New for CakePHP 1.3 is the ability to create and use custom route classes for your application’s routing. In the past the router did double duty, managing route collections and routes were just arrays. In 1.3 Router underwent some surgery and CakeRoute was extracted as an object to represent a single route. While Router was left as a manager of routes. This also opened up new space for creating cu
Ever wondered how to make a route which has no controller/action name yet doesn't break your existing routes? Let's say you have an app which has some promo codes, like so: or simply: How do you tell cake this is not a controller and how to avoid the "missing controller" error? Answer: RegEx! You might think it's very simple to do
Routing in CakePHP is a very powerful feature and is used to make URLs look good. Experience in the #cakephp IRC support channel tells me it appears to be hard to grasp even though the book is quite complete. This article should change that a bit and discuss the main features of routing. Comments below asking for support will be ignored, to get support, there is the Google group and the #cakephp I
In the days of social networks, you often want to give users the possibility to rate things and to see the average rating. The most common user interface implementation is a star rating system. This plugin now offers you an easy, customizable way to enable your users to star rate any CakePHP model you want. Features Multi user, multi model rating Just one element in your views AJAX for seamless i
Intro It’s a not so well kept secret that CakePHP is slow. What isn’t well know is that this is done by design. I could get in a lot of trouble by revealing this, but I’m willing to take that risk. I have records, a paper trail a mile long, showing members of the Cake dev team investing heavily in the stock of Dell, IBM, Cisco and other server companies. We’ve all heard the expression “hardware is
Herewith, a little-known query trick that allows you to do simple ad-hoc joins in your CakePHP finder queries. No binding or unbinding required. Note: This only works if you are using the new Model::find() syntax, which only takes two parameters. If not, please refer to the Cookbook or API. Part of the "zen" of CakePHP's design is the way in which things are layered. For example, many helper meth
When developing applications it is wise to isolate development environments from live production environments. This is true of your code and your database structures For me this means my local SuSE server runs any developmental code before I push it off to a shared hosting account out on the real live web. The frustrating part for me was changing between two distinct database connections. Every ti