Temario Ingles
Temario Ingles
Temario Ingles
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
1-3 4-9 10 - 15 16 - 19
20 - 23 24 - 26 27 - 29 30 - 36 . 37 - 50 51 - 53 54 - 57 58 - 60 61 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 72 73 - 75 76 - 83 84 - 92
1. LA ORACIN SIMPLE (<OSIMPLE>) La forma ms simple de oracin en ingls es la que consta de un sintagma nominal (SN) que hace la funcin de sujeto y un sintagma verbal (SV) que hace la funcin de predicado. La forma ms bsica de SN es la que consta de un determinante y un nombre, o un pronombre; y el SV consta de un verbo y unos complementos (directo, indirecto, circunstanciales,).
<OSIMPLE> = [<SN> <SV>] <SN> = [(<DET>) <SUST> | <PRON>] <SV> = [<V> <COMPLEM>]
El SN (sujeto) no puede ser omitido en ingls, excepto en el imperativo. Segn su funcin, las oraciones simples en su formato ms bsico pueden ser: afirmativas, negativas, interrogativas, exclamativas e imperativas. 1.1 LA ORACIN AFIRMATIVA (<O >) Su estructura es igual que en el espaol, excepto que en la 3 persona del presente simple se le aade una -s o -es al verbo principal. <O > = [(<DET>) <SUST> <V> <COMPLEM>] = <The boy drinks milk everyday> + <O > = [<PRON> <V> <COMPLEM>] = <You drink milk everyday> 1.2 LA ORACIN NEGATIVA (<O >) En ingls solo se pueden negar los verbos auxiliares o modales. Para negar todos los dems verbos se utiliza el auxiliar to do. Adems el verbo auxiliar recoge toda la carga del verbo principal quedando ste en infinitivo sin TO. Esto quiere decir que si el verbo est en la 3 persona del presente simple, se le quita al verbo principal la -s/-es y se le pone al verbo auxiliar (does); o si el verbo est en pasado simple, se le quita al verbo principal quedando ste en infinitivo sin TO y se le pone al verbo auxiliar (did). <O > = [<SN> <VAUX> not (<VTO>) <COMPLEM>] = <The boy doesnt drink milk everyday> 1.3 LA ORACIN INTERROGATIVA (<O >) La oracin interrogativa debe de empezar por un auxiliar seguido por la oracin en afirmativa, aunque dejando el verbo principal de la oracin en infinitivo sin TO, ya que el auxiliar debe llevar toda la carga de aqul. <O > = [<VAUX | VMOD> (not) <SN> <VTO> <COMPLEM>?] = <Do (not) you drink milk everyday?> Las oraciones interrogativas pueden estar introducidas por un pronombre interrogativo (aqul que pregunta por el sujeto) o por una Wh- Question (aqul que pregunta por los complementos). Entonces quedara: <O > = [<PRONINT> (not) <V> <COMPLEM>?] | = <Who drink milk everyday?> ? <O > = [<Wh- Question> <VAUX | VMOD> (not) <SN> <VTO> <COMPLEM>?] = <What do you drink everyday?>
? ? ? + +
1.4 LA ORACIN EXCLAMATIVA (<O >) Las oraciones exclamativas comienzan con los interrogativos What y How. What siempre se acompaa con un sustantivo y How lo hace con un adjetivo. <O > = [What (a/an) <SUST>!] | [How <ADJ>!] = <What a guy!, How beautiful!> En el formato What se puede introducir un adjetivo que califique al sustantivo. Entonces quedara: <O > = [What (a/an) (<ADJ>) <SUST>!] = <What a quiet morning!> En los dos formatos What y How se puede introducir una oracin, quedando: <O > = [What (a/an) (<ADJ>) <SUST> <SN> <V> !] = <What cakes your mother cooks!> ! <O > = [How <ADJ> <SN> <V> !] = <How stupid you are!>
i ! ! !
1.5 LA ORACIN IMPERATIVA (<O >) Al imperativo se le denomina tiempo de 2 persona, ya sea del singular o el plural, porque normalmente las ordenes se dan a esa persona. Su formato es: <O > = [(Dont) <VTO> (<COMP>)] = <(Dont) drink milk> Cuando la orden se da a otras personas que no son la segunda, se utiliza la partcula LET delante del pronombre de objeto a quin va dirigida la orden, su formato es: <O > = [Let <PRONOBJ> (not) <VTO> (<COMP>)] = <Let us (not) drink milk> 2. LA ORACIN COMPUESTA (<OCOMPUESTA>) Es la constituida por ms de una oracin simple enlazadas por conjunciones. <OCOMPUESTA> = [<OSIMPLE> <CONJ> <OSIMPLE>]
i i
Las conjunciones ms representativas son: <CONJ> = [<Copulativas> | <Disyuntivas> | <Adversativas> | <Condicionales> | <Concesivas> | <Conclusivas> | <Continuativas> | <Causales> | <Comparativas> | <Funcionales>] <Copulativas> = <AND> <Disyuntivas> = <OR (ELSE)> <Adversativas> = <BUT | YET | STILL> <Condicionales> = <IF | UNLESS> <Concesivas> = <DESPITE | ALTHOUGH> <Conclusivas> = <SO | THUS> <Continuativas> = <THEN | SO> <Causales> = <BECAUSE | FOR | SINCE> <Comparativas> = <AS AS | NOT SO AS | LESS THAN | MORE THAN> <Funcionales> = <SO (THAT)> Segn sus funciones, las oraciones compuestas pueden ser: <OCOMPUESTA> = [<Yuxtapuesta> | <Coordinada> | <Subordinada> | <Condicional>] 2.1 LA ORACIN YUXTAPUESTA (<OYUX>) Es la oracin compuesta que no necesita de conjuncin. <OYUX> = [<PROP1>, <PROP2>] = <CONJ> = = <It is raining, take the umbrella
2.2 LA ORACIN COORDINADA (<OCOO>) Es la que enlaza dos proposiciones idempotentes. Pueden ser copulativas, disyuntivas y adversativas. <OCOO> = [<PROP1> <CONJ> <PROP2>] = [<Copulativas> | <Disyuntivas> | <Adversativas>] <OCCOP> = <CONJ> = <AND> = <John plays football and studies English> <OCDIS> = <CONJ> = <OR> = <John plays football or studies English> <OCADV> = <CONJ> = <BUT> = <John plays football but doesnt study English> 2.3 LA ORACIN SUBORDINADA (<OSUB>) Es la oracin donde una proposicin est subordinada a otra principal. Pueden ser sustantivas, adjetivas y adverbiales. <OSUB> = [<PROPPPAL> <CONJ> <PROPSUB>] = [<Sustantivas> | <Adjetivas> | <Adverbiales>] <OSSUST> = <CONJ> = [(that) | <PRONINT> | <VTO> | <VING>] = <I know that it is true> <OSADJ> = <CONJ> = [Wh- Questions] = <This is the car which I like> <OSADV> = <CONJ> = [where | after/before | when | till/until | since/for | why/because] = <She has had three jobs since she left school> 2.4 LA ORACIN CONDICIONAL (<OCON>) Es la oracin donde una proposicin est condicionada a otra principal. Puede ser la condicional cierta (Condicional ), la condicional posible (Condicional 1), la condicional improbable (Condicional 2) y la condicional imposible (Condicional 3). La oracin condicional va introducida por una conjuncin condicional, como son if o unless. <OCON> = [<CONJ> <PROPSUB>, <PROPPPAL> | <PROPPPAL> <CONJ> <PROPSUB>] = <CONJ> = [if | unless] < OCON > = [<CONJ> <VPRESENTE>, <VPRESENTE>] = <If I win the lottery, I buy a sport car> < OCON 1> = [<CONJ> <VPRESENTE>, <VFUTURO>] = <If I win the lottery, I will buy a sport car> < OCON 2> = [<CONJ> <VPASADO>, <VMODAL>] = <If I won the lottery, I would buy a sport car> < OCON 3> = [<CONJ> <VPASTPERFECT>, <VCONDICIONALPERFECTO>] = <If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a sport car>
Los determinantes son partes de la oracin que acompaan al nombre para concretarlo y limitar, su significado aportando informaciones como gnero, nmero, situacin en el espacio, posesin... Los determinantes en ingls pueden ser: artculos, cuantificadores, demostrativos, posesivos y numerales. <DET> = [<ART> | <QTF> | <ADJDEM> | <ADJPOS> | <NUM>]
1. EL ARTCULO (<ART>) Existen dos tipos de artculos: el determinado y el indeterminado. <ART> = [<the> | <a/an> | <some/any]
1.1 ARTCULO DETERMINADO El artculo determinado es invariable en gnero y nmero. the el, la, los, las
1.2 ARTCULO INDETERMINADO El artculo indeterminado es invariable en gnero pero variable en nmero. a/an some/any un, uno, una unos, unas
Adems tiene dos formatos: a o an dependiendo del tipo de letra por la que comienza la siguiente palabra: a an - La siguiente palabra comienza por consonante (a table). - La siguiente palabra comienza por h lquida (a head). - La siguiente palabra comienza por vocal (an orange). - La siguiente palabra comienza por h muda (an hour).
1.3 REGLAS DE UTILIZACIN DE LOS ARTCULOS 1. No se utiliza el artculo para referirse a sustantivos no contables o sustantivos contables en plural con sentido general. Elephants can't fly I love cheese Boys like to play football 2. No se utiliza el artculo delante de sustantivos abstractos. Life is beautiful Love is very romantic 3. No se utiliza el artculo con nombres de pases, excepto the United States, the Netherlands, the Philippines. Tampoco se utilizar con aquellos sustantivos geogrficos que le acompaen su nombre propio: el ro Tamesis Thames river, el monte Everest Everest mountain, el ocano Atlntico Atlantic ocean. 4. No se utiliza el artculo delante de las estaciones del ao, das de la semana, idiomas y fiestas. I like Christmas I speak English 5. No se utiliza el artculo delante de nombres propios y ttulos seguidos de nombres. King John Charles I Pope Benedict XVI
6. No se utiliza el artculo con las partes del cuerpo y los objetos de uso personal. En su lugar se utilizan los adjetivos posesivos. Give me your hand He lost his glasses 7. No se utiliza el artculo con nombres de juegos, deportes y comidas. Pero utilizamos el artculo para referirnos a instrumentos musicales. I play football every Sundays I play the piano 8. Se utiliza el artculo indeterminado con nombres de religin y profesin. Helen is a catholic John is an engineer
2. LOS CUANTIFICADORES (<QTF>) Utilizamos los cuantificadores para expresar la idea de cantidad o nmero. Son repuestas a la pregunta Cuntos? (How much, How many). Al igual que los artculos, los cuantificadores definen a un nombre y siempre estn situados delante del nombre. Se pueden usar algunos slo con nombres contables, otros slo con nombres incontables y otros con ambos. <QTF> = [some/any | many/much | (a) little/few | no/none | a lot of/lots of | too | plenty of | enough]
2.1 MANY = MUCHOS Many (Muchos) + Sustantivo contable (plural). Se utiliza sobre todo en oraciones negativas e interrogativas. Aunque se puede usar en oraciones afirmativas, se suele utilizar para stas el cuantificador a lot of o lots of. There are not many tourists. Are there many students in the classroom? Se pueden combinar con los adverbios too (demasiado) o so (tan) para expresar la idea de cantidad excesiva o un punto de vista sobre una cantidad. There are too many changes in my life. There are so many changes in my life!
2.2 MUCH = MUCHOS Much (Muchos) + Sustantivo incontable (singular). Se utiliza sobre todo en oraciones negativas e interrogativas. Aunque se puede usar en oraciones afirmativas, no se suele utilizar por ser demasiado formal. I havent much time. We have much to do! Se pueden combinar con los adverbios too (demasiado) o so (tan) para expresar la idea de cantidad excesiva o un punto de vista sobre una cantidad. We have too much to do. We have so much to do! 2.3 SOME = ALGUNOS, UNOS Some (Algunos, unos) + [Sustantivo contable (plural) | Sustantivo incontable (singular)] Se utiliza sobre todo en oraciones afirmativas. Se puede utilizar en interrogativas pero para realizar una invitacin u ofrecimiento y sabemos casi seguro que la respuesta ser afirmativa. En las oraciones negativas se sustituye por any. Sus compuestos son: somebody = someone (alguien, alguno), somewhere (algn lugar) y something (algo). Se usa cuando nos referimos a sujetos especficos. She has some apples. There is some milk in the kitchen. Are there some tourists on the beach? Do you want some coffee? Yes, I do. 2.4 ANY = ALGUNOS, UNOS Any (Algunos, unos) + [Sustantivo contable (plural) | Sustantivo incontable (singular)] Se utiliza sobre todo en oraciones negativas e interrogativas. Se puede utilizar en afirmativas pero con el significado de cualquier/a. Se usa siempre en las oraciones condicionales. Sus compuestos son: anybody = anyone (cualquiera, cualquier), anywhere (cualquier lugar) y anything (cualquier cosa). Se usa cuando nos referimos a sujetos no especficos. I havent any money = I have no money. Are there any changes in your job? Any change in my life will become. You can go anywhere you want. Is there any milk? If you need anything, let me know. 2.5 NO, NONE = NO, NINGUNO. No (No, ninguno) + [Sustantivo contable (plural) | Sustantivo incontable (singular)] None (No, ninguno) Ir al final de la oracin como respuesta a una pregunta. Puede ir de esta manera None of con el significado de Ninguno de, precediendo a un nombre en plural o un pronombre. How many pencils are there? None. There are no pencils = There arent any pencils. None of us could help him. Sus compuestos son: nobody = no-one (nadie, ninguno), nowhere (ningn lugar) y nothing (nada).
2.6 A LOT OF = LOTS OF = MUCHO. A lot of | Lots of (Mucho) + [Sustantivo contable (plural) | Sustantivo incontable (singular)] Se utiliza en oraciones afirmativas y negativas. No se utiliza en interrogativas. Su diferencia es que lots of es ms coloquial e informal y se suele colocar al principio de oracin. Lots of people went to the game. We have a lot of books in our library. 2.7 A LOT = MUCHO. Se utiliza como un adverbio. Se coloca al final de una oracin y/o nunca delante de sustantivos. Ejemplos: I like basketball a lot. She is a lot happier now than she was. I dont go there a lot anymore. 2.8 PLENTY OF = MUCHO, UN MONTN, DE SOBRA. We have plenty of ideas. There is plenty of food here. 2.9 LITTLE = A LITTLE = FEW = A FEW = POCO. Little | A Little (Poco) + [Sustantivo incontable (singular)] Si usas a little significa una opinin positiva sobre la cantidad y si usas little implica una opinin negativa. I have little money for living. (NEGATIVO INCONTABLE) I have little time to arrive at station. (NEGATIVO INCONTABLE) I need a little money for living. (POSITIVO INCONTABLE) I lose a little time in my job. (POSITIVO INCONTABLE) Few | A few (Poco) + [Sustantivo contable (plural)] Si usas a few significa una opinin positiva sobre la cantidad y si usas few implica una opinin negativa. I have few Euros in my bank. (NEGATIVO CONTABLE) Few tourists have arrived here this summer. (NEGATIVO CONTABLE) I live with a few Euros every month. (POSITIVO CONTABLE) A few tourists dont like Spain. (POSITIVO CONTABLE) 2.10 SEVERAL = VARIOS. Se utiliza con cantidades indefinidas que suelen ser ms de dos. Este cuantificador estara entre pocos (few, little) y muchos (many, much, a lot of, lots of). Se utiliza mucho con la palabra times para decir varias veces como repeticin de un hecho. Her husband calls her several times in a day. He has repeated the same word several times in the text.
