What if I told you that RoobrickMarine went and wrote an entire novella starring my 16th century dog couple? It’s very canon-adjacent, well researched and thoughtfully put together, has inspired me a ton during these past months and it’s now publicly available at AO3. I highly recommend it.
✦ Separation ✦
Yes yes I know this too shall pass but christ alive man it’s passing like a gotdamn kidney stone
I put one of these things in the wash and I’m fucking crying
The result ↓
fallenoak123 asked: Hi!
I don't know if this has been asked before, but do you ever plan on making a webtoon/comic about Machete and Vasco? I think it would look super cool, and heck, I'd even pay good money to sponsor it.
Love your work (And ur little gay dog men)!!
I really, truly wish I could, and I’m terribly flattered to hear you’d be interested in reading such a thing, but I don’t know if I’ll ever have the time and energy required to undertake such a massive, long term project. It’s just not feasible considering my current life and health situation. I can hope and dream, but I can’t promise anything, sorry.
Comics are a wonderful form of storytelling that I appreciate tremendously, but they’re extremely laborious to make. I don’t know why, but whenever I try to test the waters with something short and seemingly easy, consisting of just a handful of simple panels or a couple of pages at most, I’m just overwhelmed by the amount of effort that goes into the comic making process.
Anonymous asked: I would just like you to know that I turned 18 last week and the only thing I've done with my newfound power was finally look at the few suggestive art pieces of yours I couldnt see before (because i put my real age on tumblr for some reason?? what kinda kid does that)
10/10 more dog per dog. would very recommend
also fr tho i really like the way you go about drawing those kinds of pieces, as with all the rest of your art really- hope youre doin well :>
Oh hey, happy (late) birthday then! I hope your first week as a Verified Adult Person has been nice so far!
My suggestive pieces are tame, tepid and very, very scarce, but I’m glad you found them worthwhile anyway ´v`
Anonymous asked: The dogs are so deeply ingrained in my brain, I associate literally anything with them. Needles? Machete. Beach? Vasco. Red? Machete. Hotel? Trivago.
Doctor calls you with your bloodwork results and just says “I’m really mad at you” and then hangs up
“how do you tell the difference between a whippet and an italian greyhound” simple. look at it head on. if it looks like a dog it’s a whippet. if it’s making a face like you’ve just threatened it with a firearm, it’s an iggy
see? simple as
Anonymous asked: Vasco werewolf AU where Vasco turns into a werewolf but instead of full moon, it happens when the sun is shining and instead of becoming a monster, he becomes happier and smilier version of himself.
That’s just regular Vasco.
I can’t stop thinking about this medieval girl and her dog ❤️🥲
(Les Trés Riches Heures de Metz, 14th century)
@canisalbus your gay Catholic dogs dance to So Many Songs in my playlists….
MISSING: Beloved pet bouillon cube “Lil Boully”
LAST SEEN: At he corner of Stove Street and Boiling Pot Road
moodboard for cute girls 🤩
Anonymous asked: hi I just wanted to ask if it was alright to put one of your characters in a video of characters I relate to? alright if not! I always make sure to ask first before doing these things haha
Yeah, of course!
I’d be curious to see the video as well. Dm me a link maybe, once it’s finished? ´v`