CyberAgent にて行われたカンファレンス「CA BASE NEXT」の登壇資料です。

CyberAgent にて行われたカンファレンス「CA BASE NEXT」の登壇資料です。
Introduction Covered in this tutorial: Creating a data structure with load and save methods Using the net/http package to build web applications Using the html/template package to process HTML templates Using the regexp package to validate user input Using closures Assumed knowledge: Programming experience Understanding of basic web technologies (HTTP, HTML) Some UNIX/DOS command-line knowledge Ge
We've redesigned, updated, rerouted and regrouped the library for better discoverability and a better flow. You can visit the new documentation here. Optimizing Passenger + Nginx There are two aspects with regard to optimizing Passenger's server performance. The first aspect is settings tuning. Passenger's default settings are not aimed at optimizing, but at safety. The defaults are designed to co
RubyのためのWebサーバインターフェイス、Rackの日本語リファレンスです。 rack 1.3.0 (Rackプロトコル 1.1) 対応。 Rackがどういうものなのかについては Route 477 - 5分でわかるRack を参照してください。 概要 Hello Rack インストール: $ gem install rack hello.rb: require 'rubygems' require 'rack' class HelloApp def call(env) [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello, Rack"]] end end require './hello.rb' run サーバ起動: $ rackup ブラウザで http://localhost
## # phusion/passenger-docker # ## # Getting started # Ruby images FROM phusion/passenger-ruby25:latest # ...put your own build instructions here... ## # Nginx # Using Nginx and Passenger RUN rm -f /etc/service/nginx/down # Using Nginx and Passenger RUN rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default ADD nginx/webapp.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/webapp.conf # Confi
最初の部分は URL にマッチする正規表現で、/、/help/faq、/item/(\d+) などとすることができる。(\d+ は数字の並びにマッチする。括弧でくくって、マッチした部分をあとで使えるように保存させている。)2番目のはリクエストが送られるクラスの名前で、index、view、welcomes.hello (これは welcomes モジュールの hello クラスを指している)、あるいは get_\1 などとする。\1 は、保存した正規表現の1番目のマッチ部分に置き換えられる。保存した残りのマッチ部分は関数を通して渡される。 上の例は、/ という URL(つまりサイトのフロントページだ)は index というクラスで処理されると言っていることになる。 さて次に index クラスを書く。ほとんどの人は気にすることもなくブラウジングをしているけれども、ブラウザはワールド・ワイド
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(UPDATED: updated to the PR are now reflected in the post) Something exciting is coming. Everyone is talking about WebSockets and their older cousin EventSource / Server Sent Events (SSE). Faye and ActionCable are all the rage and real-time updates are becoming easier than ever. But it’s all a mess. It’s hard to set up, it’s hard to maintain. The performance is meh. In short, the existing design i
This article is about computer networks. For the rate-limiting step in chemical kinetics, see Rate-determining step. In computer networks, rate limiting is used to control the rate of requests sent or received by a network interface controller. It can be used to prevent DoS attacks[1] and limit web scraping.[2] Research indicates flooding rates for one zombie machine are in excess of 20 HTTP GET r
About us Founded in 2008, Phusion creates top of the line server software to power businesses like Apple and Intercom. Version 5.1.11 of the Passenger application server for Ruby, Node.js, Meteor and Python has been released. We urgently advise upgrading to fix an arbitrary file read vulnerability that we announced earlier today in a security advisory. Version 5.1.11 also contains a number of impr
In Ruby, web application servers are like gasoline in a car: the fancy stuff won’t make your car go any faster, but the nasty stuff will bring you grinding to a halt. Application servers can’t actually make your app significantly faster - no, they’re all pretty much the same and changing from one to the other won’t improve your throughput or response times by much. But it is easy to shoot yourself