3. LOS ADJETIVOS DEMOSTRATIVOS (<ADJDEM>) Los adjetivos demostrativos son invariables en gnero pero son variables en nmero. Los demostrativos, cuando actan como adjetivos, siempre acompaan al sustantivo; en este caso aparecen en el sintagma nominal como determinante, ya sea en el sujeto o como complemento. Cuando actan como pronombres sustituyen al sustantivo al que se refiere y se utiliza cuando ste ya ha sido mencionado anteriormente o cuando en funcin del contexto queda perfectamente definido. <ADJDEM> = [this | that | these | those]
Singular This That (esto, esta, este) (eso, esa, ese, aquel, aquella)
Ejemplo: This book is mine and that is yours. En esta oracin This hace funcin de adjetivo demostrativo ya que va delante de un sustantivo como determinante y that hace funcin de pronombre demostrativo ya que sustituye a book, un sustantivo mencionado anteriormente. 4. LOS ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS (<ADJPOS>) Los adjetivos posesivos en ingls hacen referencia al poseedor y no a la cosa poseda y se usan con ms frecuencia en ingls que en espaol. Preceden normalmente a los sustantivos que indican partes del cuerpo, parentesco, vestimenta y objetos personales, nombres que se usan en espaol con el artculo determinado. <ADJPOS> = [my | your | his/her/its | our | your | their] Ejemplos: That's my watch I like your shoes This is his tie The bird is in its cage Our house is in the centre of the town
5. NUMERALES (<NUM>) Son los que acompaan a los nombres e informan con exactitud de cantidades y rdenes de colocacin. Los numerales pueden ser: cardinales, ordinales, fraccionarios y multiplicativos. <NUM> = [<CARD> | <ORD> | <FRAC> | <MULT>]
5.1 CARDINALES (<CARD>) Informan de una cantidad exacta. <CARD> = [<unidad> | <decena> | <centena> | <millar> | ] <unidad> = [one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine] <decena> = <10 decena 19> = [ten | eleven | twelve | <unidad>+teen>] <decena 20> = [<unidad>+ty><unidad>] <centena> = [<unidad> hundred (and) (<decena>) (<unidad>)>] <millar> = [(<centena>) (<decena>) (<unidad>) thousand (<centena>) (<decena>) (<unidad>)]
5.2 ORDINALES (<ORD>) Informan del orden de colocacin. <ORD> = <1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | 10 | 11 | 12 | | 21 | | 34 | | 73 | | 92 > <1 | terminados en 1> = [first | <CARD>+st] excepto <11 = eleventh> <2 | terminados en 2> = [second | <CARD>+nd] excepto <12 = twelfth> <3 | terminados en 3> = [third | <CARD>+rd] excepto <13 = thirteenth> <general> = [<CARD>+th]
st nd rd th th th th st th rd nd
5.3 FRACCIONARIOS (<FRAC>) Informan de particiones de la unidad. El numerador de la fraccin se pone en cardinal y el denominador se pone en ordinal. <FRAC> = [<CARD> / <ORD>] Ejemplos: 2/5 = <two fifth> 5/7 = <five seventh> 3/21 = <three twentyfirst)
5.4 MULTIPLICATIVOS (<MULT>) Informan de mltiplos (mitad, doble, triple, cudruple, quntuple,). <MULT> = <half, double, triple, quadruple, <quintuple | five-fold>, <CARD>fold>>
5.5 REPETITIVOS (<REP>) Informan del nmero de veces (una vez, dos veces, tres veces, cuatro veces,) <REP> = <one time (once), two times (twice), three times (thrice), <CARD> times>
<Masculino Femenino>: Se distingue el gnero empleando distintas palabras para el masculino y el femenino. Ejemplos: man/woman, father/mother, boy/girl, king/queen, brother/sister, son/daughter. <Femenino = Masculino + Sufijo>: Algunos femeninos se derivan del masculino. Los sufijos utilizados para ello son: -ESS y -INE. Ejemplos: count/countess; prince/princess; poet/poetess; author/authoress; actor/actress; emperor/empress; tiger/tigress; hero/heroine. <Neutro>: Se puede distinguir el gnero de los sustantivos comunes por medio de una palabra indicadora del sexo unidas por medio de un guin. Estas palabras son: male/female, man/woman y boy/girl. Ejemplos: <male/female>dog, <man/woman>doctor, <boy/girl>scout. 1.2 NMERO El plural de los sustantivos se forma de varias formas. Dependiendo de su formacin, los plurales pueden ser: regulares, irregulares y especiales. <Nmero> = <Singular | Plural [Regular | Irregular | Especial>
PluralRegular: Caso general: se le aade una -s al singular. <General> = <Singular+s> = <cat/cats, dog/dogs, table/tables, house/houses> Caso sustantivos terminados en s, ss, sh, ch, x: se le aade es al singular. <Terminados en s/ss/sh/ch/x> = <Singular+es> = <bus/buses, dress/dresses, brush/brushes, church/churches, box/boxes>
Caso sustantivos terminados en o y la anterior es una consonante: se le aade es al singular. <Terminados en consonante+o> = <Singular+es> = <tomato/tomatoes, potato/potatoes> Caso sustantivos terminados en o y la anterior es una vocal: Caso general. <Terminados en vocal+o> = <Singular+s> = <tatoo/tatoos, rodeo/rodeos> Caso sustantivos terminados en y y la anterior es una consonante: se transforma la y en i y se le aade es. <Terminados en consonante+y> = <Singulary+ies> = <lady/ladies, country/countries> Caso sustantivos terminados en y y la anterior es una vocal: Caso general. <Terminados en vocal+y> = <Singular+s> = <boy/boys, toy/toys> Caso sustantivos terminados en f o fe: se transforma la f en v y se le aade es. <Terminados en f/fe> = <Singularf/fe+ves> = <thief/thieves, wife/wives> PluralIrregular: Plural en: para formar el plural se le aade al singular la partcula en. <Singular+en> = <child/children, ox/oxen, man/men> Plural ee: aquellos sustantivos singulares que tienen oo intermedia y forman su plural cambindolos por ee. <-oo-> <-ee-> = <tooth/teeth, foot/feet>
Plural ice: aquellos sustantivos singulares que terminan en ouse y forman su plural cambindolos por ice. <-ouse> <-ice> = <mouse/mice, louse/lice>
Plural es: aquellos sustantivos singulares que terminan en is y forman su plural cambindolos por es. <-is> <-es> = <crisis/crises, basis/bases, diagnosis/diagnoses>
Plural i: aquellos sustantivos singulares que terminan en us y forman su plural cambindolos por i. <-us> <-i> = <cactus/cacti, fungus-fungi>
PluralEspecial: Aquellos que tienen la misma palabra para el singular y el plural: <Singular = Plural> = <sheep, fish, species, scissors, stairs, trousers> Falsos plurales: son aquellos que aadindoles una -s a la palabra no forman un plural sino una nueva palabra con un significado distinto. <Falsos plurales> = <good/goods, new/news, custom/customs, glass/glasses>
El caso people: el sustantivo people es tanto contable como incontable. Como contable significa personas (es el plural de person); como incontable tiene el significado de gente o pueblo. <Otros> = <person/people>
1.3 TIPOS DE SUSTANTIVOS Los sustantivos se agrupan en: comunes, propios, abstractos y colectivos. <SUST> = <Comn | Propio | Abstracto | Colectivo>
Sustantivos comunes: <Comn> = <dog, woman, house, school, boy, door, table, cat> Sustantivos propios: <Propio> = <Charles, Helen, Waterloo Station, The National Gallery> Sustantivos abstractos: <Abstracto> = <beauty, charity, love, nature, hunger, strength> Sustantivos colectivos: <Colectivo> = <family, team, pack, committee, crowd>
1.4 FORMACIN DE SUSTANTIVOS Los sustantivos pueden formarse a partir de verbos, adjetivos y otros sustantivos (sustantivos compuestos). <SUST> = [<VING> | <V-TO>+[er/ment/tion] | <ADJ>+[ity/ness] | <SUST>+[dom/hood/ship] | [<SUSTCOMPUESTO>]>
Verbo en infinitivo sin to + er, ment o tion: <SUST> = <V-TO>+[er/ment/tion] = <worker, writer, runner, development, payment, organization, examination> El gerundio de un verbo (<VING>): verbo en infinitivo sin to + ing: <SUST> = <VING> = [<V-TO>+ing] = <feeling, learning, understanding, swimming, running> El sustantivo con terminacin dom, hood o ship: <SUST> = <SUST>+[dom/hood/ship] = <freedom, kingdom, childhood, brotherhood, championship> Sustantivo compuesto: <SUST> = [<SUST> <SUST>] = <iron box, wood house, tea table, cement factory, steel engineer>
1.5 SUSTANTIVOS CONTABLES E INCONTABLES Los sustantivos contables son los que se pueden numerar, o sea, se les puede poner un numeral delante. De esto se deduce que los sustantivos contables son los que tienen plural. En contra, los sustantivos incontables no se pueden contar y no tienen forma plural. Para contar sustantivos incontables se le antepone una referencia como son los envases o medidas de los productos.
Los sustantivos incontables llevan cuantificadores como much y little, mientras que los sustantivos contables llevan cuantificadores como many y few. Para preguntar sobre una cantidad lo haremos con How much? para sustantivos incontables y con How many? para los sustantivos contables. Ejemplo: How much water do you drink per day? I drink much water / I drink two litres of water. How many chairs have you in your house? Ive five chairs / Ive many chairs. Para responder sobre una cantidad los haremos con There is/There was en presente/pasado para sustantivos en singular, y con There are/There were para sustantivos en plural. Ejemplo: How much milk is there at home? There is much milk / There are two litres of milk. How many tables are there at home? There are two tables / There is a table.
1.6 EL GENITIVO El genitivo habla sobre la relacin de la posesin y el poseedor. Hay tres tipos de genitivo: el sajn, el of y el locativo.
El Genitivo Sajn: Se utiliza cuando el poseedor es una persona. Su forma general es: <Genitivos> = [(<DET>) <Poseedor>+<(s)> <Posesin>]
Si solo hay un poseedor: <Johns car> Si la posesin es de ms de un poseedor: <John and Peters car> Si la posesin es del mismo tipo pero de distintos poseedores: <Johns and Peters cars> Si el poseedor es un plural regular: <The babies toys> Si el poseedor es un plural irregular: <The childrens bikes> Si el nombre del poseedor acaba en s: <Charles house> El Genitivo of: Se utiliza cuando el poseedor no es una persona. Su forma general es: <Genitivo of> = [<DET> <Posesin> <of> <DET> <Poseedor>]
El Genitivo Locativo: Se utiliza cuando se sobreentiende la posesin. Se suele utilizar para referirse a la casa de alguien, un establecimiento o para no repetir la posesin. <Genitivo Locativo> = [(<DET>) <Poseedor>+<(s)>] <Jacks>, <Marys> quieren decir la casa de Jack o la casa de Mary. <The butchers> quiere decir la carnicera. <This is Johns car and that is Peters> este es el coche de John y ese es el de Peter.
1.7 SUSTANTIVOS UNIDOS POR CONJUNCIONES Las conjunciones utilizadas para unir dos sustantivos son: both, either y neither. <CONJ> = [<BOTH AND> | <EITHER OR> | <NEITHER NOR>]
BOTH (ambos): Se utiliza cuando en un grupo de dos, los dos cumplen una condicin. Se usa con sustantivos en plural. Conecta los dos sustantivos con la conjuncin and. <Both students can take the test> <Both Frank and Bob live in Chicago> EITHER (alguno): Se utiliza cuando en un grupo de dos, uno de los dos cumple la condicin. Se usa con sustantivos en singular. Conecta los dos sustantivos con la onjunction or. <Either student can take the test> <Either Frank or Bob live in Chicago> NEITHER (ninguno): Se utiliza cuando en un grupo de dos, ninguno de los dos cumple la condicin. Se usa con sustantivos en singular. Conecta los dos sustantivos con la conjuncin nor. <Neither student can take the test> <Neither Frank nor Bob live in Chicago> Se pueden utilizar con la preposicin of delante de sustantivos en plural o pronombres objetos. <Both of the students can take the test> <Both of them live in Chicago> <Either of the students can take the test> <Either of them live in Chicago> <Neither of the students can take the test> <Neither of them live in Chicago>
2. EL SINTAGMA NOMINAL (<SN>) El SN es una estructura compuesta por un grupo de palabras cuyo ncleo, que siempre debe aparecer, es un sustantivo, un pronombre o una palabra sustantivada. 2.1 ESTRUCTURA DEL SN La estructura del SN es la siguiente:
El SN consta obligatoriamente de un ncleo y suele acompaarle determinantes, premodificadores y postmodificadores. Por ejemplo:
Los premodificadores suelen ser adjetivos o adverbios. Los postmodificadores suelen ser adyacentes del nombre como: sintagmas preposicionales, sintagmas adverbiales o clusulas de relativo. <PRE-MODIF> = [<SADJ> | <SADV>] <POST-MODIF> = [<SPREP> | <SADV> | <Clusula relativo>] Ejemplos de premodificadores y de postmodificadores: <The last travel of Colon> <My new red car> <The most intelligent person on the World> <The tall man that we saw him yesterday> <The pretty ring which I gave you> Los sintagmas nominales forman parte de los sintagmas preposicionales, los cuales hacen funcin de circunstanciales. <SPREP> = [<PREP> <SN>] = <CCMODO | CCLUGAR | CCTIEMPO>
Ejemplo: <The neighbour on the sixth floor goes with John to the cinema at eight oclock>
El ncleo del sintagma nominal puede ser un sustantivo, un pronombre o una palabra sustantivada. Como palabras sustantivadas pueden aparecer el gerundio y el infinitivo de un verbo, un adjetivo o un adverbio. <NCLEO> = [<SUST> | <PRONSUJ> | <VING> | <VTO> | <ADJ> | <ADV>]
<The dog> <Some houses> <Many tables> <You and I play> <He and you are eating> <Love is a feeling> <Running is fan> <I want to skate this winter> <To ski takes some training> <I like the blue one> <I love the tall ones> <Yesterday dont already exist> <Tomorrow is mine>
2.2 FUNCIONES DEL SN El sintagma nominal realiza dos funciones principales: sujeto y complemento del verbo (complemento directo, complemento indirecto, atributo, complemento circunstancial, agente y predicativo). Sujeto: <The girlfriend of my brother arrives today> Complemento directo: <I bought a car yesterday> Complemento indirecto: <I give it to him now | I give him it now> Complemento circunstancial: <Jack goes with his dog to the park every Sunday> Atributo: <My father is a doctor> Complemento agente: <The building was made by John> Complemento predicativo: <My father always drives slowly>
my your his her its our your their somebody someone something that
mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs anybody anyone anything whom
1.1 PRONOMBRES PERSONALES DE SUJETO (<PRONSUJ>) El sujeto debe expresarse siempre y precede al verbo. Slo puede suprimirse el pronombre con el imperativo. I you he she it we you they Yo Tu, Usted l Ella Ello (para cosas) Nosotros, Nosotras Ustedes, Vosotros, Vosotras Ellos, Ellas
1.2 PRONOMBRES ACUSATIVOS DE COMPLEMENTO (<PRONOBJ>) Tiene funcin de complemento de verbo o sintagma preposicional. Complemento del verbo Mary met him here. Sintagma Preposicional Mary came with him. Si el verbo tiene dos complementos (CD: complemento directo; CI: complemento indirecto), la frase tiene dos formas posibles de construccin: <V> + <CD> + to + <CI> I give an apple to him. <V> + <CI> + <CD> I give him an apple. Me you him her it us you them me, a m te, a ti, a usted le, a l le, a ella le, a ello (para cosas) nos, a nosotros, a nosotras les, a ustedes; a vosotros, a vosotras les, a ellos, a ellas
1.3 ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS (<ADJPOS>) Se utilizan para hacer referencia al poseedor de un determinado objeto. Preceden a los sustantivos como objetos personales, partes del cuerpo, parentesco, vestimenta. My your his her its our your their mi, mis tu, tus (de t); su, sus (de ustedes) su, sus (de l) su, sus (de ella) su, sus (de l o ella, para cosas) nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras vuestro, vuestra, vuestros, vuestras su, sus (de ellos o ellas)
1.4 PRONOMBRES POSESIVOS (<PRONPOS>) Indican posesin o pertenencia y corresponde cada uno a cada persona gramatical. Los pronombres se forman a partir de los adjetivos aadiendo una s al adjetivo, excepto en my, mine y en los que ya llevan la s (his, its). Nunca van precedidos de un artculo. Mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs el mo, la ma, los mos, las mas el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas (de t); el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ustedes) el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de l) el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ella) el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de l o ella, para cosas) el nuestro, la nuestra, los nuestros, las nuestras el vuestro, la vuestra, los vuestros, las vuestras el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ellos o ellas)
1.5 PRONOMBRES REFLEXIVOS (<PRONREF>) Se usan en la conjugacin de los verbos reflexivos o bien para dar nfasis a la expresin. Suelen confundirse con los pronombres de complemento simplemente porque cumplen las mismas funciones en la frase, con la diferencia de que en el caso de los pronombres reflexivos, la persona a la cual hacen referencia es la misma que el sujeto de la frase.
Un verbo es reflexivo cuando la accin del sujeto recae sobre este mismo. Realizan tres funciones en la oracin: Complemento Directo: I cut myself this morning. Complemento Indirecto: I bought myself a new coat this weekend. Sintagma Preposicional: The man is speaking to himself.
yo mismo t mismo l mismo, s mismo ella misma, s mismo l mismo, ella misma, ello mismo nosotros mismos vosotros mismos ellos mismos, ellas mismas
1.6 PRONOMBRES RECPROCOS (<PRONREC>) Los pronombres recprocos del ingls son each other y one another. Son utilizados para expresar una accin mutua entre dos o ms personas u objetos. Quieren decir mutuamente, uno al otro. Diferencia entre los recprocos y los reflexivos. John loves her l la quiere. (Pronombre acusativo) John loves himself l se quiere (a s mismo). (Pronombre reflexivo) John and Mary love each other Ellos se quieren (uno al otro). (Pronombre recproco)
1.7 PRONOMBRES INTERROGATIVOS (<PRONINT>) PRON. INTER. Who? Whom? Which? What? When? Where? How? How much/many? Why? Whose? How long? How far? How often? How times? SIGNIFICADO Quin/es? (A/Con) quin? Cul/es? Qu, Cul? Cundo? Dnde? Cmo? Cunto? Por qu? De quin/es? Cunto tiempo? A qu distancia? Con qu frecuencia? Cuntas veces? PARA PREGUNTAR Por personas (Sujeto/objeto) Por personas (Objeto) Por personas o cosas cuando el n es limitado Por personas o cosas (Sujeto/objeto) Por el tiempo cronolgico Por lugares o posiciones La manera o el mtodo de hacer algo La cantidad de algo La razn de algo Quin es el dueo de algo Duracin de un hecho Distancia de un lugar Frecuencia de un hecho Contar las veces que se realiza un hecho
Who y What pueden actuar como objeto o como sujeto en una oracin interrogativa. Si actan como sujeto no utilizarn el auxiliar para preguntar. En cambio, si actan como objeto debern preguntar con el auxiliar. Sintaxis de la pregunta cuando who y what actan como objeto Wh- Question + Auxiliar + Sujeto + verbo Who did you ring? (A quin llamaste?) What do you need? (Qu necesitas?) Sintaxis de la pregunta cuando who y what actan como sujeto Wh- Question +verbo + objeto Who rang you? (Quin te llam?) What happened yesterday? (Qu ocurri ayer?)
