User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-tr-f
fable {n} (fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept) | :: fabl, öykünce |
fabric {n} (material made of fibers) | :: kumaş |
fabric softener {n} (a chemical agent used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer) | :: yumuşatıcı |
fabulous {adj} (very good; wonderful) | :: şahane |
facade {n} (face of a building) | :: cephe |
face {v} (to face) SEE: look | :: |
face {v} | :: yüz |
face {n} (typography: typeface) SEE: typeface | :: |
face {n} (computing: interface) SEE: interface | :: |
face {n} (one's complete facial cosmetic application) SEE: makeup | :: |
face {n} (front part of head) | :: yüz, çehre |
Facebook {prop} (social-networking website) | |
face to face {adv} (in person) | :: yüz yüze |
face-to-face {adv} (face to face) SEE: face to face | :: |
facilitate {v} (to make easy or easier) | :: kolaylaştırmak |
facsimile {v} (fax) SEE: fax | :: |
fact {n} | :: olgu |
factor {n} (integral part) | :: etken, faktör |
factor {n} (mathematical sense) | :: çarpan |
factorable {adj} (capable of being factored) | :: çarpanlarına ayrılabilir |
factorial {n} (mathematical operation or its result) | :: faktöriyel |
factorial prime {n} (prime number one more or less than a factorial) | :: faktöriyel asal |
factory {n} (manufacturing place) | :: fabrika, tesis |
factory method pattern {n} | :: fabrika tasarım örüntüsü |
facultative {adj} (of or relating to faculty) | :: kabiliyetli, yetenekli |
facultative {adj} (not obligate; optional) | :: ihtiyarî, istemli, seçmeli |
facultative {adj} (granting permission) | :: isteğe bağlı, istemli |
faculty {n} (division of a university) | :: fakülte |
faculty {n} (ability, skill, or power) | :: yeti |
fad {n} (phenomenon) | :: moda, trend |
fag {n} (cigarette) | :: sigara, cigara |
fag {n} (homosexual man) | :: ibne, puşt, götveren, top |
fag-end {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt | :: |
faggot {n} (male homosexual) SEE: fag | :: |
faience {n} (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic) | :: çini, fayans |
failure {n} (state or condition opposite of success) | :: başarısızlık |
failure {n} (termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function) | :: arıza |
faint {n} (the act of fainting) | :: bayılma |
faint {n} (the state of one who has fainted) | :: baygınlık |
faint {v} (to lose consciousness) | :: bayılmak |
fair {adj} (pretty or attractive) | :: güzel |
fair {adj} (light in color or pale) | :: açık, beyaz tenli |
fair {adj} (just, equitable) | :: âdil, âdilâne, doğru, hakkaniyetli |
fair {adj} (adequate, reasonable, decent) | :: kayda değer, insaflı |
fair {n} (celebration) | :: festival |
fair {n} (professional event, trade fair) | :: fuar |
fair-haired {adj} (blond) SEE: blond | :: |
fairheaded {adj} (blond) SEE: blond | :: |
fairing {n} (aircraft fairing) | :: kaplama |
fair sex {n} (women) | :: dişiler {p}, kadınlar {p} |
fairy {n} (mythical being) | :: peri, irşi, tüngür |
fairy floss {n} (fairy floss) SEE: candy floss | :: |
fairy tale {n} (folktale) | :: peri masalı, masal |
fait accompli {n} (established fact) | :: emrivaki, oldubitti, olupbitti |
faith {n} (feeling that something is true) | :: inanç, îmân |
faith {n} (religious belief system) | :: inanç, iman, din |
faith {n} (obligation of loyalty or fidelity) | :: vefa |
faith {n} (confidence in the intentions or abilities) | :: itikat, güven |
faithful {adj} (loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause) | :: sadakatli, sadık, vefakar, vefakâr, vefalı |
faithful {adj} (having faith) | :: inançlı |
faithful {adj} (reliable; worthy of trust) | :: güvenilir |
faithful {adj} (consistent with reality) | :: sadık, gerçekçi |
faithfully {adv} (in a faithful manner) | :: bağlılıkla, doğrulukla, dürüstçe, güvenilir biçimde, içtenlikle, inançla, kati olarak, samimi olarak, şiddetle, tam olarak |
faith healer {n} (one who uses spiritual means in order to heal) | :: üfürükçü |
fajr {n} (dawn prayer) | :: sabah namazı |
fake {adj} (not real) | :: sahte, gastan |
fake {n} (something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently) | :: gastan |
fakir {n} (ascetic mendicant) | :: fakir |
falafel {n} (Middle Eastern food) | :: felafel, tamiya |
falcon {n} (bird of the genus Falco) | :: doğan, gökdoğan |
falconry {n} (sport of hunting by using trained birds of prey) | :: doğancılık |
Falkland Islands {prop} (overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic) | :: Falkland Adaları |
Falkland Islands wolf {n} (Dusicyon australis) | :: Falkland tilkisi |
fall {n} (season) SEE: autumn | :: |
fall {v} (move to a lower position under the effect of gravity) | :: düşmek |
fallacious {adj} (characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken) | :: yanlış, yanılgılı |
fallacious {adj} (deceptive or misleading) | :: aldatıcı, yanıltıcı |
fallacy {n} (deceptive or false appearance) | :: mantıksızlık, mugalata, yanlış, yanlış düşünce, yanlış inanış, yanılgı |
fallacy {n} (false argument) | :: yanılım, aldatı |
fall asleep {v} (to pass into sleep) | :: uyuya kalmak |
falling star {n} (shooting star) SEE: shooting star | :: |
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love) | :: âşık olmak |
Fallopian tube {n} (duct) | :: fallopi tüpü, fallop tüpü |
fallout {n} (event of airborne particles falling to the ground) | :: serpinti |
fallout {n} (particles that fall to the ground) | :: serpinti |
fallow deer {n} (Dama dama, a ruminant mammal) | :: alageyik |
false {adj} (untrue, not factual, wrong) | :: yanlış, yalan |
false {adj} (spurious, artificial) | :: yapay, sahte |
false {adj} (state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result) | :: yanlış |
false alarm {n} (warning sound that turns out to be erroneous) | :: yanlış alarm |
false croup {n} (croup) SEE: croup | :: |
false flag {v} (a deception tactic) | :: sahte bayrak |
false positive {n} (result of a test that shows as present something that is absent) | :: yanlış alarm |
falsifiability {n} (quality of being falsifiable) | :: yanlışlanabilirlik |
falsification {n} (the act of making false) | :: sahtecilik |
falter {v} (To stammer) SEE: stammer | :: |
Famagusta {prop} (a city in Cyprus) | :: Mağusa, Gazimağusa |
fame {n} (state of being famous) | :: ün, şan, şöhret |
familial {adj} (of or pertaining to a human family) | :: ailevî |
family {n} (immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children) | :: aile, ocak, kodak |
family {n} (group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom) | :: aile, kodak |
family {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species) | :: familya, aile |
family {n} (linguistics: a group of languages believed to have descended from the same ancestral language) | :: aile |
family {n} | :: aile, akraba |
family name {n} (surname) SEE: surname | :: |
family planning {n} (birth control, especially when carried out by monogamous heterosexual couples) | :: aile planlaması |
family tree {n} (family tree) | :: soyağacı, şecere |
famine {n} (extreme shortage of food in a region) | :: kıtlık, açlık, yokluk, darlık |
famine {n} (a period of extreme shortage of food in a region) | :: kıtlık, açlık |
famous {adj} (well known) | :: meşhur, ünlü |
famous {adj} (in the public eye) | :: meşhur, ünlü |
fan {n} (hand-held device) | :: yelpaze |
fan {n} (electrical device) | :: vantilatör |
fan {v} (to blow air on by means of a hand-held fan) | :: yelpazelemek |
fan {n} (admirer) | :: hayran, taraftar [of a sport] |
fanatic {adj} (fanatical) | :: bağnaz, fanatik |
fanatical {adj} (having an extreme, irrational zeal or enthusiasm) | :: bağnaz, fanatik |
fanaticism {n} (characteristic or practice of being a fanatic) | :: bağnazlık, fanatiklik, fanatizm |
fanny {n} (buttocks) SEE: ass | :: |
fanny {n} (vulva or vagina) SEE: pussy | :: |
fanny {n} (Sexual intercourse with a woman) SEE: pussy | :: |
fanslation {n} (unofficial translation of a media product) | :: amatör çeviri |
fansub {n} (subtitles translated by amateurs) | :: fansub |
Fantizi {prop} (Traditional Chinese) SEE: Traditional Chinese | :: |
FAQ {n} (acronym for Frequently Asked Questions) | :: SSS |
faqir {n} (fakir) SEE: fakir | :: |
far {adj} (remote in space) | :: uzak, ırak |
farad {n} (unit of capacitance) | :: farad |
fard {v} (to embellish or gloss over) SEE: embellish | :: |
fardingbag {n} (rumen) SEE: rumen | :: |
fare {n} (paying passenger) | :: yolcu |
Far East {prop} (East and Southeast Asia, see also: ) | :: Uzak Doğu |
farm {n} (a place where agricultural activities take place) | :: çiftlik |
farmer {n} (person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock) | :: ziraatçı, çiftçi, ekinci [dialectal] |
farming {n} (agriculture) SEE: agriculture | :: |
Faroe Islands {prop} (group of islands between Scotland and Iceland) | :: Faroe Adaları |
farrier {n} (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves) | :: nalbant |
Farsi {n} (Persian language) SEE: Persian | :: |
farsighted {adj} (unable to focus with one's eyes on near objects) | :: hipermetrop |
farsighted {adj} (considering the future with respect to one's own plans or deeds) | :: basiretli, ileri görüşlü, öngörülü |
farsightedness {n} (condition of being unable to focus on near objects) | :: hipermetropi |
fart {v} (to emit flatulent gases) | :: osurmak |
fart {n} (an emission of flatulent gases) | :: osuruk |
fascia {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard | :: |
fascism {n} (extreme totalitarian political regime) | :: faşizm |
