Ntde 13 PDF
Ntde 13 PDF
Ntde 13 PDF
Lima, Perú
Setiembre de 2015
Actualizado a Junio 2016
1 Introducción ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Objetivos ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3 Abreviaturas y Definiciones .................................................................................................................................. 5
4 Modelo General de la Prestación del Servicio de Regulación Secundaria de Frecuencia ............ 8
5 Elementos de la Nota Técnica Requeridos en el PR-22........................................................................... 10
5.1 Requisitos técnicos de la infraestructura de comunicaciones entre las URS y el COES ... 10
5.2 Condiciones de Falla de Comunicaciones y Pruebas..................................................................... 12
5.3 Requisitos técnicos para la infraestructura de comunicación entre las Unidades de
Generación y las URS.
............................................................................................................................................ 12
5.4 Umbrales para exigir capacidad de regulación propia a las URS (en términos de tamaño
relativo respecto del SEIN)
.................................................................................................................................... 14
5.5 Listado de información técnica de Calificación a suministrar al COES por parte de los
............................................................................................................................................................... 15
La Nota Técnica para la Prestación del Servicio de AGC, se elaboró de acuerdo con lo definido en
el numeral 6.1.17 del Procedimiento Técnico N°22 “Reserva Rotante para Regulación Secundaria
de Frecuencia” (PR-22). Este procedimiento, establece los criterios y metodología para la
prestación del Servicio de Regulación Secundaria de Frecuencia.
del COES o ante cambios en una unidad de generación que puedan originar una modificación de
la respuesta en regulación primaria de la unidad ante una variación de la frecuencia o una
modificación en el tiempo de retardo que hay entre el comando enviado por el AGC y la
respuesta real de la unidad. En el proceso de sintonía se determina el ajuste de los parámetros
del modelo de la unidad en el sistema SCADA del COES.
Integración de una URS al AGC: Procedimiento mediante el cual una URS, es calificada para la
prestación del servicio de RS, después de solicitar, voluntariamente, su calificación al COES y
cumplir con los requisitos establecidos en el numeral 7.2 del Procedimiento Técnico PR – 22 y
presentar con resultado satisfactorio las pruebas para cada una de las Unidades de Generación
que integran la URS, detalladas en el numeral 7.6 del mencionado Procedimiento.
Velocidad de Rampa de una URS con control conjunto de planta: corresponde a la velocidad
de carga de subida o de bajada del conjunto de UGs de la URS.
Nivel 1 - Nacional
Nivel 2 - Agentes
Generación IEC104 /
IEC104 /
IEEE C37-118
Nivel 3 – Planta /
CASO 1 CASO 2 Pmed
~ ... ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~
Nivel 4 - Unidad
1 ... 5 ...
1 5 Posible isla Posible isla
Caso 2: URS que utilicen el MRS como medio primario y su centro de control como secundario
Este caso es similar al caso 1 para el modo primario pero utilizan como medio alterno de control
de las UG su sistema de control actual que está en comunicación en el COES por medio de ICCP.
El sistema de control del generador puede ser de planta o de todo un conjunto de plantas. Para
ese caso el ICCP debe implementar, además de los bloques 1 y 2, el bloque 5 para recibir los
mandos de control. Tener en cuenta que en este caso el control actual de planta debe implantar
el control individual para las unidades que estén bajo su mando y no un control conjunto de
Como consecuencia de lo anterior se define lo siguiente:
• Modelo de las UG de URS: modelo independiente de cada unidad en el AGC y su respuesta es
monitoreada en tiempo real en forma individual.
• Integración, sintonía y pruebas: se realizan individualmente para cada unidad utilizando el MRS o
el centro de control del generador.
En este caso el agente generador utiliza su propia infraestructura de control para implementar
las órdenes recibidas desde el AGC que pueden ser para el control individual de las unidades de
la URS (Caso 3A) o que implementen un control conjunto de estas unidades (Caso 3B). En el caso
3 se configura la posibilidad que dependiendo de la topología del sistema eléctrico algunas
unidades de la URS puedan quedar en islas diferentes, caso en el cual el AGC debe asociar la
URS a las UG que tengan mayor cantidad de generación.
Como consecuencia de lo anterior se define lo siguiente para el Caso 3A:
• Modelo de las UG de URS: modelo independiente de cada unidad en el AGC y su respuesta es
monitoreada en tiempo real en forma individual.
• Integración, sintonía y pruebas: se realizan individualmente para cada unidad utilizando el control
de planta.
De requerirse realizar variaciones en la generación de las unidades o plantas durante las pruebas,
el COES procurará que los cambios de generación hacia arriba y hacia abajo se realicen en torno
del despacho previsto en el PDO o Reprograma.
IEC 60870-5-104
Regulador de
RTU TM 1703 Periféricos (1)
DO AO AO AO Regulador de
IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60870-5-104
MODBUS Regulador de
SWITCH -B200 (1)
La Figura 4 ilustra una arquitectura alternativa que se implementa para el control de las UG de la
URS. En este caso se utiliza una comunicación con base en el protocolo IEC60870-5-104 con una
red Ethernet y por lo tanto la comunicación se realiza entre los reguladores de velocidad y la
RTU pero a través del switch correspondiente. Funcionalmente ambas arquitecturas son
IEC 60870-5-104
DO AO AO AO Regulador de
IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60870-5-104
Regulador de
SWITCH -B200 (1)
5.4 Umbrales para exigir capacidad de regulación propia a las URS (en
términos de tamaño relativo respecto del SEIN)
El objetivo de este parámetro es definir el valor a partir del cual una URS debe tener capacidad
de regulación propia, con el fin de garantizar al SEIN que ante contingencias en las cuales no se
pueda tener el control de frecuencia centralizado desde el COES, se cuente con la posibilidad de
asignar la regulación secundaria de frecuencia a una URS que tenga la capacidad suficiente para
realizarla, y así dar confiabilidad a la prestación de este servicio.
Ante las condiciones descritas, las URS que cumplan la expresión siguiente deberán tener
Capacidad de Regulación Secundaria de Frecuencia Propia:
Figura 5. Reserva Mínima por Unidad para regulación secundaria bajo AGC
La potencia mínima de la URS para participar en AGC, es la suma de potencias de las Unidades
de Generación (UG) que lo conforman, potencia que debe ser igual o mayor al 10% de la
reserva de regulación secundaria total del sistema.
Banda Muerta por cada UG: Debe ser ajustada cumpliendo con lo establecido en el Procedimiento
técnico PR – 211.
Estatismo de cada UG: Debe ser ajustado cumpliendo con lo establecido en el Procedimiento
técnico PR – 212.
Velocidad Mínima de Rampa de subida y bajada de carga por Unidad de generación (UG): Debe
ser mayor o igual a 8 MW/min.
El presente Ítem queda sin efecto por la comunicación COES/D-312-2016, de fecha 21 de marzo de 2016,
la misma que absuelve las consultas planteadas por las Empresas Generadoras al Proceso de Asignación
de la Provisión Base del servicio para la RSF del SEIN.
El presente Ítem queda sin efecto por la comunicación COES/D-312-2016, de fecha 21 de marzo de 2016,
la misma que absuelve las consultas planteadas por las Empresas Generadoras al Proceso de Asignación
de la Provisión Base del servicio para la RSF del SEIN.
Determinar el tiempo de
retardo desde el envío del
Este valor debe ser menor a 20 Retardo menor que el máximo
mando de regulación desde
segundos permitido
el COES hasta que el sistema
SCADA responde
Velocidad Promedio de subir
La Velocidad de Cambio de Carga cumple con lo requerido con la
Verificar la máxima
de cada Unidad debe ser mayor o tolerancia especificada.
Velocidad de Cambio de
igual a 8 MW/min con una Velocidad Promedio de bajar
Carga de cada Unidad
tolerancia del 15 % BORRADOR
cumple con lo requerido con la
tolerancia especificada.
I up U down
Variable de decisión que determina el nivel de reserva para RSF hacia abajo
RSDn u, t
atendida por la unidad de generación u para el período de optimización t.
El presente Numeral deberá ser interpretado al amparo de lo indicado en el Artículo 1° de la Resolución
de OSINERGMIN N° 141-2016-OS/CD, “Precisan que lo previsto en los numerales 9.3 y 9.5.3.a del
Procedimiento Técnico COES PR-22 Reserva Rotante para Regulación Secundaria de Frecuencia, no es
incompatible con el esquema de mínimo costo de la operación previsto en la Ley N° 28832.”
I up
Up i, t Magnitud de potencia ofertada para realizar RSF hacia arriba por la unidad de
generación i para el período de optimización t.
Upmn t Magnitud de reserva secundaria hacia arriba mínima que puede ser asignada a una
unidad de generación para el período de optimización t.
HUpt Dato de la reserva para RSF requerida del sistema hacia arriba en el mercado de ajuste
para el período t.
