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FactoryTalk Optix Cloud Manufacturing Software For manufacturers interested in a powerful, open, scalable, HMI visualization platform FactoryTalk Optix can help improve your process, efficiency and deliverables – in one easy to access tool. Take advantage of new levels of collaboration, scalability and interoperability to achieve your HMI vision. New SaaS-enabled workflows will enable your team to
Ludiaは高速かつ高精度な全文検索インデックス機能をオープンソースのデータベース管理システムであるPostgreSQLに提供します。Ludiaは株式会社NTTデータにより開発され、2006年10月11日にLGPLライセンスのオープンソースソフトウェアとして公開されました。 ダウンロード 最新リリース ludia 1.5.2 (日付: 2009-03-27) ludia-withdeps 1.5.1 (日付: 2008-08-07) ludia 1.5.1 (日付: 2008-08-07) ludia-withdeps 1.5.0 (日付: 2008-03-25) ludia 1.5.0 (日付: 2008-03-25)
NUnit brings xUnit-style unit-testing to all .Net languages. Although we no longer host our development on Sourceforge, our latest releases are always available here, as well as at our current development site at Please report bugs at You can browse or download the current source code at
Welcome to the OSFlash Wiki, a resource site on open source Flash maintained by members of the OSFlash community. This site is a Wiki. That means that once you register for an account, you can log in and update any page on the site yourself. Please edit a page only if you can improve it. Please use the playground to test the wiki, learn wiki syntax and read through the style guide before contribut
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This is where Java[TM] technology collaboration happens. is a new central meeting place for developers and Java technology enthusiasts to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and create the next big thing. Whether your project is industry specific...Final Review for GlassFish v3 Prelude documentation ends Monday As announced in the forums earlier in the week, the Final Review for Glass
Software for the Public Good¶ ASF’s open source software is used ubiquitously around the world with more than 8,400 committers contributing to more than 320 active projects. See All ProjectsContribute The ASF is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Learn more and participate "The most popular open source software is Apache…"
RubyForge is a home for open source Ruby projects; thanks to the folks who make it possible! Searchgasm 1.2.1 Ben Johnson - 2008-09-29 13:41 - Searchgasm Searchgasm has been updated to 1.2.1. Searchgasm is object based ActiveRecord searching, ordering, pagination, and more! More information is available at . Searchgasm 0.9.6 Ben Johnson - 2008-09-04
State-of-the-art open source projects OW2 brings together serious researchers, developers, academic and industrial partners in... more Why is tax-funded software not published as Free Software? OW2 supports the Public Money? Public Code! campaign steered by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). Sign the Open Letter! More Join us June 7-8, at Orange Gardens, Paris-Chatillon. OW2con'18 program
2024-11-23 15:08: Spins by Kilz is a project making spins of Manjaro and Debian linux. The project uses tools from the distributions to make compatible installable media that has different applications and themes than official releases. The goal is not to reinvent the wheel, but to polish the desktop. 100% compatible with the main distribution they are based on. Docks instead of panels. Custom dar
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Middleware is the technological foundation for cloud-native architectures and includes application runtimes, enterprise application integration and cloud services. Organizations turn to middleware as a way to keep application development quick and cost-effective in complex IT environments. Middleware can support application environments that work smoothly and consistently across a highly distribut
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