fascism {n} | :: faşism, bindirmecilik, tepeden inmecilik, tepedencilik |
fascist {adj} (of or relating to fascism) | :: faşist |
fascist {adj} (supporting the principles of fascism) | :: faşist |
fascist {n} (proponent of fascism) | :: faşist |
fascistic {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist | :: |
fascistoid {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist | :: |
fashion {n} (current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons) | :: moda |
fashion {n} (style, or manner, in which to do something) | :: tarz |
fashion show {n} (event) | :: defile |
fast {adj} (moving or capable of moving with great speed) | :: hızlı |
fast {adv} (with great speed) | :: hızlı |
fast {v} (to abstain from food) | :: oruç tutmak |
fast {adj} (tenacious, retentive) SEE: tenacious | :: |
fast {n} (fasting) SEE: fasting | :: |
fast food {n} (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly) | :: hazır yiyecekler |
fastidious {adj} (overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness) | :: titiz |
fastidious {adj} (difficult to please) | :: güçbeğenir, müşkülpesent |
fasting {n} (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food) | :: oruç |
fasting {n} (period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food) | :: oruç |
fat {adj} (carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body) | :: şişman |
fat {n} (specialized animal tissue) | :: yağ |
fat {n} (refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat) | :: yağ |
Fatah {prop} (Fatah) | :: El Fetih |
fate {n} (that which predetermines events) | :: kader, kısmet, felek |
fat-free {adj} (not containing fat) | :: yağsız |
fatha {n} (in the Arabic script, the vowel point for "a") | :: fetha, üstün |
father {n} (male parent) | :: baba, ata |
fatherhood {n} (being a father) | :: babalık |
father-in-law {n} (one's spouse's father) | :: kaynata, kayınbaba, kayınpeder |
fatherland {n} (country of one's ancestry) | :: ana vatan |
fatherless {adj} (without a living father) | :: babasız, yetim |
fatherly {adj} (characteristic of what is considered the ideal behaviour pertaining to fatherhood) | :: pederane |
fatherly {adj} (characteristic of fathers, paternal) | :: pederane |
Father of Lies {prop} (Satan) | :: yalanın babasıdır |
Father's Day {n} (holiday in celebration of fatherhood) | :: Babalar Günü |
fathom {n} (unit of length) | :: kulaç |
fatigue {n} (weariness) | :: bitkinlik |
Fatima {prop} (daughter of Muhammad) | :: Fatıma |
Fatima {prop} (female given name) | :: Fatma, Fadime |
fatless {adj} (without fat) | :: yağsız |
fatso {n} (an overweight person) | :: şişko |
fattouch {n} (an Arabic salad) | :: fettuş |
fatwa {n} (legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti) | :: fetva |
faucet {n} (tap) SEE: tap | :: |
fault {n} (defect) | :: yanlış |
fault {n} (mistake or error) | :: hata |
fault tolerance {n} | :: arızaya dayanıklılık |
fava bean {n} (Vicia faba) SEE: broad bean | :: |
fave {adj} (favorite (informal)) | :: seçilmis |
favor {n} (deed in which help is voluntarily provided) | :: iyilik |
favour {n} (favor) SEE: favor | :: |
favour {v} (favor) SEE: favor | :: |
favourite {adj} (preferred) | :: en sevdiği, gözde |
favourite {n} (person who enjoys special regard or favour) | :: gözde |
favourite {n} (contestant or competitor thought most likely to win) | :: gözde |
favouritism {n} (unfair favouring) | :: adam kayırmacılık |
fax {n} (document transmitted by telephone) | :: faks |
fear {n} (uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat) | :: korku |
fear {n} | :: korku |
fear {v} (feel fear about (something)) | :: korkmak, ürkmek |
fearful {adj} (frightening) | :: korkulu |
fearless {adj} (free from fear) | :: korkusuz, yılmaz |
feasibility {n} (state of being feasible) | :: fizibilite, yapılabilirlik, olabilirlik, uygulanabilirlik |
feasible {adj} (that can be done in practice) | :: kılgın, mümkün, olası, yapılabilir |
feast {n} (large, often ceremonial meal) | :: şölen, ziyafet |
feather {n} (branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds) | :: tüy |
featherless {adj} (having no feathers) | :: tüysüz |
feature {n} (important or main item) | :: vasıf |
feature {n} (long, prominent article or item in the media) | :: özel makale |
feature {n} (one of the physical constituents of the face) | :: hususiyet [obsolescent], özellik, yüz hattı |
feature {n} (computing: beneficial capability of a piece of software) | :: hususiyet [obsolescent], özellik |
feature {v} (ascribe the greatest importance) | :: özellik taşımak |
feature {v} (to star, to contain) | :: baş rôlde oynamak |
featured {adj} (displayed with special treatment) | :: incelemeli, özellikli, vasıflı |
February {prop} (second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars) | :: şubat, gücük, küçük ay |
feces {n} | :: bok, fışkı, dışkı, kaka, pislik |
fecund {adj} (highly fertile; able to produce offspring) | :: doğurgan, mahsuldar, verimli, feyyaz, gür, bitek |
fecund {adj} (leading to new ideas or innovation) | :: üretken |
Federal Communications Commission {prop} (US wireless regulatory authority) | :: Federal İletişim Kurulu |
federal government {n} (general term for a federal government) | :: federal hükûmet |
Federal Republic of Germany {prop} (Germany's official name) | :: Almanya Federal Cumhuriyeti |
federate {v} | :: birleştirmek |
federation {n} (array of nations or states) | :: federasyon, ittifak |
fee {n} (monetary payment charged for professional services) | :: harç, ücret |
feeble {adj} (deficient in physical strength) | :: bitap, dermansız, hâlsiz, güçsüz, |
feeble {adj} (wanting force, vigor or efficiency in action or expression) | :: dayanıksız, mukavemetsiz [obsolescent], zayıf |
feed {v} (to give food to eat) | :: beslemek |
feed {v} (to eat, see also: eat) | :: beslenmek |
feed {n} (food given to (especially herbivorous) animals) | :: yem |
feedback {n} (critical assessment of process or activity) | :: geri bildirim |
feedback {n} (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself) | :: geri besleme |
feel {v} (transitive: to sense by touch) | :: hissetmek |
feel {v} (transitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state about) | :: hissetmek, duymak |
feel {v} | :: hissetmek |
feeling {adj} (emotionally sensitive) | :: duygusal, duyarlı, hassas |
feeling {n} (sensation) | :: duygu, hissetme |
feeling {n} (emotion) | :: duygu, his |
Fehling's solution {n} (an alkaline solution) | :: Fehling çözeltisi |
feijoa {n} (shrub) | :: feijoa |
feldspar {n} (any of a large group of rock-forming minerals) | :: feldspat |
felicitate {v} (congratulate) SEE: congratulate | :: |
felicitation {n} (congratulation) SEE: congratulation | :: |
felicity {n} (happiness) SEE: happiness | :: |
feline {n} (cat) SEE: cat | :: |
fellatio {n} (oral stimulation of penis) | :: fellatio |
feller {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack | :: |
fellow traveller {n} (one who travels together with another) | :: yol arkadaşı |
felt {n} (cloth made of matted fibres of wool) | :: aba, keçe, kiyiz [dialect] |
felt {n} (hat made of felt) | :: fötr |
felucca {n} (sailing boat) | :: filika |
female {adj} (belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it) | :: dişi |
female {adj} (having an internal socket) | :: dişi |
female {n} (one of the feminine sex or gender) | :: dişi, bayan |
female circumcision {n} (operation involving removal of any of various parts of the female external genital organs) | :: sünnet, kadın sünneti |
female ejaculation {n} (forceful expulsion of fluids from the vagina) | :: kadınlarda boşalma |
feminazi {n} (intolerant radical feminist) | :: feminazici, feminaziciler {p} |
feminine {adj} (of the female sex) | :: dişil |
feminine {adj} (having the qualities associated with women) | :: kadınsı |
feminine {adj} (of the feminine grammatical gender distinction) | :: dişil |
feminine {n} (woman) SEE: woman | :: |
feminism {n} (the social theory or political movement) | :: feminizm |
feminist {n} (advocate of feminism; person who believes in bringing about the equality of men and women) | :: feminist, hatuncu |
feminist {n} (member of a feminist political movement) | :: feminist |
feministic {adj} (feminist) SEE: feminist | :: |
fence {n} (barrier) | :: çit, duvar, çeper |
fencing {n} (fences used as barriers or an enclosure) | :: çit, parmaklık |
fennel {n} (Foeniculum vulgare, the plant) | :: rezene |
fennel {n} (spice used in cooking) | :: rezene |
fenugreek {n} (plant and vegetable) | :: çemenotu |
Feodosia {prop} (port and resort city) | :: Feodosya, Feodosiya |
Feodosiya {prop} (resort city in Crimea) SEE: Feodosia | :: |
fermion {n} (particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states) | :: fermiyon |
fermium {n} (chemical element) | :: fermiyum |
fern {n} (plant) | :: eğrelti otu |
ferret {n} (the mammal Mustela putorius furo) | :: yaban, dağ gelinciği |
Ferris wheel {n} (ride at a fair consisting of large wheel) | :: dönme dolap |
ferry {n} (boat) | :: araba vapuru |
ferryboat {n} (boat) | :: araba vapuru |
ferryman {n} (Charon) SEE: Charon | :: |
fertile {adj} ((of land etc) capable of growing abundant crops) | :: verimli, bitek, mahsuldar, feyyaz, gür |
fertile {adj} ((biology) capable of reproducing) | :: doğurgan, üretken |
fertile {adj} ((of an imagination etc) productive or prolific) | :: üretken |
fertile {adj} | :: bereketli, verimli |
Fertile Crescent {prop} (crescent-shaped arc of fertile land) | :: Bereketli Hilal |
fertility {n} (the condition, or the degree of being fertile) | :: doğurganlık |