Down u, t Magnitud de potencia ofertada para realizar RSF hacia abajo ofertada por la unidad
de generación u para el período de optimización t.
Dmin t Magnitud de reserva para RSF hacia abajo mínima que puede ser asignada a una
unidad de generación para el período de optimización t.
Dato del número de unidades que ofertan el servicio de RSF hacia abajo en el
U down
mercado de ajuste para el período t.
El AGC es una función que opera con alta disponibilidad (24x7x365) y por lo tanto se
implementa con una redundancia de forma que no sea afectado su funcionamiento por una falla
simple bien sea de hardware o software. Se configura por lo tanto en un AGC primario que
opera en un servidor del Sistema de Control del COES del CCO y un AGC secundario que opera
en otro servidor diferente del CCO. Ambos servidores y esta funcionalidad están configurados en
el modo “hot-stand-by” asegurando que la conmutación en caso de falla o por orden manual del
operador sea dentro de un lapso aproximado de 10 segundos. Además de lo anterior la
funcionalidad de AGC se encuentra disponible en el sistema de control de respaldo del COES, el
CCO-R, para soportar eventos que causen la indisponibilidad total de los recursos del sistema de
control del CCO.
Para la operación normal del SEIN en el caso de falla total del AGC (falla del AGC primario y
secundario del CCO y falla del AGC del CCO-R) se configura el caso para que una URS calificada,
previamente seleccionada, a la vez controle la frecuencia del sistema con sus UG asociadas. La
URS seleccionada debe cumplir con los criterios que la califiquen para la prestación del servicio
de regulación secundaria.
Las siguientes condiciones se aplican en este caso:
1. El COES seleccionará entre las URS calificadas y con capacidad de regulación propia según el
numeral 5.4, de acuerdo con las condiciones técnicas y económicas aplicables en ese
momento, la más apropiada para prestar el servicio de regulación secundaria en forma
2. El resto de URS que estaban prestando el servicio de AGC en el momento de falla del mismo,
pasarán a operar en modo de control local manual sin controlar la frecuencia. Sin embargo,
deben estar prontas a retornar a operar bajo AGC del COES en cualquier momento.
Frecuencia de
Referencia (f0) Señal de Estabilización
+ - de Área
+ Bias del Referencia de Generación
Frecuencia Filtro - Total de la Unidad
Medida (fmed ) Frecuencia
(KBC ) -
Lógica de +
+ + -
Controlador Generación
Potencia + PI Total Deseada
Medida (Pmed ) -
Potencia +
Programada (Pprog) Ayuda Total
+ de Unidad
por Energía
La frecuencia sufre de variaciones rápida frecuentes que son normales debidas a variaciones
tanto de carga como eventos de generación. El Filtro de Frecuencia tiene como función, eliminar
las variaciones rápidas existentes en la señal de frecuencia de forma a disponer de una señal más
sostenida de entrada al controlador.
El componente del error de control de área (ACE) dependiente de la frecuencia es sometido a un
proceso de filtrado. Su principal objetivo es la eliminación de componentes de alta frecuencia en
la frecuencia medida, de tal forma que el AGC no responda ante las pequeñas variaciones
rápidas de carga mencionadas. Visto en forma simple se trata de un filtro pasa bajos. En la
práctica, se incorporan filtros con el fin de evitar cambios de consignas innecesarios que
La respuesta típica del filtro con constantes de tiempo señaladas se muestra en la figura
Los ajustes de las constantes se realizan durante las pruebas de sintonía del AGC que se
desarrollen durante la puesta en servicio del AGC o durante el proceso de verificación de su
funcionamiento cuando esto se requiera.
El AGC calculará el error de control de área, ACE, que indicará el valor del déficit o exceso de
generación en un área de control y que será utilizado para determinar los controles de
generación que se deben emitir.
KBC: Factor K que estima la Característica de Frecuencia del bloque de control (
F0: Frecuencia de referencia (Hz) que para la operación normal corresponde a un
valor nominal de 60Hz Fmed: Frecuencia del sistema medida (Hz).
ii. Las áreas de control aisladas son controladas en un modo de frecuencia constante
iii. En el AGC se puede programar la frecuencia de referencia del sistema de potencia,
seleccionado un valor que puede ser diferente a 60Hz, indicando el momento (fecha y hora)
en el cual la frecuencia de referencia debe retornar a la frecuencia.
Pprog: Potencia neta programada por las interconexiones del bloque de control con
bloques adyacentes (MW).
Pmed: Potencia neta que fluye por las interconexiones del bloque de control con
bloques adyacentes (MW). Se considera positiva cuando el intercambio sea
KBC: Factor K que estima la Característica de Frecuencia del bloque de control
Fmed: Frecuencia del sistema medida (Hz).
F0: Frecuencia de referencia (Hz).
Para el filtrado del ACE, cuyos componentes de frecuencia se hayan filtrado previamente, se
procede a filtrar una parte de la señal que entra al controlador por medio de una lógica
anticipatoria de acuerdo con el diagrama de bloques mostrado en la figura. Esta lógica permite
adelantar la señal del ACE por medio de un integrador de forma a crear un componente de tipo
“feed-forward” que hace que el AGC responda mejor a condiciones resultante de grandes
5 5
A: es el valor de la frecuencia del SEIN en el instante inmediatamente anterior a la perturbación.
B: Punto en el cual la frecuencia alcanza la mayor desviación por acción del desbalance entre la
carga y la generación.
C: Valor de la frecuencia del SEIN inmediatamente después del aporte realizado por las unidades
de generación en respuesta de su Regulación Primaria.
Para el cálculo de la respuesta natural del sistema se define, para cada uno de los eventos
registrados, los valores de frecuencia identificados como los puntos A, B y C mostrados en la
Figura 7.
Partiendo del formula con la que se calcula error de control de área:
Se debe tener en cuenta que dentro de la selección de eventos a analizar no debe haberse dado
la actuación del esquema de desconexión de carga por baja frecuencia ni oscilaciones de
Hay que tener presente que los parámetros del lazo secundario de control deben ser tales que
permitan la actuación del control primario de las diferentes unidades de generación. Para lograr
tal fin, se debe tomar el máximo tiempo de respuesta de control primario de las unidades de una
área y asignarlo al parámetro Integration Time del controlador. Normalmente los demás
parámetros del controlador no cambian y los estándares son:
Large Signal Gain: 75% Esta constante actúa como medio de sintonía del área (respuesta rápida o lenta),
sin cambiar la relación entre la parte proporcional e integral del controlador PI.
Small Signal Gain: 50% Es usado para determinar la sensibilidad del LFC ante pequeños valores del ACE.
Es valor puede estar en el intervalo (0,1).
Dead Band Factor: 5 Mw Minimiza la acción de control en lugares donde el ACE se comporta
aleatoriamente comparado con las regiones de control normal.
Integration Time: 20 S El valor de esta constante debe ser igual a la constante de tiempo de la unidad
más lenta del área.
Signal Gs = 0.5 1/(S*20)
Máximo Valor - Time
del ACE
+ +
Ga = 0.8
Mínimo Valor Large Banda Muerta
Signal del ACE
del ACE
Figura 12. Controlador del área
Las URS que utilicen el MRS para controlar las UG controlarán individualmente estas unidades las
cuales podrán estar en uno de los modos descritos en la tabla siguiente. En caso que la URS
utilice su sistema de control para distribuir el control entre las UG que las componen estas URS
se asimilan a una UG y tendrían como grupo el modo de control descrito en la tabla siguiente.
5.9.3 Información enviada desde el AGC del COES hacia la MRS o sistema de
control del agente generador
Regulación de potencia/frecuencia mediante órdenes de tipo pulsos o Setpoint.
El mando de generación se pasa por un bloque que retrasa esta señal un número determinado
de ciclos de AGC de forma a modelar el retraso inherente al lazo de control, generando el
mando retrasado que se espera sea seguido por la generación entregada por la unidad.
El mando se corrige por la influencia esperada de la respuesta a frecuencia del regulador de
velocidad de la unidad lo cual corresponde a multiplicar el delta de frecuencia por el “Bias” de la
unidad. La señal resultante se compara contra los límites de la unidad.
