I call this shot “back to the drawing board”. This is my recently completed #Custom #DeeBeeCaster®. I had originally wired it like a modern #American #Standard #Telecaster, basically because I removed (i.e. “stole”) the entire wiring #harness on my...

I call this shot “back to the drawing board”. This is my recently completed #Custom #DeeBeeCaster®. I had originally wired it like a modern #American #Standard #Telecaster, basically because I removed (i.e. “stole”) the entire wiring #harness on my #fiesta #red Am Std. Then I decided to remove the purloined harness and replace it with a completely new harness which I then wired like the one I just removed…or so I thought… Until I realized that I somehow left the #tone knob out of the mix! So I have scrapped that attempt and am starting all over again from scratch using a wiring #diagram for a ‘66 #Tele I found in Dan #Erlewine’s book about guitar #repair. Wish me luck… :D

repair tone telecaster fiesta standard diagram american harness tele deebeecaster erlewine custom red

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  4. thoughtsideasandrandombullshit said: Love that book!!
  5. chip46 said: We believe in you DB :)
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