fertility {n} (the birthrate of a population) | :: doğum oranı |
fertilize {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate | :: |
fertilizer {n} (a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants) | :: gübre, kön |
fertilizer {n} (a chemical compound created to have the same effect.) | :: yapay gübre, suni gübre |
fervent {adj} (exhibiting particular enthusiasm, zeal, conviction, persistence, or belief) | :: tutkun |
fervent {adj} (having or showing emotional warmth, fervor, or passion) | :: tutkun |
fervent {adj} (glowing, burning, very hot) | :: hararetli, ateşli |
fervor {n} (intense, heated emotion; passion, ardor) | :: tutku |
fervor {n} (passionate enthusiasm for some cause) | :: tutku |
fervor {n} (heat) | :: hararet |
fervour {n} (fervor) SEE: fervor | :: |
fess up {v} (confess) SEE: confess | :: |
fester {v} (become septic or rotten) | :: cerahatlenmek |
festival {n} (event or community gathering) | :: festival, şenlik, bayram |
fetish {n} (something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire) | :: fetiş |
fetish {n} (something believed to possess spiritual or magical powers) | :: fetiş |
fetlock {n} (joint of the horse's leg) | :: kestanecik |
fetter {n} (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs) | :: pranga, köstek |
fetter {n} (anything that restricts or restrains in any way) | :: köstek |
fetter {v} (to shackle or bind up with fetters) | :: pranga vurmak, kösteklemek |
fetter {v} (to restrain or impede) | :: pranga vurmak, kösteklemek |
fetus {n} (fetus) | :: fetus, cenin |
feudalism {n} (social system) | :: feodalizm, feodalite, derebeylik |
few {determiner} (indefinite, usually small number) | :: az |
few {determiner} (small number) | :: az |
Feynman diagram {n} (pictorial representation of the interactions of subatomic particles) | :: Feynman diyagramı |
fez {n} (type of hat) | :: fes |
Fez {prop} (city in Morocco) | :: Fas |
Fezzan {prop} (region of Libya) | :: Fizan |
ff. {phrase} (and the following) | :: vd. {p} |
fiancé {n} (man who is engaged to be married) | :: nişanlı |
fiancée {n} (woman who is engaged to be married) | :: nişanlı |
fiasco {n} (ludicrous or humiliating situation) | :: fiyasko |
fiat lux {phrase} (let there be light) SEE: let there be light | :: |
fiber {n} (fibre) SEE: fibre | :: |
fiberglass {n} (fibreglass) SEE: fibreglass | :: |
Fibonacci {prop} (surname) | :: Fibonacci |
Fibonacci number {n} (number) | :: Fibonacci sayısı |
Fibonacci sequence {n} (sequence of numbers) | :: Fibonacci dizisi |
fibre {n} (single elongated piece of material) | :: lif |
fibreglass {n} (composite material) | :: fiberglas |
fibrinogen {n} (protein that in humans plays a part in the forming of clots) | :: fibrinojen |
fichu {n} (woman's lightweight triangular scarf) | :: fişü |
fickleness {n} (quality of being fickle) | :: keleklik |
fiction {n} (literary type) | :: kurgu |
fiction {n} (invention) | :: kurgu |
fiddlefuck {v} (waste time) SEE: waste time | :: |
fidelity {n} (faithfulness to one's duties) | :: sadakat |
fidelity {n} (loyalty, especially to one's spouse) | :: sadık |
fiducial {adj} (accepted as a fixed basis of reference) | :: [physics] miyar birimi türünden, [physics] ölçü birimi türünden |
fiducial {adj} (based on having trust) | :: güvenen, itimat eden |
fief {n} (estate) | :: yurtluk |
field {n} (land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country) | :: alan, tarla, saha |
field maple {n} (Acer campestre) | :: ova akçaağacı |
fierce {adj} (extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage) | :: vahşi, sert, azılı, azgın |
fierce {adj} (resolute or strenuously active) | :: hararetli |
fierce {adj} (threatening in appearance or demeanor) | :: vahşi, sert |
fiery {adj} (of, or relating to fire) | :: ateşli |
fifteen {num} (cardinal number) | :: on beş |
fifteenth {adj} (ordinal form of number fifteen, see also: 15th) | :: on beşinci |
fifteenth {n} (person or thing in the fifteenth position) | :: on beşinci |
fifth {adj} (Ordinal form of the number 5, see also: 5th) | :: beşinci |
fifth {n} (person or thing in the fifth position) | :: beşinci |
fiftieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number fifty) | :: ellinci |
fiftieth {n} (the person or thing in the fiftieth position) | :: ellinci |
fifty {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli |
fifty-eight {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli sekiz |
fifty-eighth {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli sekizinci |
fifty-fifth {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli beşinci |
fifty-first {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli birinci |
fifty-five {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli beş |
fifty-four {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli dört |
fifty-fourth {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli dördüncü (abbreviations 54'üncü, 54.) |
fifty-nine {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli dokuz |
fifty-ninth {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli dokuzuncu |
fifty-one {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli bir |
fifty-second {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli ikinci |
fifty-seven {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli yedi |
fifty-seventh {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli yedinci |
fifty-six {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli altı |
fifty-sixth {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli altıncı |
fifty-third {adj} (ordinal number) | :: elli üçüncü |
fifty-three {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli üç |
fifty-two {num} (cardinal number) | :: elli iki |
fig {n} (tree or shrub) | :: incir |
fig {n} (fruit) | :: incir |
fight {v} ((intransitive) to contend in physical conflict) | :: savaşmak, dövüşmek |
fight {n} (battle) | :: savaş |
fight {n} (physical confrontation) | :: dövüş |
fighter {n} (person who fights) | :: dövüşçü |
fighter {n} (warrior) | :: savaşçı |
fighter {n} (boxer) SEE: boxer | :: |
fighter aircraft {n} (fighter aircraft) SEE: fighter plane | :: |
fighter plane {n} (military aircraft) | :: avcı uçağı |
fight fire with fire {v} (idiomatic) | :: ateşe ateşle karşılık vermek |
fig tree {n} (fig tree) SEE: fig | :: |
figurative {adj} (metaphorical; not literal) | :: mecazi |
figure {n} (drawing) | :: şekil |
figure {v} (to calculate, to solve a mathematical problem) | :: çözmek |
figure out {v} (to calculate) SEE: calculate | :: |
Fiji {prop} (Fiji - a country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands) | :: Fiji |
filbert {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel | :: |
filbert {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut | :: |
file {n} (collection of papers) | :: dosya |
file {n} (computer terminology) | :: dosya |
file {v} (to commit papers) | :: başvuru yapmak, müracaat etmek |
file {v} (to archive) | :: arşivlemek |
file {v} (to store computer data) | :: saklamak |
file {v} (to make a formal request) | :: başvurmak, müracaat etmek, talep etmek |
file {n} (cutting or smoothing tool) | :: eğe, törpü |
filename {n} (name assigned to a file) | :: dosya adı/ismi |
filetype {n} (identifier) | :: dosya tipi, dosya türü |
filigree {n} (a delicate and intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire) | :: telkârî |
filling station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station | :: |
fillip {n} (brief period of time) SEE: jiffy | :: |
fillip {v} (to strike or tap smartly) SEE: strike | :: |
fillip {n} (action of holding the tip of a finger against the thumb and then releasing it with a snap) | :: parmak şıklatması |
fillip {v} (to drive as if by a fillip) SEE: excite | :: |
film {n} (motion picture) SEE: movie | :: |
film {n} (photographic film) | :: film, yanka |
film {v} (to record a motion picture) | :: film çekmek |
film director {n} (person) | :: film yönetmeni |
filter {n} (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance) | :: filtre |
filterable {adj} (able to be separated by filtration) | :: filtrelenebilir |
filth {n} (dirt) | :: pislik, kir |
filthiness {n} (dirtiness) SEE: dirtiness | :: |
filthy {adj} (covered with filth; very dirty) | :: pis, kirli |
filthy {adj} (obscene or offensive) | :: müstehcen, açık saçık, ayıp |
fin {n} (appendage of a fish) | :: yüzgeç |
fin {n} (appendage of a cetacean or other marine animal) | :: yüzgeç |
Finagle's law {prop} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law | :: |
final class {n} | :: final sınıf |
final whistle {n} (blow of the whistle signifying the end of the match) | :: bitiş düdüğü, son düdük |
finance {n} (management of money and other assets) | :: maliye, finans |
finance {n} (science of management of money and other assets) | :: maliye |
finance {v} (to obtain or provide funding for a transaction or undertaking) | :: akçelemek, finanse etmek |
finch {n} (any bird of the family Fringillidae) | :: Modern Turkish: ispinoz |
find {v} (encounter, locate, discover) | :: bulmak |
find {v} (discover) SEE: discover | :: |
find fault {v} (criticize excessively) | :: hata bulmak |
find out {v} (to discover) | :: anlamak, ortaya çıkarmak |
fine {n} (payment for breaking the law) | :: cerime, ceza |
fine arts {n} (purely aesthetic arts) | :: güzel sanatlar {p} |
fine-grained {adj} (Consisting of fine particles) | :: ince taneli |
fine-grained {adj} (Having a fine, smooth texture) | :: ince taneli |
fine-grained {adj} (figurative: detailed) | :: ayrıntılı, detaylı |