ESR_MAX > (2k-1) UR1
0<k . UR1<min (RAS,RAB)
1 INTRODUCCIÓN ......................................................................................................................................................4
2 CARACTERÍSTICAS DEL MRS....................................................................................................................................4
3 MÓDULOS I/O E INTERFACES DISPONIBLES EN EL MRS ..........................................................................................4
4 REQUERIMIENTOS ..................................................................................................................................................5
4.1 REQUERIMIENTOS PARA EL ALMACENAMIENTO .................................................................................................................5
4.2 REQUERIMIENTOS PARA LA INSTALACIÓN .........................................................................................................................5
4.3 REQUERIMIENTOS PARA LA OPERACIÓN...........................................................................................................................6
4.3.1 Información desde las unidades de generación .............................................................................................6
4.3.2 Esquemas de control ......................................................................................................................................7
4.3.3 Sistema de sincronización (GPS) ....................................................................................................................7
4.4 REQUERIMIENTOS PARA EL DISEÑO ................................................................................................................................7
4.5 REQUERIMIENTOS PARA LAS PRUEBAS EN SITIO Y PUESTA EN SERVICIO .................................................................................8
4.5.1 Actividades previas ........................................................................................................................................8
4.5.2 Durante las pruebas .......................................................................................................................................8
5 RECOMENDACIONES ..............................................................................................................................................8
6 ACLARACIONES ......................................................................................................................................................8
Anexo N° 1: Arquitectura del sistema de regulación secundaria
Anexo N° 2: Datasheets de los equipos del sistema de regulación secundaria
Cuando se tenga los gabinetes en sitio, el agente generador debe realizar lo siguiente:
Estado del interruptor; esta señal tendrá que ser enviada a una DI del MRS.
Indicación de unidad sincronizada; esta señal tendrá que ser enviada a una DI del MRS.
Condiciones locales de operación de las unidades:
o Estado del control Local/Remoto, esta señal tendrá que ser enviada a una DI del MRS.
Condiciones locales de operación de los reguladores de velocidad:
o Estado del control Local/Remoto, esta señal tendrá que ser enviada a una DI del MRS.
o Estado del control Manual/Automático, esta señal tendrá que ser enviada a una DI del
Estas señales (agrupadas por unidad de generación) tendrán que ser enviadas a una DI
del MRS.
o Disparo de emergencia
o Disparo eléctrico.
o Disparo mecánico.
o Governador en falla/indisponible.
Parámetro de potencia activa desde el regulador de velocidad, esta señal tendrá que ser
enviada a una AI del MRS.
Parámetro de frecuencia desde el regulador de velocidad, esta señal tendrá que ser
enviada a una AI del MRS.
Informar los límites máximos y mínimos de regulación de potencia de cada unidad de
generación, los límites serán registrados y fijados en la RTU del MRS en la etapa de
Informar los gradientes de regulación positivos y negativos (en MW/min) de cada unidad de
generación, los gradientes serán registrados y fijados en la RTU del MRS en la etapa de
El regulador de velocidad deberá contar con uno de los siguientes esquemas de control para
poder realizar la regulación secundaria sobre cada unidad de generación, estas opciones de
regulación estarán habilitadas desde el propio MRS (interfaz local).
Para la estampa de tiempo de los MRS se requiere que el agente generador proporcione una
señal de sincronización en protocolo NTP (puede ser un GPS local existente) la cual es
recomendable para alcanzar una suficiente precisión con el estampa de tiempo, se tiene la opción
de realizar la sincronización por protocolo IEC 60870-5-104, teniendo en cuenta que el servidor de
tiempo proporcionado por el COES pueda emitir comandos de sincronización. La conexión del
MRS con el servidor de tiempo estará disponible en fibra óptica (multimodo) o cable SFTP.
Completa disponibilidad de las unidades de generación para poder realizar las pruebas de
señalización (información asociada a la regulación secundaria) desde y hacia los
subsistemas involucrados por cada unidad de generación.
Completa disponibilidad de las unidades de generación para poder someterlas a las
pruebas de regulación secundaria.
El acompañamiento de un especialista con amplio conocimiento del funcionamiento de las
unidades de generación de cada planta quien trabajará en conjunto con el personal de
La presencia de un especialista con amplio conocimiento del funcionamiento de los
reguladores de velocidad de las unidades de generación de cada planta quien trabajará en
conjunto con el personal de SIEMENS.
5 Recomendaciones
Se recomienda que el gabinete MRS esté ubicado en la sala de mando de la planta de
generación o en su defecto en la sala de tableros en la cual están ubicadas los demás
tableros asociados al control de las unidades de generación, esto permitirá un acceso
rápido y eficiente para la operación del MRS.
6 Aclaraciones
El módulo de regulación secundaria está diseñado bajo un concepto estándar para realizar
dicha función sobre unidades de generación que garanticen su interoperabilidad con
tecnologías acordes a la actualidad, por lo tanto el agente generador deberá garantizar que
IEC 60870-5-104
Regulador de
Periféricos (1)
RTU TM 1703
C Ax1703 C
DO AO AO AO Regulador de
IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60870-5-104
MODBUS Regulador de
SWITCH -B200 (1)
Conexión LAN (fibra óptica) Conexión IRIG-B (cable coaxial) RTU = Unidad Terminal Remota MC F-C = Conversor de fibra óptica-cobre ETH = Puerto Ethernet
Conexión LAN (SFTP) Conexión IRIG-B (SFTP) PCU = Unidad de Procesamiento y Comunicación MC S = Conversor serial RS232/RS485 Pn = Puerto Ethernet en switches
Conexión Serial (SFTP) Conexión Ax1703 (USB) PRE = Elemento de protocolo CH1 = Canal 1 IEC 61850 (1) = Equipo no es parte del alcance
F Conexión Serial (fibra ótica) HMI = Interfaz Hombre-Máquina CH2 = Canal 2 IEC 61850 F
Conexión Serial Time Signal (SFTP) STS = Serial Time Signal P-SYNC = Puerto de sincronización IRIG-B
Fecha 06/07/05
(4)G69176 F2006-XXX
Revisión Nota Fecha Nomb. Appro. SIEMENS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
IEC 60870-5-104
Regulador de
Periféricos (1)
RTU TM 1703
C Ax1703 C
DO AO AO AO Regulador de
IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60870-5-104
Regulador de
SWITCH -B200 (1)
Conexión LAN (fibra óptica) Conexión IRIG-B (cable coaxial) RTU = Unidad Terminal Remota MC F-C = Conversor de fibra óptica-cobre ETH = Puerto Ethernet
Conexión LAN (SFTP) Conexión IRIG-B (SFTP) PCU = Unidad de Procesamiento y Comunicación MC S = Conversor serial RS232/RS485 Pn = Puerto Ethernet en switches
Conexión Serial (SFTP) Conexión Ax1703 (USB) PRE = Elemento de protocolo CH1 = Canal 1 IEC 61850 (1) = Equipo no es parte del alcance
F Conexión Serial (fibra ótica) HMI = Interfaz Hombre-Máquina CH2 = Canal 2 IEC 61850 F
Conexión Serial Time Signal (SFTP) STS = Serial Time Signal P-SYNC = Puerto de sincronización IRIG-B
Fecha 06/07/05
(4)G69176 F2006-XXX
Revisión Nota Fecha Nomb. Appro. SIEMENS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Document Label:
Release date:
It is the purpose of automation devices to support us in the cost-effective and safe manage-
ment of technical processes.
In conventional concepts, processes were monitored and controlled via remote terminal units
while non-communicating local automatic controllers (e.g. relay controllers, programmable
controllers, analog controllers) would handle automation. As a result, there was a multitude of
different interfaces, making global monitoring nearly impossible.
Meanwhile conditions have changed from a commercial, IT-related and technological view-
point. Cost-effectiveness has become a crucial factor of competitiveness. Consequently, this
calls in almost all processes for the improved utilization of existing resources, that is, moving
closer and closer toward tapping their full performance capacities. To avoid neglecting reliabil-
ity requirements in this process, a greater amount of information is necessary. By that we
mean more information about the process (utilization rate, state) and about the automation
system itself.
Due to the technological progress, automation devices consequently have become more
powerful and intelligent. All of a sudden, they are now able to assume many additional func-
tions - starting with preprocessing tasks and up to the complete networking of all automation
Thus, it was only a question of time until this intelligence could be functionally decentralized
and at the same time be put to local distributed use, directly at the process. The aim of func-
tional decentralization is the creation of
• a better clarity
• autonomous functional units, and thus
• higher availability.
The aim of local distribution and the resulting reduced number of cabling routes is the
achievement of
• the reduction or avoidance of parallel interfaces between the various automation levels,
• the improved adaptation to the process with its specific signals and functions to be ac-
complished through closer bonding to the primary process
• means of communication adapted to the application and linked with consistent integral so-
─ LAN communication via TCP/IP with intensive networking possibilities,
─ local serial couplings and remote communication options
─ high interoperability also with regard to other devices by using default communications
to IEC 60870-5
─ system-consistent service functions such as real-time acquisition, test and diagnostic
functions, as well as
Following the principle of our product development, SICAM TM has high functionality and
flexibility, through the implementation of innovative and reliable technologies, on the stable
basis of a reliable product platform.
For this, the system concept (Automation, Control and Protection) creates the technological
preconditions. Balanced functionality permits the flexible combination of automation, telecon-
trol and communication tasks. Complemented with the scalable performance and various re-
dundancy configurations, an optimal adaptation to the respective requirements of the process
is achieved.
