Richard Matteoli
Creighton University, Dentistry, 1971
St. Mary's College of California, 1967
Major: Organic Chemistry - Biology
Minors: Philosophy, Theology, Classical Literature
Sierra College, Agriculture, 1989
American River College, Business - Management, 1982
Simpson College - Theology, 1980 (Non-Denominational Bible College)
Retired US Navy, (FMF: Fleet Marine Force: Surface Warfare)
[FMF 1990-2005 - Battalion Aid Station (BAS) Triage Officer through/under Fleet Hospital Training Command (FHOTC); recallable to Active Duty for life.
Currently on Active Duty Standby Recall with Marine Corps Orders and weapon required.]
Retired Solano County, Clinic for the Poor and County Jail
California Indian Health; Oroville and Ukiah, CA
Part Time Clinical Instructor University of Pacific's College of Physicians and Surgeons 1970's.
Mandated Reporter re: Abuse, including in part: Child and Elderly Abuse, California Penal Codes: 11164-11174.3:
Federal, in part: wic. 15632; 42 U.S. Code Section (SS) 13031; UCMJ
The California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Law:
USA Federal: Child Welfare Information Gateway (Also for non Mandated Reporters)
All articles and content are Mandated Reports to the Social Body regarding Socialized and Acculturated Violence and Abuse
St. Mary's College of California, 1967
Major: Organic Chemistry - Biology
Minors: Philosophy, Theology, Classical Literature
Sierra College, Agriculture, 1989
American River College, Business - Management, 1982
Simpson College - Theology, 1980 (Non-Denominational Bible College)
Retired US Navy, (FMF: Fleet Marine Force: Surface Warfare)
[FMF 1990-2005 - Battalion Aid Station (BAS) Triage Officer through/under Fleet Hospital Training Command (FHOTC); recallable to Active Duty for life.
Currently on Active Duty Standby Recall with Marine Corps Orders and weapon required.]
Retired Solano County, Clinic for the Poor and County Jail
California Indian Health; Oroville and Ukiah, CA
Part Time Clinical Instructor University of Pacific's College of Physicians and Surgeons 1970's.
Mandated Reporter re: Abuse, including in part: Child and Elderly Abuse, California Penal Codes: 11164-11174.3:
Federal, in part: wic. 15632; 42 U.S. Code Section (SS) 13031; UCMJ
The California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Law:
USA Federal: Child Welfare Information Gateway (Also for non Mandated Reporters)
All articles and content are Mandated Reports to the Social Body regarding Socialized and Acculturated Violence and Abuse
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InterestsView All (23)
HISTORIC by Richard Matteoli
Spirituality is, Theology explains, Religion practices.
Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages
are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor.
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong
gives it a superficial appearance of being right
and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.
Time makes more converts than reason.
Thomas Paine
Circumcision in any form is NOT Islamic, Judaic, nor Christian. It is NOT
attributable in any way to United States Native Americans. Yet, Genital
Dismemberments have become Secular apart from the 3 Abrahamic Religions.
For historic knowledge of Female Genital Mutilation, FGM, one should refer to Dr. Pia Gallo, Padua University, Department of Psychology, Italy.
For an extensive history regarding Genital Dismemberments of both sexes one should reference James DeMeo’s texts re: Sarahasia.
The mythic tale of Abraham and the fictitious circumcision ‘covenant’ originated about 550 BCE and spread throughout the Hebrews, eventually infiltrating Islam and then Christianity.
All three Jerusalemic religions forbid:
COMIXIO RELIGIONIS: The mixing of religions
Ethical Drift and Ethical Fading are incremental deviations from ethical practice that goes unnoticed by individuals who justify the deviations as acceptable and who believe themselves to be maintaining their ethical boundaries.
Ethical Drift and Ethical Fading escalate imperceptibly until even major
breaches are rationalized as reasonable. Four intrusions may be:
1) where there is intense competition n.
2) with competition other members of the group may encourage the violator to continue.
3) people feel they are in a zero-sum game.
4) people see no way out of the quandary.
Ethical Drift may be quick as with a new, though false, medical treatment
including even vaccines.
Ethical Fading often occurs insidiously without conscious awareness.
Environmental forces predominately provoke. We rarely mean to do the wrong thing, but subtle cues lead us to ignore the moral implications of our decisions. Ethical Fading is one of the reasons there is a gap between how we intend to act and how we actually end up behaving. We let our ethics fade from view.
Moral Disengagement leads to values and standards being altered. Assault and Battery of the genitals of those who are of minor age is such a case. Eight dimensions of Moral Disengagement are:
1) moral justification
2) euphemistic labelling
3) advantageous comparison
4) displacement of responsibility
5) diffusion of responsibility
6) distortion of consequences
7) dehumanization
8) attribution of blame.
People usually do not ask themselves if they are acting unethically. They will resort to rationalizations as “It is God’s will,” “I was forced to do it,” or “They deserved it,” or “I did it for their own good.” As well as, “It was strictly business,” or “I did it for the safety of the organization.”
ETHICAL DRIFT involves an incremental deviation from ethical practice that goes unnoticed
by individuals who justify the deviations as acceptable and who believe themselves to be
maintaining their ethical boundaries.