2. LA FECHA Y LA HORA. 2.1 LA FECHA El formato de la fecha en ingls es: <Mes Da (en ordinal) Ao> Ejemplo: <June, 30 1997>, <April, 21
th st
Los das de la semana y los meses del ao se escriben en maysculas. Se utilizar la preposicin on para expresar los das, y la preposicin in para expresar los meses, aos o estaciones. MESES January (Enero) February (Febrero) March (Marzo) April (Abril) May (Mayo) June (Junio) July (Julio) August (Agosto) September (Sept.) October (Octubre) November (Nov.) December (Dic.) 2.2 LA HORA La expresin utilizada en ingls para preguntar la hora es la siguiente: What time is it? = Qu hora es? What's the time? (menos usual) = Qu hora es? Hay tres formatos de la hora en ingls es: Formato tradicional: <Its + Minutos + [Past | To] + Hora> Formato 12 horas: <Its <Hora:Minutos> [AM | PM]> Formato 24 horas: <Its <Hora:Minutos> DAS Sunday (Domingo) Monday (Lunes) Tuesday (Martes) Wednesday (Mierc.) Thursday (Jueves) Friday (Viernes) Saturday (Sbado) ESTACIONES Spring (Primavera) Summer (Verano) Autumn (Otoo) Winter (Invierno) FESTIVOS Easter (Pascua) Halloween (Da de Todos los Santos) Thanksgiving Day (Da de Accin de Gracias) Independence Day (Da de la independencia) Christmas (Navidades) Holidays (Vacaciones)
<12:42> <17:30> <10:10> <18:45> <05:50> <22:25> <21:00> Its eighteen to one Its half past five Its ten past ten Its a quarter to seven Its ten to six Its twenty-five to ten Its nine oclock
Its twelve forty-two PM Its five thirty PM Its ten ten AM Its six forty-five PM Its five fifty AM Its ten twenty-five PM Its nine PM
Its twelve forty-two Its seventeen thirty Its ten ten Its eighteen forty-five Its five fifty Its twenty-two twenty-five Its twenty-one
1.1 ESTRUCTURA DEL <SADJ> El adjetivo del sintagma adjetival puede estar premodificado por un artculo, un intensificador y/o un adverbio. <PRE-MODIF> = [<ART> | <INTENSIF> | <ADV>] Los intensificadores son aquellas palabras que hacen que el adjetivo se incremente o decremente en su intensidad. <INTENSIF> = <very, so, too, enough, rather, (a) little/few, such (a)> Ejemplos: <The red is my car> <The green book is yours and the blue is mine> <That man is very tall> <The house is too expensive> <This city is densely populated> <The books author is a well-known person>
El adjetivo puede estar postmodificado por un sintagma preposicional o un verbo en infinitivo. <POST-MODIF> = [<SPREP> | <VTO>] Ejemplos: <John is good at Maths> <Jogging can be bad for health> <This game will be easy to beat> <This job is difficult to finish>
1.2 FORMAS DEL <ADJ> Segn su forma los adjetivos pueden ser: <ADJ> = [<Posesivo> | <Demostrativo> | <VING> | <VED | VPARTICIPIO>| <Compuesto>] <Posesivo> <ADJPOS> = [my | your | his/her/its | our | your | their] <Demostrativo> <ADJDEM> = [this | that | these | those] <Gerundio> <VING> = <Forma activa> = <interesting, boring> <Participio> <VED | VPARTICIPIO> = <Forma pasiva> = <interested, bored> <Compuesto> Los adjetivos compuestos se pueden formar de diferentes formas: [<ADV> | <ADJ>]()<VED | VPARTICIPIO>= <wellknown, lowpaid, densely populated> <SUST><VPARTICIPIO>= <firetested, handmade, machinewashed> <VED | VPARTICIPIO><SUST>= <observedfacts, chosenstudents, knownfacts> [<ADV> | <ADJ>]<VING>= <neverending, goodlooking> <ADJ><SUST+ed> = <openminded, righthanded> <NUM><SUST> = <twohour, fiveyear, fourweek> <NUM><SUST+ed> = onearmed, fivedoored, singlehanded>
1.3 TIPOS DE <ADJ> Los adjetivos, dependiendo del lugar que ocupa en la oracin, pueden ser: <ADJ> = [<Atributivo> | <Predicativo> | <Absoluto> | <Nominal>] <Atributivo> = [<Prepositivo> | <Postpositivo>] <Prepositivo> = [<ADJ> <SUST>] = <red car, good man, tall boy> <Postpositivo> = [<SUST> <ADJ>] = <battle royal, time immemorial> <Predicativo> = <to be> <ADJ> = <I am good, you are tall, the car is red> <Absoluto> = <OSADJ> = <The book which you lent me was very good> <Nominal> = <the> <ADJ> = <the red is my car> Adjetivos atributivos (Attributive adjectives): para modificar el sentido del sustantivo se coloca el adjetivo en una posicin adyacente al mismo. Por ejemplo, happy es un adjetivo atributivo en la oracin: <They are a happy people> <The green door is opened> Adjetivos predicativos (Predicative adjectives): el adjetivo acta como complemento de una cpula, es decir, va despus del verbo to be. Por ejemplo, happy es un adjetivo predicativo en la oracin: <They are happy> <The door is green> Adjetivos absolutos (Absolute adjectives): se utiliza en las oraciones subordinadas dando informacin sobre el sujeto de la oracin principal. Por ejemplo, happy es un adjetivo absoluto en la oracin: <The boy, happy with his lollipop, did not look where he was going> <The man, nervous, opened the letter> Adjetivos nominales (Nominal adjectives): actuan casi siempre como sustantivos haciendo referencia a alguno que se ha relatado anteriormente. Por ejemplo, happy es un adjetivo nominal en la frase ya que hace referencia al sustantivo book acortando la forma happy one o happy book: <I read two books to them; he preferred the sad book, but she preferred the happy>
1.4 GRADOS DEL <ADJ> Los grados de los adjetivos son tres: el positivo (alto), el comparativo (ms alto) y el superlativo (el ms alto). <ADJ> = [<Positivo> | <Comparativo> | <Superlativo>] Todos los adjetivos positivos se agrupan en dos grupos: los cortos y los largos. Su diferencia est en el nmero de silabas y su terminacin. Los cortos son los monosilbicos y los bisilbicos que terminan en er, ow, le, y. Los largos son bisilbicos que no terminan en er, ow, le, y y los mayores de dos slabas. <Positivo> = [<Corto> | <Largo>] <Corto> = <Monosilbicos | Bisilbicos terminados en er, ow, le, y> = <big, tall, clever, narrow, idle, happy> <Largo> = < Bisilbicos no terminados en er, ow, le, y | slabas 3> = <asleep, awake, expensive, interesting, beautiful> Los adjetivos comparativos se dividen en tres grupos: los comparativos de igualdad, los de inferioridad y los de superioridad. <Comparativo> = [<Igualdad> | <Inferioridad> | <Superioridad>] <Igualdad> = [ <as <Positivo> (as)> | <(not) so <Positivo> (as)>] <as big as> <as beautiful as> <not so/as big as> <not so/as beautiful as> <Inferioridad> = [ <less <Positivo> (than)>] <less big than> <less beautiful than>
<Superioridad> = [<Corto>+er (than)> | <more <Largo> (than)>] <bigger than> <cleverer than> <happier than> <more asleep than> <more beautiful than> Los superlativos refieren la cualidad en su mxima expresin. <Superlativo> = [<the <Corto>+est> | <the most <Largo>] <the biggest> <the cleverest> <the happiest> <the most asleep> <the most beautiful> Para escribir correctamente el comparativo de superioridad y el superlativo en los adjetivos cortos hay que realizar algunas modificaciones grficas a algunos de ellos. Estas modificaciones grficas son: Los terminados en -e nice (agradable) wide (ancho) rude (grosero) brave (valiente) Solo se le aadir r en el comparativo y st al superlativo: nicer the nicest wider the widest ruder the rudest braver the bravest
Los terminados en y precedida de consonante La y se convertir en i: dry (seco) drier the driest greedy (glotn) greedier the greediest happy (feliz) happier the happiest nasty (asqueroso) nastier the nastiest Los monosilbicos terminados en consonante precedida de una sola vocal con sonido breve Se doblar la consonante: big (grande) bigger the biggest hot (caliente) hotter the hottest fat (gordo) fatter the fattest thin (delgado) thinner the thinnest Existen adjetivos que al construir el comparativo de superioridad y el superlativo lo hacen de una forma irregular. good = bueno bad = mal little = pequeo much/many = mucho better = mejor worse = peor less = menor more = ms the best = el mejor the worst = el peor the least = el menor the most = el ms
Existen adjetivos que tienen ms de una forma cuando construyen el comparativo de superioridad y el superlativo. far = lejos late = tarde old = viejo farther = ms lejano (distancia) further = ms lejos (otro/a, adicional) later = ms tarde/posterior latter = ultimo, segundo de dos older = ms viejo elder = mayor, anciano the farthest = lo ms lejos the furthest = el ms lejano/alejado the last = el ltimo the latest = lo ltimo, lo ms actual the oldest = el ms viejo the eldest = el mayor, primognito
1.5 CONSTRUCCIONES IDIOMTICAS CON EL COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD Hay dos construcciones idiomticas que se construyen con el comparativo y el superlativo: [<comparativo> and <comparativo>] cada vez ms <bigger and bigger> <worse and worse> <more and more interesting> <cada vez ms grande> <cada vez peor> <cada vez ms interesante> [the <comparativo> the <comparativo>] cuanto ms ms <the taller the sillier> <the sooner the better> <the more the merrier> <cuanto ms alto ms tonto> <cuanto antes, mejor> <cuanto ms (seamos) mejor>
Alarmado Asombrado Divertido Enfadado Aburrido Preocupado Confundido Deprimido Decepcionado Asqueado Avergonzado Excitado Agotado Fascinado Asustado Frustrado Horrorizado Intrigado Complacido Relajado Satisfecho Conmovido Sorprendido Aterrorizado Cansado Preocupado
Alarmante Asombroso Gracioso Molesto Aburrido Preocupante Confuso Deprimente Decepcionante Repugnante Embarazoso Excitante Agotador Fascinante Aterrador Frustrante Horripilante Intrigante Agradable Relajante Gratificante Conmovedor Sorprendente Terrorfico Tedioso Preocupante
Alarmed Amazed Amused Annoyed Bored Concerned Confused Depressed Disappointed Disgusted Embarrassed Excited Exhausted Fascinated Frightened Frustrated Horrified Intrigued Pleased Relaxed Satisfied Shocked Surprised Terrified Tired Worried
Alarming Amazing Amusing Annoying Boring Concerning Confusing Depressing Disappointing Disgusting Embarrassing Exciting Exhausting Fascinating Frightening Frustrating Horrifying Intriguing Pleasing Relaxing Satisfying Shocking Surprising Terrifying Tiring Worrying
<Modo> = <How?> <ADJ>+ly = <easily, quickly, slowly> <Lugar> = <Where?> <here/there, near/far, in/out, inside/outside, above/below> <Tiempo> = <When?> <late/soon, before/after, earlier/now/later, still/already/yet/just> <Duracin> = <What time?> = <all/for/since/until <periodo>, <periodo> ago> <Frecuencia> = <How often?> = <always/never, often/usually/seldom/frequently> <Cantidad> = <How much/many?> = <many/much, little/few, so/too/more/less> <Ordinal> = <What place?> = <firstly/secondly/thirdly, lastly/finally/in the end> <Grado> = <What degree?> = <very/too/enough/just/only, quite/rather> <Oracin> = <How sure?> = <perhaps/maybe/possibly/probably >
1.4 COLOCACIN DE LOS ADVERBIOS La regla general es poner los adverbios delante de los verbos, adjetivos y adverbios a los que modifica y detrs de los auxiliares o modales. Si la oracin lleva complemento directo o sintagma preposicional el adverbio se coloca detrs de ellos. <ADV> = <Posicin> [<ADV> [<V> | <ADJ> | <ADV>] ] = <She always comes, We never work, He drives very fast, She plays tennis quite well> [<VAUX | VMOD> (<CD> | <SPREP>) <ADV>] = <I have never eaten, You are always running, They can always speak, I bought it quickly, He went with his wife abroad> A esta regla general se exceptan los adverbios de tiempo y de oracin, ya que estos adverbios se colocan delante o detrs de las oraciones y solo tienen en cuenta el nfasis que se quiera dar en la oracin. <Yesterday I played tennis> <I played tennis yesterday> <Naturally you can do whatever you want> <You can do whatever you want, naturally> 1.5 DIFERENCIAS ENTRE ADVERBIOS ALREADY = YET = JUST YA.
ALREADY Oraciones afirmativas. Se coloca despus del auxiliar. <I have already finished my homework.> YET Oraciones interrogativas. Se coloca al final de la oracin. <Have you finished your homework yet?>
JUST Se utiliza normalmente con el Present Perfect. Se coloca despus del auxiliar. Significa acabar de , justamente ahora , hace poco tiempo . <Ive just seen Susan coming out of the cinema.> STILL = YET TODAVA o AN.
STILL Oraciones afirmativas. Normalmente se utiliza con el Presente Continuo, se coloca despus del auxiliar. Si se utiliza con el Present Perfect, se coloca delante de ste. <I am still finishing my homework.> <I still havent finished my homework.> YET Oraciones negativas. Se coloca al final de la oracin. <I havent finished my homework yet.> TAMBIN.
Se coloca al final de la oracin. <I have finished my homework too.> Se coloca segn la regla general. <I have also finished my homework.>
AS WELL Se coloca al final de la oracin. Une informacin similar. <I had a cake and I had an ice-cream.> <I had a cake and an ice-cream as well.> QUITE = ENOUGH = RATHER BASTANTE.
QUITE (bastante = completamente). Expresa la intensidad o plenitud. Funciona siempre como adverbio y se coloca delante del adjetivo. <Mary is quite tall.>
ENOUGH (bastante, suficientemente). Indica la suficiencia para cubrir una necesidad. Funciona como: Adverbio: se coloca detrs del adjetivo. <Mary is tall enough to be a model.> Adjetivo: se coloca delante del sustantivo. <I have enough money to buy that house.> RATHER (bastante, de forma peyorativa). Se utiliza en oraciones negativas o con carcter negativo de una forma peyorativa. Se coloca delante del adjetivo. <The meal was rather expensive, wasnt it?> SO = SUCH (A) SO TAN.
se usa con adjetivos que no acompaan a un nombre. Se coloca delante del adjetivo. <I didn't enjoy the book. The story was so stupid.>
SUCH (A) se usa con adjetivos acompaados de nombre, y se coloca justo delante del grupo nominal completo. <I didn't enjoy the book. It was such a stupid story.> TOO DEMASIADO. TOO Se coloca delante de los adjetivos y adverbios. <John is too small for playing basket.> TAMPOCO.
EITHER Se coloca al final de oraciones negativas. <I don't love chocolate. I don't love pizza either.> <Jane doesn't speak French. I cannot speak French either.> AGO HACE AGO Se coloca tras el periodo de tiempo y siempre va con verbos en pasado simple. Pero si se combina con since se utilizar el presente perfecto. <I lived in Madrid twenty years ago> <I have lived in Madrid since twenty years ago>
Ejemplos: They work at office everyday, dont they? He doesnt go on holidays, does he? You are watching TV, arent you? She hasnt finished homework, has she? You didnt go to the cinema yesterday, did you? He was working the last month, wasnt he? She had been travelling before yesterday, hadnt she? John cant speak German, can he? He should go to the doctor, shouldnt he? My parents will go to Madrid next week, wont they? Sheila must work harder, mustnt she? You have to drive on the left in England, dont you? Particularidades: Si en la oracin se usa el imperativo, en la question tag se utilizar la forma de futuro shall/will: Imperativo normal la question tag se forma con will/wont. Imperativo con let la question tag se forma con shall/shant. Let's go out for a walk, shant we? Let them not smoke here, shall they? Open the door, wont you? Don't smoke in this room, will you? Si en la oracin el sujeto es algn compuesto con body o one: la question tag llevar el pronombre sujeto they. Sin embargo, si el compuesto es con thing, la questin tag llevar it. Nobody knows what happened, do they? Everybody wanted to go to the concert, didn't they? Everything is all right now, isn't it?
Si la oracin est introducida por las formas: there is, there are, there was o there were; stos harn de sujeto en la question tag. There are many lights in the party, arent there? There isnt much people in the game, is there? There were many questions in the exam, werent there? 2. EXPRESIONES DE ACUERDO Las expresiones de acuerdo utilizan, no solo el auxiliar de la oracin, sino dos partculas: so para las oraciones afirmativas y neither/nor para las oraciones negativas. Hay otro formato para las expresiones de acuerdo y es utilizando las partculas too para las oraciones afirmativas y either para las oraciones negativas utilizando tambin el auxiliar de la oracin. 2.1 ESTRUCTURA DE LAS EXPRESIONES DE ACUERDO Sus estructuras son: Formato So/Neither (Nor) <O > <So [<VAUX | VMOD>] [<SN> | <PRONSUJ>] > <O > <Neither/Nor [<VAUX | VMOD>] [<SN> | <PRONSUJ>] >
Formato Too/Either <O > < [<SN> | <PRONSUJ>] [<VAUX | VMOD>] too> <O > < [<SN> | <PRONSUJ>] [<VAUX | VMOD> + not] either>
Formato Too/Neither (Nor) <O > < [<PRONOBJ> too] > <O > < [<PRONOBJ> neither/nor] >
Ejemplos: My wife is a lawyer. So am I. / I am too. / Me too. You look good. So do you. / You do too. / You too. We forgot to bring our umbrellas. So did we. / We did too. / Us too. I can swim, and so can my brother. / My brother can too. / Him too. They will go to the movies, and so will I. / I will too. /Me too. They have gone out, and so has her daughter. / Her daughter has too. /Her too. I don't have any free time. Neither do I. / Nor do I. / I don't either. / Me neither. We don't smoke. Neither does he. / Nor does he. / He doesnt either. / Him neither. My husband wasn't very happy when I went shopping. / Neither was mine. / Him neither David won't come to the party. / Neither will John. / John wont either / Him neither. I am not tired, and neither are my friends. / My friends arent either. / Them neither. I can't play chess, and neither can you. / You can't either. / you neither. They won't attend the concert, and neither will I. / I won't either. / Me neither. I don't like novels, and neither does my girlfriend. / My girlfriend doesn't either. / Her neither. Jack didn't bring anything, and neither did his sister. / His sister didn't either. / Her neither. She has not seen that film yet, and neither has her boyfriend./Her boyfriend hasn't either./Him neither. They don't have money, and neither do we. / We don't either. / Us neither. Bill hadn't been there, and neither had his family. / His family hadn't either. / It neither.
<Yes, [<SN> | <PRONSUJ>] [<VAUX | VMOD>] > <No, [<SN> | <PRONSUJ>] [<VAUX | VMOD> + not] >
Ejemplos: Are you a student? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Have you heard it? Yes, I have. No I havent. Did you see him? Yes, I did. No I didnt. Can you speak English? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Will they go to the party? Yes, they will. No, they wont. Were you studying yesterday? Yes, we were. No, we werent. Would you like to go to the restaurant? Yes, we would. No, we wouldnt. Cuando la respuesta a una Yes/No -Question no se conoce del todo o no se quiere contestar tajantemente con un Yes/No, se suele utilizar algunos verbos para realizar una respuesta indefinida. Estos verbos son: think (creer), hope (esperar), guess (estimar), sppose (suponer) y be afraid (temer). Los formatos de estos verbos en afirmativo y en negativo son: I think so I hope so Im afraid so I guess so I supose so Ejemplos: Is she Canadian? I think so. I dont think so. Will Ann come? I hope so. I hope not. Will John come with us on holidays? Im afraid so. Im afraid not. Will you have finished by tomorrow? I guess so. I guess not. Has Mark been invited? I suppose so. I suppose not or I dont suppose so. (Creo que s) (Espero que s) (Me temo que s) (Estimo que s) (Supongo que s) I dont think so I hope not Im afraid not I guess not I dont suppose so / I suppose not (Creo que no) (Espero que no) (Me temo que no) (Estimo que no) (Supongo que no)
[<PREP> [<SN> | <PRONOBJ>] = <in the park/in it, to his son/to him, with our parents/with them> [<PREP> <VING>] = <for running, about selling, after leaving, to meeting, before going back> Estas construcciones del sintagma preposicional tienen la funcin de complementos circunstanciales. 2. LA PREPOSICIN (<PREP>) La preposicin es la palabra que relaciona un nombre o un pronombre con otra palabra de la que es complemento. Su funcin es relacionar los elementos de una oracin. 2.1 TIPOS DE PREPOSICIONES Los tipos de preposiciones ms importantes son: los de lugar, direccin y tiempo. <PREP> = [<Lugar> | <Direccin> | <Tiempo>] <PREPLUGAR> = <in/on/at, inside/outside, above/over, in front of/opposite, between/among, below/under, near, across, beside> <PREPDIRECCIN> = <into/onto, up/down, from/to, towards, through, around, by, along> <PREPTIEMPO> = <in/on/at, for/during, from/since, to/till/until, about/around, before/after, > 2.2 COLOCACIN DE LAS PREPOSICIONES Las preposiciones se colocan: Delante del sintagma nominal o pronombre para construir los sintagmas preposicionales: I arrive at six oclock. I go with her on holidays. I run in the park everyday. The book is on the table. Detrs de los verbos para construir los verbos frasales y preposicionales: To look (mirar) to look for (buscar) To get (obtener) to get up (levantarse) To go (ir) to go out (salir) Al final de las oraciones interrogativas: Where are you from? De dnde eres? Who are you talking to? Con quin ests hablando? Whats he interested in? En qu est interesado? Who did you go with? Con quin fuiste? What does it depend on? De qu depende? How many countries have you been to? En cuntos pases has estado? Al final de las oraciones subordinadas cuando la preposicin va unida al nexo relativo: I dont know who he went with. No s con quin fue. Thats the girl I told you about. Esa es la chica de la que te habl. Those are the girls I study with. Esas son las chicas con las que estudio.
2.3 DIFERENCIAS ENTRE PREPOSICIONES DIFERENCIAS ENTRE IN/ON/AT IN (Lugar: en, dentro) (Tiempo: Meses, Aos, Estaciones)
1 (espacio) (posicin) en, a, de (dentro de) (con pases, ciudades, continentes) in Berlin, en Berln in Madrid, en Madrid in NYC, en la ciudad de Nueva York in Spain, en Espaa in USA, en Estados Unidos in Martinica island, en la isla Martinica in Europe, en/de Europa (dentro de lugares, cosas) in a row, en fila in a queue, en una cola in the sky, en el cielo in a book, en un libro in a magazine, en una revista in a letter, en una carta in a mirror, en un espejo in a car, en un auto in a taxi, en un taxi in a helicptero, en un helicptero in the photo, en/de la foto in place, en su sitio in private, en privado in the distance, a lo lejos in there, all dentro in town, en la ciudad in sight, a la vista in the river, en (dentro) el ro in the sea, en (dentro) el mar in the bedroom, en el dormitorio in the kitchen, en la cocina 2 (con nmeros) en (despus de), por, de in two miles, en (despus de) dos millas in half, por la mitad, en dos two in five, dos de cada cinco, dos quintos (matemticas) two metres in width, dos metros de ancho 3 (Meteor etc) a, bajo in the dark, en la oscuridad in the rain/snow, bajo la lluvia/nieve in the sun/wind, al sol/viento 4 (tiempo) durante (partes del da, meses, aos, estaciones) in the morning, por la maana in the afternoon, por la tarde in the evening, por la noche in December, en diciembre in April, en abril in 1980, en 1980 in Summer, en verano in Spring, en primavera in the war, durante la guerra (momentos) in the beginning, al principio in the end, al final in time, a tiempo in a week, en (dentro de) una semana
5 (situacin) in prison, encarcelado,-a in hospital, hospitalizado,-a in bed, en cama, enfermo,-a in the army, en el Ejrcito in danger, en peligro in debt, endeudado,-a in difficulties, en dificultades in a hurry, con prisa in love, enamorado,-a in order, en orden in stock, en existencia 6 (manera) in common, en comn in ink, con tinta in other words, en otras palabras in Russian, en ruso in secret, en secreto in tears, llorando in a way, de alguna manera in red, de rojo 7 (empleo) I'm in banking, trabajo en la banca 8 (en frases) in addition, adems in all, en total in any case, de todas maneras in case, por si acaso in fact, de hecho in order for sthg to happen, para que suceda algo in order to do sthg, para hacer algo in particular, en particular
3 (transporte) on foot, a pie on horse, a caballo on a ship, en un barco on a train, en un tren on a plane, en un avin on a bus, en un autobs on a bicycle, en una bicicleta on a motorcycle, en una motocicleta on a ferry, en un transbordador 4 (actividad) on holiday, de vacaciones on a trip, de viaje 5 (tiempo) (fechas) th on April 14 , el 14 de abril nd on February 22 , el 22 de Febrero (dias de la semana) on Sunday, el domingo on Monday, el lunes on Fridays, los viernes 6 (miembro) on the staff, en plantilla on the committee, miembro del comit 7 segn on average, por trmino medio on condition that, a condicin de que on your advice, siguiendo tus consejos 8 despus de on his arrival, a su llegada on receiving his letter, al recibir su carta
by ship, en barco by train, en tren by plane, en avin by bus, en autobs by bicycle, en bicicleta by motorcycle, en moto
2 (estado) a, en at war/peace, en guerra/paz at ease, incmodo at a standstill, estar paralizado at your disposal, a tu disposicin at disadvantage, en desventaja at your command, a tus rdenes 3 (tiempo) a, en at ten oclock, a las diez at Christmas/Easter, en Navidad/Semana Santa at the moment, ahora at night, por la noche at the same time, al mismo tiempo at first, al principio at last, por ltimo, por fin at the beginning, al comienzo at the lastest, a lo ms tardar at first sight, a primera vista at midnight, a medianoche at a time, a la vez at midday, a medioda at any time, en cualquier momento at certain times, en ciertos momentos at every moment , en todo momento at once, enseguida at the age of, a la edad de at your age, a tu edad at dawn, al amanecer at dusk, al anochecer at the birth of, al nacimiento de at the death of, a la muerte de at sunrise, a la salida del sol at sunset, a la puesta del sol at noon, al medioda at the weekend, el fin de semana 4 (modo) a, en at best/worst, en el mejor/peor de los casos at least, por lo menos 5 (medidas, nmeros, porcentajes, etc) a at half a price, a mitad de precio. two at a time, dos a la vez. at 100 degrees, a cien grados. at a higher price, a un precio ms alto. at a higher temperature, a una temperatura ms alta. at 100 mph, a cien millas por hora. 6 (bueno/malo en algo) en, para good at tennis, bueno en tenis good at math, bueno en matemticas. poor at making speeches, malo haciendo discursos. good at organizing, bueno organizando. bad at his job, malo en su trabajo. good at languages, bueno para los idiomas.
