titled “Web Components Are Not the Future” has recently stirred a lot of controversy. A few other JS framework authors pitched in, expressing frustration and disillusionment around Web Components. Some Web Components folks wrote rebuttals, whil
StyleX v0.8.0 is now available with a bunch of fixes and new ESlint rules. Linting EnhancementsWe've been making a lot of improvements to our ESLint plugin. We've both improved our existing rules and added new ones. Thanks to Melissa Liu! Here are some of the highlights: New valid-shorthands ruleThis rule enforces our opinions on when and how you should use CSS shorthand properties. It disallows
20.0.0 (2024-10-07) 🚀 Features add rspack plugin (#143) add rspack plugin (#143) upgrade rspack to 0.4.4 (#352) core: allow prompts from init generators during nx init (#28003) core: update github action pnpm version (#27815) core: remove node task hasher (#28147) core: allow circular project dependencies to execute tasks (#28227) core: deprecate custom task runners (#28253) core: open sqlite dat
Happy fall! 🍁 We’re excited to announce that our color picker components are now generally available! This includes ColorPicker, ColorArea, ColorField, ColorSlider, ColorSwatch, ColorSwatchPicker, and ColorWheel. These enable you to build fully customizable color pickers, including accessible color descriptions for screen reader support. In addition, we’ve introduced a new pending state for butto