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Choose from over 2,100 admin dashboard templates. Explore items created by our global community of independent designers and developers, confident they're hand-reviewed by us. Read more Do you need a dashboard that is simple to maintain and easy for everyone to understand? With HTML admin templates from ThemeForest, you can find admin templates to suit your needs. Graphs? Got them. Numbers? Yep. A
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A collection of interface design solutions from all over the web, where users can mark patterns they like, and learn from other's design solutionsPattern Tap is here to satisfy and encourage the inspiration needs of my interface design peers and peeps. We aspire to be the one stop pattern shop for your next inspiration need.
Farewell from Patternry Dear Customers, After 9 years of building and supporting Patternry, we have decided to shut down the service. We have spent a lot of time and effort during the years to make Patternry fit our customers needs. However, for the last few years we haven’t had the time and dedication Patternry would have required. Web technologies come and go very fast and large redesign would h
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