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This collection contains cultural heritage materials gathered during the World Digital Library (WDL) project, including thousands of items contributed by partner organizations worldwide as well as content from Library of Congress collections. The original World Digital Library site (preserved in LC’s Web Archives here) and all descriptive metadata were translated from English and made available in
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...
The European Library is designed to meet the needs of the research community worldwide, our online portal offers quick and easy access to the collections of the 48 National Libraries of Europe and leading European Research Libraries. Users can cross-search and reuse over 26,394,274 digital items and 168,238,832 bibliographic records. The objects come from institutions located in countries which ar
The Soviet Gulag existed neither as a single unified experience, nor as a single unified institution. This massive and lethal machine influenced the lives of millions of people from 1917-1988. Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives presents an in-depth look at life in the Gulag through exhibits featuring original documentaries and prisoner voices; an archive filled with documents and images; and teaching an
In an unprecedented effort, University of Minnesota faculty, students, staff, and alumni banded together to raise almost $2 million in the 1920s to build “greatly needed structures” taking the form of “two inspiring memorials” – Northrop Auditorium honoring President Cyrus Northrop and Memorial Stadium paying tribute to the men and women of Minnesota “who fearlessly sacrificed themselves in the gr
멀티미디어자료 영상물[DVD,비디오테잎...] 디지털영상[wmv...] 음반[CD, 레코드판...] 디지털음원[mp3, wav...] 컴퓨터파일[CD, DVD...] 디지털이미지[jpg..] 마이크로자료[필름..]
As the custodian of our distant past and recent history, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is a key resource for all Canadians who wish to gain a better understanding of who they are, individually and collectively. LAC acquires, processes, preserves and provides access to our documentary heritage and serves as the continuing memory of the Government of Canada and its institutions.
ÖNB Digital 3,5 Mio. digitale Objekte aus allen Sammlungen der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek ANNO 27 Mio. Seiten aus historischen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften Frauen in Bewegung - 1848 bis 1938 Personen und Vereine der Frauenbewegungen in der Habsburgermonarchie und in Österreich Bildarchiv Austria 400.000 ausgewählte Objekte aus dem Bildarchiv, der Grafiksammlung und den Sammlungen der Öster
Frank Huysmans reappointed as professor by special appointment of Information Society Read more
Welcome to the German National Library Deutscher Platz 1 / D-04103 Leipzig / Opening hours and getting there Adickesallee 1 / D-60322 Frankfurt am Main / Opening hours and getting there Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek erweitert ab Juli 2011 ihre Kataloganreicherung um Inhaltsverzeichnisse der Veröffentlichungen außerhalb des Verlagsbuchhandels (Reihe B der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie). Der seit
We are the national library of the UK. Our shelves hold over 170 million items - a living collection that gets bigger every day.Although our roots extend back centuries, we collect everything published today, tomorrow and decades into the future. We have millions of books, but also newspapers, maps, sound recordings, patents and stamps. Our spaces are open for study, a place to meet friends, to st