finger {v} (to identify or point out) | :: işaret etmek |
finger {v} (to poke) | :: parmak atmak |
finger {n} (the breadth of a finger) SEE: digit | :: |
finger {n} ((anatomy) extremity of the hand) | :: parmak |
fingering {n} (playing a musical instrument) | :: tıngırdatma [of stringed instruments] |
fingering {n} (sexual act) | :: parmaklama |
fingerless {adj} (having no fingers) | :: parmaksız |
fingernail {n} (covering near the tip of finger) | :: tırnak |
fingerprint {n} (the pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers) | :: parmak izi |
fingerprint {n} (the patterns left on surfaces where fingertips have touched) | :: parmak izi |
fingerprint {n} | :: Parmak Izi |
finish {n} (end) | :: bitiş |
finish {v} (to complete) | :: bitirmek |
finish {v} (to come to an end) | :: bitmek |
finishing move {n} (final blow) | :: son darbe, öldürücü darbe |
finishing touch {n} (final addition, change, or embellishment) | :: son dokunuş(lar) {s} {p} |
finish off {v} (to kill) SEE: kill | :: |
Finland {prop} (Nordic country) | :: Finlandiya |
Finn {n} (person from Finland) | :: Fin, Finlandiyalı |
Finnic {adj} (Finnish) SEE: Finnish | :: |
Finnish {adj} (of Finland) | :: Fin |
Finnish {adj} (of the Finnish language) | :: Fince |
Finnish {n} (language) | :: Fince |
Finno-Ugric {prop} (non-Indo-European group of languages) | :: Fin Ugor |
fiqh {n} (Jurisprudence in the Islamic law) | :: fıkıh |
fir {n} (conifer of the genus Abies) | :: göknar |
fire {v} (intransitive: to shoot) | :: ateş etmek |
fire {n} (oxidation reaction) | :: ateş, od |
fire {n} (damaging occurrence of fire) | :: yangın |
fire {n} (heater or stove used in place of real fire) | :: ocak |
firearm {n} (personal weapon) | :: ateşli silah |
fire brigade {n} (group within a corporation or industrial site) | :: itfaiye |
fire brigade {n} (organization for preventing and putting out fires) | :: itfaiye |
firecracker {n} (a firework) | :: havai fişek |
fire department {n} (fire department) | :: itfaiye |
fire escape {n} (emergency doors, ladders etc. as a class) | :: yangın çıkışı |
fire escape {n} (emergency escape route) | :: yangın çıkışı |
fire extinguisher {n} (device for putting out a fire) | :: söndürücü, yangın söndürücü |
firefighter {n} (person who puts out fires) | :: itfaiyeci |
firefly {n} (Lampyridae) | :: ateş böceği |
fire hydrant {n} (a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main) | :: yangın musluğu |
fireman {n} (someone skilled in fighting fire) SEE: firefighter | :: |
fireplace {n} (open hearth) | :: şömine |
fireside {n} | :: ocakbaşı, şömine kenarı |
fire stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape | :: |
firewall {n} (computer software) | :: güvenlik duvarı, ateş duvarı |
firewood {n} (wood intended to be burned, typically for heat) | :: odun |
firework {n} (exploding device) | :: havai fişek |
fireworks {n} (plural of firework) | :: donanma fişekleri |
fire-worshipper {n} (one who reveres fire) | :: ateşperest |
firing squad {n} (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone or to discharge weapons ceremonially) | :: idam mangası |
firmament {n} (vault of the heavens, see also: heavens; sky) | :: felek, gökyüzü |
firmware {n} (firmware) | :: donanım yazılımı, bellenim |
first {adj} (numeral first, see also: 1st) | :: birinci, evvel [obsolescent], ilk |
first {adv} (before anything else) | :: ilk, önce, başta |
first {n} (person or thing in the first position) | :: birinci, ilk |
first {n} (new occurrence) | :: ilk, başlangıç |
first aid {n} (basic care) | :: ilkyardım |
firstborn {n} (the first child in a family) | :: ilkdoğan |
first class {adj} (belonging to the best group in a system of classification) | :: birinci sınıf |
first class {adj} (relating to the most luxurious class of accommodation) | :: birinci sınıf |
first class {adj} (programming: relating to a treatment like a first-class citizen) | :: birinci sınıf |
first-class object {n} | :: birinci sınıf nesne |
first cousin {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin | :: |
first floor {n} (floor at the level of the street) | :: zemin kat |
first floor {n} (floor above the ground floor) | :: birinci kat |
first lieutenant {n} (rank in the United States) | :: üsteğmen |
first light {n} (dawn) SEE: dawn | :: |
first love {n} (one's first feeling of romantic love) | :: ilk aşk |
firstly {adv} (In the first place) | :: ilk, önce |
first name {n} (name chosen by parents) | :: küçük ad, ön ad |
First World War {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I | :: |
fiscal {n} (solicitor) SEE: solicitor | :: |
fish {v} (intransitive: to try to catch fish) | :: balık yakalamak |
fish {n} (vertebrate animal) | :: balık |
fish {n} (collective plural of fish) | :: balıklar {p} |
fish {n} (flesh of fish as food) | :: balık |
fishbone {n} (bone of a fish) | :: kılçık |
fish bowl {n} (bowl in which fish are kept) | :: fanus |
fisher {n} (person who fishes) | :: balıkçı |
fisher cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher | :: |
fisherman {n} (person catching fish) | :: balıkçı |
fisherwoman {n} (woman catching fish) | :: balıkçı |
fishery {n} (fishing) | :: balıkçılık |
fishery {n} (fishing company) | :: balıkçılık |
fish food {n} (food for fish) | :: balık yemi |
fishing {n} (act or sport of catching fish) | :: balıkçılık |
fishing cat {n} (Prionailurus viverrinus) | :: balıkçı kedi |
fishing ground {n} (area of water used for fishing) | :: balıklava |
fishing pole {n} (pole used for fishing) | :: olta |
fishing rod {n} (rod used for angling) | :: olta |
fishmonger {n} (person who sells fish) | :: balıkçı |
fishmonger {n} (fishmonger's) SEE: fishmonger's | :: |
fishmonger's {n} (shop that sells fish) | :: balık pazarı |
fish slice {n} (kitchen utensil) SEE: spatula | :: |
fist {n} (clenched hand) | :: yumruk |
fistfight {n} (a fight using bare fists) | :: yumrukla dövüş |
fistula {n} (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels) | :: fistül, akarca |
fit {v} (to conform to in size and shape) | :: uymak |
fit {v} (to tailor) | :: uydurmak |
fit {v} (to have right size and cut, as of clothing) | :: uymak |
fit {v} (make ready) SEE: prepare | :: |
five {num} (cardinal number) | :: beş |
five hundred {num} (cardinal number 500) | :: beş yüz |
fivescore {n} (hundred) SEE: hundred | :: |
five thousand {num} (5000) | :: beş bin |
fix {v} (to mend or repair) | :: tamir etmek |
fixed {adj} (not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same) | :: sabit, değişmez |
fixed {adj} (stationary) SEE: stationary | :: |
fixed point {adj} (in computing) | :: sabit noktalı |
fizz {n} (carbonated beverage) SEE: soda | :: |
fizzy drink {n} (fizzy drink) SEE: soda | :: |
flag {n} (piece of cloth or often its representation) | :: bayrak, sancak |
flag-bearer {n} (one who carries a flag) | :: bayraktar |
flagellum {n} (whip) SEE: whip | :: |
flagpole {n} (pole for flags) | :: bayrak direği |
flagrant {adj} (obvious and offensive) | :: meşhut |
flagstaff {n} (flagpole) SEE: flagpole | :: |
flail {n} (weapon) | :: gürz |
flake {n} (thin chiplike layer) | :: pul |
flamboyant {n} (tree) | :: ateş ağacı |
flame {n} (visible part of fire) | :: alev |
flame {n} (colour) | :: ateş kırmızısı |
flamenco {n} (a genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain) | :: flamenko |
flamethrower {n} (device that projects a flame) | :: alev makinesi |
flamingo {n} (bird) | :: flamingo |
Flanders {prop} | :: Flaman Ovası |
flange {n} (slang:vulva) SEE: vulva | :: |
flapjack {n} (pancake) SEE: pancake | :: |
flapjack {n} (oat bar) | :: yulaf macunu |
flare {n} (source of brightly burning light or intense heat) | :: işaret ışığı |
flare-up {n} (outbreak, outburst or eruption) | :: ânî alevlenme, ânî öfke; [law] hiddet, patlama; parlayıverme, tutuşma |
flash-ball {n} (rubber-projectiles fired) SEE: rubber bullet | :: |
flash drive {n} (storage device) | :: bellek aygıtı, flash disk, flaş sürücüsü, hafıza ünitesi, USB bellek, USB çubuk |
flashlight {n} (battery-powered hand-held light source) | :: fener, el feneri |
flat {n} (palm of the hand) SEE: palm | :: |
flat {adj} (having no variations in altitude) | :: düz |
flat {n} (apartment) SEE: apartment | :: |
flaunt {v} (to display with ostentation) | :: bir (şeyle) hava atmak, (bir şeyi) teşhir etmek |
flavor {n} (the quality produced by the sensation of taste) | :: çeşni |
flavorless {adj} (lacking taste or flavor) | :: tatsız, lezzetsiz, sası |
flavorsome {adj} (full of flavour) | :: çeşnili |
flaw {n} (crack or breach) | :: çatlak, çizik |
flaw {n} (defect, fault) | :: hata, kusur |
flawed {adj} (having a flaw) | :: kusurlu |
flawless {adj} (without flaws, see also: perfect) | :: kusursuz |
flawlessly {adv} (in a flawless manner) | :: kusursuzca |
flax {n} (plant) | :: keten |
flay {v} (to strip skin off) | :: yüzmek |
flea {n} (parasitic insect) | :: pire |
flea market {n} (an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios) | :: bitpazarı |
fleck {n} (lock) SEE: lock | :: |
fleck {n} (flake) SEE: flake | :: |
flee {v} (to run away; to escape) | :: kaçmak |
fleet {n} (group of vessels or vehicles) | :: filo, donanma |
Flemish {prop} (the Dutch language as it is spoken in Flanders) | :: flamandaca |
flex {n} (flexibility) | :: esneklik |
flexibility {n} (quality of being flexible) | :: esneklik, elastikiyet |
flexible {adj} (easily bent without breaking) | :: esneklik |
flexible {adj} (easy and compliant) | :: elastik |
flick {n} (film) SEE: film | :: |
flick {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
flight {n} (act of flying) | :: uçma, uçuş, uçuş |
