The Power Of Positive Clothing +44 330 321 5555
The Power Of Positive Clothing +44 330 321 5555
#Introduction This project started life when I decided to learn javascript after reading Steve Yegge's post on Rhino on Rails. Rather then wait for Steve to release RoR (he still hasn't) I decided to write a very simplified version myself. Latte is a serverside JavaScript MVC framework powered by Rhino. I use latte to power, my personal website. #Features JavaScript awesomen
Perl でサーバをテストするためのモジュール Test::TCP の作者 id:tokuhirom が言ってたことだけど、テスト用に空きポートを見つけるのは、bind の port 番号に 0 を渡すのが一番簡単。Perl で書くなら、こんな感じ。 my $unused_port = do { my $l = IO::Socket::INET->new( Listen => 5, LocalHost => '', LocalPort => 0, Proto => 'tcp', ReuseAddr => 1, ) or die $!; $l->sockport; }; これで確保されるのは emphemeral port なので、取得したポート番号を再び使おうとする間に他のプログラムが (outgoing TCP connection のために) 使っちゃう可能性は論理的
Introducing the AI Academy Help your entire org put GenAI to work Every employee today needs to know how to prompt GenAI, use it to enhance critical thinking and productivity, and more. With the AI Academy they can. For less. Get in on the AI-generated conversation We’ve turned five O’Reilly titles into AI-generated podcasts, designed to make learning even more engaging. Here’s how we did it.
GREEの情報を利用したアプリケーションサービスの開発、サイト内外での提供を可能とするAPIをデベロッパーに提供いたします。GREEは1,673万人(2009年12月末現在)のユーザが利用する国内最大級のソーシャルネットワーキングサービスです。今後、デベロッパーの皆様と共に、更にユーザに支持されるサービスの構築を目指して、GREEのソーシャルプラットフォームを利用したアプリケーションサービスの提供を可能とする、GREE Connectをご用意いたしました。 GREE Connect GREEのソーシャルグラフ情報や更新情報を、外部のサービスや、スマートフォン等の各種デバイスから利用できる仕組みです。
rails.vim Accept no imitations: rails.vim is the one true Vim plugin for syntax highlighing, easy navigation, and script invocation for all your Ruby on Rails applications, transparently and unobtrusively. What people are saying to anyone that uses vim: rails.vim kicks ASS! —motion I was sold with just :RSuni<tab><enter> —bitsweat love your plugin. already forgot about textmate —victori rails.vim
snipMate.vim aims to be an unobtrusive, concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a <tab>. For instance, in a C file using the default installation of snipMate.vim, if you type "for<tab>" in insert mode, it will expand a typical for loop in C: for (
created by Brian LeRoux & Andrew Lunny. sparodically uncurated by David Trejo. 2016 03 19 weird instanceof2016 03 10 Object And Array Prototype Length2016 03 09 Two Special Numbers2015 04 23 screwy negative array index2015 04 16 moving numbers2015 04 08 array sort2015 03 23 adding arrays2015 02 05 good old octal decimal wtf2015 02 02 Boolean constructor2014 11 22 object as object key2014 10 07 tru