Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Nyc"
Die Bedeutung von "Nyc" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet 'outdated'
NYC subway is outdated.
Is the meaning old facility or delayed subway??
NYC subway is outdated.
Is the meaning old facility or delayed subway??
Old facility. Not modern.
Was bedeutet i live in NYC, the most beautiful city in America is it natural??
"i live in NYC, the most beautiful city in America"
Yes that sounds natural. I should always be capitalized, but that's a small thing.
Yes that sounds natural. I should always be capitalized, but that's a small thing.
Was bedeutet It's NYC Restaurant Week and everyone is offering deals!
What does ''everyone'' indicate in this sentence??
What does ''everyone'' indicate in this sentence??
It means that all the Restaurants in NYC are providing deals.
Was bedeutet In❤w NYC
what is W here??
what is W here??
"W" would mean "With". So this phrase means "In love with NYC"
Was bedeutet NYC soul?
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Ähnliche Wörter wie "Nyc" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I live in NYC. und I have been living in NYC. ?
Thank you very much I appreciate it 😊
Thank you very much I appreciate it 😊
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I have never been to NYC und I haven't ever been to NYC ?
Both are good! I think the 1st is better in general
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Here in NYC is 8 am. und Here in NYC it is 8 am. ?
A frase correta é a segunda. A primeira quer dizer a mesma coisa mas está errada porque está faltando o "it" antes do "is".
Übersetzungen von "Nyc"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? "On connaît NYC comme la ville qui ne dort jamais, ce qui lui donne d'ailleurs le titre de ville globale"
Wouldn't it be "global city," not "global village"? "Village," c'est le même mot en français et en anglais.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? should I say " heading to NYC" or "heading for NYC"
heading to NYC
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? What you can talk me about NYC
What can you tell me about NYC?
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? NYC
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Andere Fragen zu "Nyc"
Besides being a city ..
I wonder if New your is considered as a state .
Or is there another New-York ?
Besides being a city ..
I wonder if New your is considered as a state .
Or is there another New-York ?
New York is a state, while New York City is a city. Sometimes people say "New York" when referring to the city and not the state. I think that's why a lot of people who live in the state and not the city say they live in "Upstate New York."
I read that in NYC if you have a $30 lunch, you have to pay $30 for the food, plus 8.9% as tax, plus 20% as a tip, and end up with a total of $40, is this normal in the US?
That sounds natural. That is pretty normal in the United States but sales tax does vary in different places, in the city I live in its around 9% while the state average is around 7%. Tipping is also technically not required, but it is highly suggested and %15- 20% is standard. The system is sort of stupid in my opinion but it is how it works.
What is NYC meaning?
New York City
When you not actually in NYC and it's winter outside but you want to… dancing and singing in the rain. klingt das natürlich?
Instead of "dancing and singing" you have to say "dance and sing"
I went to NYC few weeks ago. I miss that already. klingt das natürlich?
I went to NYC a few weeks ago and I already miss it, would sound more natural
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