flight {n} (journey made by an aircraft) | :: uçuş |
flight code {n} (flight number) SEE: flight number | :: |
flight deck {n} (aircraft cockpit) SEE: cockpit | :: |
flight number {n} (callsign) | :: uçuş numarası |
flip-flop {n} (footwear) SEE: thong | :: |
flip off {v} (to make a rude or obscene gesture) | :: hareket çekmek |
flipper {n} (kitchen spatula) SEE: spatula | :: |
flirt {n} (one who flirts) | :: flört, koket {f}, yosma {f}, çapkın {m} |
flirt {n} (act of flirting) | :: flört, oynaş, yazma [slang] |
flirt {v} (to play at courtship) | :: çıkmak, oynaşmak, flört etmek, sevişmek [obsolete sense], yazmak [slang], yazışmak [slang] |
flittermouse {n} (bat) SEE: bat | :: |
flock {n} (group of birds) | :: sürü |
flock {n} (group of sheep or goats) | :: sürü, davar |
flock {n} (group of people) | :: sürü [colloquial] |
flock {n} | :: sürü taboo |
flog {v} (to sell) SEE: sell | :: |
flog {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat | :: |
flog {v} (to steal) SEE: steal | :: |
flood {n} (overflow of water) | :: sel, taşkın |
floof {v} (fluff) SEE: fluff | :: |
floor {n} (bottom part of a room) | :: zemin, yer |
floor {n} (lower inside surface of a hollow space) | :: taban |
floor {n} (storey of a building) SEE: storey | :: |
floor {n} (dance floor) SEE: dance floor | :: |
floppy disk {n} (flexible disk used for storing digital data) | :: disket |
Florence {prop} (city in Tuscany, Italy) | :: Floransa |
floriculture {n} (the farming of flowers) | :: çiçekçilik |
Florida {prop} (US state) | :: Florida |
Floridian {n} (an inhabitant or a resident of the state of Florida) | :: Floridalı |
Florina {prop} (city in Greece) | :: Florina |
florist {n} (a person who sells flowers) | :: çiçekçi |
floristry {n} (production, commerce and trade in flowers) | :: çiçekçilik |
florist's {n} (a shop that sells flowers) | :: çiçekçi |
flour {n} (ground cereal grains or other foodstuff) | :: un |
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: run | :: |
flow {n} (the movement of a fluid) | :: akış |
flow {n} (the rising movement of the tide) | :: met |
flow {v} (to move as a fluid) | :: akmak |
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: stream | :: |
flow chart {n} (schematic representation of a process) | :: akış diagramı, akış şeması |
flower {n} (reproductive structure in angiosperms) | :: çiçek |
flower {v} (to put forth blooms) | :: çiçeklenmek |
flowerbed {n} (place where flowers are grown) | :: çiçeklik |
flower girl {n} (florist) SEE: florist | :: |
flowerpot {n} (container in which plants are grown) | :: saksı |
flu {n} (influenza) | :: grip |
fluency {n} (quality of smoothness of flow) | :: akıcılık |
fluency {n} (linguistics: being fluent in a language) | :: akıcılık |
fluent {adj} (able to speak a language accurately and confidently) | :: akıcı |
fluff {n} (light fur etc) | :: kabarık |
fluff {v} (to make fluffy) | :: kabartmak |
fluff {v} (to become fluffy) | :: kabarmak |
fluffy {adj} (covered with fluff) | :: tüylü |
fluffy {adj} (light; soft; airy) | :: pofuduk, yumuşacık |
fluffy {adj} (warm and comforting) | :: pofidik, pofuduk |
fluid {n} (any state of matter which can flow) | :: akışkan |
fluid {adj} (of or relating to fluid) | :: akışkan |
flukey {adj} (lucky) SEE: lucky | :: |
fluorine {n} (chemical element) | :: flor |
flush {adj} (smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out) | :: aynı düzeyde, bir hizâda, çıkıntısız, hem yüz |
flush {adj} (wealthy or well off) | :: paralı, varlıklı |
flush toilet {n} (toilet that uses water to remove waste) | :: tuvalet |
flute {n} (woodwind instrument) | :: zurna, sipsi, flüt, flavta |
flute {n} (architecture: vertical groove in a pillar) | :: oluk, yiv |
fluted {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
flux {n} (the rate of transfer of energy (electric flux, magnetic flux)) | :: akı |
fly {n} (insect of the order Diptera) | :: sinek |
fly {n} (insect of the family Muscidae) | :: sinek |
fly {n} (fishing lure) | :: sinek |
fly {v} (to travel through air) | :: [aircraft] gitmek, uçmak, kanatlanmak |
fly {v} (to flee) | :: kaçmak |
fly {v} (to cause to travel through the air) | :: (aircraft) gitmek, uçmak, (balloon) seyahat etmek |
fly {n} (act of flying) | :: uçuş |
fly {adj} (well dressed) | :: şık |
fly agaric {n} (Amanita muscaria) | :: sinek mantarı |
flyby {n} (flight past celestial object) | :: yanından geçme {m} |
flyby {n} (ceremonial low-level flight) | :: alçaktan uçuş |
flyer {n} (someone who pilots or rides in an airplane) | :: el ilanı, broşür |
flying {n} (flying (noun)) SEE: flight | :: |
Flying Dutchman {prop} (mythical ghost ship) | :: Uçan Hollandalı |
Flying Spaghetti Monster {prop} (spaghetti deity) | :: Uçan Spagetti Canavarı |
flyswatter {n} (device for swatting flies) | :: sineklik |
flywheel {n} (rotating mass) | :: volan |
foal {n} (young horse) | :: tay |
foam {n} (substance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains) | :: köpük |
foam rubber {n} (foam rubber) SEE: foam | :: |
foamy {adj} (full of foam) | :: köpüklü |
focus {n} (in optics) | :: odak |
focus {v} (transitive: to concentrate one's attention) | :: odaklanmak |
fodder {n} (food for animals) | :: yem |
foe {n} (enemy) SEE: enemy | :: |
foetus {n} (fetus) SEE: fetus | :: |
fog {n} (cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision) | :: sis, duman |
fog {n} (Scottish: moss) SEE: moss | :: |
fogginess {n} (being foggy) | :: sislilik |
foggy {adj} (obscured by mist or fog) | :: sisli |
foible {n} (a weakness or failing of character) | :: zaaf |
foie gras {n} (fattened liver of geese or ducks) | :: kaz ciğeri |
foil {n} (thin sheet of metal) | :: folyo |
fold {v} (bend (thin material) over) | :: katlamak |
fold {v} (make the proper arrangement (in a thin material) by bending) | :: bükmek, katlamak |
fold {n} (enclosure for domestic animals) | :: ağıl |
folder {n} (organizer) | :: klasör |
folder {n} (container of computer files) | :: klasör |
folder {n} (person who folds things) | :: katlamacı |
folklore {n} (tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population) | :: folklor |
folkloristics {n} (formal academic study of folklore) | :: halk bilimi |
follow {v} (to go or come after in physical space) | :: izlemek, takip etmek |
following {adj} (next in sequence or time) | :: ertesi |
following {adj} (to be specified) | :: müteakkip, sonraki |
fond {v} (be fond of, like) SEE: like | :: |
fontanelle {n} (soft spot on a baby's head) | :: fontanel |
food {n} (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life) | :: yiyecek, yemek, besin, aş, azık |
food additive {n} (non-food substance added to food) | :: gıda katkısı, gıda maddesi katkısı |
food chain {n} (feeding relationship between species) | :: besin zinciri |
food web {n} (diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in a particular ecosystem) | :: besin ağı, besin döngüsü |
fool {n} (person with poor judgement or little intelligence) | :: aptal, budala, salak, ahmak |
foolhardiness {n} (quality of being foolhardy) | :: çılgınlık |
foolhardy {adj} (marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger) | :: çılgınca, delidolu |
foolish {adj} (lacking good sense or judgement; unwise) | :: ahmak, akılsız, aptalca, enayice, sersem, angut |
fool's mate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) | :: aptal matı |
foot {n} (part of animal’s body) | :: ayak |
foot {n} (part of human body) | :: ayak |
foot-and-mouth disease {n} (foot-and-mouth disease) | :: şap, zoonoz, dabak [dialectal] |
football {n} (Association football) | :: ayak topu, futbol |
football {n} (ball) | :: futbol topu |
football {n} (US game) SEE: American football | :: |
footballer {n} (one who plays football) | :: futbolcu |
football pitch {n} (playing field on which the game of football is played) SEE: soccer field | :: |
football player {n} (footballer) SEE: footballer | :: |
footnote {n} (comment at the bottom of a printed page) | :: dipnot, haşiye |
footprint {n} (the impression of the foot) | :: ayak izi |
footprint {n} (space required by a piece of equipment) | :: kaplama alanı |
footprint {n} (surface space occupied by a structure) | :: kaplama alanı |
foot rot {n} (athlete's foot) SEE: athlete's foot | :: |
footstep {n} (mark left by a foot) | :: ayak izi |
footwear {n} (an item of clothing that is worn on the foot) | :: ayakkabılar {p} |
for {conj} (because) | :: için |
for {prep} (directed at, intended to belong to) | :: için |
for another thing {prep} ((to introduce an additional item)) | :: sonra |
forbid {v} (to disallow) | :: yasaklamak, yasak etmek |
forbidden {adj} (not allowed) | :: yasak, kadağa |
force {n} (anything that is able to make a big change in person or thing) | :: kuvvet |
force {n} (physical quantity) | :: kuvvet |
force {n} (group that aims to attack, control, or constrain) | :: zorlamak |
force {n} (waterfall) SEE: waterfall | :: |
Fordism {n} (Fordism) | :: fordizm |
forearm {n} (part of the arm) | :: önkol |
foreboding {n} (sense of evil to come) | :: malum olma, önsezi, sezi |
foreboding {n} (evil omen) | :: içine doğma, kötü his |
forebrain {n} (part of the brain) | :: ön beyin |
forefather {n} (ancestor) | :: ata |
forefinger {n} (first finger next to the thumb) | :: işaret parmağı |
forego {v} (precede) SEE: precede | :: |
forehead {n} (part of face above eyebrows) | :: alın |
foreign {n} (foreigner) SEE: foreigner | :: |
foreign {adj} (located outside one's own country or place) | :: yabancı |
foreign {adj} (originating from or characteristic of a different country) | :: yabancı |