OUT OF: salir de un lugar: He went out of the theatre, The robbers went out of the bank with a hostage ON: cuando el movimiento finaliza sobre una superficie o para indicar posicin: The birds land on the tree, The rain falls on the car, Your glasses are on your desk ONTO: movimiento que implica un cambio de nivel: My father went up onto the roof, The cat jumped onto the chair
ABOVE / OVER: Ambas preposiciones significan "por encima de" y con este sentido se pueden utilizar indistintamente. The birds fly above / over the fishing boat No obstante la preposicin "over" tiene otras acepciones: 1.- Al otro lado de: He lives over the forest 2.- De un lado a otro: There is a bridge over the railway 3.- Cubriendo: He put a blanket over his son BELOW / UNDER: Las dos significan "por debajo de" y en este sentido se pueden utilizar en muchos casos indistintamente. The cat sleeps below / under my bed No obstante, si hay contacto fsico hay que utilizar "under", ya que "below" implica que existe un espacio entre ambos elementos: I put the letter under the book, The plane flies below the cloud IN FRONT OF / OPPOSITE 1.- Opposite: uno delante del otro dndose la cara: In the train my friend sat opposite me (enfrente de mi, cara a cara) En la mesa, para sealar que una persona est enfrente de la otra. In the restaurant my wife sat opposite me 2.- In front of: uno delante del otro, dndose la cara o la espalda In the cinema my son sat in front of me (mi hijo se sent delante de mi dndome la espalda; aqu no se podra utilizar "opposite")
FROM/SINCE: Las dos preposiciones se traducen por desde. FROM Se utiliza con expresiones de tiempo y lugar. Se suele utilizar conjuntamente con las preposiciones "to" (de tiempo o lugar) o "till / until" (tiempo). Con ellas se indica el principio y el final de un periodo o de un movimiento. Se utiliza cuando la accin ya ha terminado o no ha empezado todava. He lived in Madrid from 1990 to / till 1995, We walked from the school to the bus stop Cuando no va la preposicin "from" hay que utilizar las preposiciones "till / until" pero no "to" He lived in Madrid till 1995 SINCE Se utiliza con expresiones de tiempo, nunca expresiones de lugar. Con ella se indica el principio de un periodo que se extiende hasta el momento en el que se desarrolla la accin principal. Since se suele utilizar con los tiempos present perfect o past perfect: We have been married since 1992
2. EL VERBO (<V>)
Formas del Verbo: pueden ser personales y no personales. <V> = [<VFORMAS-NO-PERSONALES> | <VFORMAS-PERSONALES>] <VFORMAS-NO-PERSONALES> = [<Infinitivo> | <Gerundio/Participio Presente> | <Participio Pasado>] <VFORMAS-PERSONALES> = [<Voz> | <Tiempo> | <Aspecto>] Voz del Verbo: pueden ser: en activa o en pasiva. <V> = [<Activa> | <Pasiva>] Tiempos del Verbo: pueden ser: presente, pasado, futuro, condicional e imperativo. <V> = [<Presente> | <Pasado> | <Futuro> | <Condicional> | <Imperativo>] Aspectos del Verbo: pueden ser: simple, continuo, perfecto (simple y continuo). <V> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> Tipos de Verbos: pueden ser: regulares, irregulares, auxiliares, modales, preposicionales y frasales: <V> = [<VREG> | <VIRREG> | <VAUX> | <VMOD> | <VPREP> | <VFRAS>] <VREG> = <VTO | VED | VING | VED> = <to play | played | playing | played> <VIRREG> = <VTO | VPASADO | VING | VPARTICIPIO> = <to eat | ate | eating | eaten> <VAUX> = <to be | to have | to do> <VMOD> = <can/could | may/might | shall/will | should/would | ought to | must | have to | need to> <VPREP> = <V> <PREP> = <to get up, to look for, to pick up> <VFRAS> = <V> <Partcula Adverbial> = <to turn on, to come back, to get after>
2.2 FORMAS NO PERSONALES DEL VERBO Se denominan formas no personales del verbo porque carecen de desinencias personales. Las tres formas no personales del verbo son: infinitivo (Infinitive), gerundio (Gerund) y participio (Participle (Present y Past)). Aunque el gerundio y participio presente tienen la misma forma, se diferencian porque realizan funciones distintas en la oracin. <VFORMAS-NO-PERSONALES> = [<Infinitivo> | <Gerundio/Participio Presente> | <Participio Pasado>] <VTO> = [To <V>] = [<Sujeto> | <CD> | <Modificador [<SUST> | <ADJ> | <ADV>] ] <Sujeto> = <To save money is difficult now> <CD> = <I want to get up soon> [Modificador <SUST>] = <I had the privilege to work with him> [Modificador <ADJ>] = <Craig's very fortunate to have such good friends> [Modificador <ADV>] = <I'm very pleased to meet you> <VING> = <VTO + ING> = [<Gerundio> | <Participio Presente>] <Gerundio> = [<Sujeto> | <SUST> | <CD> | <PREP> <Gerundio>] <Sujeto> = <Reading is fun> <SUST> = <Everybody enjoy swimming> <PREP> <Gerundio> = <These shoes are for running> <Participio Presente> = [<VCONTINUOS>, <ADJ>, <ADV>] <VCONTINUOS> = <He is reading a novel> <He has been reading a novel> <ADJ> = <He is an interesting man> <ADV> = <He left the room crying> <VED | VPARTICIPIO> = [<VREG> = <VTO + ED> | <VIRREG> = <3 Columna>] = [<VPERFECTOS>, <ADJ>] <VPERFECTOS> = <He has played tennis> <He has bought a novel> <ADJ> = <He is a known person> <He is a bored person> INIFINITIVO (Infinitive) Llevan la partcula TO delante del verbo (en espaol las terminaciones de las conjugaciones ar, er , ir). Sus formas son: simple ('to speak'), progresivo ('to be speaking'), perfecto ('to have spoken') y pasivo ('to be spoken'). Pueden funcionar como: sujeto (To save money now seems impossible), objeto (She wants to pay), despus de los verbos auxiliares y modales sin TO (I might go to the pub after dinner) y despus de verbos ya sea con/sin TO (I told you to wash your hands - I saw you run in the park). GERUNDIO (Gerund) Verbo terminado en -ING. El Gerund es un sustantivo verbal por lo que solo puede funcionar como sujeto (Reading is fun), como objeto (Everybody enjoy swimming) y detrs de preposiciones (They had the chance of being the first ones). PARTICIPIO: PRESENTE (Present Participle) Verbo terminado en -ING (en espaol la terminacin ANDO / I-ENDO). El Present Participle es un complemento verbal. Se usa para hacer las formas continuas de los verbos, como adjetivo (The laughing man is crossing the street) y como complemento circunstancial/adverbio (Crying he left the room) (NUNCA!! de sujeto u objeto). Tambin se utiliza para abreviar oraciones subordinadas. PASADO (Past Participle) Tienen la terminacin -ED en los verbos regulares o la tercera columna en los verbos irregulares. (En espaol la terminacin ADO/IDO). Se usa para hacer las formas perfectas de los verbos y como adjetivo. 2.3 DIFERENCIAS ENTRE LAS FORMAS NO PERSONALES DEL VERBO
INFINITIVO vs GERUNDIO Tanto el infinitive como el gerund son sustantivos verbales en ingls, pueden por lo tanto tener la funcin de un objeto (object), de un sujeto (subject) o de un complemento de una frase. Como sujeto es mucho ms comn usar el gerund que el infinitive. Mientras detrs de los adjetivos se utiliza el infinitive (I'm glad to see you), detrs de las preposiciones se utiliza el gerund (I always read before going to bed).
INFINITIVO vs PARTICIPIO PRESENTE La diferencia entre una construccin con el infinitive (eat, cook, use) y otra con el present participle (eating, cooking, using) consiste en el hecho de que la construccin con el infnitive slo describe la accin general (hecho habitual, tiempo simple) mientras la construccin con el present participle describe la accin ejecutada en un determinado momento (hecho puntual, tiempo continuo). I saw you eat an apple. I saw you eating an apple. I saw you how you ate an apple. I saw you how you were eating an apple.
GERUNDIO vs PARTICIPIO PRESENTE El Gerund y el Present Participle no se distinguen en la forma, pero se distinguen en la funcin gramatical. FORMA FUNCIN Gerund = Present Participle (Los dos terminan en ING) Gerund Present Participle
El present participle NO puede tener la funcin ni de sujeto ni de objeto (slo el Gerund), pero puede tener la funcin de un adjetivo o de un adverbio. Present Participle: The diving instructor will arrive soon. (Adjetivo) Gerund: Diving requires skill and courage. (Sujeto) Un present participle ingls utilizado como adverbio se puede traducir con un gerundio espaol, pero la nica forma de traducir un present participle ingls utilizado como adjetivo es con una frase relativa. Present participle como adverbio: Laughing they crossed the street. Riendo cruzaron la calle. Present participle como adjetivo: I saw the laughing man. Vi al hombre que rea. PARTICIPIO PRESENTE vs PARTICIPIO PASADO Tanto el present como el past participle funcionan como adjetivos en consonancia con los significados del verbo TO BE, o sea, ser (ACTIVO) o estar (PASIVO). Si el adjetivo se forma con el verbo en present participle (-ING), la acepcin del verbo TO BE es SER, por ejemplo, to be boring (ser aburrido); si el adjetivo se forma con el verbo en past participle (-ED), la acepcin del verbo TO BE es ESTAR, por ejemplo, to be bored (estar aburrido).
2.3 FORMAS PERSONALES DEL VERBO <V> = [<Activa> | <Pasiva>] <V> = [<Presente> | <Pasado> | <Futuro> | <Condicional> | <Imperativo>] <V> = [<Simple> | <Continuo> | <Perfecto> [<Simple> | <Continuo>] <ACTIVA>
<VPRESENTE> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VPS> = <V-TO | V-TO + [s | es]3 PERSONA SINGULAR> = <I eat/He eats> <VPC> = <am/are/is + VING> = <You are eating> <VPPS> = <have/has + VPARTICIPIO> = <You have eaten> <VPPC> = <have/has + been + VING> = <You have been eating> <VPASADO> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VPAS> = <VED | VPASADO> = <You ate> <VPAC> = <was/were + VING> = <You were eating> <VPAPS> = <had + VPARTICIPIO> = <You had eaten> <VPAPC> = <had + been + VING> = <You had been eating> <VFUTURO> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VFS> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + V-TO> = <You [will/are going to] eat> <VFC> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + be + VING> = <You [will/are going to] be eating> <VFPS> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + have + VPARTICIPIO> = <You [will/are going to] have eaten> <VFPC> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + have + been + VING> = <You [will/are going to] have been eating> <VCONDICIONAL> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VCS> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + V-TO> = <You [would/were going to] eat> <VCC> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + be + VING> = <You [would/were going to] be eating> <VCPS> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + have + VPARTICIPIO> = <You [would/were going to] have eaten> <VCPC> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + have + been + VING> = <You [would/were going to] have been eating> <VIMPERATIVO> = <VIMP> = [<(Dont) + V-TO> | <Let + PRONOBJ + (not) + V-TO>] = <(Dont) eat | Let us eat>
<VPRESENTE> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VPS> = <am/are/is + VED> = <It is eaten> <VPC> = <am/are/is + being + VED> = <It is being eaten> <VPPS> = <have/has + been + VED> = <It has been eaten> <VPPC> = <have/has + been + being + VED> = <It has been being eaten> <VPASADO> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VPAS> = <was/were + VED> = <It was eaten> <VPAC> = <was/were + being + VED> = <It was being eaten> <VPAPS> = <had + been + VED> = <It had been eaten> <VPAPC> = <had + been + being + VED> = <It had been being eaten> <VFUTURO> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VFS> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + be + VED> = <It [will/is going to] be eaten> <VFC> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + be + being + VED> = <It [will/is going to] be being eaten> <VFPS> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + have + been + VED> = <It [will/is going to] have been eaten> <VFPC> = < [Shall/Will | am/are/is + going to] + have + been + being + VED> = <It [will/is going to] have been being eaten> <VCONDICIONAL> = <Simple | Continuo | Perfecto Simple | Perfecto Continuo> <VCS> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + be + VED> = <It [would/was going to] be eaten> <VCC> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + be + being + VED> = <It [would/was going to] be being eaten> <VCPS> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + have + been + VED> = <It [would/was going to] have been eaten> <VCPC> = < [Should/Would | was/were + going to] + have + been + being + VED> = <It [would/was going to] have been being eaten> <VMOD-Pasiva> = <VMOD> + be + VED> = <It [can/could | may/might | ought to | must | have to | need to] be eaten>
3. TIEMPOS VERBALES 3.1 PRESENTE SIMPLE (<PRESENTESIMPLE>) ESTRUCTURA <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <V-TO> <COMPLEM>] I play football on Sundays. He plays football on Sundays. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VAUX | VMOD> not (<VTO>) <COMPLEM>] I do not (dont) play football on Sundays. He does not (doesnt) play football on Sundays. <O > = [<VAUX | VMOD> (not) <SNSUJETO> <VTO> <COMPLEM>?] Do you play football on Sundays? Does he play football on Sundays? Dont you play football on Sundays? Doesnt he play football on Sundays? LA FORMA USE TO <O > = [<SNSUJETO> use to <V-TO> <COMPLEM>] I use to play football on Sundays. USOS USO 1: Acciones repetitivas o habituales. USO 2: Hechos o generalizaciones. ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
+ ? + 1
3.2 PRESENTE CONTINUO (<PRESENTECONTINUO>) ESTRUCTURA <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO BE> <VING> <COMPLEM>] You are (Youre) going to the park now. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO BE> not <VING> <COMPLEM>] You are not (arent) going to the park now. <O > = [<PRESENTETO BE> (not) <SNSUJETO> <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Are you going to the park now? Arent you going to the park now? USOS USO 1: Ahora o en este momento. USO 2: Acciones largas que estn en proceso ahora. USO 3: Futuro cercano.
? +
Para la 3 persona, se aade al infinitivo -[e]s, siguiendo las mismas reglas del plural.
3.3 PRESENTE PERFECTO (<PRESENTEPERFECTO>) El Presente Perfecto tiene dos formatos: simple y continuo. ESTRUCTURAS PRESENTE PERFECTO SIMPLE (<PRESENTEPERFECTO SIMPLE>) <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO HAVE> <VED> <COMPLEM>] You have (Youve) played tennis since you were a child. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO HAVE> not <VED> <COMPLEM>] You have not (havent) played tennis since you were a child. <O > = [<PRESENTETO HAVE> (not) <SNSUJETO> <VED> <COMPLEM>?] Have you played tennis since you were a child? Havent you played tennis since you were a child? PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO (<PRESENTEPERFECTO CONTINUO>) <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO HAVE> <been> <VING> <COMPLEM>] You have (Youve) been playing tennis for twenty years. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO HAVE> not <been> <VING> <COMPLEM>] You have not (havent) been playing tennis for twenty years. <O > = [<PRESENTETO HAVE> (not) <SNSUJETO> <been> <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Have you been playing tennis for twenty years? Havent you been playing tennis for twenty years? USOS USO 1: Tiempo no especificado antes de ahora. USO 2: Duracin desde el pasado hasta ahora. DIFERENCIAS 1. La diferencia entre los presentes perfectos es que mientras el Simple hace ms hincapi en el resultado de la accin, el Continuo lo hace en el tiempo que dura la accin. O sea, con el simple enfatizo la accin en s y con el continuo enfatizo la duracin de la accin. 2. Con los dos presentes perfectos no sabemos si la accin sigue, pero mientras la connotacin del Simple es que ya no sigue, la del Continuo es que s. 3. Last e In the last no significan los mismo. Last significa el pasado, o sea, que si estamos en 2001 y decimos last year se refiere al ao 2000. In the last significa en los ltimos, o sea, si estamos en Junio de 2001 y decimos in the last year se refiere a los 12 meses anteriores a Junio de 2001. Por eso con Last se utiliza un verbo en pasado simple y con In the last se utiliza un verbo en presente perfecto.
? + ? +
That castle has been being visited by many tourists during Christmas
3.4 PASADO SIMPLE (<PASADOSIMPLE>) ESTRUCTURA <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VED> <COMPLEM>] You played (Youd) football yesterday. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VAUX-PASADO | VMOD-PASADO> not <VTO> <COMPLEM>] You did not (didnt) play football yesterday. <O > = [<VAUX-PASADO | VMOD-PASADO> (not) <SNSUJETO> <VTO> <COMPLEM>?] Did you play football yesterday? Didnt you play football yesterday? LA FORMA USED TO <O > = [<SNSUJETO> used to <V-TO> <COMPLEM>] I used to play football on Sundays. LA FORMA WOULD ALWAYS <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would always <V-TO> <COMPLEM>] You would always take your surfboard when you went to the beach. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would not always <VTO> <COMPLEM>] You would not (wouldnt) always take your surfboard when you went to the beach. <O > = [would (not) <SNSUJETO> always <VTO> <COMPLEM>?] Would you always take your surfboard when you went to the beach? Wouldnt you always take your surfboard when you went to the beach? USOS USO 1: Acciones completadas en el pasado. USO 2: Series de acciones completadas. USO 3: Accin duradera en el pasado. USO 4: Hbitos en el pasado. USO 5: Hechos y generalizaciones pasadas. ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
? + + ? +
3.5 PASADO CONTINUO (<PASADOCONTINUO>) ESTRUCTURA <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO BE> <VING> <COMPLEM>] You were (Youre) working all morning. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO BE> not <VING> <COMPLEM>] You were not (werent) working all morning. <O > = [<PASADOTO BE> (not) <SNSUJETO> <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Were you working all morning? Werent you working all morning? USOS USO 1: Accin interrumpida en el pasado (Clusula WHEN). USO 2: Acciones paralelas (Clusula WHILE). USO 3: Hora o momento especfico de la interrupcin. DIFERENCIAS 1. La clusula-WHEN se utiliza cuando se interrumpe una accin progresiva. La accin progresiva ir en pasado continuo y la accin que interrumpe ir en pasado simple. La clusula-WHILE se utiliza en acciones paralelas. Las dos acciones irn en el mismo tiempo, o sea, las dos irn en pasado simple o las dos irn en pasado continuo. 2. Las dos clusulas tienen significados similares, pero enfatizan diferentes partes de la oracin. Las clusula-WHILE expresan la idea durante ese tiempo, mientras las clusula-WHEN expresan la idea en/desde ese momento.
