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The page is built with Page Builder Sandwich! Give it a try for free! Page Builder sandwich is a very light weight and non-intrusive WordPress page builder. That is easy to use & wont break your website. It comes free with several templates for easy and fast page construction too. Your installation also includes the exclusive WordPress Translation plugin. Which will allow you to use a p
Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select Element I want to introduce you to a new, experimental form control called <selectmenu>. We’ll get deep into it, including how much easier it is to style than a traditional <select> element. But first, let’s fill in some context about why something like <selectmenu> is needed in the first place, as it’s still evolving and in development. Ask any w
ソシオメディアがまとめている、ヒューマンインターフェースをデザインする際の指針です。これらは、インターフェースデザインに関する様々な文献と、実際のデザインコンサルティングで得た知見をもとに、ソシオメディアが独自に編纂したものです。継続的に追加・更新していきます。 すべてモデルインタラクションプレゼンテーション
Open UISection titled Open%20UIThe purpose of the Open UI, a W3C Community Group, is to allow web developers to style and extend built-in web UI components and controls, such as <select> dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, and date/color pickers. To do that, we’ll need to fully specify the component parts, states, and behaviors of the built-in controls, as well as necessary accessibility require
Julie Grundy kicks off this, our fifteenth year, by diving headlong into the snowy issue of customising form inputs. Nothing makes a more special gift at Christmas that something you’ve designed and customised yourself. But can it be done while staying accessible to every user? In my work as an accessibility consultant, there are some frequent problems I find on people’s websites. One that’s come
You should absolutely never attach a click event to a <div> element, though, even if you sprinkle it with aria roles to “fake” a real button. Although this is technically possible, if assistive technology doesn’t support the aria roles in question, the user will just get <div>s and nothing else. Not cool. In this article, we’re going to remedy this common crime by instead using the magic of CSS to
Summary: Users still expect to see company addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses on ‘Contact Us’ pages. Don’t hide or replace these elements with automated tools such as ‘Contact Us’ forms or chat. To update our About Us report, we recently conducted a qualitative usability study with 20 business professionals. During this research, we observed participants’ behavior as they tried to compl
Exploring product leadership, user experience, development, and entrepreneurship.
Adobe XD User Guide Introduction Release updates Common questions Design, prototype, and share with Adobe XD Color Management System requirements Hardware and software requirements Adobe XD, Big Sur, and Apple silicon | macOS 11 Workspace basics Change app language in Adobe XD Access UI design kits Accessibility in Adobe XD Keyboard shortcuts Tips and tricks Design Artboards, guides, and layers Ge
2019年2月26日、検索技術研究会が主催するイベント「Search Engineering Tech Talk」が開催されました。「検索」や「検索システム」にまつわる技術や手法を共有する本イベント。第1回となる今回は、3人のエンジニアが、現場の経験を通して学んだノウハウや、検索にまつわる知見を語ります。プレゼンテーション「UI/UXが無意識に検索行動に与える影響」に登壇したのは、株式会社メルカリDirector of Search Engineering の森山大朗氏。メルカリの検索結果を改善する上でわかった、情報検索と商品検索における違いを語ります。講演資料はこちら UI/UXが無意識に検索行動に与える影響について 森山大朗氏(以下、森山):みなさんお疲れさまです。今日はメルカリにお越しいただきありがとうございます。お酒も冷蔵庫の中にいっぱい入っていますので、飲まれたい方は、とくにハ