どの国のコンテンツ (動画とチャンネル) を表示するかを選択してください。サイトの表示言語は変更されません。
I'd like to apologise to McDudley for removing him from the Pool. Seems I misconstrued his comments. I have attempted to send him a message, in response to his FlickrMail message to me. Sorry. p.s. I was away on a ship 5th to 16th March and was unable to access the internet - apologies for the delay in responding I've had a message from Mc_Dudley, and he's unblocked me - normal service has been re
Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2007 March 2 Explanation: Parts of Saturday's (March 3) lunar eclipse will be widely visible. For example, skywatchers in Europe, Africa, and western Asia will be able to see the entire spectacle of
THE AMERICAS map quizzes The Americas - countries The Americas - countries (type answer) The Americas - capital cities Americas: Match country flags to the map Americas Airport codes (type answer) NORTH AMERICA map quizzes Caribbean islands Caribbean independent countries Caribbean capital cities Caribbean: Match country flags to the map Central America and part of Caribbean Central America: count
Find any links that aren't what they're supposed to be? Tell me! Have a 404 to add? Send it.
ペトラ(アラビア語: البتراء)は、ヨルダンにある遺跡。死海とアカバ湾の間にある渓谷にある。死海から約80km南に位置し、行政上はマアーン県ペトラ郡に属する。またペトラとは、ギリシャ語で崖を意味する。1985年12月6日、ユネスコの世界遺産(文化遺産)へ登録(ID326)。2007年7月、新・世界七不思議に選出。 ペトラのある地は、自然の要塞であった。また西にガザ、北にダマスカス、紅海にも近く、中東での人や物の行き交う要衝の地でもあった。ナバテア人(Nabataeans)の首都や砂漠を移動していたキャラバン隊の中継基地であったと伝えられてきた。 立地条件の良さのため、紀元前1世紀ごろから、古代ナバテア人の有力都市として栄えた。ペトラの特徴として、スパイス交易の拠点機能と治水システムがあげられる。 完全な岩礁地帯であるので、農業には不向きであった。また雨が降ると、鉄砲水となって渓谷内
February 8, 2007 in Outdoor | Permalink TrackBack TrackBack URL for this entry: https://www.typepad.com/services/trackback/6a00d8341bfeba53ef00d834e2434553ef Listed below are links to weblogs that reference 雑誌Sports Illustratedと飲料のDasaniの共同広告: Comments Thank you very much for the indication. It is very good to see our blog helping in somebody else posts. But I have a doubt: do you understang portu
Exquisite corpse invites illustrators to collaborate into a surrealistic “never-ending” illustration. . Exquisite corpse is a method by which a collection of illustrations is collectively assembled. Each invited collaborator adds to a composition in sequence while only being allowed to see a small part of what the previous person contributed. www.exquisitecorpse.nl