第47回SWO研究会 発表募集 ■日時:2019年03月10日(日)午後 - 11(月)午前 ■会場:沖縄県 石垣島 さくらリゾートホテル石垣(地図)
第47回SWO研究会 発表募集 ■日時:2019年03月10日(日)午後 - 11(月)午前 ■会場:沖縄県 石垣島 さくらリゾートホテル石垣(地図)
And we've been trashing our history Archive Team is a loose collective of rogue archivists, programmers, writers and loudmouths dedicated to saving our digital heritage. Since 2009 this variant force of nature has caught wind of shutdowns, shutoffs, mergers, and plain old deletions - and done our best to save the history before it's lost forever. Along the way, we've gotten attention, resistance,
Chatbots Decoded: Exploring AI Discover what chatbots are, where they come from, and why they matter. Have a conversation with a chatbot-powered robot and hear from experts about our future with AI. Learn more. MUSEUM HOURS Monday and Tuesday: Closed Wednesday–Sunday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Holidays and Closures Chatbots Decoded: Exploring AI Discover what chatbots are, where they come from, and why they m
Open sustainable digital preservation We are a global not-for-profit membership organisation working to advance shared standards and solutions for the long-term preservation of digital content. Explore our open source digital preservation toolset, our member-led development approach, and what’s coming up in our next releases.
Building your Data Management Plan & using DMPonline 04 December 2024 We are excited to announce a free training session for new and existing administrators of DMPonline scheduled for 4th December 2024 from 9:30 – 11:30 (UK). Whether you're new to DMPonline, in need of a refresher, or curious about what the administrative features can offer, this course is tailored... Events DMPonline User Group -
History changes everything, even the future Digital Archaeology, the exhibition that charts the disruptive moments of web design and celebrates the characters behind its radical evolution is to be shown in New York for the first time in June as a key part of Internet Week. Originally debuting at Internet Week Europe in 2010, the show brings together what many consider to be the most significant si
マンガやゲーム、映画などの「コンテンツ産業」を京都に集中させて国際競争力を高めようと、府と京都市は「国際戦略総合特区」の指定を国に申請した。海外に通用するクリエーターの確保などを盛り込み、著作権法などの適用緩和を求める内容。来年からの5年間で約3兆円の経済効果を見込む。 ◇ 構想では、東映太秦映画村(京都市右京区)を中心とした「太秦メディアパーク」の整備▽京町家で若手漫画家を育てる「京都版トキワ荘事業」を絡めた人材育成拠点の構築▽精華町での撮影用オープンセットの常設-などを目指すとしている。 いずれも実現には規制緩和が不可欠。著作権法の適用を緩和すれば、著作権者が分からない場合でも、映像や音声などの作品をスムーズに利用・蓄積できる。外国人クリエーターや留学生のビザ(査証)を現行の法令よりも広く認めたり、オープンセットで火薬の使用や仮設建造物の基準を緩めた