ETHICAL FADING is a form of self-deception that occurs when we subconsciously avoid or
disguise the moral implications of a decision and allows us to believe in immoral ways while
maintaining the conviction that we are good and moral people.
MORAL DISENGAGEMENT is the process of convincing the self that ethical standards do not apply to oneself in a particular context.
Assault and Battery of, with Attempt to Disfigure, the genitals onto those who are of minor age is such a case, an example so obvious and unspeakable; therefore, read about it.
CRIMINOLOGY by Richard Matteoli
Spirituality is, Theology explains, Religion practices.
Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages
are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor.
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong
gives it a superficial appearance of being right
and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom.
Time makes more converts than reason.
Thomas Paine
Circumcision in any form is NOT Islamic, Judaic, nor Christian. It is NOT
attributable in any way to United States Native Americans. Yet, Genital
Dismemberments have become Secular apart from the 3 Abrahamic Religions.
For historic knowledge of Female Genital Mutilation, FGM, one should refer to Dr. Pia Gallo, Padua University, Department of Psychology, Italy.
For an extensive history regarding Genital Dismemberments of both sexes one should reference James DeMeo’s texts re: Sarahasia.
The mythic tale of Abraham and the fictitious circumcision ‘covenant’ originated about 550 BCE and spread throughout the Hebrews, eventually infiltrating Islam and then Christianity.
All three Jerusalemic religions forbid:
COMIXIO RELIGIONIS: The mixing of religions
Ethical Drift and Ethical Fading are incremental deviations from ethical practice that goes unnoticed by individuals who justify the deviations as acceptable and who believe themselves to be maintaining their ethical boundaries.
Ethical Drift and Ethical Fading escalate imperceptibly until even major
breaches are rationalized as reasonable. Four intrusions may be:
1) where there is intense competition n.
2) with competition other members of the group may encourage the violator to continue.
3) people feel they are in a zero-sum game.
4) people see no way out of the quandary.
Ethical Drift may be quick as with a new, though false, medical treatment
including even vaccines.
Ethical Fading often occurs insidiously without conscious awareness.
Environmental forces predominately provoke. We rarely mean to do the wrong thing, but subtle cues lead us to ignore the moral implications of our decisions. Ethical Fading is one of the reasons there is a gap between how we intend to act and how we actually end up behaving. We let our ethics fade from view.
Moral Disengagement leads to values and standards being altered. Assault and Battery of the genitals of those who are of minor age is such a case. Eight dimensions of Moral Disengagement are:
1) moral justification
2) euphemistic labelling
3) advantageous comparison
4) displacement of responsibility
5) diffusion of responsibility
6) distortion of consequences
7) dehumanization
8) attribution of blame.
People usually do not ask themselves if they are acting unethically. They will resort to rationalizations as “It is God’s will,” “I was forced to do it,” or “They deserved it,” or “I did it for their own good.” As well as, “It was strictly business,” or “I did it for the safety of the organization.”
ETHICAL DRIFT involves an incremental deviation from ethical practice that goes unnoticed
by individuals who justify the deviations as acceptable and who believe themselves to be
maintaining their ethical boundaries.
ETHICAL FADING is a form of self-deception that occurs when we subconsciously avoid or
disguise the moral implications of a decision and allows us to believe in immoral ways while
maintaining the conviction that we are good and moral people.
MORAL DISENGAGEMENT is the process of convincing the self that ethical standards do not apply to oneself in a particular context.
Assault and Battery of, with Attempt to Disfigure, the genitals onto those who are of minor age is such a case, an example so obvious and unspeakable; therefore, read about it.
Government Employees).
2) Accountability and Criminology
3) Dr. Mandated Report "Suspicions" Reported to:
a) VAOIG/Criminal Division b) Title II: Disability/Civil Rights
c) Waste, Fraud and Abuse d) IRSOIG
NOTE: Bonuses paid by the VA to its employees is considered "Bribery" under the RICO Act as well as "Racketeering" also covered under the HOBBS Act.
4) Blank DOJ Report Forms as well as explanations with government web page url's.
is born free, and he is everywhere in chains.” Rousseau put forth the
argument that: The Social Contract theory is the view that a person’s
moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or
agreement among them to form the society in which they live. If a
person or persons violate the terms and/or premises then the offended
party or parties may void the said Social Contract. In 1787, Alexander
Tyler a history professor at the University of Edinburgh postulated:
A democracy is always temporary in nature, it simply cannot exist
as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist
up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves
generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on the
majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits
from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will
finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by
a dictatorship. Continuing:
‘The average 200year national cycle progresses thusly: ’1);
Bondage to Faith; 2): Faith to great Courage; 3): Courage to Liberty;
4): Liberty to Abundance; 5): Abundance to Complacency; 6):
Complacency to Apathy; 7): Apathy to Dependence; 8): Dependence
back into Bondage.’
Alexis de Toqueville in Democracy in America coined the phrase
“Tyranny of the Majority.” Tyranny of the Majority argues in
governments with majority rule, the goals of the majority are pursued
at the expense of the minority’s needs and wants. They will take until
the social wealth becomes exhausted and thus fails. It creates a group
of people being treated unfairly because their situation is different from
the situation of most of the people in the governmental atmosphere of
a feeding trough, --> the public breast