Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Nutritious"
El significado de "Nutritious" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa nutritious ?
Nutritious means healthy
Ejemplos de oración usando "Nutritious"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con nutritious .
"Having a nutritious diet is healthy."
"I need to eat nutritious meals if I want to lose weight."
"This soil is nutritious, we must plant here."
"I need to eat nutritious meals if I want to lose weight."
"This soil is nutritious, we must plant here."
Palabras similares a "Nutritious" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre we should eat nutritious food y we should eat nutritional food ?
The first one is correct, and the second one is not. That’s the difference.
The first one is correct, and the second one is not. That’s the difference.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre nutritious y nourishing ?
Nourishing is about food that feels good for your body.
Nutritious is about healthy food. It is related to vitamins, nutrients
Nutritious is about healthy food. It is related to vitamins, nutrients
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre nutritious, nutritive, y nutritional ?
Nutritious: when something is full of nutrients, or has a lot of nutrients
Nutritive: when something has lots of nutrients, or has to do with nutrition in general
Nutritional: relating to or within the general category of ‘nutrition’
Nutritive: when something has lots of nutrients, or has to do with nutrition in general
Nutritional: relating to or within the general category of ‘nutrition’
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre nutritious y nutritive ?
I’ve don’t think I’ve ever heard the word “nutritive” used. I would think that they mean the same thing.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre nutritious food y nourishing food ?
nutritious food is good for you, it provides nutrients. nourishing food makes you full but might not be good for you:
salads are nourishing and nutritious, cake is nourishing but not nutritious
salads are nourishing and nutritious, cake is nourishing but not nutritious
Traducciones de "Nutritious"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? nutritious. It's good?
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? I like nutritious food
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Otras preguntas sobre "Nutritious"
¿Esto suena natural? With high nutritious meals, your wife will definitely recovery soon.
My two sister-in- laws also ordered one month
Taiwan's Post Surgery Meals. after delivering their babies.
My two sister-in- laws also ordered one month
Taiwan's Post Surgery Meals. after delivering their babies.
× With high nutritious meals, your wife will definitely recovery soon.
✓ With high nutritious meals, your wife will definitely recover soon.
× My two sister-in- laws also ordered one month
✓ My two sister-in- laws also ordered some.
✓ With high nutritious meals, your wife will definitely recover soon.
× My two sister-in- laws also ordered one month
✓ My two sister-in- laws also ordered some.
"The nutritious benefits should more than outweigh the difficult flavor"
What does 'more than' mean here?
What does 'more than' mean here?
¿Esto suena natural? "Healthy nutritious foods are becoming unaffordable for poor families and communities", he continued, urging for these kind of foods moreavaile at home and school , especially in poor families and communities.
"Healthy nutritious foods are becoming unaffordable for poor families and communities," he continued, urging for these kinds of foods to be made available at homes and schools, especially in poor families and communities.
"Healthy nutritious foods are becoming unaffordable for poor families and communities," he continued, urging for these kinds of foods to be made available at homes and schools, especially in poor families and communities.
Significados y uso de palabras y frases similares
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