SICAM TM is thus perfectly suitable for automation with integrated telecontrol technology as
• Versatile communication
─ up to 4 serial interfaces according to IEC 60870-5-101/103
─ LAN/WAN communication according to IEC 60870-5-104
─ various third-party protocols possible
• Easy engineering
─ Object-orientation
─ Creation of open- and closed-loop control application programs according to
IEC 61131-3
─ all engineering tasks can also be carried out remotely
• Mechanical design
─ Assembly on 35 mm DIN rail
─ Simplified connection system in the form of the "intelligent terminal"
─ LEDs for process and operating states
Our philosophy: we provide basic products that can be used as is in several market sectors,
and market-sector products developed out of the basic products by specific engineering, how-
ever, standardized for respective market sectors.
• If a customer has applications in several market sectors and fields of use, he may rest as-
sured that the products will be able to communicate with one another and behave identi-
cally within an automation network and in relation to the user (system behavior, engineer-
ing, maintenance). Example: turbine governor and hydro process control.
• Within the application, it is possible to choose the most cost-effective product, depending
on data volume and the number of communication interfaces.
• Using the same product in several market sectors also means less product diversity (no
more "dedicated systems") and consequently greater versatility in use and thus enhanced
product stability.
With SICAM TM, a variety of media can be utilized for local and remote communication. (wire
connections, FO, radio, dial-up traffic, GSM, GPRS, WAN, LAN, field bus etc.)
Through the simple installation of serial interface modules, in total up to 4 communication in-
terfaces are possible in one SICAM TM, whereby a different individual protocol can be used
for each interface.
Besides the previously mentioned standard protocols, there are also a variety of third-party
protocols available (DNP 3.0, Modbus etc.). Through this, the seamless integration into exist-
ing automation networks is enabled, whereby a long-term safeguarding of already effected in-
vestments is ensured.
An essential aspect in the overall economical consideration are the costs that occur for the
creation, maintenance and service. For this, the reliable SICAM TOOLBOX II is used.
• Object-orientation
The object-orientation makes it possible to also utilize the same characteristics of same-
type primary-technology units and operational equipment (e.g. disconnectors, circuit brea-
kers, feeders etc.) for the configuration. The close coupling with the design tool ensures
the consistent, uniform documentation of the entire plant through to circuit diagram.
Through this, considerable rationalization results with engineering.
With the replacement of spare parts, Plug & Play becomes a reality: one needs no special tool
for this, even loading is no longer necessary. Thereby, work during a service operation is re-
duced to a minimum.
The basis for this automation concept is a modular, open and consequently technology-
independent system architecture for processing, communication and peripherals (multi-
processor system, firmware).
Standardized interfaces between the individual elements again permit, even with further de-
velopments, the latest state of technology to be implemented, without having to modify the ex-
isting elements. In this way, a longevity of the product and consequently investment security
and continuity can be ensured.
Every board and every module on which a firmware can run, forms together with the function-
determining firmware a system element.
The adaptation to the specific requirements of the application is achieved through the individ-
ual configuration and through the loading of standard firmware and parameters. Within their
defined limits, the parameters thereby not only influence the behavior of the firmware func-
tions, but also that of the hardware functions.
With that, for all module types, all mechanical parameter settings are omitted, such as for in-
stance the changing of jumpers or loads and thus enables not only the online change, but also
a consistent documentation of the set parameters by the SICAM TOOLBOX II as well as a
simplified storage.
Generally, when developing the mechanical design, we focused on achieving highest ease in
handling. As a result, all components of SICAM TM were adapted to be mounted on a DIN
An essential feature of SICAM TM is its efficient and simple way of interfacing to the process
signals. This is accomplished by so-called I/O modules standing out for a robust housing, reli-
able contacting, and sound electronics.
The I/O modules are arranged side by side on a DIN rail. Contact between them is established
as soon as they engage with one another, without requiring any further manual intervention.
Even so, it is still possible to replace every single module separately.
A clearly structured connection front featuring status indicator LEDs makes sure that things at
the site remain clear and transparent. The structure of the terminals permits direct sen-
sor/actuator wiring without requiring the use of intermediate terminals with wire cross-sections
up to 2.5 mm2. Modules for binary inputs and outputs up to 220 VDC open further saving po-
tentials at the interface level.
The I/O modules may, depending on the requirements, be equipped with either an electrical or
an optical bus, whereby the peripheral signals can be acquired very close to their point of ori-
gin. Consequently, wide cabling can be reduced to a minimum.
In principle, for this all necessary functionalities are available. The actual application is defined
simply through the corresponding configuration and parameterization.
IEC 60870-5-104
Front End,
process control
turbine controller
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 60870-5-104
IEC 60870-5-101
dial-up traffic
sub node,
control SICAM 230
IEC 61850
integrated bay control unit +protection
Front End
Due to the number of interfaces and the variety of protocols available, SICAM TM is perfectly
suitable for the use as front end for a process control system.
All telecontrol substations – regardless of which manufacturer and over which protocol – are
connected to SICAM TM. In the front end, the signal processing and adaptation takes place
for the respective control system. From the perspective of the control system, there is no dif-
ference which protocol and which system behavior the substation actually has.
Open- and closed-loop control application programs are created by means of CAEx plus ac-
cording to IEC 61131-3, a standard that is generally accepted and recognized in the market.
In SICAM TM, at every slot a system element can be fitted with open-/closed-loop control func-
tion. Through this and due to the modularity, SICAM TM is suitable for many applications: from
smaller automation applications through turbine governor up to complex process control appli-
cations. Naturally, all applications can also be combined.
The functionality of a station control device can be simply regarded as a combination of the
functionality of a front end (interfacing of diverse bay devices, protective devices, processing
of the data for the power system control) and the functionality of process control applications
(open- and closed loop control application programs), and is therefore perfectly suited for this
application. In addition, further telecontrol peripherals could also be installed in the station
control device, through which telecontrol station and station control device could be united in
one device.
Telecontrol Substation
For telecontrol applications there is a modular, versatile periphery available for the process
data interfacing.
Especially due to the possibility of being able to remotely locate SICAM RTUs peripherals,
SICAM TM supports peripheral elements installed centrally and decentralized. Flexible com-
munication functions also permit redundant communication and communication over stand-by
transmission lines.
Naturally, arbitrary open- and closed-loop control application programs can be realized in
SICAM TM with CAEx plus, through which, at the same time and to the same degree,
SICAM TM can become a remote terminal unit and an automation unit in one.
System Architecture
SICAM TM is an automation unit of the system family SICAM RTUs and is structured from the
following elements:
• Up to 16 peripheral elements
─ modular expandable and detachable
• Up to 4 businterface modules
Master control element Bus interface module (electrical) Bus interface module (optical)
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Peripheral element
Max. 8 I/O-modules
TS35 rail
Peripheral control module (elektrical or optical)
The following figures show examples for the connection of the periphery to the master control
Further configuration examples can be found in the manual SICAM RTUs Platforms,
Configuration Automation Units and Automation Networks (refer to Literature).
/ PK
/ PK
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
max. 8 I/O-modules
CP-6014 Note:
all in all up to 16 peripheral elements
/ PK
/ PK
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
16 Mbps
patch cable, length up to 3 m
max. 8 I/O-modules
CP-6014 Note:
all in all up to 16 peripheral elements
/ PK
/ PK
Ax 1703 peripheral bus (electrical)
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
16 Mbps
patch cable, length up to 3 m
max. 8 I/O-modules
CP-6014 Note:
all in all up to 16 peripheral elements
/ PK
/ PK
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ax 1703 peripheral bus (electrical)
16 Mbps
communication with other patch cable, length up to 3 m
automation units
1 ... 4 1 ... 4
16 Mbps
USB cable,
length up to 3 m ....
max. 8 I/O-modules
A system element is a functional unit and consists of hardware and firmware. The firmware
gives the hardware the necessary functionality.
Detailed information on a system element can be found in the relevant data sheet (refer to
The master control element forms the heart of the SICAM TM automation module. Process in-
put and output is connected externally via peripheral elements. The communication interfaces
can be fitted directly onto the master control element.
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
• Communication with installed peripheral elements via the serial Ax 1703 peripheral bus
• Execution of parameterizable telecontrol functions
• Execution of programmable open-/closed-loop control functions
• Communication with other automation units via protocol elements installable on the master
control element (node function)
Product Overview
Protocol Element
A protocol element is used for the exchange of data – and thereby for the transmission of
messages – over a communication interface to other SICAM RTUs automation units or to de-
vices of other manufacturers, as for instance control centre systems.
• Change of the communication protocol, for instance from serial to LAN, without retroactive
effect to the application tasks of an automation unit
• Each automation unit can be equipped with various protocols, this allows easy implemen-
tation of data nodes and frontends.
A SIM has up to 2 communication interfaces. On every interface provided by the SIM, a com-
munication protocol available for this interface can be loaded with the SICAM TOOLBOX II.