foreign {adj} (belonging to a different organization) | :: yabancı |
foreign affairs {n} (policy) | :: dış ilişkiler |
foreign affairs {n} (department) | :: dış ilişkiler |
foreign currency {n} (currency used in a foreign country) | :: döviz |
foreigner {n} (person in a foreign land) | :: yabancı, ecnebi, çet elli |
foreign exchange {n} (foreign currency) SEE: foreign currency | :: |
foreign exchange {n} (exchange of currency from one country for currency from another country) | :: uluslararası döviz piyasası |
foreign key {n} (column referencing another table) | :: yabancı anahtar |
foreign language {n} (any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place) | :: yabancı dil |
foreign minister {n} (cabinet official) | :: dış işleri bakanı |
foreign policy {n} (government's policy) | :: dış politika, dış siyaset |
foreknowledge {n} (knowing beforehand) | :: önbilgi |
foreman {n} (leader of a work crew) | :: ustabaşı {s} |
foremost {adj} (first) | :: ilk |
forenoon {n} (morning) SEE: morning | :: |
forensic {adj} (relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law) | :: adli |
foreshadowing {n} (literary device) | :: önceden ima etme |
foreskin {n} (prepuce / foreskin) | :: sünnet derisi, prepusyum, prepüs, ön deri |
forest {n} (dense collection of trees) | :: orman |
forest {v} (to cover an area with trees) | :: ağaçlandırmak, ormanlaştırmak |
forester {n} (person practicing forestry) | :: ormancı, orman mühendisi |
forester {n} (person who lives in a forest) | :: ormancı, yaban |
forestry {n} (science of planting and growing trees) | :: ormancılık |
forestry {n} (art and practice of planting and growing trees) | :: ormancılık |
forestry {n} (art of cultivating, exploiting and renewing forests for commercial purposes) | :: ormancılık |
forestry {n} (tree farming) | :: ormancılık |
for ever {adv} (forever) SEE: forever | :: |
forever {adv} (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time) | :: sonsuza kadar, sonsuza dek |
for example {prep} (as an example) | :: örneğin, mesela, sözgelimi, farzımahal, bir örnek verecek olursak |
for free {prep} (without paying) | :: ücretsiz |
forged {adj} (fake (as documents)) | :: sahte |
forgery {n} (invention) SEE: invention | :: |
forget {v} (to lose remembrance of) | :: unutmak |
forget {v} (to unintentionally not do) | :: unutmak |
forget {v} (to leave behind) | :: unutmak |
forgetful {adj} (liable to forget) | :: unutkan |
forgetfulness {n} (proneness to let slip from the mind) | :: unutkanlık |
forget it {v} (It doesn't matter) | :: onu unut, boşver |
forget-me-not {n} (plant of the genus Myosotis) | :: unutmabeni |
forgettable {adj} (easily forgotten) | :: unutulabilir |
forgive {v} (transitive, to pardon) | :: affetmek, bağışlamak |
for heaven's sake {adv} | :: tanrı aşkına, allah aşkına |
for instance {adv} (as an example) SEE: for example | :: |
fork {n} (eating utensil) | :: çatal |
fork {n} (tuning fork) SEE: tuning fork | :: |
fork {n} (forklift) SEE: forklift | :: |
fork {n} (gallows) SEE: gallows | :: |
forklift {n} (small industrial vehicle) | :: kaldırmaç |
forlorn hope {n} (small troop that makes an advanced attack) | :: Forlorn hope |
form {n} (document to be filled in) | :: form |
form {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) SEE: grade | :: |
-form {suffix} (shaped) SEE: shaped | :: |
formality {n} (The state of being formal) | :: formalite, ciddiyet, resmiyet, sizlibizlilik |
former {adj} (previous) | :: önce, önceki, eski |
former {adj} (first of aforementioned two items) | :: ilk |
formerly {adv} (at some time in the past) | :: eskiden |
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia {prop} (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia) | :: Eski Yugoslav Makedonya Cumhuriyeti |
form factor {n} (in quantum field theory) | :: biçim katsayısı |
formic acid {n} (methanoic acid) | :: formik asit |
Formosa {prop} (Taiwan) SEE: Taiwan | :: |
formula {n} (in mathematics) | :: formül |
formula {n} (in chemistry) | :: formül |
Formula One {prop} (discipline in motor racing) | :: Formula 1, Formula Bir |
Fornax {prop} (constellation) | :: Ocak |
for one thing {prep} ((to introduce the first item)) | :: ilk önce, evvela, evvelemirde, bir kere |
for rent {prep} (being offered for renting) | :: kiralık |
forsake {v} (to abandon) | :: bırakmak, terketmek, vazgeçmek |
for sale {prep} (being offered for purchase) | :: satılık |
forswear {v} (To renounce or deny something, especially under oath.) | :: yemin etmek |
forswear {v} (To commit perjury.) | :: yalan yere yemin etmek |
fort {n} (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops) | :: kale, korugan |
for the moment {adv} (at the moment) SEE: for the time being | :: |
for the time being {adv} (temporarily; until later) | :: şimdilik, geçici olarak |
fortieth {adj} (ordinal form of forty, see also: 40th) | :: kırkıncı |
fortitude {n} (mental or emotional strength) | :: metanet, sebat |
fortnight {n} (period of two weeks) | :: iki hafta |
fortnightly {adj} (occurring once in a fortnight) | :: iki haftada bir |
fortochka {n} (small ventilation window spanning the frame of a window) | :: vasistas |
fortress {n} (fortified place) | :: kale |
fortuitous {adj} (happening by chance, not necessarily a lucky one) | :: kazara, rastlantısal, tesadüfî |
fortuitous {adj} (happening by a lucky chance) | :: şans eseri olarak |
fortunate {adj} (Auspicious) | :: kutlu |
fortune {n} (lots of riches) | :: servet |
fortuneteller {n} (person who professes to predict the future in return for money) | :: falcı |
fortune-telling {n} (fortunetelling, predicting one's future) | :: fal |
forty {num} (the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine) | :: kırk |
forty-eight {num} (48) | :: kırk sekiz |
forty-five {num} (45) | :: kırk beş |
forty-four {num} (44) | :: kırk dört |
forty-nine {num} (49) | :: kırk dokuz |
forty-one {num} (41) | :: kırk bir |
forty-seven {num} (47) | :: kırk yedi |
forty-seventh {adj} (47th) | :: kırk yedinci |
forty-six {num} (46) | :: kırk altı |
forty-three {num} (43) | :: kırk üç |
forty-two {num} (Cardinal number) | :: kırk iki |
forum {n} (place for discussion) | :: divan, müzakere yeri, münteda |
forum {n} (gathering for the purpose of discussion) | :: forum |
forum {n} (form of discussion) | :: forum |
forum {n} (Internet message board) | :: forum |
forward {adj} (at the front) | :: ileri, ön |
forward {adj} (expected in the future) | :: olası, müstakbel |
forward {adv} (towards the front) | :: ileri, ileriye, öne |
forward {v} (send (something received) to a third party) | :: iletmek, sevk etmek |
forward {n} (player nearest to the opposing soccer team) | :: forvet |
forward slash {n} (slash) SEE: slash | :: |
for your information {prep} (used to introduce a rebuttal to the interlocutor's previous statement) | :: bilginize, bilgilerinize |
fossa {n} (mammal) | :: fossa |
fossil {n} (The mineralized remains of an animal or plant) | :: fosil, taşıl |
fossilize {v} (to make into fossil) | :: fosilleştirmek |
fossilize {v} (to become a fossil) | :: fosilleşmek |
foster {adj} (providing parental care to unrelated children) | :: yetiştiren |
foster {adj} (receiving such care) | :: evlatlık |
foster {v} (to nurture or bring up offspring; or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child) | :: yetiştirmek |
foster {v} (to cultivate and grow something) | :: beslemek, yetiştirmek, büyütmek |
foster {v} (to nurse or cherish something) | :: beslemek |
foster care {n} (system by which a child is cared for) | :: yetiştirme yurdu |
foster child {n} (child in foster care) | :: evlatlık, yetiştirme yurdu çocuğu |
foster family {n} (family having at least one foster child) | :: yetiştirici aile |
fosterling {n} (foster child) SEE: foster child | :: |
foul {n} (offence in sports) | :: faul |
found {v} (to start an organization) | :: kurmak |
found {v} (to begin building) | :: temel atmak |
found {v} (melt) SEE: melt | :: |
foundation {n} (act of founding) | :: kuruluş |
foundation {n} (that upon which anything is founded) | :: temel |
foundation {n} (lowest and supporting part or member of a wall) | :: kāide, temel |
foundation {n} (legacy constituting a permanent fund of charitable institution) | :: kuruluş |
foundation {n} (endowed institution or charity) | :: vakıf, yardım kurumu |
foundation {n} (cosmetic cream) | :: fondöten |
fountain {n} (spring) SEE: spring | :: |
fountain {n} (artificial water feature) | :: çeşme, şadırvan |
fountain of youth {n} (anything reputed to have the power to restore health and vitality) | :: gençlik çeşmesi [literal, calque], bengi su, abıhayat, dirim suyu |
Fountain of Youth {prop} (legendary spring of water that restores youth) | :: gençlik çeşmesi [literal, calque], bengi su, abıhayat, dirim suyu |
fountain pen {n} (pen containing a reservoir of ink) | :: dolma kalem |
four {num} (the cardinal number 4) | :: dört |
four by two {n} (Jew) SEE: Jew | :: |
four-eyes {n} (person who wears spectacles) | :: dört göz |
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {prop} (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) | :: Mahşerin Dört Atlısı |
four hundred {num} (cardinal number 400) | :: dört yüz |
four-letter word {n} (swear word) SEE: swear word | :: |
four o'clock {n} (the start of the fifth hour) | :: saat dört |
four-stroke engine {n} (type of engine) | :: 4 zamanlı motor |
fourteen {num} (cardinal number) | :: on dört |
fourteenth {adj} (ordinal form of the number fourteen, see also: 14th) | :: on dördüncü |
fourth {n} (quarter) SEE: quarter | :: |