? +
The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store
The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store
3.6 PASADO PERFECTO (<PASADOPERFECTO>) El Pasado Perfecto tiene dos formatos: simple y continuo.
ESTRUCTURAS PASADO PERFECTO SIMPLE (<PASADOPERFECTO SIMPLE>) <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO HAVE> <VED> <COMPLEM>] I had been a teacher before I retired. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO HAVE> not <VED> <COMPLEM>] I hadnt been a teacher before I retired. <O > = [<PASADOTO HAVE> (not) <SNSUJETO> <VED> <COMPLEM>?] Had you been a teacher before I retired? Hadnt you been a teacher before I retired?
? +
PASADO PERFECTO CONTINUO (<PASADOPERFECTO CONTINUO>) <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO HAVE> <been> <VING> <COMPLEM>] I had been teaching for twenty years before I retired. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO HAVE> not <been> <VING> <COMPLEM>] I hadnt been teaching for twenty years before I retired. <O > = [<PASADOTO HAVE> (not) <SNSUJETO> <been> <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Had you been teaching for twenty years before I retired? Hadnt you been teaching for twenty years before I retired? USOS USO 1: Accin completa antes de algo ocurrido en el pasado. USO 2: Duracin antes de algo ocurrido en el pasado. USO 3: Momentos determinados con el Past Perfect.
? +
George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license
Many cars had been repaired by George before he received his mechanic's license
George had been repairing many cars for five years before he received his mechanics license
Many cars had been being repaired by him before he received his mechanics license
3.7 FUTURO SIMPLE (<FUTUROSIMPLE>) ESTRUCTURAS LAS FORMAS DEL PRESENTE (SIMPLE o CONTINUO). USOS USO 1: Se utiliza el presente simple para hablar sobre horarios de trenes, aviones, etc. Your flight leaves at 17:15 on Monday. USO 2: Se utiliza el presente continuo para hablar sobre planes fijos en el futuro. We're playing football this afternoon.
LA FORMA TO BE GOING TO. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO BE> <going to> <VTO> <COMPLEM>] He is going to give up smoking next month. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PRESENTETO BE> not <going to> <VTO> <COMPLEM>] He is not (isnt) going to give up smoking next month. <O > = [<PRESENTETO BE> (not) <SNSUJETO> <going to> <VTO> <COMPLEM>?] Is he going to give up smoking next month? Isnt he going to give up smoking next month? USOS USO 1: La forma de futuro con to be going to es el voy a en castellano. USO 2: Se suele utilizar para expresar decisiones o intenciones y para predicciones fiables.
? +
LA FORMA SHALL / WILL. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <Shall/will> <VTO> <COMPLEM>] You will (youll) help him later. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <Shall/will> not <VTO> <COMPLEM>] You will not (wont) help him later. <O > = [<Shall/will> (not) <SNSUJETO> <VTO> <COMPLEM>?] Will you help him later? Wont you help him later? USOS USO 1: Es el futuro ms cercano al castellano. USO 2: Se suele utilizar para expresar decisiones o intenciones espontneas, tomadas en el momento que se habla. USO 3: Se utiliza para expresar la voluntad de algo y con situaciones no seguras del futuro. DIFERENCIAS 1. Para formar el futuro simple, se utiliza shall para la 1 persona y will para todas las dems. 2. La negacin de shall es shant y la negacin de will es wont. 3. Shall se puede utilizar con todas las personas cuando se quiere expresar una sugerencia u ofrecimiento. ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
<FUTUROSIMPLE> (shall/will) John will finish the work soon. <FUTUROSIMPLE> (to be going to) Sally is going to make a good dinner next month.
? +
<shall/will> be <PARTICIPIO> The work will be finished soon by John. <PRESENTETO BE> going to be <PARTICIPIO> A good dinner is going to be made by Sally next month.
3.8 FUTURO CONTINUO (<FUTUROCONTINUO>) ESTRUCTURA <O > = [<SNSUJETO> will be <VING> <COMPLEM>] You will (youll) be watching TV this evening. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> will not be <VING> <COMPLEM>] You will not (wont) be watching TV this evening. <O > = [Will (not) <SNSUJETO> be <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Will you be watching TV this evening? Wont you be watching TV this evening? USOS USO 1: Describe una accin de futuro pero para enfatizar que en el momento al que nos referimos del futuro se estar desarrollando la accin. USO 2: Suele ir acompaada de las partculas temporales como at this time, at this hour,.
? +
will be being <PARTICIPIO>
3.9 FUTURO PERFECTO (<FUTUROPERFECTO>) ESTRUCTURAS FUTURO PERFECTO SIMPLE (<FUTUROPERFECTO SIMPLE>) <O > = [<SNSUJETO> will have <VED> <COMPLEM>] By this evening you will (youll) have done my homework. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> will not have <VED> <COMPLEM>] By this evening you will not (wont) have done my homework. <O > = [Will (not) <SNSUJETO> have <VED> <COMPLEM>?] Will you have done my homework by this evening? Wont you have done my homework by this evening?
? +
FUTURO PERFECTO CONTINUO (<FUTUROPERFECTO CONTINUO>) <O > = [<SNSUJETO> will have been <VING> <COMPLEM>] By this evening I will (Ill) have been doing my homework for two whole days. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> will not have been <VING> <COMPLEM>] By this evening I will not (wont) have been doing my homework for two whole days. <O > = [Will (not) <SNSUJETO> have been <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Will you have been doing my homework by this evening for two whole days? Wont you have been doing my homework by this evening for two whole days?
? +
USOS USO 1: Describe una accin de futuro pero para enfatizar que en el momento al que nos referimos del futuro la accin ya habr terminado. USO 2: Suele ir acompaada de la partcula by + complemento temporal. ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
will have been <PARTICIPIO>
3.10 CONDICIONAL SIMPLE (<CONDICIONALSIMPLE>) ESTRUCTURAS LA FORMA TO BE GOING TO. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO BE> <going to> <VTO> <COMPLEM>] I knew you were going to go to the party. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <PASADOTO BE> not <going to> <VTO> <COMPLEM>] I knew you were not (werent) going to go to the party. LA FORMA SHOULD/WOULD. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <Should/would> <VTO> <COMPLEM>] I knew you would (youd) help him. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <Should/would> not <VTO> <COMPLEM>] I knew you would not (wouldnt) help him. USOS USO 1: El Condicional simple suele expresar la siguiente idea: la accin del verbo que en el pasado fue enunciada en futuro, cuando esta siendo comentada ahora en el presente. USO 2: Si la accin fue enunciada en futuro simple utilizaremos el condicional simple. Presente to be + going to Next year I am going to buy a house. Shall / Will I will call you tomorrow. Pasado to be + going to I said you I was going to buy a house next year. Should / Would I said you I would call you next day.
+ +
USO 3: La forma condicional to be going to es el ira a en castellano y suele utilizarse para planes. USO 4: La forma condicional should/would se suele utilizar para expresar decisiones o intenciones y para predicciones fiables. Tambin se suele usar para para acciones voluntarias o promesas. USO 5: La forma condicional se utiliza casi exclusivamente para realizar las oraciones condicionales. ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
<CONDICIONALSIMPLE> (to be going to)
3.11 CONDICIONAL CONTINUO (<CONDICIONALCONTINUO>) ESTRUCTURA <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would be <VING> <COMPLEM>] I knew you would (youd) be watching TV this evening. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would not be <VING> <COMPLEM>] I knew you would not (wouldnt) be watching TV this evening. USOS USO 1: Si la accin fue enunciada en futuro continuo utilizaremos el condicional continuo. Shall / Will Should / Would Tomorrow you will be working at 11.00 AM. I knew you would be working at 11.00 AM that day. ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
<CONDICIONALCONTINUO> They would be leaving the city.
Would be being <PARTICIPIO> The city would be being left by them.
3.12 CONDICIONAL PERFECTO (<CONDICIONALPERFECTO>) ESTRUCTURAS CONDICIONAL PERFECTO SIMPLE <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would have <VED> <COMPLEM>] I would (Id) have finished my exam by 10 oclock. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would not have <VED> <COMPLEM>] I wouldnt have finished my exam by 10 oclock. CONDICIONAL PERFECTO CONTINUO <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would have been <VING> <COMPLEM>] I would (Id) have been finishing my exam by 10 oclock. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> would not have been <VING> <COMPLEM>] I wouldnt have been finishing my exam by 10 oclock. USOS USO 1: Si la accin fue enunciada en futuro perfecto utilizaremos el condicional perfecto. Shall / Will The film will have finished by 9.30 PM. ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
+ +
Should / Would I knew the film would have finished by 9.30 PM.
would have been <PARTICIPIO>
3.13 IMPERATIVO (<IMPERATIVO>) ESTRUCTURAS FORMA PARA LA 2 PERSONA. <O > = [<VTO> <COMPLEM>] Close the door. <O > = [Dont <VTO> <COMPLEM>] Dont close the door. FORMA PARA LAS DEMS PERSONAS. <O > = [Let <PRONOBJETO> <VTO> <COMPLEM>] Let us (Lets) go to the beach. <O > = [Let <PRONOBJETO> not <VTO> <COMPLEM>] Let us (Lets) not go to the beach. USOS USO 1: El imperativo es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para dar rdenes. ACTIVA/PASIVA El imperativo no tiene pasiva.
+ +
2. MODAL CONTINUO (<VMOD-CONTINUO>) ESTRUCTURAS <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VMOD> be <VING> <COMPLEM>] You could be swimming at the beach right now. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VMOD> not be <VING> <COMPLEM>] You could not (couldnt) be swimming at the beach right now. <O > = [<VMOD> (not) <SNSUJETO> be <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Could you be swimming at the beach right now? Couldnt you be swimming at the beach right now? ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
? +
<VMOD> be being <PARTICIPIO>
3. MODAL PERFECTO (<VMOD-PERFECTO>) MODAL PERFECTO SIMPLE <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VMOD> have <VED> <COMPLEM>] You could have swum at the beach yesterday. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VMOD> not have <VED> <COMPLEM>] You could not (couldnt) have swum at the beach yesterday.
<O > = [<VMOD> (not) <SNSUJETO> have <VED> <COMPLEM>?] Could you have swum at the beach yesterday? Couldnt you have swum at the beach yesterday? MODAL PERFECTO CONTINUO <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VMOD> have been <VING> <COMPLEM>] You could have been swimming at the beach instead of working in the office. <O > = [<SNSUJETO> <VMOD> not have been <VING> <COMPLEM>] You could not (couldnt) have been swimming at the beach instead of working in the office. <O > = [<VMOD> (not) <SNSUJETO> have been <VING> <COMPLEM>?] Could you have been swimming at the beach instead of working in the office? Couldnt you have been swimming at the beach instead of working in the office? ACTIVA/PASIVA ACTIVA
? +
<VMOD> have been <PARTICIPIO>
The room should have been being cleaned but nobody was there.
USO 1: Se usan antes de los infinitivos sin to de otros verbos y muestran el grado de certeza y obligacin de las acciones que se llevan a cabo. USO 2: La 3 persona del presente simple no lleva la -s. USO 3: Se llaman verbos defectivos porque son verbos a los que le falta un tiempo verbal.
4. LOS VERBOS MODALES 4.1 PERMISO Puedo = CAN (Permiso informal) Can you open the door? Pudiste, Podas, Podras = COULD (Permiso formal) Could you open the door? Podra = MAY (Permiso muy formal) May you open the door? 4.2 HABILIDAD Puedo (S) = CAN (Habilidad presente) I can play the piano since I was a child. Pude o poda (Supe o saba) = COULD (Habilidad pasada) I could play the piano when I was a child. Podr (Sabr) = WILL + TO BE ABLE TO (Habilidad futura) Ill be able to play the piano next year. Podra (Sabra) = WOULD + TO BE ABLE TO (Habilidad condicionada) Id be able to play the piano if I finished this course. 4.3 POSIBILIDAD PROBABILIDAD Puedo = CAN (Probabilidad presente - Suposicin) They can come to the party in time. Pude o poda = COULD (Probabilidad pasada) They could have come to the party in time. Podra = COULD (Menor grado de certeza que can) They could come to the party in time.
Puede que = MAY (Mayor grado de certeza presente o futura que might) They may come to the party in time. Podra que = MIGHT (Menor grado de certeza presente o futura) They might come to the party in time. <V>+ra = WOULD + <V> (Posibilidad condicionada) They would come to the party in time if it werent raining. 4.4 CONSEJO OPININ OBLIGACIN Debera/s = SHOULD (Opinin, consejo) You should eat less. You are too fat. You should go to the doctor. You look sick. Debera/s = OUGHT TO (Obligacin social, deber) I ought to visit my grandmother. You havent seen her since a year ago. Everybody ought to be better person. It would have less wars. 4.5 SUGERENCIAS DESEOS INVITACIONES SHALL (Sugerencias interrogativas) Shall we meet at theatre? Shall we stay at home tonight? Te gustara? = WOULD LIKE + INFINITIVO? (Deseos, invitaciones) Would you like to drink a beer? = Shall we drink a beer? Te importara? = WOULD MIND + GERUNDIO? (Peticiones) Would you mind saying that again? 4.6 DEDUCCIN Puede = CAN (deduccin probable) No puede = CANT (deduccin probada negativa) He cant be a doctor. Hes too young. Podra = COULD (deduccin no probable, no segura) Im not sure, but that could be Toms mother. Podra ser = MIGHT (deduccin no probada) This might be the key that it opens that door. Debe de= MUST (deduccin probada - segura lgica) They must be sisters. They look exactly the same. 4.7 OBLIGACIN Debo = MUST (Obligacin subjetiva interna personal) I must give up eating sweets. I am too fat. Tener que = HAVE TO (Obligacin objetiva externa general legal) You have to be eighteen to vote in the UK. You dont have to vote. Voting is not compulsory in the UK. 4.8 PROHIBICIN No puedes = CANT (Prohibicin dbil) You cant listen to music in the library. No debes = MUSTNT (Prohibicin fuerte, incorrecto) You mustnt swim in the river. Its dangerous.
Un verbo frasal es una forma idiomtica que consiste en un verbo seguido de una partcula adverbial. Una partcula adverbial forma parte del verbo y depende de l modificando o alterando su significado como verbo bsico. FRASAL: Roberto lived down the situation. (down = partcula adverbial) Roberto consigui olvidar la situacin.
1. ESTRUCTURAS DE LOS VERBOS PREPOSICIONALES Y FRASALES. Verbo Preposicional <VPREP> = <V> <PREP> La preposicin funciona como preposicin. Aunque los verbos preposicionales lleven <CD> no son separables. CORRECTO He is looking after the dog. INCORRECTO He is looking the dog after. Verbo Frasal <VFRAS> = <V> <ADV> La preposicin funciona como partcula adverbial: Transitivo La oracin tiene <CD>: Separable El <CD> puede ser un <SN> o un <PRON>. Si el <CD> = <SN> El <CD> se coloca antes o despus del <ADV>. CORRECTO He took off his hat = He took his hat off Si el <CD> = <PRON> El <CD> se coloca antes del <ADV>. CORRECTO He took it off. INCORRECTO He took off it. Inseparable Llevan el <CD> obligatoriamente despus de la <ADV>. CORRECTO I ran into my teacher yesterday. INCORRECTO I ran my teacher into yesterday. Intransitivo La oracin no tiene <CD>. CORRECTO His plane took off at 6 PM. INCORRECTO His plane took at 6 PM off. 2. LISTA DE VERBOS PREPOSICIONALES To add to (sth), ampliar, aumentar, realzar algo. And her lots of virtues add to even more her natural beauty. To apply for (sth), solicitar algo. I will apply for a visa to Australia this week. To arrive in (swh), llegar a algun sitio. The bus arrives in the city at 7am everyday. To begin with (sth), para empezar, al principio de algo. Say your names to begin with the meeting. To believe in (sth), creer en algo. They believe in God. To belong to (smb), pertenecer a alguien. It belongs to the reptile family To comment on (sth), comentar, reflexionar sobre algo. The film is a comment on modern society. To communicate with (smb), mantener el contacto con alguien. I always comuncate with my friends. To concentrate on (sth), centrarse/concentrarse en algo. It's difficult to concentrate on my work when the TV is on. To decide on / against (sth / -ING), decidirse (por / por no) hacer algo. I decided against going on holiday this year, since I had just lost my job. To depend on (smb / sth), depender de alguien o algo. My son depend on me yet.
To die of (sth) (an illness), morir de algo (una enfermedad). My grandfather died of cancer at age of 70. To dream about (smb / sth), soar con alguien o algo. Yesterday, I dreamed about open fields. To disagree with (smb / sth), discutir, no estar de acuerdo con alguien o algo. He disagreed with me about what to serve for dinner. To dress in (sth), vestirse de algo. He always dresses in black. To drink to (smb), brindar por alguien. Let's drink to our friends who can't be here today. To elaborate on / upon (sth), ampliar algo, explicar con ms detalle algo. You must elaborate on your project in the meeting. To emerge from (sth), salir de algo. She emerged from her house to face the press. To escape from (sth / -ING), escaparse, librarse de algo. He just escaped from being arrested. To experiment on (smb / sth), experimentar con algo o alguien. She is experimenting on mice. To feel like (sth / -ING), tener ganas de, apetecer algo. I feel like a cup of tea. To forget about (sth), olvidarse de algo. I forgot about my keys at home. To happen to (smb / sth), por casualidad. If you happen to see her, say her call me. To hear about (sth), enterarse de algo. Did you hear about the earthquake in Japan? To hope of / for (sth), tener esperanzas de, esperar algo. We're hoping for good weather. To insist on (sth), insistir, empearse en algo. He insisted on driving me to the doctor. To interfere with / in (smb / sth), interferir, afectar a, abusar de algo o alguien. He doesn't want his father to interfere in his marriage. To laugh at (smb / sth), rerse de alguien o algo, tomar el pelo. I wish you wouldn't laugh at me, it's not funny! To listen to (smb / sth), escuchar algo o a alguien. As she lay in bed she listened to them arguing. To look after (smb / sth), cuidar a/de alguien o algo. The teacher looks after her students. To look at (smb / sth) + ING, mirar a alguien o algo. Look at her running across the road! To look for (smb / sth), buscar a alguien o algo. I'm looking for a new house. To look forward to + ING, tener ganas de algo. I'm looking forward to going away on holiday. To object to (smb / sth), oponerse a alguien o algo. Ann objected to Ben's participation in the project. To persist in (sth / -ING), persistir en algo. Even after his accident, he persisted in driving his car too fast. To pray for (smb / sth), rezar por algo o alguien. The people are praying for rain. To prepare for (sth), prepararse para algo. Its time to prepare for the test! To recover from (sth), reponerse, recuperarse de algo. She's recovering from her illness. To reply to (smb / sth), responder a alguien, contestar a algo. John's letter arrived six weeks ago; I really must reply to him. To resign from (sth), renunciar a algo. I resigned from the committee. To result in / from (sth), ocasionar algo. It could result in his dismissal. To retire from (sth), retirarse de algo, jubilarse. He retired from the Navy three years ago.
