Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Plane"
Die Bedeutung von "Plane" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen
Was bedeutet I caught the plane with only five minutes to spare. ?
When you arrived, there were still five minutes left until the plane was scheduled to leave.
"[amount of time] to spare" implies you didn't expect to have enough time to arrive (or finish a task, etc.) before a deadline, but it turns out you did :)
"[amount of time] to spare" implies you didn't expect to have enough time to arrive (or finish a task, etc.) before a deadline, but it turns out you did :)
Was bedeutet I couldn’t get a plane out. ?
"I couldn’t go away with a plane" - i guess
Was bedeutet When is the plane due??
Due means expected. If the plane is due at 11:00 it is expected to arrive at 11:00. If an assignment is due next week, it must be completed by then.
Was bedeutet I’m after a plane ticket from Seoul to New York. ?
It means you are from Seoul looking for a plane ticket to New York.
Was bedeutet your plane is ready?
it means the plane you are boarding (taking) is ready, meaning ready to go or ready to get onto
Beispielsätze die "Plane" benutzen
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit 在飞机上遇到空乘服务时,如果不需要服务应该怎么说?When I am on the plane and a flight attendant ask me if I need any drinks, what should I say if I don’t need the services?.
Depending on what they ask:
“Anything to drink, sir/ma’am?”
“No thanks!”
Or: “no thank you”
Or: “nothing for me, thanks”
Or: “I’m good. Thanks!”
I usually say “I’m good, thanks!”, which is probably the most casual way to say it.
And they might even ask you something like
“juice or water?”
Still, the same responses work, since they know a lot of people can’t hear them that well on the plane (so none of the responses sound unnatural).
“Anything to drink, sir/ma’am?”
“No thanks!”
Or: “no thank you”
Or: “nothing for me, thanks”
Or: “I’m good. Thanks!”
I usually say “I’m good, thanks!”, which is probably the most casual way to say it.
And they might even ask you something like
“juice or water?”
Still, the same responses work, since they know a lot of people can’t hear them that well on the plane (so none of the responses sound unnatural).
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit I came by plane.
I came by plane to New Orleans.
“How did you get to Brazil?” “I came by plane.”
“How did you get to Brazil?” “I came by plane.”
Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit planes para hacer.
I would like to go out in a trip (me gustaría salir en un viaje) I will get a house (tendré una casa) I'm going to get a puppy (voy a tener un perrito) espero que te sirva, depende de que es lo que quieres decir pero están son las más comunes
Ähnliche Wörter wie "Plane" und ihre Unterschiede
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I take a plane to korea this morning to see family. und I take a plane to korea to see family this morning ?
"I took a plane to Korea this morning to see my family" ( you emphasize the fact you travel to see your family)
" I took a plane to Korea to see my Family this morning " ( you emphasize the fact you travel in the morning)
I would choose the first one
" I took a plane to Korea to see my Family this morning " ( you emphasize the fact you travel in the morning)
I would choose the first one
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen plane und aircraft ?
An aircraft is any kind of vehicle that flies. A plane (or airplane) is specifically an aircraft that is heavier than air and has fixed (not moving) wings.
Other kinds of aircraft besides planes are helicopters, blimps, gliders, autogyros, rockets and hot air balloons.
Other kinds of aircraft besides planes are helicopters, blimps, gliders, autogyros, rockets and hot air balloons.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen the plane had already left before I arrived at the airport und the plane had already left before I arrived at the airport ?
あ〜ごめんなさい。日本語を少しだけ話せますから、説き明かすルコとはちょっと難しい。あの、またみってください。「 the plane had already left before I arrived at the airport」と「 the plane had already left before I arrived at the airport」。文章は違くないですね。
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen plane und airplane und jet ?
Plane: a shortened version of the word 'airplane'. Can also mean a flat surface, or a level of thought or existence.
Airplane: an aircraft. A category or aircrafts that includes passenger planes, cargo planes, and jets.
Jet: type of airplane. It is different because it uses jet engines, and no propellers. They are faster than propeller and glider planes.
Airplane: an aircraft. A category or aircrafts that includes passenger planes, cargo planes, and jets.
Jet: type of airplane. It is different because it uses jet engines, and no propellers. They are faster than propeller and glider planes.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen I sleep in the plane. und I sleep on the plane. ?
This is one of the weird cases for "on" and "in". "I sleep in the plane" is not commonly used - it implies that the plane is just a place for sleeping and not flying. "I sleep on the plane" means that you slept while traveling by plane.
Extra: You could correctly say "I slept in the car", but should say "I slept on the boat." One always sleeps in their bed, not on it (unless you do not use the sheets!)
Extra: You could correctly say "I slept in the car", but should say "I slept on the boat." One always sleeps in their bed, not on it (unless you do not use the sheets!)