On a master control element, up to 4 communication interfaces can be used. This way, a mul-
titude of communication options is available, as for instance:
• 4 serial interfaces
• 3 serial interfaces and 1 Ethernet interface (LAN/WAN)
• 2 serial interfaces and 1 Profibus DP interface (master)
• 2 serial, 1 Ethernet interface (LAN) and 1 Ethernet interface (WAN)
The possible configuration variants can be found in the System Element Manual
CP-6014/CPCX65 (refer to Literature).
Product Overview
Type Designation
SM-x551/BPPA0 Standard protocol for point-to-point traffic optional
SM-x551/UMPMA0 Standard protocol for multi-point traffic (Master) optional
SM-x551/UMPSA0 Standard protocol for multi-point traffic (Slave) optional
SM-x551/SFBMA1 Standard protocol for field bus (Master) optional
SM-x551/SFBSA1 Standard protocol for field bus (Slave) optional
SM-x551/DIAMA0 Standard protocol for dial-up traffic (Master) optional
SM-x551/DIASA0 Standard protocol for dial-up traffic (Slave) optional
SM-x551/103MA0 Standard protocol for interfacing of protective devices (Master) optional
SM-2545/DPM00 Standard protocol for Profibus DP optional
SM-2558/ETA4 Standard protocol for Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 104 optional
SM-2558/ETA3 Standard protocol for Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 61850 optional
SM-2557/ETA2 Standard protocol for Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 104 optional
SM-2557/ET03 Standard protocol for Ethernet TCP/IP IEC 61850 optional
• Point-to-point traffic
• Multi-point traffic, optionally with relay operation
• Dial-up traffic
Naturally, all standard protocols are fully based on the interoperable standard to
IEC 60870-5-101/103, including
LAN/WAN Communication
Today, modern automation systems are generally distributed and thus require networks to
connect the various components with one another. In its systems, Siemens has for many
years provided networks solutions, which link the various components with one another.
From the very beginning, great attention was paid to ensuring full integration as well as opti-
mum availability and operational reliability. As network technology continued to become ever
more refined, the product family SICAM RTUs as well has continuously been updated and up-
graded to reflect the latest state of the art, without neglecting the criteria of ensuring a long
system lifecycle and highest availability.
If SICAM TM is used as a station control device, then the communication with the devices of
the bay level (bay control units, protective devices) can also be established according to
IEC 61850.
IEC 61850 is the standardized communication standard for substation automation which inter-
connects devices of the bay level and the station control level, based on Ethernet TCP/IP.
A bus interface module serves for the connection of peripheral elements with a master control
element. At each bus interface module – type dependent optical or electrical – up to
4 peripheral elements can be connected.
At a master control element, up to 4 bus interface modules can be connected via standard
patch cables.
Product Overview
Peripheral Element
A peripheral element serves for acquisition or output of process information and performs
process-oriented adaption, monitoring and processing of the process signals at each point
where the signals enter or leave an automation unit.
Processing is performed by
and receive
Peripheral elements are linked with the master control element via the Ax 1703 peripheral
bus. Up to 2 peripheral elements can be connected directly (via USB interfaces), up to
16 peripheral elements can be connected with usage of bus interface modules.
A power supply module ensures the supply for the peripheral element. There are 2 types with
enhanced electromagnetic compatibility available.
Product Overview
The peripheral control module is linked with the master control element or with the bus inter-
face module by means of simple, standardized cable, thereby reducing the assembly effort
required for their connection to a minimum.
The communication between the I/O modules and the peripheral control module takes place
via the TM bus according to the master/slave method, the I/O modules being the slaves.
Product Overview
I/O Modules
The I/O modules are added side by side to the peripheral control module. As soon as they en-
gage with one another, contact will be established automatically throughout the TM bus so
that no additional wiring is required. Even so, every single I/O module can still be exchanged
separately. The installation may be horizontally or vertically.
Removable terminals (I/O connectors) are used for the simple handling of modules when they
are to be mounted or exchanged. Since the terminals carry the wiring, no connections need to
be disconnected when devices are exchanged.
How many I/O modules may actually be used per peripheral element and in what order they
can be used, is described in the respective data sheets.
SICAM TM provides additional TM modules for direct transformer input. These system ele-
ments do not require a peripheral control module.
Product Overview
The Ax 1703 peripheral bus permits the secured (hamming distance 4), serial in-system
communication between the master control element and the peripheral elements.
The Ax 1703 peripheral bus may be accessible via external connectors (optical or electrical).
Serial communication also makes it possible to locally detach individual or all peripheral ele-
ments via optical links by up to 200 m without sacrificing any of the full system functionality.
Where electric links are used, standardized USB cables up to a maximum length of 3 m are
The communication at the Ax 1703 peripheral bus takes place according to the master/slave
method, the peripheral elements being the slave and the master control element the master.
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
TM bus
• function
• data volume
• processing
Addressing of the bus participants is handled for all peripheral elements via a logical periph-
eral board address (PBA) that can be set on the peripheral control module.
The interfaces between the system elements are memories whose contents are transmitted
periodically (every 10 ms) by the Ax 1703 peripheral bus. It is defined for each system ele-
ment which and how much information is transmitted.
The spontaneous channel permits the data exchange between the master control element
and the peripheral elements. This way, the messages with process information and the mes-
sages with system information are transmitted in the acknowledged mode in a spontaneous
time window within the acquisition and output grid.
Firmware Architecture
The specific firmwares for the individual system elements are stored within the
SICAM TOOLBOX II. Firmware updates can be loaded, if necessary, easily into the respective
system elements by means of the firmware loader of the SICAM TOOLBOX II.
Telecontrol Automation
(spontaneous) (periodical)
Protocol control function
The costs for the creation and maintenance of automation technology plants are determined
to an increasing degree by the costs for the creation and updating of the engineering data.
The engineering data therefore represent major capital goods of the company, the creation
and updating of which by means of a high-quality engineering system results in a considerable
reduction of the indirect costs.
For this reason, Siemens places great importance on the engineering systems in its product
range, and with the SICAM TOOLBOX II, thus consequently continues its policy of always
providing high-quality, ergonomic products based on innovative system technology, also in the
field of engineering systems.
The high demands on the easy and intuitive operability as well as on the overall ergonomics of
an engineering system are satisfied by the SICAM TOOLBOX II through an operating and dis-
play technology based on the latest state of technology.
• Fully graphical user interface with easy operation and uniform "Look and Feel" (Window
technology, Menus, Icons, Help System)
During the entire lifecycle of the plant, the SICAM TOOLBOX II comprehensively supports all
phases of the plant configuration and maintenance for the entire SICAM RTUs system family.
The engineering with the SICAM TOOLBOX II therefore goes far beyond conventional device
parameterization and comprises the following areas:
For same type primary technology units and resources (objects), types can be modeled, which
contain the characteristics of the objects. During engineering, such objects can be created
identically many times very easily (one speaks of instantiation). As a result considerable sav-
ings can be achieved.
The advantages outweigh not only with the creation but also with the updating of the data for
expansions and with consistent change of all same-type objects as well as with the achievable
quality with regard to consistency of the engineering data.
User programs for the open-/closed-loop control function are created according to IEC 61131-3
using CAEx plus, a tool of the SICAM TOOLBOX II. This standard is generally accepted in the
market and is recognized. Engineering according to this standard generally only requires short
training periods.
• Logical links
• Sum commands, sum alarms
• Limit monitoring
• Bay- and station-related interlocks
• Synchronous comparison with analog of busbar
• Switchover automation, switching sequences (busbars, transformers etc.)
• Step-by-step controls
• Closed loop control (tap changer controller, turbine governor, etc.)
Test Functions
There are various test function available, both offline as well as online. Consequently, test and
commissioning periods can be kept very short.
Online test
Due to the different requirements in terms of functionality, also different data flow concepts are
For telecontrol tasks and the distribution of user data in networked plants ("Telecontrol"), the
use of spontaneous transmission proves advantageous for optimizing the utilization of the in
many cases limited communication bandwidth. This helps avoid constant burdening of the
data sinks with unnecessary data.
While in classical programmable controller devices, the design is primarily adapted for the
open-/closed-loop control functions - that is, for a periodical traffic - classical telecontrol de-
vices in turn only prove advantageous in spontaneous data exchange. By way of the integra-
tion of both functional packages in one system, both requirements are accomplished equally
well, for high-load cases they can even be mutually prioritized.
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Process periphery
Peripheral element
TM bus TM bus
Ax PE bus
periodical information
Open-/closed loop
control function
Communication function
Priority control
Protocol element
Protocol Protocol
Transmission link
A detailed description of the function packages can be found in the document SICAM RTUs
Common Functions System and Basic System Elements.
• Protocol elements
• Redundant communication routes
• Communication within the automation unit
• Protocol element control and return information
• Decentralized archive
The communication function controls the transmission of messages via protocol elements to
other automation units or control systems.