fourth {adj} (ordinal form of the number four, see also: 4th) | :: dördüncü |
fourth {n} (person or thing in the fourth position) | :: dördüncü |
fourth official {n} (soccer official) | :: dördüncü hakem |
four thousand {num} (4000) | :: dört bin |
fowl {n} (bird) SEE: bird | :: |
fowl {n} (bird of the order Galliformes) | :: kümes hayvanı |
fowl {n} (birds which are hunted or kept for food) | :: kümes hayvanı |
fox {n} (Vulpes) | :: tilki |
fox {n} (cunning person) | :: tilki |
foxglove {n} (plant of the genus Digitalis) | :: yüksük otu |
fraction {n} (arithmetic: ratio) | :: kesir |
fracture {n} (act of breaking, or something broken) | :: kırık |
fragile {adj} (easily broken or destroyed) | :: kırılgan, narin, hassas, çıtkırıldım, kırılabilir |
fragility {n} (condition or quality of being fragile) | :: kırılganlık, narinlik, hassaslık, kırılabilirlik, frajilite |
fragment {n} (portion or segment of an object) | :: parça, bölüm, kısım, fragman, kırıntı |
fragrance {n} (pleasant smell or odour) | :: koku, güzel koku, rayiha |
fragrant {adj} (sweet-smelling) | :: ıtırlı, rayihalı |
frail {adj} (liable to fall from virtue) | :: zayıf, düşkün |
frail {adj} | :: zayıf, düşkün |
frailty {n} (condition of being frail) | :: zaaf, düşkünlük |
frame {v} (add a decorative border to a picture) | :: çerçevelemek |
frame {n} (structural elements of a building or other constructed object) | :: iskelet |
frame {n} (structure of a person's body) | :: iskelet |
frame {n} (piece of photographic film containing an image) | :: çerçeve |
framework {n} (the arrangement of support beams that represent a buildings general shape and size) | :: çatkı, çatık, iskele, karkas, yapı iskelesi, yapı karkası |
framework {n} (a basic conceptual structure) | :: çerceve, [medicine] iskele, karkas |
France {prop} (country) | :: Fransa |
franchise {n} (right or privilege officially granted by a government) | :: ayrıcalık, imtiyaz |
franchise {n} (authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area) | :: muhafiyet |
franchise {n} (right to vote at a public election) | :: oy hakkı, oy verme hakkı |
francium {n} (chemical element) | :: fransiyum |
Francophone {adj} (French-speaking) | :: Frankofon |
Francophone {n} (speaker of French) | :: Frankofon |
Frank {n} (one of the Franks) | :: Frenk |
frankenword {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word | :: |
Frankfurt {prop} (Frankfurt-am-Main) | :: Frankfurt |
fraternity {n} (the quality of being brothers) | :: kardeşlik |
fraternity {n} (group of people associated for a common purpose) | :: dernek, cemiyet, kardeşlik, birlik |
fraternity {n} (social organization of male students) | :: erkek öğrenci birliği |
fraud {n} (an act of deception) | :: dolandırıcılık |
fraught {adj} (charged or accompanied with) | :: dolu |
fraught {adj} (distressed) | :: endişeli, kaygılı |
fraxinella {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant | :: |
fray {v} (to unravel) | :: çözülmek |
freak {n} (person who has an obsession or extreme knowledge of something) | :: manyak |
freckle {n} (small pigmentation spot on the skin) | :: çil |
free {adj} (not imprisoned) | :: özgür |
free {adj} (unconstrained) | :: serbest |
free {adj} (unobstructed) | :: engellenmemiş |
free {adj} (not in use) | :: boş |
free {adj} (without obligations) | :: serbest, zorunsuz |
free {adj} (software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement) | :: özgür |
free {adj} (mycology: not attached to the stipe) | :: gevşek |
free {adv} (without needing to pay) | :: bedava |
free {v} (make free) | :: serbest bırakmak |
free {adj} (obtainable without payment) SEE: free of charge | :: |
-free {suffix} (free from; without) | :: -sız, -siz |
freebie {n} (something which is free) | :: eşantiyon |
freedom {n} (not being imprisoned or enslaved) | :: özgürlük, hürriyet, azatlık, erkinlik, serbestlik |
freedom {n} | :: hürriyet |
freedom fries {n} (french fries) SEE: french fries | :: |
freedom of speech {n} (right to speak without fear of harm) SEE: free speech | :: |
freedom of the press {n} (right of media to disseminate ideas and opinions) | :: basın özgürlüğü |
free kick {n} (kick played without interference of opposition) | :: serbest vuruş, frikik |
freelance {adj} (Of, or relating to a freelance) | :: freelance-, Açık İş |
free market {n} (type of market) | :: serbest piyasa |
freemason {n} (freemason) SEE: Freemason | :: |
Freemason {n} (member of the Free and Accepted Masons) | :: mason |
freemium {n} | :: freemium |
free of charge {adv} (without any payment - adverb) SEE: for free | :: |
free of charge {adj} (not requiring any payment - adjective) | :: ücretsiz, bedava, beleş |
free software {n} (software that can be freely copied and modified) | :: hür yazılım, özgür yazılım |
free speech {n} (right to express an opinion in public) | :: ifade özgürlüğü |
freeze {v} (to become solid due to low temperature) | :: donmak |
freeze {v} (to lower something's temperature to freezing point) | :: dondurmak |
freeze {v} (of temperature, to drop below zero) | :: donmak |
freeze {v} (to be affected by cold) | :: donmak |
freeze {v} (to become motionless) | :: donmak |
freeze {n} ((computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputs) | :: donma |
freezer {n} (part of a refrigerator) | :: dondurucu, buzluk |
freezer {n} (stand-alone appliance) | :: buzluk |
freezing {n} (the change in state of a substance from liquid to solid on cooling) | :: donma |
freezing point {n} (temperature) | :: donma noktası |
french {v} (to kiss another person) SEE: French kiss | :: |
french {v} (to kiss) SEE: French kiss | :: |
French {prop} (principal language of France and other related countries) | :: Fransızca |
French {n} (people of France, collectively) | :: Fransızlar {p} |
French {adj} (of or relating to France) | :: Fransız |
French {adj} (of or relating to the French people) | :: Fransız |
French {adj} (of or relating to the French language) | :: Fransızca |
French bread {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette | :: |
french fries {n} (deep fried strips of potato) | :: patates kızartması |
French Guiana {prop} (Department of French Guiana) | :: Fransız Guyanası |
Frenchify {v} | :: Fransızcalaştırmak, Fransızlaştırmak [transitive], Fransızcalaşmak, Fransızlaşmak [intransitive] |
French Indochina {prop} (area of the French empire) | :: Fransız Hindiçini, Fransız Çinhindi |
French kiss {n} (a kiss involving the tongue) | :: Fransız öpücüğü |
French letter {n} (condom) SEE: condom | :: |
Frenchman {n} (man of French birth or nationality) | :: Fransız, Fransız erkeği |
Frenchness {n} (being French) | :: Fransızlık |
French Polynesia {prop} (Overseas territory of France) | :: Fransız Polinezyası |
French Republic {prop} (country) | :: Fransız Cumhuriyeti |
French Republican Calendar {prop} (calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France) | :: Fransız cumhuriyetçi takvimi |
French Riviera {prop} (French Riviera) | :: Fransız Rivierası |
French stick {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette | :: |
Frenchwoman {n} (a French woman) | :: Fransız, Fransız kadını |
frequency {n} (rate of occurrence of anything) | :: frekans |
frequency {n} (property of occurring often rather than infrequently) | :: frekans |
frequency {n} (number of occurrences divided by time) | :: frekans |
frequency {n} | :: frekans |
frequent {adj} (done or occurring often) | :: sıkça |
fresco {n} (artwork made by applying water-based pigment to wet or fresh lime mortar or plaster) | :: fresk |
fresh {adj} (new or clean) | :: taze |
fresh {adj} (of produce, not from storage) | :: taze |
fresh air {n} (clean air from outside) | :: temiz hava |
freshness {n} (freshness) | :: tazelik |
fresh water {n} (water with little salt) | :: tatlı su |
freshwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water | :: |
fret {v} (to bind, tie) SEE: bind | :: |
Freudianism {n} (Freudian beliefs and practices) | :: Freudçuluk |
Freudian slip {n} (subconscious mistake in speech or action) | :: Freudyen sürçme |
friability {n} (quality of being friable) | :: gevreklik |
friable {adj} (easily broken into small fragments, crumbled, or reduced to powder) | :: ezilgen |
friction {n} (The rubbing of one object or surface against another) | :: sürtünme |
friction {n} (conflict) | :: sürtüşme |
friction {n} (A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact) | :: sürtünme |
Friday {n} (day of the week) | :: cuma |
friend {n} (person whose company one enjoys) | :: arkadaş, dost, ahbap, tomdaş |
friend {n} (boyfriend or girlfriend) | :: erkek arkadaş {m}, kız arkadaş {f}, sevgili |
friend {n} (person with whom you are acquainted) | :: tanış, tanıdık |
friendless {adj} (without friends) | :: arkadaşsız |
friendlily {adv} (friendly) SEE: friendly | :: |
friendly {adj} (approachable, warm) | :: cana yakın |
friendly {adj} (characteristic of friendliness) | :: cana yakın |
friendly {adv} (in a friendly manner) | :: arkadaşça, dostane, dostça |
friendly {n} (sports: game) SEE: exhibition game | :: |
friendly fire {n} (fire from allied or friendly forces) | :: dost ateşi |
friendly match {n} (exhibition game) SEE: exhibition game | :: |
friendship {n} ((uncountable) condition of being friends) | :: arkadaşlık |
friendship {n} ((countable) friendly relationship) | :: arkadaşlık |
frieze {n} (architecture: space between architrave and cornice) | :: friz |
frigate {n} (An obsolete type of sailing warship) | :: fırkateyn |
frigate {n} (A 19th c. type of warship) | :: fırkateyn |
