Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Perfectionism"
Übersetzungen von "Perfectionism"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? perfectionism
perfectionism = Перфекционизм
perfectionist = перфекционист
perfectionist = перфекционист
Andere Fragen zu "Perfectionism"
Perfectionism has its pros and cons, as we all know. However, when it comes to learning English as a second language, I firmly believe that perfectionism is not beneficial. For instance, if you spend too much time focusing on grammar and vocabulary, you may not have enough time to practice your speaking and listening skills, or worse, you may hold back and not join in the conversation. In learning English, active speaking is essential, and we mustn't be afraid of making mistakes. Making mistakes is normal when you're learning something new, and it can actually help you remember better. Ultimately, failure is a stepping stone to success. So, don’t try to be perfect. Let’s have fun learning English. klingt das natürlich?
Everything looks good.
This is honestly a good stance to take on anything and everything. As Winston Churchill once said; "perfection is the enemy of progress."
This is honestly a good stance to take on anything and everything. As Winston Churchill once said; "perfection is the enemy of progress."
Many of us believe perfectionism is a positive. But researchers are finding that it is nothing short of dangerous, leading to a long list of health problems – and that it’s on the rise.
Q: what does “it is nothing short of dangerous” mean in the sentence above? What’s the usage of “it is nothing”?
Q: what does “it is nothing short of dangerous” mean in the sentence above? What’s the usage of “it is nothing”?
“nothing short of” is used to give emphasis to a description so the sentence is saying that it is dangerous
He seeks perfectionism when it comes to working. So he is pretty strick about work.
So I would pay a little attention to that.
Whatever it is, be careful not to do anything arbitrarily and just make sure to check whether things you did right or wrong first before you give report to him. klingt das natürlich?
So I would pay a little attention to that.
Whatever it is, be careful not to do anything arbitrarily and just make sure to check whether things you did right or wrong first before you give report to him. klingt das natürlich?
× So he is pretty strick about work.
✓ He is pretty strick about work.
✓ He is pretty strick about work.
I strongly believe my perfectionism would work as my advantage when I need to focus on demanding projects at work. klingt das natürlich?
you mean 'work in my advantage'? Thank you for your opinion. I'll correct it.
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