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When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
Beautiful Navigation Menu Style with Website Color Combination The navigation of a website is meant to be clicked. It shouldn’t be hard to find. It’s important that it stands out from the rest of the elements on the page with elegant style but yet still matches the overall style and color of the design. Here is a showcase of websites that achieve this in a very stylish way. These navigation look a
This article will show you the cutest animal pictures, I hope it will bring smiles when you visit this article and you will enjoy. Waiting for yourThis article will show you the cutest animal pictures, I hope it will bring smiles when you visit this article and you will enjoy. Waiting for your opinions and suggestions about this article.
Ultimate Guide to Business Cards: Infographics and Other Resources
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Sorry! Service has been discontinued Giovanni Scala
Photographers, like designers, have a need to display an attractive portfolio for their websites visitors, and many photographers have excellent portfolio sites. Being a good photographer is not easy, let alone getting to that professional level. A good photo comprise of many things, not only you must hit the shutter at the right time and moment, the perspective, composition and color coordination
Newツイッターの背景をデザインする時のサイズなどをガイド的にまとめてみました。サイドバーを透明にしたりして工夫すれば、ディスプレイサイズが小さい画面でも、メッセージを背景に掲載する事もできそうです。みなさんはNewツイッターの背景どうしてますか?先日、私のツイッターもやっとNewになりました。 嬉しい反面、ちょっと残念なことも…それは以前のツイッターに合わせて作った背景が全く見えなくなってしまった事。 新しいツイッターの画面は横幅が1,040px(小さいディスプレイ時は920pxの可変)もあって、1280pxのディスプレイでは背景がほとんど見えません… 過去記事:ツイッター入門:背景画像をデザインする時のルールが意外にアクセスが多いのですが、情報が古いのでNewツイッターの背景を作る時のガイドを考えてみました。 New ツイッターの画面 ツイッターの画面、背景の見え方はディスプレイの
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