TextDiff Version: 4.5 Last updated: 2 June 2008 Copyright © 2001-2008 Angus Johnson Main features: freeware customizable color highlighting of differences drag and drop enabled accepts commandline parameters for file and folder comparisons Folder compares: double click modified (green) files to view file differences File compares: a very fast compare algorithm space characters and case can be igno
I've recently moved from using Parallels for browser testing to Sun's Open Source VirtualBox. Here's a walkthrough on how to get a browser testing suite for free on OSX or Ubuntu. April 14, 2009 Updated September 19, 2024 Microsoft’s Virtual Hard Drives ¶ Microsoft make a series of downloads available for web developers to ensure browser compatibility. Currently you can download IE6-8 on XP and IE
An easy way to install Microsoft's TrueType core fonts on linux Questions or comments? Contact me at noa@resare.com. Good luck! / noa News 120909 Ouch, that was a few years. Due to the kind contributions of Deven T. Corzine we now have an updated (and working!) package again. 060430 A long awaited overhaul. Many things are fixed, links updated. Selects a random mirror. Uses tahoma from word 97 vie
A work in progress. This version: Rev. 8 2008–11–16 Changelog Translations Table of contents Introduction A lot of Internet Explorer's rendering inconsistencies can be fixed by giving an element “layout.” John Gallant and Holly Bergevin classified these inconsistencies as “dimensional bugs,” meaning that they can often be solved by applying a width or height. This leads to a question of why “layou
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How to Rebuild your Computer and Reinstall Windows from Scratch If you are planning to rebuild a ‘slow’ computer by reinstalling Windows (XP or Vista) from scratch, here’s a pre-installation checklist + some time saving tips. You existing data on the Windows PC will not be affected even if you do a clean install instead of repair or upgrade. Fix Problems by Reinstalling WindowsAs a tech blogger, p
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2025年2月、 ATOK Passport は 進化します 新エンジン「ATOKハイパーハイブリッドエンジン2」を新搭載! 今までの「ATOK ハイパーハイブリッドエンジン」に加え、新たに変換強度を学習することで、 同じ単語を学習していても強度に応じて最適な候補を提示できるようになり、 さらに高精度で快適な日本語入力変換を実現します。 また、あらたに様々なジャンルの語彙を 取得できるサービス「ATOK わたしの辞書プラス」を開始します。 “わたし”の利用シーンにあった語彙を追加して利用できるようになり、 自分に添った表現の幅がさらに拡がります。 どうぞ、新しいATOKをご期待下さい。 【「年間プラン「ATOK Passport [プレミアム] 1年」について】 下記に該当する方は、必ずこちらで手順をご確認ください。 ・月間プランを契約中で、年間プランに契約を切り替えたい方 ・年間プランを
What is different in PeaZip? The project started aiming to provide features often overlooked in applications of the same type. Be CLI-friendly: bridge the gap between GUI and CLI applications to offer the best of the two worlds, blending the archive manager into a scripting engine to automate compression / archiving / backup / extraction... tasks. Offer two factor authentication (password + keyfil
Advertising sustains the DA. Ads are hidden for members. Join today To setup a Windows machine to run cron.php at a specific time follow the specific instructions below. This can be useful if you are not familiar with Linux/Unix, or if your web host does not offer the ability to run cron jobs; you can run them remotely from your own computer. Note: These instructions were written for Windows XP bu
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