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This example replaced a specific div with a the jQuery uploader queue widget. It will automatically check for different runtimes in the configured order, if it fails it will not convert the specified element. <div id="uploader"> <p>Your browser doesn't have Flash, Silverlight or HTML5 support.</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // Initialize the widget when the DOM is ready $(function() {
Check out the Handling Time eBook to learn from the basic setup to advanced i18n usage, and from client's javascript to the server's database. buy eBook + Example code buy eBook Download Download Timepicker Addon and the required CSS. Download/Contribute on GitHub (Need the entire repo? Find a bug? See if its fixed here) If you prefer a hosted CDN there are a couple available: CDNJS, jsDelivr. Req
The missing timepicker for jQuery's Datepicker. I have made this simple timepicker. It is very early release and it is buggy. You can see demoMartin Milesich Blog about my self, PHP, FreeBSD and other things that I found interesting… The missing timepicker for jQuery's Datepicker. I have made this simple timepicker. It is very early release and it is buggy. You can see demo here. Configuration It
This plugin provides basic gettext support for jQuery apps. It loads JSON data, which can be generated easily from standard gettext .po/.mo files. Why go through the additional hassle of .po files? For a small app that needs i18n, one could write the json directly. However, the main advantages I see to gettext are: well known editing tools like KBabel, poEdit, gtranslator, Emacs PO mode, etc. tran
jQuery OembedはJavaScript製のオープンソース・ソフトウェア。おそらくYoutubeからはじまったであろう、自分のサイトへのコンテンツ埋め込みの機能。今や写真やプレゼンテーション、動画など様々な外部コンテンツがサイトに埋め込めるようになった。しかしここで問題なのが埋め込むコンテンツの内容が分かりづらいことだ。 各種サービスの埋め込みHTMLを生成する 大抵Flashのタグで囲まれており一般的には難解だ。Embedなどと書かれているがよく分かりづらい。そこで使ってみたいのがjQuery Oembedだ。jQuery Oembedはリンクタグにclass="oembed"を指定すると実行されるjQueryプラグインだ。 例えばFlickrの写真のリンクをURLにしてoembedの指定をすると、写真がサイト内に表示されるようになる。イメージタグを書く必要はない。同様にvime
Copying .clone() DOM Insertion, Around .wrap() .wrapAll() .wrapInner() DOM Insertion, Inside .append() .appendTo() .html() .prepend() .prependTo() .text() DOM Insertion, Outside .after() .before() .insertAfter() .insertBefore() DOM Removal .detach() .empty() .remove() .unwrap() DOM Replacement .replaceAll() .replaceWith()
Jcrop » the jQuery Image Cropping Plugin Jcrop Home • Download • Manual • Examples Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. It combines the ease-of-use of a typical jQuery plugin with a powerful cross-platform DHTML cropping engine that is faithful to familiar desktop graphics applications. Feature Overview Attaches unobtrusively to images or blo
If you find Layout useful and want to support its development... UI Layout Demos TIP: After viewing a demo, click 'Back' to return to this page There are basic demos for the Layout plug-in: example.html — a minimalist example simple.html — a simple, but complete layout complex.html — utilizes many features and has a 'nested layout' destroy.html — has a 'destroy' method to remove a layout destroy2.
I’ve been coding using jQuery since shortly after it came out, and well — I’ve been using it almost every work day. Here is a few tips that have saved me time. #1: Use data method instead of storing data inside the DOM. The mistake I see people making all the time is this: $('selector').attr('attribute', 'this is the data that I am storing'); // then later getting that data with $('selector').attr
Webアプリケーションの操作性を向上させるために、いまや欠かすことのできないJavaScript。Prototype.jsやjQueryといった各種フレームワークを使用して、ユーザビリティを高めている開発者も少なくないだろう。 ここ数年の間でYahoo! UI LibraryやExt JS、Dojo Toolkitといった、開発のしやすさや・操作性の向上はもちろんのこと、綺麗なデザインも兼ね備えているライブラリが増えてきた。既存のWebアプリケーションに少しのコードを追加するだけで、機能もデザインも付加できるこれらのライブラリは非常に魅力的だ。 ここではテーブルで組んだリストに対して、まるで表計算ソフトのような操作性を提供するFlexigridライブラリを紹介したい。 ネイティブアプリケーション並みのリストを実現 FlexigridとはPaulo P. Marinas氏が開発・公開している
This evening I was playing around with the idea of profiling jQuery applications – trying to find a convenient way to completely analyze all the code that is being executed in your application. I’ve come up with a plugin that you can inject into a jQuery site that you own and see how the performance breaks down method-by-method. Here’s how you can try this plugin on your own site: Step 1: Copy sit
The powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript testing framework.Get Started View the Docs Easy Zero configuration and setup for any Node.js project, and minimal setup for Browser-based projects. Universal QUnit can run anywhere; web browsers, Node, SpiderMonkey, even in a Web Worker! Test your code where it runs.
Tips, techniques, and tutorials for the jQuery JavaScript library I've been developing jQuery plugins for quite a while now, and I've become rather comfortable with a particular style of plugin development for my scripts. This article is meant to share the pattern that I've found especially useful for plugin authoring. It assumes you already have an understanding of plugin development for jQuery;
Setup powerful client-side form validation. From a protoype in a few minutes to heavily customized validation rules, methods and messages. Validate forms like you've never been validating before! Features Easy to setup 19 built-in validation methods, more in addition Inline-error-message display (no more alerts!), heavily customizable Extensible: Add your own validation methods and reuse them Use