Fragen über die Beispielsätze mit, und die Definition und Benutzung von "Sentence"

Die Bedeutung von "Sentence" in verschiedenen Ausdrücken und Sätzen

Q: Was bedeutet this sentence is complicated for me to understand ,can you explain it to me ?

It’s very complicated. I had to read it three times to understand it. People don’t really talk this way – this type of writing is extremely literary.

“It’s not to be supposed“ can be simplified to the more comprehensible modern expression “don’t imagine that… (Something happened)“. Or to put it another way, “it would be wrong to think this“. The speaker is saying that you might potentially imagine that something happened – but it didn’t.

To – take occasion – is an archaic way of saying “took the opportunity to do something“. In all my long life I think I’ve only heard two people use this archaic expression in real life – it is almost entirely confined to books these days.

Refer simply means “to talk about something“

The speaker has used – when provoked – as an interjection to say that the person was provoked, induced to do something. In this case, beating his friend.

All of this put together makes extremely complicated sentence which, to be honest, doesn’t make a lot of sense. The speaker is saying that at certain times, it would be wrong to think that the subject of the sentence would have spoken about being beaten by his friend.

While the construction of the sentence is technically correct, it’s completely ridiculous to say such a simple thing in such a complicated way. It’s definitely useful to understand things like this, but using such constructions in real life is basically the opposite of communication. Unnecessarily confusing.

Beispielsätze die "Sentence" benutzen

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Andere Fragen zu "Sentence"

Q: ‎Are these sentences below natural?
I want to write in a relatively literary style.
If there are any large grammatical mistakes or unnatural parts, please correct and if you could, please tell me the reason as well.

In addition, since the bright side of music, such as "music brings us joy" "music brings us laughter" are described in the answer B, answer B goes against the meaning of "pessimistic", which means "we can't have any hope against something or someone".

On the other hand, any of the bright sides of music are not described in the answer A, and the pessimistic points of music are descreibed overall, so the answer A requires the demand of "write a 6 lines of pessimistic poem about music".

A: Additionally, since the bright side of music, such as "music brings us joy" and "music brings us laughter", is described in answer B, answer B goes against the meaning of "pessimistic", which means "we can't have any hope against something or someone."

On the other hand, none of the bright sides of music are described in answer A, and the pessimistic points of music are described overall, so answer A demands for the writing of a 6-line pessimistic poem about music.


In addition -> Additionally
I usually don't say "In addition" unless something follows it. For example, "In addition to my previous comments..."

"music brings us laughter" -> music brings us laughter",
You just missed a comma here. Technically, the rules state commas should go on the inside, but I have my personal preferences and just put it on the outside if it's not a complete sentence.

"music brings us laughter", are -> music brings us laughter", is
The subject is "the bright side of music". It is singular, so use "is" instead of "are". The two examples are just examples -- not the actual subject.

the answer A/B -> answer A/B
In English, we say "the answer" when by itself, but just "answer B" when talking about a specific answer.

any of the bright sides of music are not -> none of the bright sides are
"any... not" sounds strange. Just use "none".

answer A requires the demand of "write a 6 lines of pessimistic poem about music". -> answer A demands for the writing of a 6-line pessimistic poem about music.
I honestly don't know what you were trying to say here, so I had to change a large amount of the sentence. That being said, I don't know if I changed it to something that you meant to say.

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