Übersetzungen von "Plane"
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? should I say,is that possible that the plane is delayed. or should I say, is that possible that the plane was delayed.
"Is it possible that the plane was delayed?" I think "is" works as well, if you are waiting for someone or for a flight.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? The plane went to the runway.
Does "went" here sound correct?
Does "went" here sound correct?
With airplanes, the term they use is "taxi". (I know, it is a strange use of the word.)
--The plane taxied to the runway.
If we put this phrase into Google, we get 36,000 hits. 🙂"The+plane+taxied+to+the+runway"&newwindow=1
(for some reason it doesn't make the link work correctly, so you have to copy and paste it.)
With airplanes, they use the word "taxi" to refer to an airplane that is moving on the ground.
--The plane taxied to the runway.
If we put this phrase into Google, we get 36,000 hits. 🙂"The+plane+taxied+to+the+runway"&newwindow=1
(for some reason it doesn't make the link work correctly, so you have to copy and paste it.)
With airplanes, they use the word "taxi" to refer to an airplane that is moving on the ground.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? " planes that are in the air", the first in the recording is what I heard from natives, the second is my original pronunciation, why " air " sounds like " year"?
not really, your original pronuncation was the right one. I dunno where you heard that from but the way that they pronounce it was wrong.
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? can I say the plane flew “under” the clouds? instead of below?
Yes you can - in this case, you can use either interchangeably
Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (UK)? Which one is correct?
There is a plane flying above my head
There is a plane flying over my head.
There is a plane flying above my head
There is a plane flying over my head.
“There is a plane flying over my head” is best. An even better answer is, “A plane is flying overhead.” You could also say, “There is a plane flying over me.”
Andere Fragen zu "Plane"
There’s a plane going down over the desert with only 3 parachutes on board. There are four people onboard, the smartest man in the world, the best doctor in the world, an old priest, and a little boy. The doctor says, “People need me for my medical skills.” grabs the first parachute pack, and jumps. The smartest man in the world says, “People need me for my intelligence.” grabs a pack, and jumps. The old priest says, “I have lived a long and happy life. You take the last chute.” The a little boy says, “Don’t worry. There are enough chutes for the both of us. The smartest man in the world just grabbed my backpack.” klingt das natürlich?
There’s a plane going down over the desert with only 3 parachutes on board.
Do you need me to read it slower than this?
Do you need me to read it slower than this?
The plane has been kept in service for a long time.
The plane has been in service for a long time.
Are both correct?
The plane has been in service for a long time.
Are both correct?
Both are correct. "The plane has been kept in service for a long time" would be used to discuss the maintenance and condition of the plane.
"The plane has been in service for a long time" would refer to the duration of usage the plane has offered.
"The plane has been in service for a long time" would refer to the duration of usage the plane has offered.
"Should the plane leave on time, I'll arrive in Paris at noon."
"Were the builders to finish the work to schedule, they would receive rewards."
What is the negative form of these sentences?
"Were the builders to finish the work to schedule, they would receive rewards."
What is the negative form of these sentences?
“Should the plane not arrive on time, I won’t arrive in Paris at noon.”
“Were the builders to not finish the work to schedule, they would not receive rewards.”
In this case, they both mean the same things as the positive sentences because there are two negatives. A double negative is the same thing as a positive.
Also, I think one could say, “Were the builders not to finish the work…” Phrasing a sentence like this is uncommon, so even though I’m a native speaker, I am not sure which one is correct (or if both are correct).
“Were the builders to not finish the work to schedule, they would not receive rewards.”
In this case, they both mean the same things as the positive sentences because there are two negatives. A double negative is the same thing as a positive.
Also, I think one could say, “Were the builders not to finish the work…” Phrasing a sentence like this is uncommon, so even though I’m a native speaker, I am not sure which one is correct (or if both are correct).
Where are you going by plane? klingt das natürlich?
× Where are you going by plane?
✓ Where are you flying to?
It sounds unnatural to ask where someone is going "by (vehicle)". I think it sounds more natural to ask using the verb form of transportation.
For example: "Where are you driving to?"
"Where are you running to?"
✓ Where are you flying to?
It sounds unnatural to ask where someone is going "by (vehicle)". I think it sounds more natural to ask using the verb form of transportation.
For example: "Where are you driving to?"
"Where are you running to?"
I’ve on a plane for once so far and that was even for only an hour
Can anyone make this natural? And what does this mean? I want to check if this is what exactly I was trying to say
Can anyone make this natural? And what does this mean? I want to check if this is what exactly I was trying to say
Are you trying to say
I’ve been on a plane once so far, and that was only for a hour.
I’ve been on a plane once so far, and that was only for a hour.
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