Criminal profiling
Recent papers in Criminal profiling
Prolongeant ses travaux sur la répression, Vanessa Codaccioni analyse et dénonce les ressorts de « la société de vigilance ». Surveillance massive, appel à la délation, légitimation de la répression : une nouvelle servitude volontaire est... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
Carrier, N. and K. Walby. (2015). For Sociological Reason: Crime, Criminalization, and the Poverty of Biosocial Criminology. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 7/1: 73-82.
Το ποινικό αδίκημα του βιασμού προστίθεται στην κυπριακή έννομη τάξη ως ένα παραδοσιακό όπλο στο οπλοστάσιο των αδικημάτων κατά προσώπου στον Κυπριακό Ποινικό Κώδικα. Ωστόσο ακόμη και σήμερα η ερμηνεία και η πρακτική εφαρμογή του... more
This book presents serial killers as having disorders of imagination, imagopathy, seen through deficiencies such as failure of empathy, rigid fantasies, and unresolved projections. This disorder is a form of failed alchemy. This study... more
As was written in the syllabus of Psychology 350 class, this course was planned to introduce a background of forensic psychology to undergraduate students interested in how psychological knowledge can be applied in criminal cases and... more
Depuis le milieu des années 1980, l’introduction des tests ADN dans un contexte médico-légal, a contribué de manière importante au bon déroulement de la justice criminelle en aidant à la condamnation des coupables et a l'exonération des... more
The paper deals with the concepts of fragmentation and reconstruction in the field of portraiture. Taking a portrait as a large fragment of information, we look into ways in which it can be optimised and reduced such that it remains valid... more
A finales de este año José Antonio Rodríguez Vega hubiese cumplido 60 años de no ser porque, hace casi 14, murió apuñalado a manos de dos reclusos en la cárcel de Topas, Salamanca, donde se hallaba cumpliendo condena. Apodado El... more
Criminal profiling is a technique that is used within the criminal justice field to interpret evidence of a crime scene and/or aspects of a crime in order to determine possible psychological and physical characteristics of the unknown... more
ABSTRACT. Typological studies are common in sciences related to criminological profiling. Sex offenders, such as serial killers, are among the most studied profiles. The typological classifications of sexual offenders are multiple and... more
This article explores the intricacies of modus operandi, signature and fantasy as distinctive behaviour in stranger rape cases involving child victims that were reported in Port Elizabeth, which were analysed by means of a rape matrix.... more
My paper seeks to locate Thomas Dekker's handling of underworld jargon at the interface of oral and literary cultures. The paper briefly looks at a play co-authored by Dekker and then examines two ''coney-catching pamphlets " by him to... more
El concepto de asesino en serie, es algo relativamente reciente, se pueden distinguir tres grandes tipos diferentes de asesinos, los asesinos de masa o asesino itinerante y el asesino en serie. Muchos autores han querido saber el por qué... more
In the Islamic context, "fitrah" refers to humanity's innate disposition toward virtue and the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. A common quote regarding fitrah, from the Prophet is "The fitrah consists of 5 things:... more
As society we live in today is evolving very quickly, it has become more complex and more difficult to cope with problems that stem from society's fluctuating social conditions. Since problems related to the society are complicated and... more
Profilowanie to standardowa metoda kryminalistyczna, która ma ułatwić pracę służbom policyjnym. Człowiek w każdym swym działaniu przejawia indywidualne cechy psychiczne, społeczne i fizyczne. Profil nieznanego sprawcy przestępstwa to... more
This article concerns the separate deaths of two unrelated Travellers. The first case is the killing of Traveller boy Fred Barras by farmer Tony Martin in England in 1999. The second is the killing of the Traveller John Ward by farmer... more
Understanding the individual factors that predispose persons to criminal behaviour is vital to reducing offending and rehabilitating those who have been sentenced to prison. This study examined the roles of narcissism (at both clinical... more
An analysis/profile of the serial killer Jack The Ripper. This information is based on different areas of information and how they could affect the reasons Jack The Ripper did what he did.