A protocol element is based on a serial interface module (SIM) that can be installed on a basic
system element for serial, LAN/WAN and field bus communication. It supports standard proto-
cols according to the standards IEC 60870-5-101/103/104 and a large number of protocols for
the communication with third-party systems.
For the automatic data flow routing, a routing of individual process information items is not
necessary. Simply only the direction (monitor direction, control direction, both directions), in
which the messages are to be transmitted, is to be parameterized.
The type identification of each message provides information about the class (refer to Mes-
sages with Process Information) to which a message belongs and with which methods it is to
be distributed:
Data Storage
Messages that are intended for transmission over communication interfaces, are in principle
stored chronologically in rings. There is a process image both before and after a ring. The ar-
rangement, consisting of one ring and two process images, is called a priority channel (priority
channels for transparent data do not have any process images).
Depending on the data communication mode of the protocol element over which the commu-
nication is processed, priority channels are provided for every priority of the messages to be
transmitted and for every station that can be reached via the protocol element:
• Time synchronization
• System information
• Process information in control direction
• Process information in monitor direction Priority HIGH with class 1 data
• Process information in monitor direction Priority MEDIUM with class 2 data
• Process information in monitor direction Priority LOW with class 2 data
• Transparent information
Priority Control
The priority controller has the task of selecting messages recorded in the data memories in-
dependently and individually for each interface and station and to direct the transmission of
the messages via the protocol elements in accordance with their priority. This ensures, that
with several information items queued at the same time, the higher-priority, highly important
information is transmitted first.
The prioritization, however, does not represent an absolute priority status, but rather a meas-
ure for the distribution of the channel capacity. This ensures, that even with continuously
available higher-priority data, those of lower priority can also be transmitted.
Within an automation unit, the function package Telecontrol communicates with the function
package Automation via its Telecontrol Interface. The functions are described there.
This function is used for the user-specific influencing of the functions of the protocol elements.
The main application lies with protocol elements with multi point data communication mode
and especially for dial-up traffic configurations.
Decentralized Archive
During a communication failure, in the master control element data are stored in the decentral-
ized archive (DEAR). After the communication fault has been rectified, the control system can
read out the decentralized archive of the master control element. Through this function, a pos-
sible loss of data is prevented.
Features of DEAR:
The detailed description of these functions can be found in the document SICAM RTUs Com-
mon Functions Peripheral Elements according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 (refer to Literature).
The open-/closed-loop control function is used for the management of automation tasks with the
help of an application program.
The creation of the application program is carried out by the SICAM TOOLBOX II with the tool
CAEx plus predominantly in function diagram technology according to IEC 61131-3.
The application program processes process information (so-called signals) from the peripheral
elements connected to the basic system element and / or from other system elements in the
automation network of the specific process-technical plant.
Process images form the interface of the application program to the outside world. We distin-
guish between input process images and output process images.
The open-/closed-loop control function manages the application programs in 3 tasks running pe-
• "Fast Task"
• "Task"
• „Slow Task“
The open-/closed-loop control function supports 32 programs (type instances) per task. In total,
64 programs are possible over all 3 tasks.
By means of assignment of a program to a task, fast controls can be optimally combined with
slower background processings.
The management of these three periodical tasks (Task Management) corresponds with the
standard IEC 61131-3. Spontaneous tasks are not supported.
Variables, signals (input process images for spontaneous information objects) and function
blocks can be saved non-volatile. That means, that after a power failure these variables and
signals are immediately available again with their values before the power failure.
Telecontrol Interface
Reception of messages with process information and transfer to the open-/closed-loop control
function for the purpose of further processing.
• Single-point information
• Double-point information
• Step position information
• Measured values
• Integrated totals
• Bitstring of 32 bit
The data transfer of the spontaneous information objects to the application program of the
open-/closed-loop control function for further processing is dependent on the result of the
The activation of the element or function to be controlled is the task of the application program
of the open-/closed-loop control function.
For the proper operation of this function, information is required by the application program of
the open-/closed-loop control function (e.g. from an interlocking logic) for the choice of a posi-
tive or negative confirmation.
The treatment for commands can be activated individually for each command via a parameter.
The treatment for pulse command comprises the following processing functions:
For the generation of messages with process information, the signals in the output process
images that are assigned to an element of a spontaneous information object, are monitored
for change.
The change monitoring takes place in a grid of the cycle time of each task, in which the signal
is assigned to a spontaneous information object.
If a spontaneous information object has been activated for transmission due to a change, a
message with process information is generated. The time tag represents either the current time
synchronous with the cycle (resolution 10 ms or multiples of 10 ms) or the time information
from an assigned spontaneous information object.
The open-/closed-loop control function manages the application programs in 3 tasks running pe-
• "Fast Task"
• "Task"
• "Slow Task"
Cycle time
• Within the cycle time, all programs assigned to a task (type instances) must process the
input handling and the output handling for this task
• The cycle time can be set in the tool CAEx plus for each task.
• The cycle times of the three tasks must be different and ascending from the "Fast Task" to
the "Slow Task".
Watchdog timer
This function monitors the proper sequence of each task within its set cycle time. If a task is
not finished with its input handling, program processing and its output handling within this
time, the next cycle for this task is omitted and a time-out is signaled.
With serious time-outs, for example due to a malfunction, the reliability of the application pro-
gram becomes questionable. A time scale can be defined for such cases, the exceeding of
which leads to an error message and a controlled shutdown of parts or the entire application
program as well as all peripheral elements connected.
Initial loading
The initial loading of an application program is always associated with a startup.
In the case of a loading operation that does not necessitate any interruption to operation, all
tasks of the open-/closed-loop control function continue to run unaffected. After successful load-
ing, a switchover to the newly loaded application program takes place synchronous with the
• If after change, the function corresponds completely with that before change, in other
words a change has been performed that is not noticeable from "outside"
• If only new functional parts were added, that do not affect those that already existed
• If parameters of a controller are adapted
Fundamentally however, the fault-free operation and consequently the availability of every
control or controller depends on the quality of the program – in other words the measure of
how free they are of formal and logical errors. The loading of error-burdened changes can al-
ways lead to interruptions to operation.
Online Test
While in the tool "CAEx plus Online Test", all functions of the man-machine-interface can be
found, the open-/closed-loop control function provides functions for the execution of the operator
If for example a value is to be displayed, then the selection of the value and its display takes
place in the tool "CAEx plus Online Test". For this purpose, the open-/closed-loop control func-
tion is given the task of reading out the selected value and transmit it to the
In the following, those functions are listed that the online test function of the open-/closed-loop
control function provides.
Blocking and enabling of messages with process information and periodical informa-
The copy operation in the input-side or from the output-side process images of
can be blocked and enabled. This can take place with the following granularity:
• Per message
• All messages
• Per periodical information
• Each peripheral element
Test means
The available test means are:
For each of the functions (a) and (c) a trigger condition is defined in the tool "CAEx plus
Online Test". A trigger conditions consists of up to conditions. The conditions of a trigger con-
dition are combined equal-ranking with AND or OR.
• The function Halt the execution due to a trigger condition halts the task or resource, if
the trigger condition is satisfied
• The function Real Time Archive switches over from Recording the Pre-History to Re-
cording the Post-History, if the trigger condition is satisfied
The trigger condition is evaluated at the end of that task, to which it has been assigned; or at
the end of every task, if it has been assigned to the resource.
For the recording of the variables there is a memory of 100,000 bytes available for each re-
Which variables are to be recorded and at which periodicity, is determined in the "CAEx plus
Online Test". The periodicity is determined by assigning the recording to a task. From its cycle
time and the setting of how many cycles are to be omitted between the recordings, the re-
cording times are produced and consequently the resolution of the display in the oscilloscope
Resolution[ms] = cycle time[ms] of the selected task * (number of cycles to be omitted +1)
The time period for the pre- and post-history is dependent on the number of variables to be
recorded (# of Var) and the aforementioned resolution:
Period[ms] = (100000 * resolution[ms]) / (# of Var BOOL) + 2*(# of Var INT) + 4*(# of Var REAL)
During the course of the interrogation, the current run time and the number of time-outs can
be optionally reset.
System Services is a function package, that provides general functions and basic services in
an automation unit, that other function packages require:
For the communication between the SICAM TOOLBOX II and the automation unit, in two re-
spects there are different variants:
• Logical connection of the SICAM TOOLBOX II with that automation unit, that is the subject
of the engineering task:
─ Local automation unit
(that is that one, to which the physical connection exists, regardless in which of the
above mentioned forms)
─ Remote automation unit
(automation unit that can be reached via the local automation unit; consistent remote
communication according to IEC 60870-5-101 or -104 is required)
With the exception of the very first initialization procedures, all tasks are possible in each of
the above mentioned variants, including for example:
• Parameter setting
• Diagnostic
• Test (for example online test of an application program of the open-/closed-loop control
• Load firmware, load parameters
The data flow control is that system function which co-ordinates the communication of mes-
sages within the automation unit.