To run into (sth), chocar con algo / (smb), atropellar a alguien. Two cars ran into each other this morning. To see to (smb / sth), encargarse, ocuparse de algo. Your bicycle has a flat tire. We'll see to it right away. To shout at (smb), gritarle a alguien. Dont shout at me! To stand for (sth), presentarse a algo (ser candidato). She is standing for the presidency. To substitute for (smb / sth), sustituir a alguien o algo. Can you substitute for me on Friday? To succeed in (sth / -ING), lograr algo. He finally succeeded in passing the exam. To suffer from (sth) (an illness), sufrir, padecer por/de algo (enfermedad) He suffers from asthma. To take care of (smb / sth), encargarse de algo, cuidar de algo o alguien. He will take care of the travel arrangements. To think about (smb / sth), pensar en algo o en alguien. He thought about his role in society for a long time before he wrote that book. To think of (smb / sth / -ING), pensar en algo, imaginar, recordar. We're thinking of going to that new Italian restaurant tonight. To wait for (smb / sth), esperar que alguien o algo. Well, what are you waiting for? To wonder at (sth), asombrarse de algo. I wonder at your patience. To work on (sth), arreglar algo. He is working on his car. To worry about (smb / sth), preocuparse por algo o alguien. I worry about her living on her own. To write to (smb), escribir a alguien. I wrote to my girlfriend a letter. 3. LISTA DE VERBOS FRASALES 3.1 Verbos Frasales Transitivos Inseparables (<V> <PREP> <CD>) Break into (sth) (robar en una casa) The burglars broke into the flat at night. Come up with (sth) (encontrar/descubrir) We need to come up with a solution. Cope with (sth) (soportar bien algo, llevar bien una situacin) They found it difficult to cope with the situation. Deal with (sth) (encargarse de algo) He cant deal with the problem himself. Face up to (smb / sth) (enfrentarse a algo/alguien) You have to face up to what youve done. Fall in love with (smb) (enamorarse de alguien) He fell in love with her new girlfriend. Get down to (sth) (ponerse manos a la obra, comenzar) I havent done my homework yet. I really need to get down to it. Get on with (smb / sth) (1.continuar con algo/2.llevarse bien con alguien) Ill get on with the work tomorrow. She never got on with Mary. Get rid of (smb / sth) (librarse de algo/alguien) Can you get rid of her? Im very busy. Get round to (sth / -ING) (tener tiempo para) Have you got round to watching that film? Look into (sth) (investigar examinar algo) We need to look into our expenses. Put up with (smb / sth) (soportar a alguien o algo) I wont put up with this behaviour. Run into (smb) (encontrase con alguien) I ran into my teacher yesterday. Run out of (sth) (quedarse sin algo) Weve run out of petrol!
3.2 Verbos Frasales Transitivos Separables (<V> [<CD> | <PRON>] <PREP>) Bring (smb) up (criar o educar a alguien) My father brought the family up. Carry (sth) out (ejecutar, llevar a cabo) They will carry the plan out. Clear (sth) up (resolver, solucionar) They have cleared the mystery up. Cut (sth) out (eliminar) Im going to cut ice creams out. Find (sth) out (averiguar) Can you find his phone number out? Put (sth) off (retrasar algo) They have put the meeting off. Sort (sth) out (organizar) Ill sort the dates out with the secretary. Think (sth) over (Considerar) I need to think the offer over. Tell (smb) off (reir a alguien) The teacher told her off. Talk (sth) over (discutir algo en detalle) We need to talk a few things over. Work (sth) out (dar solucin a algo) We can work the problem out.
3.3 Verbos Frasales Intransitivos (<V> <PREP>) Break down (estropearse) Their car broke down. Break out (comenzar inesperadamente) The fire broke out downstairs. Die out (extinguirse) Many species will die out. Get by (arreglrselas bien) We make money enough to get by. Pass away (morir) Her cousin passed away. Turn up (aparecer) He suddenly turned up yesterday.
He put off signing the contract several times. Posterg la firma del contrato varias veces. I couldn't resist saying it to him. No pude resistirme decrselo. I don't want to risk losing you. No quiero arriesgarme a perderte. They suggested flying to Rome. Sugirieron volar a Roma.
2.- VERBOS QUE SOLO ADMITEN IR SEGUIDOS POR EL INFINITIVO VERBO AFFORD AGREE ASK DECIDE DEMAND DESERVE EXPECT HOPE NEED OFFER PLAN PRETEND PROMISE REFUSE SIGNIFICADO Permitirse Acordar Pedir Decidir Exigir Merecer Suponer, creer Esperar Necesitar Ofrecerse Planear, Tener pensado Pretender Prometer Negarse EJEMPLO I can't afford to take chances. No puedo permitirme correr riesgos. They agreed to work on the project. Acordaron trabajar en el proyecto He asked me to help him. Me pidi que le ayudase. I decided to buy a new car. Decid comprar un coche nuevo. She demanded to know the reason. Ella exigi saber el porqu. He deserves to go to jail. Merece ir a la crcel I expect to arrive late. Creo que llegar tarde. I hope to be on time. Espero llegar a tiempo. There's no need to tell her. No hay ninguna necesidad de decrselo. I offer to help you. Me ofrezco a ayudarte. I have planed to spend Christmas in Madrid. He planeado pasar las Navidades en Madrid. You won't pretend to give me advices. No pretenders darme consejos. I promise to send it to you tomorrow. Prometo envirtelo maana. He refused to answer our questions. Se neg a contestar a nuestras preguntas.
3.- VERBOS QUE ADMITEN INFINITIVO Y GERUNDIO CON CAMBIO DE SIGNIFICADO Si la oracin contiene complemento directo (va dirigido a alguien en concreto), el verbo que sigue a cada uno de esta lista se pone en INFINITIVO. Si carece de complemento directo (va dirigido en general), el verbo se pone en forma ING. VERBO ADVISE + infinitivo ADVISE + gerundio ALLOW + infinitivo ALLOW + gerundio FORBID + infinitivo FORBID + gerundio SIGNIFICADO Aconsejar (En concreto) Aconsejar (En general) Permitir (En concreto) Permitir (En general) Prohibir (en concreto) Prohibir (en general) EJEMPLOS I don't advise you to come here on Sundays. No te aconsejo que vengas aqu los domingos. I don't advise coming here on Sundays. No aconsejo venir aqu los domingos. He doesn't allow you to smoke in his room. No te permite fumar en su habitacin. He doesn't allow smoking in his room. No permite fumar en su habitacin. Your doctor forbids you to smoke. Tu doctor te prohbe fumar. Your doctor forbids smoking. Tu doctor prohbe fumar.
FORGET + infinitivo FORGET + gerundio GO ON + infinitivo GO ON + gerundio LEARN + infinitivo LEARN + gerundio REMEMBER+infinitivo REMEMBER+gerundio SEE + infinitivo SEE + gerundio STOP + infinitivo STOP + gerundio TRY + infinitivo TRY + gerundio
Olvidar (algo pendiente) Olvidar (algo en el pasado) Ir a Seguir Aprender (resultado) Aprender (materia) Recordar (algo pendiente) Recordar (algo del pasado) Ver (todo) Ver (parte) Parar (para hacer algo) Parar (dejar de hacer algo) Intentar (hacer un esfuerzo) Intentar (comprobar si algo es til o placentero)
I mustn't forget to post this letter. No debo olvidarme de echar esta carta al correo. I will never forget meeting the King. Nunca olvidar la reunin con el rey. She went to call me. Ella fu a llamarme. You can go on talking. Puedes seguir hablando. He learned to swim very well. Aprendi a nadar muy bien. He learned swimming when he was very young. Aprendi a nadar cuando era muy joven. I must remember to run everyday. Debo recordar correr todos los das. I remember running very fast. Recuerdo correr muy rpido. I saw him to run across the road. Le vi cruzar la carretera. I saw him running across the road. Le vi cuando cruzaba la carretera. She stopped to call me. Se par para llamarme. She stopped smoking last June. Dej de fumar el pasado Junio. He tried to find the book I had asked for. Intent encontrar el libro que haba pedido. Have you tried using this shampoo? Has probado a usar este champ?
Seguir, Continuar
Amar, Encantar
EJEMPLO I admire your ability to speak in public. I admire your ability speaking in public. Admiro tu habilidad para hablar en pblico. When you begin to talk, Ill leave. When you begin talking, I'll leave. Cuando comiences a hablar me ir. I continued working this morning. I continued to work this morning. Segu trabajando esta maana. I hate to do the homework. I hate doing the homework. Odio hacer los deberes. I like to walk in the rain. I like walking in the rain. Me gusta pasear bajo la lluvia. I love to eat chocolate. I love eating chocolate. Me encanta comer chocolate. I prefer to eat here. I prefer eating here. Prefiero comer aqu. You should start to do something. You should start doing something. Deberas empezar a hacer algo.
Las conjunciones que se utilizan principalmente son dos: if (si) y unless (si no). La oracin condicional que utiliza la conjuncin if se le denomina condicional positiva y a la que utiliza unless se le denomina condicional negativa. <OCON > = [ If <PROPSUB> / <PROPPPAL> ] <OCON > = [ Unless <PROPSUB> / <PROPPPAL> ] Para saber en qu tipo de condicional nos encontramos, solo debemos saber los tiempos en los que se encuentran los verbos principales de las dos proposiciones.
<OCON > = [ If <VPRESENTE>, <VPRESENTE> ] USO Se le denomina CONDICIONAL CIERTA. Se usa para verdades cientficas, generales, universales o que son siempre verdaderas. El verbo de <PROPSUB> es un verbo en presente y el verbo de <PROPPPAL> tambin. Los presentes pueden ser cualquier tipo de presente: simple, continuo o perfecto. EJEMPLOS If you freeze water, it turns into ice. If I work too much, I get tired. If she eats hamburgers, she gets an allergy. If she doesn't know the answer, she keeps silent. = Unless she knows the answer, she keeps silent. If we don't go out on Saturdays, we rent a video and stay home. = Unless we go out on Saturdays, we rent a video and stay home. VARIANTES <OCON > = [ If <VPRESENTE>, <VIMPERATIVO> ] If theres a fire, call 112, Call me if you get home early.
USO Se le denomina CONDICIONAL POSIBLE. Se usa para situaciones posibles o con una gran probabilidad futura. El verbo de <PROPSUB> es un verbo en presente y el verbo de <PROPPPAL> esta en futuro. La forma de futuro ms utilizada es con will, pero pueden ser cualquier forma de futuro. Los modales utilizados como variantes suelen estar en presente: can, may, must.
EJEMPLOS If it rains today, I'll stay at home. If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow. If you have finished, Ill give you another book. If you try to do this without help, you are going to fail. If you pay now, you'll get a discount. VARIANTES <OCON 1> = [ If <VPRESENTE>, <VMODAL> ] If they don't invite you, you mustnt go, If you feel sick, you can stay in bed.
USO Se le denomina CONDICIONAL IMPROBABLE. Se usa para situaciones imaginarias, hipotticas o improbables. El verbo de <PROPSUB> es un verbo en pasado y el verbo de <PROPPPAL> es un modal. Las formas del modal ms utilizada son would, could y might, pero pueden ser cualquier forma de modal. EJEMPLOS If they won the lottery, they wouldn't work any more. If it were not raining, we could go out. If they worked for that company, they might have better salaries. If she had more time, shed travel more often. If I were you, Id study harder.
<OCON 3> = [ If <VPASADO PERFECTO>, <VCONDICIONAL PERFECTO> ] USO Se le denomina CONDICIONAL IMPOSIBLE. Se usa para situaciones ocurridas en el pasado y que ya no se pueden cambiar. El verbo de <PROPSUB> es un verbo en pasado perfecto y el verbo de <PROPPPAL> es un condicional perfecto. La forma del modal ms utilizada en el condicional perfecto es would. Las formas could y might, tambin se utilizan, pero con ellos se expresa una posibilidad que no lleg a realizarse. EJEMPLOS If I had won the lottery, I would have travelled around the world. If we had studied harder, we might have passed the test. If I hadn't been so busy, I could have helped you. = Unless I had been so busy, I could have helped you. If you had been living in Spain during the Civil War, you would have gone hungry. If it hadn't rained, we would have gone fishing. = Unless it had rained, we would have gone fishing.
2. OTRAS FORMAS CONDICIONALES Existen otras tres formas de condicionales, aquellas que comienzan la oracin por I wish o If only que se traduciran como Ojala. 2.1 LA FORMA WISH + PASADO SIMPLE USO Se usa para expresar un deseo sobre una situacin irreal. EJEMPLOS I wish I could fly. I wish I lived in a house near the beach. I wish I had more money. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow. I wish I had a better job. 2.2 LA FORMA WISH + PASADO PERFECTO USO Se usa para expresar un deseo frustrado sobre el pasado. . EJEMPLOS I wish I had learned English when I was younger. I wish I had listened to you. I wish I had brought my camera! I wish I had studied more for this test! I wish I hadn't drunk so much beer last night.
2.3 LA FORMA WISH + WOULD USO Se usa para expresar desagrado o irritacin sobre algo que pasa y que probablemente no se pueda remediar . . EJEMPLOS I wish you would stop making that noise. I wish that dog would stop barking! I wish this computer would stop crashing. I wish they would stop fighting. I wish this phone would stop ringing!
Las subordinadas de relativo (relative clauses) tienen como funcin aportar informacin suplementaria sobre una persona, un objeto, un sitio o una situacin. Estas oraciones dependen siempre de un <SUST> o de un <PRON> y estn introducidas por dos tipos de conjunciones: Pronombres relativos (who, whom, which, whose, that). Por conjunciones relativas (when, where, why). En las oraciones subordinadas de relativo tenemos que saber quienes hacen de sujeto en las proposiciones subordinada y principal, pues esto nos va a permitir saber si podemos omitir la conjuncin en la oracin subordinada y tambin saber a quin sustituye la conjuncin. Se pueden presentar dos casos: Caso 1: Sujeto (<PROPPPAL>) = Sujeto (<PROPSUB>) NO se puede omitir la conjuncin. La conjuncin no sustituye al sujeto de la proposicin principal. Caso 2: Sujeto (<PROPPPAL>) Sujeto (<PROPSUB>) S se puede omitir la conjuncin. La conjuncin sustituye al sujeto de la proposicin principal. EJEMPLOS 1. The book which it is burned was very interesting. <PROPPPAL> = The book was very interesting <Sujeto> = The book <PROPSUB> = The book is burned <Sujeto> = The book Which sustituye al Sujeto Which NO se puede omitir. Como Sujeto (<PROPPPAL>) = Sujeto (<PROPSUB>) La oracin queda: The book which is burned was very interesting 2. The book which you gave me was very interesting. <PROPPPAL> = The book was very interesting <Sujeto> = The book <PROPSUB> = You gave me the book <Sujeto> = You Which sustituye al <CD> Como Sujeto (<PROPPPAL>) Sujeto (<PROPSUB>) Which SI se puede omitir. La oracin queda: The book you gave me was very interesting
1.1 PRONOMBRES RELATIVOS 1) Who Se utiliza para personas. Caso 1: The man who lives on the second floor is a doctor Caso 2: The man (who) you say hello is a doctor
2) Which Se utiliza para objetos o animales. Caso 1: The book which it is burned was very interesting Caso 2: The book (which) you gave me is very interesting
3) That
Puede sustituir tanto a who como a which de una forma ms informal. Caso 1: The man that lives on the second floor is a doctor Caso 2: The man (that) you say hello is a doctor Caso 1: The book that it is burned was very interesting Caso 2: The book (that) you gave me is very interesting
4) Whom puede sustituir a who cuando ste est en el caso 2, o sea, cuando who no sustituye al sujeto. Tambin puede ser omitido y sustituido por that. En el caso 1, who NO puede ser sustituido por whom. The man (who / whom / that) you saw is my brother. Siempre que se utilice un pronombre relativo precedido por una preposicin, solo se podr utilizar whom (<PREP> + whom) y NO puede ser omitido: The man to whom (to who / to that) you spoke is my brother. The man with whom (with who / with that) you played tennis is my brother. The man for whom (for who / for that) you work is my brother. Una forma ms informal de construir estas oraciones es poner la preposicin delante del verbo de la proposicin principal tras la proposicin subordinada (whom + <PROPSUB> + <PREP>. Entonces las oraciones anteriores quedaran: The man whom you spoke to is my brother. The man whom you played tennis with is my brother. The man whom you work for is my brother. 5) Whose es un pronombre relativo posesivo que se utiliza siempre en conjunto con un segundo nombre (el objeto de la posesin). Whose NO se puede omitir. I saw the boy whose father is a doctor. I read the book whose author is from India.
1.2 CONJUNCIONES RELATIVAS 1) Where tiene como antecedente a un sustantivo que hace referencia a un lugar:
That is the place where I was born. 2) When tiene como antecedente a un sustantivo que hace referencia a una nocin temporal:
The year when I was born was very cold. 3) Why tiene como antecedente el sustantivo que hace referencia a una razn: The reason why I am here is to convince you to come to the party. Las conjunciones relativas pueden ser sustituidos por la construccin <PREP> + which, y NO puede ser omitido: That is the place in which I was born. The year in which I was born was very cold. The reason for which I am here is to convince you to come to the party. The book in which you are interested is on the shelf. Al igual que la forma (<PREP> + whom), en la forma (<PREP> + which), la <PREP> puede colocarse al final de la proposicin subordinada, antes del verbo de la proposicin principal. Las oraciones anteriores quedaran de esta forma:
That is the place which I was born in. The year which I was born in was very cold. The reason which I am here for is to convince you to come to the party. The book which you are interested in is on the shelf.
IMPORTANTE: what no es un pronombre relativo, por lo tanto no tiene un sustantivo como antecedente. En este caso what = the thing which: The only thing what keeps me awake is coffee. (INCORRECTA) The only thing which keeps me awake is coffee. (CORRECTA) This is what she told me. (INCORRECTA) This is the thing which she told me. (CORRECTA)
2. ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS ADVERBIALES. Son aquellas donde la oracin subordinada hace funciones de adverbio, o sea, que modifica a un verbo. Dependiendo de esta funcionalidad, las oraciones subordinadas adverbiales pueden clasificarse en: Temporales (time clauses). Concesivas (Clauses of concession or contrast). Causales (Clauses of reason). Consecutivas (Clauses of result). Finalidad (Clauses of purpose). Todas ellas dependen del tipo de conjuncin que se utilice en la oracin subordinada. 2.1 TEMPORALES When / as = cuando As I was walking down the street, I saw my ex-boyfriend. I saw Joe when I was going to the store. While = mientras While I was watching TV, you were studying. As soon as = tan pronto como As soon as he had finished studying, he left. Before / after = antes de (que) / despus de (que) The train had left before they got to the station. She went to the gym after she had done her homework. Until = hasta (que) We were waiting until she arrived. 2.2 CONCESIVAS Although / even though / though = aunque Este tipo necesita que despus vaya una oracin Although + <PROPSUB> Although he didnt have money, he bought the most expensive car. In spite of / Despite = a pesar de Este tipo necesita que despus vaya un <SUST> o un <VING> Despite the rain, we went out for a walk.
2.3 CAUSALES Because = porque Este tipo necesita que despus vaya una oracin Because + <PROPSUB> We moved to another city because my father got a new job. Because of = por, debido a Este tipo necesita que despus vaya un <SUST> Because of + <SUST> We moved to another city because of my fathers new job. As /since = como, puesto que. As it is your birthday, Ill lend you my best clothes. 2.4 CONSECUTIVAS so = as que She was ill so she couldnt take the exam. so / such (that) = tan que so + [<ADJ> | <ADV>] + (that) The ticket for the concert was so expensive (that) we couldnt buy it. such + (<ADJ>) + <SUST> + (that) It is such a big city (that) I always get lost. therefore = por tanto, como consecuencia I failed my English test and therefore I took it again in September.
2.5 FINALIDAD Todas las conjunciones se traducen como para o para que. To + <VTO> I went to the university to talk to one of my teachers. In order to / so as to I went to the university in order to talk to one of my teachers. (ms formal) So that Ill buy a ball so that we can play football. For + [<SUST> | <VING>] A knife is used for cutting. In case = por si acaso I will take an umbrella in case it rains.
3. ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS SUSTANTIVAS. Son aquellas donde la oracin subordinada funciona como un sustantivo, un complemento directo, un complemento sujeto, sintagma adjetival o un sintagma preposicional. Para reconocer a una oracin subordinada sustantiva se debe poder realizar preguntas con los pronombres interrogativos What? o Who(m)? al verbo. Por ejemplo en la siguiente oracin: What you did made me laugh Lo que hiciste me hizo reir Se puede preguntar: What made me laugh?, se respondera: What you did. Entonces la proposicin subordinada realiza funcin de sujeto, por lo que es una oracin subordinada sustantiva. Veamos otro ejemplo: Whatever happens during the day comes out in my music Lo que me pasa durante el da sale en mi msica
Se puede preguntar: What comes out in my music?, se respondera: Whatever happens during the day. Entonces la proposicin subordinada realiza function de sujeto, por lo que es una oracin subordinada sustantiva. Los tipos de oracin subordinada sustantiva dependen de la funcin que realice la oracin proposicin subordinada: 3.1 DE SUJETO What Tommy said surprised his teacher What surprised his teacher? Lo que Tommy dijo sorprendi a su maestro Where you came from is not relevant What isnt relevant? De dnde viniste no es relevante 3.2 DE COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO Anna's parents didn't know that she had missed school What didnt Annas parents know? Los padres de Anna no saban que ella haba faltado a la escuela It doesn't matter where it came from What doesnt it matter? No importa de dnde vino 3.3 DE COMPLEMENTO DEL SUJETO The reason for my delay was that I fell asleep La razn de mi retraso fue que me qued dormido Julia's mistake was that she didn't ask for help El error de Julia fue que no pidi ayuda 3.4 SINTAGMA PREPOSICIONAL Peter is proud of what he did What is Peter proud of? Pedro est orgulloso de lo que hizo She is a little worried about who will replace the president What is she a little worried about? Est un poco preocupada sobre quin reemplazar al presidente 3.5 SINTAGMA ADJETIVAL We are happy that you have finally accepted the proposal What are we happy of? Estamos felices de que finalmente hayas aceptado la propuesta I'm sure that they will arrive soon What am I sure of? Estoy seguro de que llegarn pronto What was the reason for my delay? What was Julias mistake?
Igualmente hay que tener en cuenta los tiempos verbales: ESTILO DIRECTO Presente simple Presente continuo Presente perfecto Presente perfecto continuo Pasado simple ESTILO INDIRECTO Pasado simple Pasado continuo Pasado perfecto Pasado perfecto continuo Pasado perfecto
Pasado continuo Pasado perfecto Futuro simple Condicional simple Futuro continuo Will Shall Must / Have to May Can Would, Could, Might, Should, Ought to
Pasado perfecto continuo Pasado perfecto Condicional simple Condicional perfecto Condicional continuo Would Should Had to Might Could Sin cambios
Las frases interrogativas no mantienen el orden propio de este tipo de oraciones, sino que se ponen en orden enunciativo. Igualmente, cuando en la respuesta hay que decir s/no, la segunda oracin va introducida por el condicional if. Ejemplos: ESTILO DIRECTO How old are you?, he asked. What do you know about animals?, he asked. Do you have a car?, she asked. ESTILO INDIRECTO He asked me how old I was. He asked me what I knew about animals. She asked me if I had a car.
En las oraciones imperativas afirmativas el verbo pasa a infinitivo con to. En las negativas, aadimos not to. El sujeto no hace falta ponerlo en ninguna de ellas. ESTILO DIRECTO Do your homework, the teacher told the class He said to me: Close the door She said to me, "Buy bread" Dont do that!, she ordered ESTILO INDIRECTO The teacher told the class to do their homework He said to me to close the door She ordered me to buy bread She ordered not to do that
4. DIFERENCIAS ENTRE SAY y TELL. En espaol podemos traducir say o tell como decir, pero en ingls se usan estos verbos de maneras distintas. Hay unas reglas que indican el uso de uno sobre el otro en ingls, aunque en general usamos say para decir algo y tell para decir algo a alguien. 4.1 TO SAY Se usa "say" en el estilo directo y el indirecto. Si queremos usar "say" con un objeto personal, necesitamos usar la preposicion "to". EJEMPLOS ESTILO DIRECTO "I'm hungry" he said. "I need your help" Glen said to Mike. She said "Do you like to dance?" 4.2 TO TELL Tambin se puede usar "tell" con el estilo directo y el indirecto, aunque el uso con el estilo directo no es tan comn. Cuando usamos "tell" necesitamos usar un objeto indirecto que va detrs del verbo. Se usar tell con rdenes o instrucciones, para contar cuentos o bromas, para decir verdades o mentiras y, finalmente, para preguntar el tiempo o fechas. ESTILO INDIRECTO He said that he was hungry. Glen said to Mike that he needed his help. She said to me if I liked to dance.
EJEMPLOS ESTILO DIRECTO He told me, "I'm hungry" Glen told Mike, "I need your help" I told him, "Stop complaining" "Tell me a joke", she said. "Tell me the truth", she said. I speak English, he said. Im speaking English, he said. Ive spoken English, he said. Ive been speaking English, he said. I spoke English, he said. I was speaking English, he said. Id spoken English, he said. Ill speak English, he said. Id speak English, he said. Ill be speaking English, he said. I must speak English, he said. I have to speak English, he said. I may speak English, he said. I can speak English, he said. I could speak English, he said. I might speak English, he said. I should speak English, he said. ESTILO INDIRECTO He told me that he was hungry. Glen told Mike that he needed his help. I told him to stop complaining. She said to tell her a joke. She said to tell her the truth. He said that he spoke English. He said that he was speaking English. He said that hed spoken English. He said that hed been speaking English. He said that hed spoken English. He said that hed been speaking English. He said that hed spoken English. He said that hed speak English. He said that hed have spoken English. He said that hed be speaking English. He said that he must speak English. He said that he has to speak English. He said that he may speak English. He said that he could speak English. He said that he could speak English. He said that he might speak English. He said that he should speak English.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket. No te lo juegues todo a una sola carta. Early to bed, early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise. A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda. Every cloud has a silver lining. No hay mal que por bien no venga. / No hay mal que cien aos dure. Every law has its loophole. Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa. Every time the sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful. Oveja que bala, bocado que pierde. Experience is the mother of knowledge. La experiencia es la madre de la ciencia. Finders, keepers; losers, weepers. El que se fue a Sevilla, perdi su silla. Give a dog a bad name and hang it. Hazte fama y chate a dormir. / Un perro mat y mataperros me llamaron. God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. Dios aprieta pero no ahoga. Half a loaf is better than none. Algo es algo, peor es nada. / Menos da una piedra. He that fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. Soldado que huye, sirve para otra guerra. / Quien en tiempo huye, en tiempo acude. Hunt with cats and you catch only rats. Dime con quin andas y te dir quin eres. If you have made your bed, now lie in it. Si cometes un error, debes asumir las consecuencias. In for a penny, in for a pound. De perdidos, al ro. It never rains, but it pours. Las desgracias nunca vienen solas. It takes all sorts to make a world. Hay de todo en la via del Seor. It's good fishing in troubled waters. A ro revuelto, ganancia de pescadores. It's never too late to learn. Nunca es tarde para aprender. It's no good crying over spilt milk. A lo hecho, pecho. / No hay que llorar sobre la leche derramada. It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. Es la gota que colma el vaso. Let bygones be bygones. Lo pasado, pisado. / Borrn y cuenta nueva. Like father, like son. De tal palo, tal astilla. Many hands make light work. Muchas manos hacen el trabajo ligero. Money is the root of all evil. El dinero es el camino de la perdicin. More haste, less speed. Vsteme despacio que tengo prisa. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. No te hagas problema hasta que los problemas te angustien. No pain, no gain. El que quiere celeste, que le cueste. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Quien no arriesga, no gana. / Quien no se arriesga, no cruza la mar. One man's meat is another man's poison. Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito. / Para gustos, los colores. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. No hagas a los dems lo que no quieres que te hagan a ti. Politeness costs nothing. Lo corts no quita lo valiente.
Rome wasn't built in a day. Roma no se hizo en un da. Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors. La experiencia es la madre de la sabidura. Step by step, one goes a long way. Paso a paso, se recorre un largo camino. Take care of the pennies/pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. Ahorra la calderilla y tendrs dinero. / Muchos pocos hacen un montn. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. De tal palo, tal astilla. The die is cast. La suerte est echada. The early bird catches the worm. A quien madruga, Dios lo ayuda. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Lo mejor siempre lo tiene el otro. The shoemaker's son goes always barefoot. En casa de herrero, cuchara de palo. There's many a slip twixt cup and lip. Entre mano y boca desaparece la sopa. / Del plato a la boca se pierde la sopa. Think twice, act wise. Piensa dos veces antes de actuar. To call a spade, a spade. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino. To err is human; to forgive, divine. Errar es humano, perdonar es divino. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Demasiados cocineros estropean el caldo. / Muchas manos en un plato hacen mucho garabato. Two in distress makes sorrow less. Las penas compartidas saben a menos. Variety is the spice of life. En la variedad est el gusto. What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over. Ojos que no ven, corazn que no siente. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Donde fueres haz lo que vieres. When one is hungry, everything tastes good. Cuando hay hambre, no hay pan duro. When there's a will, there's a way. Querer es poder. While the cat's away, the mice will play. Cuando el gato no est, los ratones bailan. You can't have your cake and eat it too. No se puede tener todo en la vida. / No puedes estar en misa y repicando. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. No se puede pedir peras al olmo. / Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Loro viejo no aprende a hablar. You have to take the rough with the smooth. Hay que tomar la vida como es. / Hay que estar a las duras y a las maduras. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Hoy por ti, maana por m.
Abolish Absorb Accede Accent Accuse Achieve Act Address Admit Adorn Advertise Affirm Allow Amuse Annoy Apologize Appoint Approve Arrive Assure Attack Attend Avoid Beg Belong Book Carry Cease Check Clean Climb Collect Combine Commit Complain
Abolir Absorber Acceder Acentuar Acusar Llevar a cabo Actuar Dirigir Admitir Adornar Anunciar Afirmar Permitir Divertir Molestar Excusarse Nombrar Aprobar Llegar Asegurar Atacar Asistir Evitar Rogar, pedir Pertenecer Reservar Llevar Cesar Comprobar Limpiar Trepar Recoger Combinar Cometer Quejarse
Accelerate Acelerar Accept Accustom Acquire Add Admire Adore Advance Advise Agree Amount Announce Answer Appear Approach Arrange Ask Astonish Attempt Attract Bathe Believe Blame Call Cash Change Claim Clear Close Comb Command Compare Aceptar Acostumbrar Adquirir Sumar Admirar Adorar Avanzar Aconsejar Acceder Ascender/cantidad Anunciar Contestar Aparecer Acercarse Arreglar Preguntar Asombrar Intentar Atraer Baarse Creer Culpar Llamar Cobrar Cambiar Reclamar Aclarar, limpiar Cerrar Peinar Mandar Comparar
Compose Consider Contain Copy Cough Cover Crown Damage Dawn Decide Defend Desire Destroy Develop Devour Dislike Divide Drop Earn Employ
Componer Considerar Contener Copiar Toser Cubrir Coronar Daar Amanecer Decidir Defender Desear Destruir Desarrollar Devorar Desaprobar Dividir Dejar caer Ganar Emplear
Conceal Consist Continue Correct Count Cross Cry Dance Deceive Declare Deliver Despise Detach Devote Discover Disturb Drag Dry Elect Enclose End Enter Esteem Exchange Explain Expose Extract Fear Fill Fish Fix Fold Found Gamble Govern Greet Guess Hang Hate
Ocultar Consistir Continuar Corregir Contar Cruzar Gritar, llorar Bailar Engaar Declarar Entregar Despreciar Separar Dedicar Descubrir Perturbar Arrastrar Secar Elegir Incluir Terminar Entrar Estimar Cambiar Explicar Exponer Extraer Temer Llenar Pescar Fijar Doblar Fundar Jugar Gobernar Saludar Adivinar Ahorcar Odiar
Encourage Animar Enjoy Establish Evoke Expect Explode Express Fail Fetch Finish Fit Float Follow Gain Gather Grant Guard Handle Happen Disfrutar Establecer Evocar Esperar Estallar Expresar Fallar Ir por Acabar Ajustar Flotar Seguir Ganar Recoger Conceder Guardar Manejar Suceder
Heat Hire Hunt Imagine Import Improve Increase Intend Invite Join Jump Kick Kiss Land Laugh Like Live Love Maintain Measure Mention Name Notice Obey Oblige Offer Order Pack Pass Place Please Practise Prepare Produce Propose Punish Rain Receive Refuse
Calentar Alquilar Cazar Imaginar Importar Mejorar Aumentar Proponerse Invitar Unir Saltar Cocear Besar Aterrizar Rer Gustar Vivir Amar Mantener Medir Mencionar Nombrar
Help Hope Hurry Imply Impress Include Inquire Invent Iron Joke Justify Kill Knock Last Lie Listen Look Lower Marry Mend Move Note
Ayudar Esperar Apresurarse Implicar Impresionar Incluir Averiguar Inventar Planchar Bromear Justificar Matar Golpear Durar Mentir Escuchar Mirar Bajar Casarse Componer Mover Notar Numerar Obligar Ocupar Abrir Organizar Pintar Permitir Jugar Poseer Preferir Presentar Prometer Tirar de Empujar Alcanzar Referir Aliviar
Notar, darse cuenta Number Obedecer Obligar Ofrecer Ordenar Empaquetar Pasar Colocar Agradar Practicar Preparar Producir Proponer Castigar Llover Recibir Rehusar Oblige Occupy Open Organize Paint Permit Play Possess Prefer Present Promise Pull Push Reach Refer Relieve
Remain Remind Rent Repeat Report Require Return Sail Seem Shout Smile Sound Stop Suffer Suppose Talk Taste Touch Thank Translate Trouble Try Unite Vary Wait Want Watch Wish Worry
Permanecer Recordar Arrendar Repetir Informar Requerir Volver Navegar Parecer Gritar Sonrer Sonar Parar Sufrir Suponer Hablar Probar Tocar Agradecer Traducir Molestar Probar Unir Variar Esperar Querer Vigilar Desear Preocuparse
Remember Remove Repair Reply Request Rest Rush Save Sharpen Sign Smoke Start Study Suggest Surprise Tame Tire Test Tie Travel Trust Turn Use Visit Walk Wash Weigh Work Wound
Recordar Quitar Reparar Replicar Suplicar, requerir Descansar Precipitarse Ahorrar Afilar Firmar Fumar Empezar Estudiar Sugerir Sorprender Domesticar Cansar Probar Atar Viajar Confiar Girar Usar Visitar Andar Lavar Pesar Trabajar Herir
2. VERBOS IRREGULARES INFINITIVO Arise Awake PASADO SIMPLE PARTICIPIO PASADO TRADUCCIN Arose Awoke Arisen Awoken Been Borne / Born Beaten Become Begun Bent Bet Bound Bid Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt / Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Come Cost Cut Chosen Clung Crept Dealt Dug Done Drawn Surgir, Levantarse Despertarse Ser / Estar Soportar, dar a luz Golpear Llegar a Ser Empezar Doblar Apostar Atar, encuadernar Pujar Morder Sangrar Soplar Romper Criar Traer Llevar Radiar Edificar Quemar Reventar Comprar Arrojar Coger Venir Costar Cortar Elegir Agarrarse Arrastrarse Tratar Cavar Hacer Dibujar Soar Beber Conducir
Be/ am, are, is Was / Were Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind Bid Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Buy Cast Catch Come Cost Cut Choose Cling Creep Deal Dig Do (Does) Draw Dream Drink Drive Bore Beat Became Began Bent Bet Bound Bid Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast Built Burnt /Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Came Cost Cut Chose Clung Crept Dealt Dug Did Drew
Eat Fall Feed Feel Fight Find Flee Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go (Goes) Grow Grind Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt Keep Know Kneel Knit Lay Lead Lean Leap Learn Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose
Ate Fell Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flew Forbade Forgot Forgave Froze Got Gave Went Grew Ground Hung Had Heard Hid Hit Held Hurt Kept Knew Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned Left Lent Let Lay Lit Lost
Eaten Fallen Fed Felt Fought Found Fled Flown Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got / Gotten Given Gone Grown Ground Hung Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Hurt Kept Known Knelt Knit Laid Led Leant Leapt Learnt / Learned Left Lent Let Lain Lit Lost
Comer Caer Alimentar Sentir Luchar Encontrar Huir Volar Prohibir Olvidar Perdonar Helar Obtener Dar Ir Crecer Moler Colgar Haber o Tener Oir Ocultar Golpear Agarrar Celebrar Herir Conservar Saber Conocer Arrodillarse Hacer punto Poner Conducir Apoyarse Brincar Aprender Dejar Prestar Permitir Echarse Encender Perder
Make Mean Meet Mistake Overcome Pay Put Read Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Seek Sell Send Set Sew Shake Shear Shine Shoot Show Shrink Shut Sing Sink Sit Sleep Slide Smell Sow Speak Speed Spell Spend Spill Spin
Made Meant Met Mistook Overcame Paid Put Read Rode Rang Rose Ran Said Saw Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed Shook Shore Shone Shot Showed Shrank Shut Sang Sank Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed Spoke Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun
Made Meant Met Mistaken Overcome Paid Put Read Ridden Rung Risen Run Said Seen Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed / Sewn Shaken Shorn Shone Shot Shown Shrunk Shut Sung Sunk Sat Slept Slid Smelt Sowed / Sown Spoken Sped Spelt Spent Spilt / Spilled Spun