The Forensic Psychologist’s Casebook explores the complexities surrounding offender profiling and police investigations. The book contains 16 chapters divided into two parts, with Chapters 1–8 dealing with the context of criminal... more
Crimes which contain vampiric attributes have existed throughout history. It is estimated that several criminal acts incorporating elements associated with the vampire archetype are committed each year in the United States. One of the... more
The paper focuses on the methods of identification of potentially aggressive persons. The results are based on studies of the signals from facial expressions and other relationships between human behavior and hostile intentions. The... more
Un agresor sexual es aquel que psicológicamente se muestra una personalidad heterogénea en el que puede mostrar motivaciones de diversa índole-no solo sexual-y en su gran mayoría buscan humillar y dominar a sus víctimas. Por lo que hace... more
Seconda edizione aggiornata e corretta Il volume intende fornire le basi per la comprensione delle principali tematiche legate all’ambito psicologico-forense e criminologico. Proprio per questo presenta un taglio di tipo fortemente... more
A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of PSY 6010 Forensic Psychology ……… ……… ……… ……… CRIMINAL PROFILING
This theoretical paper explores some prevailing discourses surrounding serial murder and that the existing debates surrounding serial murder, which adopted a singular theoretical focus, have offered one... more
The continued use of criminal profiling, despite the lack of empirical evidence to support the practice, has been dubbed the Criminal Profiling Illusion. This study applies cultivation theory in an attempt to explain the popular... more
The drug court innovation has had a major impact upon low-level judicial attitudes to drug crime. The drug court’s success is primarily achieved through suppressing the larger political debates surrounding drug policy through the... more
The resurgence of support for offender rehabilitation has led to an increased emphasis on correctional program integrity. Treatment programs are now being evaluated and tailored in accordance with the principles of effective... more
O Criminal Profiling é ferramenta auxiliar no combate à criminalidade e relacionado estritamente com a segurança jurídica do direito, pois ainda permite sua aplicação ontológica (positivista) e deontológica (filosófica de direito ideal à... more
Wright, Kevin A. 2013. "The Private Prison" In Francis T. Cullen, Cheryl Lero Jonson, and Mary K. Stohr (Eds.) "The American Prison: Imagining a Different Future" (pp. 173-192). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
London: Academic Press (1999) ISBN 0-12-705040-X (504 pages (including index), £49.95 hardback) Review published in Crime Prevention & Community Safety, 2001, 3/2, pp.81-82. The last five years have seen a literal flood of books on the... more
Profil analizi özellikle 1970 den itibaren özellikle suçlu profili çıkartmak üzere Amerika' dan başlayarak dünya da kabul bir gören bir multidisiplindir. Psikoloji, antropoloji, sosyoloji gibi sosyal bilimler ile biyoloji, kriminoloji... more
ABSTRACT. The behavioral analysis of crime encompasses a set of knowledge and techniques related to criminal investigation. In the present book are exposed concepts such as modus operandi, ritual, signature, etc., basic for the... more
Answering the most debatable question in the world of criminology, how people turn to a criminal is quite difficult. Many arguments were established; many researches were conducted; many criminologists have tried countless ways to... more
Durante muchos años se ha intentado dar una explicación clara sobre una ciencia denominada criminología y de un modo general se puede decir que esta es una ciencia multidisciplinaria que se fundamenta en otras ciencias para lograr su... more
Apstrakt: Tema obrađuje ulogu i značaj fizičko-hemijskih metoda u postupku otkrivanja, razjašnjavanja i dokazivanja krivičnih dela. Posebnu pažnju autori posvećuju osnovama fizičko-hemijskih metoda koje se koriste za identifikaciju i... more
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Suicide by ligature strangulation, which gives the initial impression of a homicide, is very rare. In this article, 3 suicidal death cases caused by ligature strangulation in Konya between 2001 and 2006 are presented. The first victim was... more