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DebugBar Home > Wiki > IETester :: Browser Compatibility Check for Internet Explorer Versions from 5.5 to 11 :: ANNOUNCE: If you are an Adwords user, The IETester team is proud to announce its new tool: SunnyReports, a simple and efficient Adwords reporting tools IETester is a free (both for personal and professional usage) WebBrowser that allows you to have the rendering and javascript engines of
Announcement: * Dec 2011 We recently corrected a few dead links. * AOL has ended Netscape development on 1st February March 2008. SillyDog701 and this Netscape Browser Archive is continue to support Netscape. more detail. and join our discussion. * Netscape Navigator is the last (final) Netscape (browser) ever. Netscape is based on Firefox * For more updates on Mozilla Fi
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Pardon our dust! This iteration of is under test, containing content which has not yet been finalized. Browser Archive Who archived all these? One of the founding members of, Adrian Roselli (or aardvark for those of you who visit the site or are on the mailing list), has provided the archive as well as its support through his company, Algonquin Studios. You c
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Just a short announcement: Yuri Engelhardt, Assistant Professor in Media Studies and Information Visualization at the University of Amsterdam, who wrote his PhD thesis on the visual language of graphic representations, and me will give a combined talk and hands-on workshop at the VizThink 2008 conference in Berlin on October 13th. The session, titled [more] You might have noticed it already, but h
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