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Q: Remarks inciting civil war, Lee Jae-myung's self-immolation without an exit

One of the most important considerations in strategic tactics is to think about the 'exit'.

As the saying goes in Korea, 'look for a place to lie down and stretch your legs'.

If you get caught up in the immediate situation and run away, you may find yourself in a difficult position later.

This is a lesson that should be heeded by the political parties that are in charge of running the country, including the rank-and-file.

Neglecting this lesson could be the beginning of their downfall.

"If he acts against the will of the people, he should be brought down," said Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party of Korea on June 6, referring to President Yoon Seok-yeol.

This was in response to a YouTube video by Kim Eojoon, an expert in fraudulent incitement.

This was hardly an accidental statement.

The day before, the same lawmaker, Seol Hoon, had mentioned Yoon's impeachment in a parliamentary question. It is likely that the remarks were coordinated in advance.

This is a de facto boycott of the presidential election and incitement to civil unrest.

Saying that the president should be removed or referring to impeachment are all messages that disregard the constitutional term of office of the president and advocate the disruption of the constitutional order by external forces.

Taken one step further, they call for the people to take up arms and fight against the authorities.

Can Lee Jae-myung and the Democratic Party of Korea be held accountable for their incitement?

So far, there has been no evidence of illegality in the Yoon administration's governance or law and order operations.

On the contrary, it is trying to restore the constitutional order of the country, which was severely damaged by the Moon Jae-in regime.

The question is, who is trying to sabotage this effort and return South Korea to anarchy?

It was Lee Jae-myung and the Democratic Party of Korea who linked the Itaewon tragedy to the Sewol ferry disaster, obstructed the judicial system, and tried to manipulate the presidential election results with fake news.

The Democratic Party and Lee Jae-myung are engaged in self-destructive politics with no exit strategy.

Politics should be a mechanism and system for the expression of national reason. But they are pursuing the opposite direction. It is their choice to be broken, but the problem is that they are in charge of a large part of the constitution as the number one party.

This is why their flag disrespect cannot be ignored.

The Democratic Party of Korea and the leftist faction have formed a huge interest cartel against the constitutional order of Korea.

A strict response based on the rule of law is necessary. The constitutional order is obliged to defend itself.

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