Data Lake Management: Challenges and Opportunities Tuesday, August 27, 11:00 – 12:30 -- VLDB 2019, Los Angeles, California Abstract The ubiquity of data lakes has created fascinating new challenges for data management research. In this tutorial, we review the state-of-the-art in data management for data lakes. We consider how data lakes are introducing new problems including dataset discovery and
Deleted articles cannot be recovered. Draft of this article would be also deleted. Are you sure you want to delete this article? Academic 尾形哲也先生@早大/産総研 2017/10/23ディープラーニングの実世界応用と今後の可能性 2017/5/15 ディープラーニングのロボティクス応用の可能性 ボレガラ ダヌシカ先生@英国リバープール大 2015/4/12 ディープラーニングチュートリアル応用編 大
Note from the Editor: Take Two In the old days of 2013, the OSDSM was born. Then, there were "little to no Data Scientists with 5 years experience, because the job simply did not exist." (David Hardtke, Nov 2012) Since then, history has witnessed many things, including: • Data Scientists working across industries and the world • social media manipulation disrupts many elections • BLM and #metoo an
The Google Guava Libraries are a nice set of Java utility classes that will probably come in handy in any project. Immutable collections, string manipulation, handling primitives and easier I/O are some of the concepts they deal with. Today the the Guava wiki explains most you need to know, but back in the day documentation was quite thin, so I created this page to collect documentation and tips f
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