My name is Zhenzhong Xu. I joined Netflix in 2015 as a founding engineer on the Real-time Data Infrastructure team and later led the Stream Processing Engines team. I developed an interest in real-time data in the early 2010s, and ever since believe there is much value yet to be uncovered. Netflix was a fantastic place to be surrounded by many amazing colleagues. I can’t be more proud of everyone
Deep Learning for Recommender Systems: A Netflix Case Study Authors Harald Steck Netflix Linas Baltrunas Netflix Ehtsham Elahi Netflix Dawen Liang Netflix Yves Raimond Netflix Justin Basilico Netflix DOI: https://doi.org/10.1609/aimag.v42i3.18140 Abstract Deep learning has profoundly impacted many areas of machine learning. However, it took a while for its impact to be felt in the field of recomme
This post is part of our “Data Engineers of Netflix” series, where our very own data engineers talk about their journeys to Data Engineering @ Netflix. Kevin Wylie is a Data Engineer on the Content Data Science and Engineering team. In this post, Kevin talks about his extensive experience in content analytics at Netflix since joining more than 10 years ago. Kevin grew up in the Washington, DC area
by Frank San Miguel on behalf of the Cosmos team IntroductionCosmos is a computing platform that combines the best aspects of microservices with asynchronous workflows and serverless functions. Its sweet spot is applications that involve resource-intensive algorithms coordinated via complex, hierarchical workflows that last anywhere from minutes to years. It supports both high throughput services
45歳のプログラマーが、警察庁、NTT、SMBCの一部システムのコードを流出させたというニュースを見た。 三井住友銀行などのソースコードが流出 “年収診断”したさにGitHubに公開か【追記あり】(ITmedia) 三井住友銀行(SMBC)は1月29日、同行のシステムに関連するソースコードが外部のWebサイト上に無断で公開されていたと明らかにした。 情報漏洩の事件自体は既に珍しくないが、気になったのが、流出させたとみられる本人の反応だ。 「商用利用してないので、何も言われないと思う」という呑気なツイートをしている。 出典:45歳プログラマーさん、警察庁とNTTとSMBCのソースコードを世界に無償公開してしまう ツイートを見るに、年収を査定してくれるというサービスを利用するために、ソースコードをアップしたという。 だが、「普通に」考えたら、お客さんに納品したコードを「本人が使い方もままならな
In our previous post and QConPlus talk, we discussed GraphQL Federation as a solution for distributing our GraphQL schema and implementation. In this post, we shift our attention to what is needed to run a federated GraphQL platform successfully — from our journey implementing it to lessons learned. Our Journey so FarOver the past year, we’ve implemented the core infrastructure pieces necessary fo
by Melody Dye*, Chaitanya Ekanadham*, Avneesh Saluja*, Ashish Rastogi * contributed equally Netflix is pioneering content creation at an unprecedented scale. Our catalog of thousands of films and series caters to 195M+ members in over 190 countries who span a broad and diverse range of tastes. Content, marketing, and studio production executives make the key decisions that aspire to maximize each
By Manuel Correa, Arthur Gonigberg, and Daniel West Getting stuck in traffic is one of the most frustrating experiences for drivers around the world. Everyone slows to a crawl, sometimes for a minor issue or sometimes for no reason at all. As engineers at Netflix, we are constantly reevaluating how to redesign traffic management. What if we knew the urgency of each traveler and could selectively r
“@Netflixhelps Why doesn’t Tiger King play on my phone?” — a Netflix member via Twitter This is an example of a question our on-call engineers need to answer to help resolve a member issue — which is difficult when troubleshooting distributed systems. Investigating a video streaming failure consists of inspecting all aspects of a member account. In our previous blog post we introduced Edgar, our t
イントロ RecSysは推薦システムに関する国際学会で、今年で14回目の開催になります。本来ならブラジルで開催予定でしたが、昨今の情勢により今年はオンラインでの開催になりました。2020年9月22日から9月26日にかけて開催されました。 推薦システムは、Amazonのこれもチェックしている人はこれもチェックしていますのように、たくさんあるアイテムの中からおすすめのアイテムを選び出してくれる仕組みで、最近ではあらゆるサービスに組み込まれています。そのため、RecSysでは、大学などの学術機関だけでなく、AmazonやNetflixなどの企業からの参加者が6割を超えています。また、オンライン開催ということもあり、参加者は過去最多で1000人を超えています。 この記事では、推薦システムの国際学会でどんなことが今話題なのか、どんな研究があるのかを簡単にざっくりと紹介できればと思います。(Wante
By Andrei Ushakov, Seth Katz, Janak Ramachandran, Jeff Butsch, Peter Lau, Ram Vaithilingam, and Greg Burrell Our Telltale VisionAn alert fires and you get paged in the middle of the night. A metric crossed a threshold. You’re half awake and wondering, “Is there really a problem or is this just an alert that needs tuning? When was the last time somebody adjusted our alert thresholds? Maybe it’s due
Across nearly every industry, there is recognition that data analytics is key to driving informed business decision-making. But there is far less agreement on what that term “data analytics” actually means — or what to call the people responsible for the work. Even within Netflix, we have many groups that do some form of data analysis, including business strategy and consumer insights. But here we
by David Berg, Ravi Kiran Chirravuri, Romain Cledat, Jason Ge, Savin Goyal, Ferras Hamad, Ville Tuulos tl;dr Today, we are releasing a new job scheduler integration with AWS Step Functions. This integration allows the users of Metaflow to schedule their production workflows using a highly available, scalable, maintenance-free service, without any changes in their existing Metaflow code. The idea o