frigate {n} (A modern type of warship) | :: fırkateyn |
frigatebird {n} (bird of the family Fregatidae) | :: fregat kuşu |
fright {n} (A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger) | :: korku |
frighten {v} (to disturb with fear) | :: korkutmak |
frightening {adj} (scary) | :: korkutucu |
frightful {adj} (full of fright) | :: korkulu, korku dolu |
frightful {adj} (full of that which causes fright) | :: dehşet, korkunç |
fringe {n} (members of a social group holding unorthodox views) | :: aşırı |
Frisbee {n} (disk) | :: frizbi |
frittata {n} (omelette) SEE: omelette | :: |
frivolity {n} (frivolous act) | :: hoppalık |
frivolity {n} (state of being frivolous) | :: hoppalık |
frivolous {adj} (silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner) | :: hoppa, salak |
frivolous {adj} (of little weight or importance; not worth notice) | :: boş, önemsiz, havai |
frog {n} (amphibian) | :: kurbağa |
frogman {n} (diver) | :: dalgıç |
from {prep} (with the source or provenance of or at) | :: -den, -dan, -ten, -tan |
from {prep} (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at) | :: -den, -dan, -ten, -tan |
from A to Z {prep} (comprehensively) | :: A'dan Z'ye |
from cover to cover {adv} (from the first page to the last page) | :: baştan sona |
from now on {adv} (from now, indefinitely) | :: bundan böyle, artık, şu andan itibaren |
from scratch {prep} (from the beginning) | :: baştan, sıfırdan |
from time to time {prep} (occasionally) | :: zaman zaman |
front vowel {n} (Any vowel sound produced in the front of the mouth) | :: ince ünlü, ince sesli |
frosh {n} (frog) SEE: frog | :: |
frost {n} (cover of minute ice crystals) | :: kırağı |
frost {n} (cold weather that would cause frost) | :: don, soğuk |
frost {v} (to get covered with frost) | :: buzlanmak |
frostbitten {adj} (affected by frostbite) | :: donmuş |
frot {v} (to rub someone for sexual gratification) | :: kerkinmek, sürttürmek, dayamak, fortlamak |
froth {v} (To create froth) | :: köpürtmek |
froth {v} (To bubble) | :: köpürmek |
frotteurism {n} (paraphilia) | :: kerkinmecilik, fortçuluk |
froward {adj} (Disobedient, contrary, unmanageable) | :: âsî, dik başlı, inatçı, serkeş |
frugal {adj} (economical, avoiding waste, thrifty) | :: tutumlu |
frugality {n} (quality of being frugal; prudent economy; thrift) | :: tutumluluk |
fruit {n} (part of plant) | :: meyve, yemiş |
fruit {n} (food) | :: meyve, yemiş |
fruit {n} (figuratively: positive end result or reward of labour or effort) | :: meyve |
fruit {n} (figuratively: child of a marriage) | :: meyve |
fruit {n} (offensive slang: homosexual or effeminate man) | :: ibne, puşt |
fruitcake {n} (cake) | :: meyveli kek |
fruition {n} (fulfillment of something worked for) | :: gerçekleşme, gerçekleştirme [done by smb. else] |
fruit juice {n} (juice of fruit) | :: meyve suyu |
fruit tree {n} (a tree that bears a crop of edible fruit on a regular basis) | :: meyve ağacı |
frustration {n} (act of frustrating) | :: bıkkınlık |
frustum {n} (truncated cone or pyramid) | :: [mathematics] kesik koni |
fry {v} (to cook (something) in hot fat or oil) | :: kızartmak |
fry {v} ((intransitive) cook in hot fat or oil) | :: kızarmak |
fry {v} (suffer because of too much heat) | :: kızarmak, yanmak |
fry {v} (informal: be executed by the electric chair) | :: kızarmak |
fry {n} (fried potato) | :: kızartma |
fry {n} (meal of fried sausages, bacon, etc) | :: kızartma |
frying pan {n} (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food) | :: tava |
fuck {v} (to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar) | :: sikmek, becermek, düzmek, koymak, sokmak, kaymak, halletmek, sikişmek |
fuck {v} (to insert an object into a specified body part) | :: vermek, sokmak, koymak, sikmek |
fuck {v} (to put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation) | :: bitirmek, sıçmak |
fuck {v} | :: düzmek, sikmek |
fuck {n} (an act of sexual intercourse) | :: sikişme, sikme |
fuck {n} (highly contemptible person) | :: göt, mal |
fuck {n} | :: düzüşme {n}, sikişme {n} (siktir, fuck off) |
fuck {interj} (expression of dismay or discontent) | :: a siktir!, skim!, amına koyim!, siktir!, amına koyayım!, sikiyim! |
fuckable {adj} (sexually attractive) | :: sikici |
fucker {n} (one who fucks) | :: sikici |
fucking {adj} (as an intensifier) | :: boktan, lanet, kahrolasıca, siktiğim, siktiğimin |
fucking {adj} (offensive or worthless) | :: pis, kahrolası, lanet olası, boktan, sikindirik |
fuck me {interj} (a vulgar expression of dismay at undesired events happening to oneself) | :: hasiktir [vulgar] |
fuck off {v} (go to hell, disappear, screw oneself) | :: siktir git |
fuck off {interj} (go away!) | :: siktir |
fuck up {v} (to break or destroy [to be merged into injure or damage]) | :: sikip atmak, becermek, halletmek, canına okumak |
fuck you {n} (fuck you) | :: siktir git (fuck off) |
fudge {n} (deliberately misleading or vague answer) | :: taklit |
fuel {n} (substance consumed to provide energy) | :: yakıt |
fuel {v} (to provide with fuel) | :: doldurmak |
fuel cell {n} (electrochemical device) | :: yakıt hücresi |
fugue {n} (piece of music) | :: füg |
full {adj} (containing the maximum possible amount) | :: dolu |
full {adj} (satisfied, in relation to eating) | :: tok |
full {n} (phase of the moon) SEE: full moon | :: |
full as a goog {adj} (having eaten too much) | :: yumurta gibi doldum (veya doydum) |
full-blown {adj} (completely developed or formed) | :: tam gelişmiş |
full-blown {adj} (at the peak of blossom) | :: tamamen açılmış/açmış |
full-blown {adj} (filled with wind) | :: tamamen şişmiş |
fullerene {n} (any of a class of allotropes of carbon having hollow molecules) | :: fulleren |
full house {n} (maximum capacity) | :: kapalı gişe |
full moon {n} (phase of moon when in opposition to sun) | :: dolunay |
full stop {n} (The punctuation mark “.”) | :: nokta |
full-throated {adj} (having ample breasts) SEE: buxom | :: |
fume {n} (gas or vapor that is strong-smelling or dangerous to inhale) | :: duman {p} |
fume {n} (material that has re-coalesced to the solid state) | :: is |
fume {v} (to expose (something) to fumes) | :: kül |
fume {v} (to emit fumes) | :: tütmek |
fume {v} (to express or feel great anger) | :: köpürmek |
fun {n} (enjoyment or amusement) | :: eğlence |
fun {adj} (enjoyable, amusing) | :: eğlenceli, neşeli |
function {n} (what something does or is used for) | :: fonksiyon, işlev |
function {n} (mathematics: a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs) | :: fonksiyon |
function {n} (computing: routine that returns a result) | :: işlev, fonksiyon |
function {n} (biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part) | :: fonksiyon, işlev |
functional {adj} (useful, serving a purpose) | :: işlevsel, fonksiyonel |
functional {n} (a function that takes a function as its argument) | :: işlevsi |
functional programming {n} (programming paradigm) | :: fonksiyonel programlama |
functioning {adj} (functional) SEE: functional | :: |
fundament {n} (anus) SEE: anus | :: |
fundament {n} (foundation) SEE: foundation | :: |
fundamental force {n} (force between elementary particles) SEE: fundamental interaction | :: |
fundamental interaction {n} (basic forces that act between elementary particles) | :: temel etkileşim |
fundamentalism {n} (religion) | :: köktendincilik, köktencilik |
fundamentalist {n} (one who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts) | :: köktenci |
funeral {n} (ceremony to honour a deceased person) | :: cenaze, defin, yuğ |
fungus {n} (any member of the kingdom Fungi) | :: mantar |
funicular {n} (rail transit system) | :: füniküler |
funk {n} (spark) SEE: spark | :: |
funnel {n} (utensil used to guide poured liquids) | :: huni |
funnel {n} (smoke flue, chimney) SEE: chimney | :: |
funny {adj} (amusing; comical) | :: komik, gülünç |
funny {adj} (strange; unusual) | :: tuhaf, acayip |
fur {n} (hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick) | :: kürk, post |
fur coat {n} (coat made of animal fur) | :: kürk |
furnace {n} (device for heating in a factory, melting metals, etc) | :: fırın, yüksek fırın |
furnace {n} (device for heating) SEE: oven | :: |
furnish {v} | :: techiz etmek, donatmak |
furniture {n} (large movable items) | :: mobilya, möble |
furrier {n} (person who sells, makes and deals otherwise with fur) | :: kürkçü |
furrow {v} (to wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle | :: |
furrow {n} (trench cut in the soil) | :: kırışık, kırışıklık, çizgi |
fur seal {n} (marine mammal) | :: ayıbalığı |
furuncle {n} (boil) SEE: boil | :: |
fury {n} (extreme anger) | :: gazap, hiddet, hışım, öfke |
fury {n} (strength or violence in action) | :: hışım |
fuss {n} (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something) | :: telaş, velvele, yaygara |
futsal {n} (form of soccer) | :: futsal, salon futbolu |
future {n} (the time ahead) | :: gelecek |
future {n} | :: gelecek |
future {adj} (having to do with or occurring in the future) | :: gelecek |
future {n} (grammar) SEE: future tense | :: |
future tense {n} (time form of a verb) | :: gelecek zaman |
fuzz {n} (cop) SEE: cop | :: |
fuzz {n} (police) SEE: police | :: |
fuzzy logic {n} (logic based on the notion of fuzzy set) | :: bulanık mantık |
FXML {prop} | :: FXML |
FYI {phrase} (for your information) SEE: for your information | :: |
fyke {n} (type of fish-trap) | :: pinter |
fylfot {n} (swastika) SEE: swastika | :: |
fynbos {n} (fynbos) | :: fynbos |
FYROM {prop} (abbreviation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) | :: EYMC |