Hacer Significar Encontrar Equivocar Vencer Pagar Poner Leer Montar Llamar Levantarse Correr Decir Ver Buscar Vender Enviar Poner(se) Coser Sacudir Esquilar Brillar Disparar Mostrar Encogerse Cerrar Cantar Hundir Sentarse Dormir Resbalar Oler Sembrar Hablar Acelerar Deletrear Gastar Derramar Hilar
Spit Split Spoil Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Sting Stink Stride Strike Swear Sweat Sweep Swell Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Thrust Tread Understand Undergo Undertake Wake Wear Weave Weep Wet Win Wind Withdraw Wring Write
Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprang Stood Stole Stuck Stung Stank/Stunk Strode Struck Swore Sweat Swept Swelled Swam Swung Took Taught Tore Told Thought Threw Thrust Trod Understood Underwent Undertook Woke Wore Wove Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrew Wrung Wrote
Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprung Stood Stolen Stuck Stung Stunk Stridden Struck Sworn Sweat Swept Swollen Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thrown Thrust Trodden Understood Undergone Undertaken Woken Worn Woven Wept Wet Won Wound Withdrawn Wrung Written
Escupir Hender / partir / rajar Estropear Extender Saltar Estar en pie Robar Pegar Engomar Picar Apestar Dar zancadas Golpear Jurar Sudar Barrer Hinchar Nadar Columpiarse Coger Ensear Rasgar Decir Pensar Arrojar Tirar Introducir Pisar, hollar Entender Sufrir Emprender Despertarse Llevar puesto Tejer Llorar Mojar Ganar Enrollar Retirarse Torcer Escribir
EL CIELO Y LA TIERRA (The sky and the Earth) Universo Universe Estrella Star Sol Sun Planeta Planet Tierra Earth Satlite Satellite Luna Moon Atmsfera Atmosphere Isla Island Montaa Mountain Valle Valley Ro River Lago Lake Selva Jungle Bosque Forest Desierto Desert Continente Continent Ocano Ocean Mar Sea LA CASA Y EL HOGAR (House and home) Casa House Puerta Door Ventana Window Pared Wall Suelo Floor Techo Ceiling Tejado Roof Escaleras Staircase Chimenea Chimney Pasillo Hall Balcn Balcony Hogar Home Recibidor Foyer Saln Living room
Cocina Kitchen Comedor Dinning room Dormitorio Bedroom Cuarto de bao Bathroom Despacho Study Garaje Garage Buhardilla Studio apartment PROFESIONES (Professions) Abogado Lawyer Pintor Painter Mdico Doctor Frutero Greengrocer Ingeniero Engineer Mecnico Mechanic Economista Economist Militar Soldier Arquitecto Architect Sacerdote Priest Comerciante Shopkeeper Artista Artist Panadero Baker Actor Actor Actriz Actress Peluquero Hairdresser Funcionario Civil servant Cerrajero Locksmith Escritor Writer Fontanero Plumber Carpintero Carpenter Maestro Teacher Polica Policeman Alcalde Mayor ANIMALES (Pets and wild animals) Perro Dog Gato Cat Caballo Horse Toro Bull Vaca Cow Oveja Sheep Cabra Goat Cerdo Pig Ballena Whale Elefante Elephant Tigre Tiger Len Lion Oso Bear Lobo Wolf guila Eagle Serpiente Snake Camello Camel Hipoptamo Hippo Rinoceronte Rhinoceros Pantera Panther Zorro Fox Tiburn Shark Caracol Snail ANIMALES ACUTICOS (Aquatic Animals) Trucha Trout Salmn Salmon Delfn Dolphin Calamar Squid Orca Killer whale Raya Ray Pulpo Octopus Besugo Red bream Foca Seal Pingino Penguin Cocodrilo Crocodile Cangrejo Crab
LUGARES DE TRABAJO (Workplaces) Panadera Baker Optica Optician Peluquera Hairdresser Farmacia Pharmacy Frutera Greengrocer Gasolinera Gas station Taller Workshop Quiosco Newsstand Cafetera Snack-bar Discoteca Disco Joyera Jeweller Hospital Hospital Carnicera Butcher Pastelera Pastery Banco Bank Ferretera Hardware store Iglesia Church Supermercado Supermarket Juguetera Toyshop Tienda de ropa Clothes shop Librera Bookshop Anticuario Antique shop Zapatera Shoe shop Tienda de muebles Furniture place AVES (Birds) Aguila Eagle Loro Parrot Halcn Falcon Avestruz Ostrich Paloma Dove Milano Kite Buitre Vulture Jilguero Goldfinch Cuervo Crow Ruiseor Nightingale Cigea Stork Pato Duck Canario Canary Ganso Goose Gaviota Seagull Cisne Swan Gorrin Sparrow Cuco Cuckoo Golondrina Swallow Cndor Condor Bho Owl Murcilago Bat INSECTOS (Insects) Mosca Fly Lagartija Little lizard Mosquito Mosquito Piojo Louse Avispa Wasp Garrapata Tick Abeja Bee Polilla Moth Hormiga Ant Lombriz Worm Cucaracha Cockroach Saltamontes Grasshopper
DEPORTES (Sports) Tenis Karate Futbol Golf Baloncesto Waterpolo Balonmano Hockey Vela Hockey sobre hielo Remo Esqu Hpica Ciclismo Natacin Motociclismo Atletismo Automovilismo Gimnasia Voleibol Boxeo Maratn Yudo
Tennis Karate Football Golf Basketball Water polo Handball Hockey Sailing Ice hockey Rowing Skiing Riding Cycling Swimming Motorcycling Athletics Car racing Gymnastics Volley ball Boxing Marathon Judo
PAISES (Countries) Europa Europe Espaa Spain Portugal Portugal Italia Italy Grecia Greece Francia France Alemania Germany Holanda Netherlands (Holland) Blgica Belgium Suecia Sweden Finlandia Finland Noruega Norway Dinamarca Denmark Reino Unido United Kingdom (U.K.) Inglaterra England Escocia Scotland Gales Wales Irlanda Ireland Islandia Iceland Austria Austria Polonia Poland Rusia Russia Turqua Turkey America America Estados Unidos The United States (U.S.A.) Canad Canada Mxico Mexico Asia Asia India India China China Japn Japan Australia Australia EL AEROPUERTO (Airport) Avin Plane Cinturn de seguridad Seat-belt
Escarabajo Beetle Ciempis Centipede Mariposa Butterfly Caracol Snail Araa Spider Pulga Flea Grillo Cricket Escorpin Scorpion ARTES (Arts) Pintura Painting Msico Musician Escultura Sculpture Opera Opera Msica Music Tenor Tenor Teatro Theater Escritor Writer Cine Cinema Compositor Composer Literatura Literature Pianista Pianist Poesa Poetry Violinista Violinist Verso Verse Museo Museum Actor Actor Exposicin Exhibition Actriz Actress Arte Art Pintor Painter Poema Poem Escultor Sculptor Director de orquesta Conductor PLANETAS (Planets) Planeta Planet Sol Sun Mercurio Mercury Venus Venus Tierra Earth Luna Moon Marte Mars Jpiter Jupiter Saturno Saturn Urano Uranus Neptuno Neptune Plutn Pluto Espacio Space Galaxia Galaxy Cohete Rocket Astronauta Astronaut Estrella Star Meteorito Meteorite Despegue Takeoff Orbita Orbit Satlite Satellite
Ship Sailor
Azafata Stewardess Equipaje Luggage Aeropuerto Airport Pasajero Passenger Despegar To take off Bolsa de mano Handbag Retrasar To delay Primera clase First class Ala Wing Clase ejecutiva Business class Motor Engine Clase turista Tourist class Cabina Cockpit Pasillo de embarque Shoot Embarcar To board Tripulacin Crew Aterrizar To land Lista de espera Waiting list Aterrizaje Landing Terminal Terminal Facturar To check in Puerta n 20 Gate n 20 FRUTAS (Fruits) Naranja Orange Tomate Tomato Pera Pear Lechuga Lettuce Pltano Banana Pepino Cucumber Manzana Apple Remolacha Beet Limn Lemon Pimiento Pepper Sandia Watermelon Zanahoria Carrot Meln Melon Perejil Parsley Melocotn Peach Calabaza Pumpkin Albaricoque Apricot Uva Grape Fresa Strawberry Dtil Date Patata Potato BEBIDAS (Drinks) Agua mineral Mineral water Jerez Sherry Leche Milk Champn Champagne Vino Wine Tequila Tequila Cerveza Beer Ans Anisette Licor Liqueur Coac Cognac Whisky Whisky Vino tinto Red wine Ginebra Gin Vino rosado Ros Refresco Soft drink Vino blanco White wine Zumo Juice Batido Milkshake Te Tea Ron Rum Vodka Vodka
Proa Cubierta Popa Grumete Estribor Timn Babor Yate Mstil Remo Camarote Ancla Vela Quilla Capitn Puente de mando Navegar Hundirse Naufragar
Bow Deck Stern Cabin boy Starboard Rudder Port Yacht Mast Oar Cabin Anchor Sail Keel Captain Bridge To sail To sink To be ship-wrecked
RBOLES (Trees) Pino Pine Alamo Poplar Palmera Palm Platanero Banana tree Roble Oak Alcornoque Cork oak Ciprs Cypress Via Vineyard Encina Holm oak Cocotero Coconut palm Eucalipto Eucalyptus Cactus Cactus Naranjo Orange tree Ciruelo Plum tree Limonero Lemon tree Almendro Almond tree Peral Pear tree Castao Chestnut tree Manzano Apple tree Olivo Olive tree Higuera Fig tree COMIDAS (Foods) Carne Meat Mermelada Marmalade Pescado Fish Queso Cheese Huevo Egg Patata Potato Azcar Sugar Tomate Tomato Harina Flour Lechuga Lettuce Sal Salt Pimiento Pepper Aceite Oil Zanahoria Carrot Vinagre Vinegar Salchicha Sausage Leche Milk Nata Cream Mantequilla Butter Galleta Cookie Pan Bread Tostada Toast
CARACTERSTICAS (Cosas) (Features) Alto High Pequeo Small Fuerte Strong Bajo Low Dbil Weak Bajo (persona) Short Bonito Good-looking Ancho Wide Feo Ugly Estrecho Narrow Recto Straight Corto Short T Torcido Twisted Largo Long Rico Rich Lento Slow Pobre Poor Rpido Quick Ligero Light Pesado Heavy Grande Big ESTADOS I (States) Orgulloso Proud Ingenioso Slick Entusiasta Eager Extravagante Extravagant Celoso Jealous Carioso Loving Estpido Dumb Culto Educated Solitario Lonely Torpe Clumsy Elegante Stylish Inteligente Intelligent Soltero Single Desconfiado Distrustful Casado Married Avaricioso Greedy Viudo Widower Introvertido Introverted Viuda Widow Nervioso Nervous Divorciado Divorced Tmido Shy Seguro de s Confident LA ENFERMEDAD (Disease) Resfriado A cold Pulmona Pneumonia Gripe Flu Antibitico Antibiotic Fiebre Temperature Analgsico Painkiller Vmito Vomit Reposo Rest Diarrea Diarrhea Lepra Leprosy Anginas Tonsillitis Dolor Pain Cncer Cancer Agotamiento Exhaustion Infarto Heart attack Anlisis de sangre Blood test Anemia Anaemia Leucemia Leukaemia Medicina Medicine Jarabe Potion Termmetro Thermometer
CARACTERSTICAS (Personas) (Features) Alto Tall Obediente Obedient Bajo Short Moreno Dark Gordo Fat Rubio Blond Flaco Thin Pelirrojo Red-haired Feo Ugly Calvo Bald Guapo (hombre) Handsome Canoso Gray-haired Guapa (mujer) Beautiful Ciego Blind Simptico Nice Sordo Deaf Antiptico Unfriendly Mudo Dumb Tranquilo Calm Nervioso Nervous Rebelde Rebel ESTADOS II (States) Divertido Funny Calmado Quiet Caprichoso Fickle Bravucn Bragging Insoportable Unbearable Bonachn Goodie Malicioso Malicious Exaltado Hotheaded Extrovertido Extrovert Honesto Honest Trabajador Hard-working Envidioso Envious Vago Lazy Enfermizo Sickly Glotn Gorger Sano Healthy Dormiln Sleepyhead Loco Mad Deprimido Depressed Malhumorado Bad-tempered Irnico Ironic Triunfador Successful Irritado Irritated EL HOSPITAL (Hospital) Enfermo Patient Transfusin Transfusion Hospital Hospital Cardilogo Cardiologist Camilla Stretcher Pediatra Pediatrician Quirfano Operating Room Gineclogo Gynecologist Cirujano Surgeon Anlisis Blood test Anestesista Anesthetist Clnica Clinic Bistur Scalpel Neurlogo Neurologist Enfermera Nurse Dermatlogo Dermatologist Ambulancia Ambulance Psiclogo Psychologist Operacin Operation Psiquiatra Psychiatrist Amputar To amputate Transplante Transplant
TRANSPORTES (Transports) Avin Airplane Moto Motorcycle Helicptero Helicopter Bicicleta Bicycle Globo Balloon Barco Ship Cohete Rocket Barca Boat Coche Car Velero Sailing boat Camin truck Yate Yacht Autobs Bus Submarino Submarine Tren Train Petrolero Oil tanker Tranva Trolley Crucero Cruiser Metro Underground Portaaviones Carrier Avioneta Cub aircraft Furgoneta Van Taxi Taxi LA OFICINA (The Office) Oficina Office Sindicato Union Jefe Boss Accionista Shareholder Puesto Position Presidente Chairman, president Subordinado Under me/him/her, etc. Indemnizacin Severance pay Ascenso Promotion Permiso de trabajo Work permit Dimisin Resignation Baja laboral On leave Secretaria Secretary Colega Colleague Sueldo Salary Jubilacin Retirement Plantilla Staff Director Manager Traslado Transfer Despido Fired Huelga Strike
PARTES DEL COCHE (Cars elements) Volante Steering wheel Embrague Clutch Buja Spark plug Neumtico Tyre Batera Battery Rueda Wheel Motor Engine Capot Hood Pistn Piston Maletero Trunk Parabrisas Windshield Cilindro Cylinder Limpiaparabrisas Windshield wimpers Matrcula License plate Parachoques Bumper Carburador Carburetor Espejo retrovisor Rear-view mirror Depsito Gas tank Marcha Gear Acelerador Accelerator Freno Brake
LA BODA (The Wedding) Boda Wedding Luna de miel Honeymoon Matrimonio Marriage Padrino Godfather Amigo Friend Madrina Matron of honor Amiga Friend Anillo Ring Comprometido Fianc Separado Separated Comprometida Fiance Divorciado Divorced Novia (en la boda) Groom Soltero Single Novia (en la boda) Bride Marcha nupcial Wedding march Dama de honor Bridesmaid Amante Lover Marido Husband
PAPELERIA (Tape) Papel Paper Fax Fax machine Libreta Notebook Carpeta Folder Bolgrafo (Ballpoint) pen Archivadores (mueble) Filing cabinet Lpiz Pencil Grapa Staple Pluma Fountain pen Grapadora Stapler Goma Rubber Clip Paper clip Tijeras Scissors Sobre Envelope Pegamento Glue Carta Letter Mquina de escribir Typewriter Sello Stamp Ordenadores Computer Documento Document Rotulador Magic Marker Copia Copy Telfono Phone Sacapuntas Pencil sharpener EL EMBARAZO (The pregnancy) Embarazo Pregnancy Nacimiento Birth Aborto (espontneo) Miscarriage Parto Labor Aborto (provocado) Abortion Nacer To be born Gineclogo Gynecologist Dar de mamar To breastfeed Cuna Cradle Vacuna Vaccine Bibern Baby's bottle Bautizar To baptize Paal Dipper Gatear To crawl Chupete Nipple Cesrea Cesarean Pediatra Padiatrician Feto Fetus Guardera Nursery
Mujer Wife Pareja Couple LA PLAYA (The beach) Sombrilla Beach umbrella Insolacin Sunstroke Arena Sand Bronceado Suntan Toalla Towel Socorrista Lifeguard Playa Beach Piscina Swimming pool Flotador Float Trampoln Divingboard Bronceador Suntan lotion Rastrillo Rake Cubo Bucket Baarse To bathe Pala Shovel Nadar To swim Pelota Ball Bucear To skin-dive Ola Wave Tomar el sol To get some sun Baador (hombre) Swim suit Castillo de arena Sandcastle Baador (mujer) Swim suit COLORES (Colours) Rojo Red Naranja Orange Verde Green Beige Beige Azul Blue Plateado Silver Negro Black Dorado Gold Blanco White Claro Light Azul marino Navy blue Oscuro Dark Marrn Brown Gris Gray Rosa Pink Morado Purple Violeta Violet Amarillo Yellow
METALES (Metals) Hierro Iron Hidrgeno Hydrogen Oro Gold Carbono Carbon Plata Silver Nitrgeno Nitrogen Cobre Copper Uranio Uranium Estao Tin Calcio Calcium Plomo Lead Sodio Sodium Platino Platinum Potasio Potassium Aluminio Aluminium Fsforo Phosphorus Mercurio Mercury Fluor Fluoride Azufre Sulfur
Sillita (de paseo) Stroller Gemelo Twin ROPA (Clothes) Sombrero Hat Chaleco Vest Bufanda Scarf Corbata Tie Gabardina Raincoat Camisa Shirt Abrigo Coat Camiseta T-shirt Chaqueta Jacket Traje Suit Guante Glove Ropa interior Underwear Pantalones Pants Camiseta (interior) Vest Zapato Shoe Calzoncillo Shorts Bota Boat Sujetador Bra Zapatilla Slipper Calcetn Sock Pijama Pyjamas Bragas Panties Vestido Dress MENAJE (Menaje) Plato Plate Microondas Microwave Vaso Glass Lavaplatos Dishwasher Cuchara Spoon Horno Oven Cucharilla Teaspoon Batidora Mixer Cuchillo Knife Sacacorchos Corkscrew Tenedor Fork Exprimidor (elctrico) Juice maker Servilleta Napkin Abridor Opener Sartn Frying-pan Salero Salt shaker Cacerola Saucepan Azucarero Sugar bowl Jarra Jug Grifo Tap Olla a presin Pressure cooker Frigorfico Fridge; refrigerator ARMAMENTO (Weapons) Guerra War Armada Navy Bomba Bomb Fuerza area Air force Tanque Tank Bombardero Bomber Can Cannon Caza Fighter Mina Mine Bomba atmica Atomic bomb Metralleta Submachine gun Ametralladora Machine gun Mortero Mortar Pistola Pistol Granada Hand grenade Municin Ammunition Fusil Rifle Bala Bullet Trinchera Trench
Magnesio Oxgeno
Magnesium Oxygen
LA MUERTE (The death) Cementerio Cemetery Funeral Funeral Muerte Death Embalsamar To embalm Entierro Burial Luto Mourning Atad Coffin Difunto Deceased Mausoleo Mausoleum Hurfano Orphan Lpida Tombstone Agona Agony Autopsia Autopsy Cadver Corpse Incinerar To cremate Velatorio Wake Crematorio Crematorium Corona de flores Wreath Enterrar To bury Funeraria Undertakers Amortajar To shroud Tumba Grave Esquela Death notice Enterrador Gravedigger EL TIEMPO (The weather) Amanecer (To) dawn Nieve (To) snow Anochecer (To) get dark Viento Wind Ventoso Windy Atardecer (To) get late Tornado Tornado Nublado Cloudy Huracn Hurricane Soleado Sunny Rayo a streak Lluvioso Rainy Trueno Thunder Caluroso Hot Relmpago Lightning Fresco Cool Fro Cold Tormenta Storm Granizo (To) hail Lluvia (To) rain
Misil Missile Paracaidista Paratrooper Prisionero Prisoner Infantera Infantry Paz Peace MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIN (The media) Peridico Newspaper Locutor Broadcaster Artculo Article Programa Program Corresponsal Correspondent Televisin Television Redaccin Editorial department Presentador M.C. Periodista Journalist Retransmisin Transmission Tirada Circulation Audiencia Audience Suscripcin Subscription Canal Channel Portada Front page Antena Antenna Revista Magazine Columna Column Anuncio Advertisement Seccin Section Redactor Editor Radio Radio
CONSTRUCCIN (Construction) Construccin Construction Yeso Plaster Gra Crane Asfalto Asphalt Arquitecto Architect Pintor Painter Albail Brick mason Electricista Electrician Cemento Cement Fontanero Plumber Hormign Concrete Cimientos Foundations Ladrillo Brick Losa ornerstone Columna Pillar
RELACIONES SOCIALES (Social relations) Amistad Friendship Presentar To introduce Amigo Friend Vecino Neighbor Conocido Acquaintance Pandilla Gang Compaero Coworker Grupo Group Enemigo Enemy Club Club Socio Partner Asociacin Association Colega Colleague Comunidad Community Pariente Relative Compaerismo Fellowship Amor Love Cordialidad Cordiality Odio Hate Llevarse bien To get along with Conocer To meet Convivir To live with somebody DELITOS (Offences) Robo / atraco Robbery Calumnia Defamation Hurto Theft Ladrn Robber, thief Homicidio Homicide Detective Detective Asesinato Murder Absolver To acquit Rapto Kidnapping Apelacin Appeal Violacin Rape Crcel Jail Encubrir To cover up Celda Cell Condena Sentence
Azulejo Tile Viga Beam Tubera Pipe Fachada Facing Solar Site Tejado Roof Grieta Crack Andamio Scaffold Gotera Leak EL CUERPO HUMANO II (The human body) Ojo Eye Corazn Heart Nariz Nose Estmago Stomach Oreja Ear Rin Kidney Boca Mouth Hgado Liver Labio Lip Intestino Intestine Diente Tooth (plural: teeth) Vena Vein Lengua Tongue Cerebro Brain Ceja Eyebrow Piel Skin Pestaa Eyelash Hueso Bone Prpado Eyelid Sangre Blood Garganta Throat Pulmn Lung
LA RELIGIN (The religin) Religin Religion Protestantismo Protestantism Dios God Judasmo Judaism Cielo Heaven Islam Islam Purgatorio Purgatory Iglesia Church Infierno Hell Catedral Cathedral Demonio Devil Mezquita Mosque Angel Angel Sinagoga Synagogue Santo Saint Bautizo Baptism Profeta Prophet Misa Mass Apstol Apostle Comunin Communion Cristianismo Christianity Confesin Confession Catolicismo Catholicism Pecado Sin