Perguntas sobre exemplo de orações com, e a definição e o uso de "Blot"
O significado de "Blot" em várias frases e orações
O que significa a blot on the landscape?
@Iris_003 yeah it does
O que significa blot?
leaving a stain or a mark
O que significa blot a cushion?
When you spill something on a cushion and you cannot wash the whole thing you can try to absorb the spill by dabbing it up. You do not wipe because that could spread the stain.
Exemplo de frases utilisando "Blot"
Me mostre frases de exemplo com to blot .
If you spill wine on your shirt, don't rub it with a towel or it will spread. You have to blot it with water.
Palavras similares a "Blot" e suas diferenças
Qual é a diferença entre blot. 和stain. 和taint. e spot 和blemish ?
Blot: example, a blot of ink on a canvas. Typically in the context of ink. Small to medium sized. Similar but I think usually bigger than a spot.
Stain: almost always used in the context of clothing. “The sauce stained my white shirt.” This means the sauce left a lasting mark that will be hard to get out.
Taint: unlike the others, this seems like it may not always be something visible. A workplace might be “tainted with hostility” for example. This means there is a trace of something undesirable remaining.
Spot: usually a roughly circular mark. Size can vary depending on context, from a small spot of paint on a canvas to a large brown spot on a white dog. Spot is different because it is also used to mean location in general. You could say “that’s the spot,” to denote a location. This use is pretty informal.
Blemish: almost always used when talking about marks on skin; acne, pimples, etc.
Stain: almost always used in the context of clothing. “The sauce stained my white shirt.” This means the sauce left a lasting mark that will be hard to get out.
Taint: unlike the others, this seems like it may not always be something visible. A workplace might be “tainted with hostility” for example. This means there is a trace of something undesirable remaining.
Spot: usually a roughly circular mark. Size can vary depending on context, from a small spot of paint on a canvas to a large brown spot on a white dog. Spot is different because it is also used to mean location in general. You could say “that’s the spot,” to denote a location. This use is pretty informal.
Blemish: almost always used when talking about marks on skin; acne, pimples, etc.
Qual é a diferença entre blot e smudge ?
Blot = 얼룩
Smudge = 더러움 or 도말 표본
Smudge = 더러움 or 도말 표본
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