For the tracking of messages within an automation unit the following test functions are avail-
IEC 60870-5 distinguishes between the following classes of messages. The type identification
of each message provides information about the class to which a message belongs and with
which methods it is to be distributed:
The distribution of messages with process information takes place by way of routing (telecontrol)
or assignment (open- / closed-loop control function) based on the message address and type
identification in the message.
Messages with process information, that are to be transmitted to other automation units via pro-
tocol elements, are distributed with the help of the function Automatic Data Flow Routing.
For messages with process information that are to reach sinks within the automation unit - such
as for instance peripheral elements or the open-/closed-loop control function - the routing infor-
mation or assignments are automatically derived from parameters from OPM-inputs (datapoint
Predominantly used are message formats according to IEC 60870-5-101 / 104 in the public
range with the exception of user data containers. Therefore, for their part the messages are
compatible and interoperable with many other manufacturers.
Within the SICAM RTUs family, when using standard protocols the messages are compatible
with the system families Ax 1703 (AK 1703, AM 1703, AMC 1703, BC 1703) and SICAM
Messages with process information have a 5-stage message address. Message addresses must
be parameterized at the sources, such as for instance peripheral elements or the open-/closed-
loop control function.
Each data point is addressed in the automation network according to IEC 60870-5-101/104 by
means of:
Messages with process information in monitor direction are source-addressed, messages with proc-
ess information in control direction are destination-addressed.
Within an automation unit, system elements are addressed by means of numbers for:
It is an integral element of the time management, that each automation unit and each system
element, that has a time-dependent function to fulfill, can manage a clock with corresponding
accuracy and resolution. Each automation unit has a central clock, the so-called time server.
In error-free operation the clocks are set once with the time setting operation and then run
completely autonomous without any further time setting mechanisms. Afterwards the time syn-
chronization ensures, that all time servers in all automation units run synchronously.
All clocks within an automation unit are operated and synchronized by a central 10 ms clock
pulse, that is generated by the time server of the automation unit with an accuracy of < 1 ms.
With power-up, all clocks begin to run unsynchronized with the date/time 2001-01-01
00:00:00.000. Therefore, until the first time setting they have only a relative time, that is
flagged with "invalid".
During a reset the time server keeps running, thereby all clocks remain synchronous.
There are many options available for time setting and time synchronization:
The system itself can provide further automation units with time over communication lines,
and can perform the time synchronization with serial standard protocols.
If the external time synchronization fails, the system continues to operate with an accuracy of
3.5 ppm, based on the internal clock (free run).
At every point in the system where messages with process information are generated, these
messages can be provided with a time tag. Resolution and accuracy of the time tag are de-
pendent on
The transfer of the data with standard protocols takes place with 7 octet time (in other words
including date, with 1ms resolution) and priority-controlled.
On startup and after faults in the system (communication faults, FIFO overflows), the partici-
pating automation units ensure, that the operation is resumed automatically in a coordinated
This means, that the internal and external communication connections are set up (again). Un-
der consideration of a multi-hierarchical network, all affected data and relevant system infor-
mation are transmitted throughout the system from their sources though to their sinks for the
purpose of updating the process images. This takes place with the initiation of a general inter-
rogation to the corresponding part of the automation network, in which the error occurred.
Self Test
The self-test is used for the protection against inadmissible operating states. Through a series
of monitoring operations, defects of the hardware used or faulty behavior of the firmware are
The system concept of failure management realized in SICAM RTUs ensures the individual
marking of the data of failed parts of the system and the correct system and process behavior
in the event of a fault.
• A system function for the failure detection (for instance for modules/system elements,
• Derived from this the marking of the data points affected by the failure in the spontaneous
communication with all data sinks such as
─ other automation units
─ the open-/closed-loop control function
─ the peripheral elements
• Periodical information that inform the open-/closed-loop control function which peripheral
elements - and thereby which periodical information - are affected by the failure
• A parameter-settable behavior of peripheral elements with output function.
Consequently, for all data sinks (peripheral outputs, open-/closed-loop control function, control
system) the state is available for every process information and - depending on requirements
and functionality - corresponding measures can be initiated.
The diagnostic function manages the system states and error information detected by the in-
dividual functions and their monitoring operations.
It enables the display of process states, the internal system and fault information on the front
panel of the modules and the local or remote diagnostic by means of the SICAM TOOLBOX II.
Each system element delivers its detected system- and error states to the master control ele-
ment with supplementary information (for instance cause of error, originator description).
There they are saved in tables as current and stored information. These information items can
be read out and displayed in detail locally or remotely with the help of the
SICAM TOOLBOX II. The stored information can be acknowledged and can thus be updated
again. For the purpose of better clarity, these tables are divided into classes:
A sum information about the detailed errors is transmitted from each automation unit via the
communication to the next automation units and is additionally managed there.
A SICAM TM provides up to 2 relay outputs – each with normally open and normally closed
contact – for signaling.
Important detail or sum information is displayed by means of LEDs on the front panels of the
system elements.
Autonomy means, that an autonomous basic system element and its supplementary system
elements (protocol and peripheral elements) continue to function unaffected during the failure
of the master control unit. This behavior can be set for the basic system element by means of
a parameter.
On failure of the master control unit, data points are flagged with "not topical", which
• are acquired by other system elements in the automation unit and not over the particular
peripheral or protocol elements
• are acquired by other automation units that are not connected over the particular protocol
After startup of the master control unit, the autonomous basic system element is synchronized
without interruption to operation. Due to a general interrogation, the data points flagged with
“not topical” on failure of the master control unit are updated.
Existing plants with Ax 1703 automation units (AK 1703 (Ax-Mode), AM 1703 (Ax-Mode),
AMC 1703 (Ax-Mode)) can be networked without problems with automation units described in
this document, either over the serial standard communication according to IEC 69870-5-101
or via Ethernet TCP/IP according to IEC 69870-5-104.
Networking of automation units described in this document with other automation units of the
SICAM RTUs platforms is a standard feature and therefore supported.
General Data
Performance Characteristics
• Multi-processor solution
• Modular
• Spontaneous telecontrol function
• Combined open-/closed-loop control function (periodical)
• Online parameter-settable
• Loadable firmware
• Storage of application data and firmware on replaceable flash card
• Connection to engineering system SICAM TOOLBOX II via fiber optics
• Standard protocols according to
─ IEC 60870-5-101 (end-end, multi-point traffic, dial-up traffic)
─ IEC 60870-5-103 (protection device connection)
─ IEC 60870-5-104 (Ethernet TCP/IP)
• Third-party protocols DNP 3.0 and Modbus
• Transmission rate 50 to 38400 bps (standard baud rates)
• Spontaneous (acknowledged) transmission
• LED-signalling on the front panel of the modules
Structure Assembly system for mounting on 35 mm DIN rail
• 1 Master control element
− up to 2 Serial interface modules (SIM) for the communication
• up to 2 Bus interface modules for connecting peripheral elements
• up to 16 Peripheral elements
− detached up to 3 m via USB cable, or
− up to 200 m via fiber optic links
Dimensions (H x W x D) • Master control element 155 x 306 x 75 mm
• Bus interface module CM-0842 133.5 x 141 x 43 mm
• Bus interface module CM-0843 131 x 63 x 73 mm
• Peripheral elements PE-641x
− per module 131 x 63 x 73 mm
− fully equipped 131 x 630 x 73 mm
• Peripheral elements AI-6303/-6304 131 x 252 x 73 mm
Weight • Master control element approx. 1100 g
• Bus interface module CM-0842 ca. 420 g
• Bus interface module CM-0843 ca. 150 g
• Peripheral elements PE-641x
− peripheral control modules approx. 130…160 g 1)
− I/O modules approx. 225…300 g 1)
• Peripheral elements AI-6303, AI-6304
Connection system for periph- Plug-connectable screw terminal strips, wire cross section up to
eral signals and power supply 2.5 mm²
Ax 1703 peripheral bus (TTL) D-SUB 9-pin, female (DIN 41652)
Ax 1703 peripheral bus (TTL) RJ45 8-pin, for connecting Cat.5 cables with up to 3 m length
Ax 1703 peripheral bus USB (A series) 4-pin, for connecting USB cables with up to 3 m
(EIA-485) length
SICAM TOOLBOX II (TB) D-SUB 9-pin, female (DIN 41652)
Fieldbus (FB): Profibus DP D-SUB 9-pin, female (DIN 41652)
Connector(s) for serial interfa- 5x RJ45 8-pin
ces (LOC 2), SI0, SI1/ET0,
SI2/FB, SI3)
Connector for modem power D-SUB 9-pin, female (DIN 41652) (left side of the device)
supply or synchronization
Protection against contact, foreign objects and water
Protection type according to • Terminal modules IP40
IEC 60529 − for the belonging terminals IP20
• CP-6014 from the front IP40
− for the belonging terminals from behind IP20
Protection against electric shock
Protection class according to Class II
IEC 61140
1) dependent on type
2) currently not implemented
System Properties
The characteristics required according to the standards IEC 61000-6-2 and IEC 61000-6-4 are
covered by the values listed above.
