MSN はニュース、天気、エンタメ、マネー、スポーツ、ライフスタイル、自動車などの最新情報と、動画、Bing検索、メールの (旧 Hotmail)、Skypeなどを提供する Microsoft が運営するポータルサイトです。
For outsiders looking in, Google's (GOOG) flurry of product releases can appear random and a bit confusing. In the past year, for instance, the search kingpin has unleashed everything from a blog search engine and a finance site to an instant messaging program and online spreadsheets. And on June 28, it uncorked an online payment system that is expected to rival eBay's PayPal (see
Meetings get a bad rap in business today and for good reason—very little gets accomplished in them. I can recall a Dilbert cartoon in which several people sat around a table while the meeting organizer said, "There is no specific agenda for this meeting. As usual, we'll just make unrelated emotional statements about things which bother us…" That pretty much sums it up. The majority of meetings are
The University of California, Berkeley is the preeminent public research and teaching institution in the nation. From classic literature to emerging technologies, the curricula of our 130 academic departments span the wide world of thought and knowledge. Supported by the people of California, the university has embraced public service as an essential part of its mission since 1868. The content on
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