You have been redirected here because the page you are trying to access has been archived. AWS re:Post is a cloud knowledge service launched at re:Invent 2021. We've migrated selected questions and answers from Forums to AWS re:Post. The thread you are trying to access has outdated guidance, hence we have archived it. If you would like up-to-date guidance, then share your question via AWS re:Post.
「Amazon ECS Simple Store in PHP」をいじってみた 2007-03-10-1 [Programming][Affiliate] これ、アマゾンオフィシャルのAWSサンプルプログラム、という位置付け みたい。PHP 5用。ECS は 2006-09-11 version がベース。 - Amazon ECS Simple Store in PHP レンタルサーバの PHP が 5 だったのでやってみた。 以下、手順。 (1) まず上記ページから をダウンロード。 私は wget で取ってきた。 (2) 展開する。 % unzip Archive: ecs-ph
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Travellers Tales : Amazon の個別商品リンクの変更(ref=nosim は?) 最近、AmazonのURL関係を調べてなかったんだけど、Amazonアソシエイトのセントラルで作られるURLから解析している記事からTrackBackがあったので紹介。 productのあとにASINコードがあるのに、&creativeASINのあとに再度ASINコードがなんで必要なのか気になる。 あと大半の人はわかると思うけど「4087474399」をASINコードだと思わない人がいるかもしれないので書いておいたほうがいいかも。 はてな以外でAmazonリンクを作る時はGtools(やAsociate helper(htt
You have been redirected here because the page you are trying to access has been archived. AWS re:Post is a cloud knowledge service launched at re:Invent 2021. We've migrated selected questions and answers from Forums to AWS re:Post. The thread you are trying to access has outdated guidance, hence we have archived it. If you would like up-to-date guidance, then share your question via AWS re:Post.
AWS Week in Review – AWS Documentation Updates, Amazon EventBridge is Faster, and More – May 22, 2023 Here are your AWS updates from the previous 7 days. Last week I was in Turin, Italy for CloudConf, a conference I’ve had the pleasure to participate in for the last 10 years. AWS Hero Anahit Pogosova was also there sharing a few serverless tips in front of a full house. Here’s a picture I […] Amaz
You have been redirected here because the page you are trying to access has been archived. AWS re:Post is a cloud knowledge service launched at re:Invent 2021. We've migrated selected questions and answers from Forums to AWS re:Post. The thread you are trying to access has outdated guidance, hence we have archived it. If you would like up-to-date guidance, then share your question via AWS re:Post.
Net::Amazonでlocaleをjpにしてblendedでsearch 2006-10-18-5 [Programming] Net::Amazon(v0.35)[2006-10-17-2]で locale を jp にして blended で search すると警告が出まくる。 $ua->search(blended => "Perl"); ↓ Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at ... ということで、Net/Amazon/Response/ の該当箇所(下記)を コメントアウトするとOK。 @lines = sort { $a->{RelevanceRank} <=> $b->{RelevanceRank} } @lines; どうやら Net::Amazon が見る
Net::Amazon::ECS Posted by Gosuke Miyashita Mon, 16 Oct 2006 15:02:24 GMT Plagger で Amazon Web Service をつかって、発売日を Publish::iCal して Google Calendar で表示したり、今日・明日発売する商品を Publish::Gmail してるのですが、なんか最近 Google Calendar に表示される商品数が少ないな、と思ったら、AWS3.0 で ReleaseDate が取得できていない模様。(そもそも結果の XML に ReleaseDate が存在しない。一部の商品は ReleaseDate 取得できるけど、取得できない方が圧倒的に多い。)しかも、以前には確かに ReleaseDate が取得できていた商品も、なぜか取得できなくなってます。でも同じ商品
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NAME Net::Amazon - Framework for accessing via REST SYNOPSIS use Net::Amazon; my $ua = Net::Amazon->new( associate_tag => 'YOUR_AMZN_ASSOCIATE_TAG', token => 'YOUR_AMZN_TOKEN', secret_key => 'YOUR_AMZN_SECRET_KEY'); # Get a request object my $response = $ua->search(asin => '0201360683'); if($response->is_success()) { print $response->as_string(), "\n"; } else { print "Error: ", $respons