Impulse voltage 1.2/50 µs 4.0 kVs IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 60870-2-1 >4
directly connected
Usage of TE-6420
If sensor and TE-6420 reside within a cabinet, the signal lines to the sensor must be carried
out shielded and massed both ways (cabinet feeding, potential equalization of sensor).
With usage of third-party supplied sensors, the signal lines as well as the power supply of the
sensor must be directed in shielded cables. The power supply may be directed max. 1 m un-
shielded between power supply module and terminal. The corresponding power supply mod-
ule may be used exclusively for the sensor feeding, a usage for other plant parts is not al-
The listed values are valid for screened and twisted-pair cables.
Impulse voltage 1.2/50 µs 2.5 kVs IEC 60255-5 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2
IEC 60255-5
Impulse voltage 1.2/50 µs 2.5 kVs IEC 60255-5 IEC 60870-2-1 >VW2
IEC 60255-5
Oscillatory waves 1.0 kVs IEC 61000-4-12 IEC 60870-2-1 2
IEC 60255-22-1 3
Fast transient burst 2.0 kV IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 60870-2-1 3
IEC 60255-22-4 4
Surge voltage 10/700 µs 2.5 kVs IEC 60950-1 IEC 60950-1
The listed values are valid for a distance ≤ 100 m for screened twisted-pair cables.
The listed values are valid for a distance ≤ 30 m for screened lines.
The listed values are valid for a distance ≤ 100 m for Cat.5 cables.
The above listed values cover or exceed the required seismic loading according to
IEC 60870-2-2 Cl.S3 and IEC 60255-21-3 Cl.1. The values apply in operation and for storage.
The master control element CP-6014 must be mounted with the shock proved mounting part TC6-213--,
MLFB-Nr. 6MF13130GC130AA1 on the DIN rail, if the above listed values must be observed.
• The permitted mechanical stress during transport depends on the transport packaging.
• The device packaging is not a transport packaging.
This class is intended for indoor locations with temperature control and a wide range of rela-
tive humidity. The humidity is not controlled.
The devices can be exposed to sun and heat. They can be exposed as well to air flow caused
by draught in buildings, e.g. by open windows or influences of technical processes. Conden-
sation water, precipitations, water and icing do not occur.
Bedewing is possible for a short time (e.g. during the course of maintenance tasks).
Heating and cooling is used to maintain the necessary conditions, especially in case of great
differences between indoor and outdoor climate.
The conditions of this class normally occur in living and working areas, e.g. in production
rooms for electronic and electrotechnical products, telecontrol rooms, storage rooms for valu-
able and sensible devices.
If SICAM TM is operated under ambient conditions up to +65°C, it is allowed to equipp two SM-2558.
If an operation under ambient conditions from +65°C to +70°C is intended, then only one slot may be
equipped with SM-2558 to avoid an exceeding of the permitted operating temperature of the modules
and to ensure a normal operation.
In this case SIEMENS recommends the use of slot SIM0. SIM0
TM Modules
The terminal modules of the system SICAM TM are provide a compact housing for the mount-
ing on a TS35 rail (DIN rail) according to european standard EN 50022.
are designed for the
installation in a cabi-
net, rack or on the
SI1 (E TO)
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
24 -6 0V DC
wall. The mounting is
possible horizontally
or vertically.
horizontal installation
vertical installation
306 63 141
1 0
20 or
SI2 (FB)
1 2 3 4 5 6
20 or
The height results 30
from the module size,
WIDTH (mm)
Interface Modules
SM-0551 BC0-551
Serial Interface Processor 1 Interface 6MF10130AF510AA0
SM-2558 BC2-558
Ethernet-Interf. 1x100TX,
+1 serial interface optional
PS-6632 GC6-632
Power Supply 110…220 VDC EMC+ 6MF11130GG320AA0
Energy Automation
7.0 SP0
Functional description
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SICAM 230 04.12.2012
Functional description
Date Version Comment
20.07.2009 1.0 Created (Robert Eckert, Philipp Artmeier)
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SICAM 230 04.12.2012
Functional description
1. Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Components ............................................................................................................................... 7
4. Multi-hierarchy.......................................................................................................................... 18
5. Web access............................................................................................................................... 20
6.8. VBA/VSTA.............................................................................................................................................................. 36
7. Installation ................................................................................................................................ 37
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Functional description
11.1. General............................................................................................................................................................... 42
12.1. Functions............................................................................................................................................................ 51
12.3. Rema/Limits........................................................................................................................................................ 55
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Functional description
12.18. Archiving............................................................................................................................................................. 73
13. Options...................................................................................................................................... 76
13.16. Straton................................................................................................................................................................ 90
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SICAM 230 04.12.2012
Functional description
1. Overview
This SICAM 230 functional description gives an overview of the functionality of version 7.0.
SICAM 230 is a scalable control system that is suitable for a wide range of applications, ranging from local system
control with touch panels to redundant client-server control stations for small and medium sized municipal energy
Multiple SICAM 230 control systems can be combined to form a “multi-hierarchic” compound. Changes to each of
the subsystems will then be automatically shared across the whole compound.
This makes it possible to monitor control stations that are manned during daytime via one central control station
during nighttime, for example. The software takes care of the required authorizations.
Another important feature of the SICAM 230 control system is its simple engineering capability. The data point list
file is usually generated from the OPM II. The OPM II is a part of the parameterization and service software
Toolbox II.
The OPM II is the central data management tool for the object-oriented engineering of telecontrol systems, control
systems and any type of third-party systems.
The engineering interface of the SICAM 230 editor is used for drawing pictures, defining archives and inserting
functions and picture symbols from a library.
Hardware requirements:
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Functional description
2. Components
This chapter provides a short summary. Each of the modules will be described in detail in the following chapters.
The SICAM 230 software consists of 2 separate license components: the “Editor license”, which is used for
engineering systems, and the “Runtime license” (server or client) for the computers that the control system will be
executed on.
The Editor works with MS Windows PC operating systems and can manage several control system projects at the
same time. In case the Runtime is not running on the same computer as the Editor, any modified parameters will
be transferred via “Remote Transport”, keeping the control system up-to-date.
SRX Runtime licenses for Windows PC operating systems differ according to the number of licensed data points
(500Basic/750/2500/5000/unlimited) and contain the following functionality:
• Picture display
• Alarm and event list
• Command input element
• Picture alarming element
• Time control
• IEC 60870-101/104 communication
• IEC 61850 communication
• Archiving system for measured values (SRX 500 Basic only Starter Edition)
• Extended trend display with analytic functions (SRX 500 Basic only Starter Edition)
• World view including zoom de-cluttering, navigator and station list
• Network technology (client-server; redundancy; multi-hierarchy; circular redundancy)
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SICAM 230 04.12.2012
Functional description
Topological coloring
Extension module for determining and displaying the current topology of electrical networks. Depending on the
states of switching elements and interlockings, the network topology will be displayed in different colors. The
parameterization is derived from the graphical representation.
Fault location
Graphical display of the probable short circuit location on the electrical line. This is based on the line data and the
error impedance from the protection device. (The extension module “Topology” is required for this function).
Report Generator
Option for creating tabular reports from historical and online process data.
Message Control
Extension module for sending alarms via SMS and voice message.
OPC Server
Extension module for providing SICAM 230 process data via OPC. OPC clients can use this interface to access
online data.
SQL Server
Allows the transparent evacuation of archive data into an SQL database
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Functional description
Short-term supply optimization for gas (1 h) and energy (15 min); uses results from the peak load projection and
tries to avoid supply limit violations by shutdowns, storage actions or short-term local production. The module can
be used in the „closed” and “open loop“ operation mode.
WEB Server
Process pictures can be accessed via Internet Explorer. There is an ActiveX-based version with read-only access
as well as a Pro version with full access. Furthermore, Web access is also possible via the MS terminal server.
Process connection
For connecting to the process, the SICAM 230 provides the IEC standard interfaces 60870-5-101, 60870-5-104
and 61850 (contained in the basic package) as well as 100 further protocols for remote control, PLC technology
and building automation.
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Functional description
Data point engineering refers to the basic properties of a data point, like remote control telegram address,
measured value scaling etc.
Generally, you can create the entire data pool of a SICAM 230 project in the SICAM 230 Editor.
However, it is recommended to use the SIEMENS TOOLBOX II for data point engineering. The functionality of the
TOOLBOX II is not addressed in this document.
If remote control substations or remote control centers are engineered with the TOOLBOX II (OPM II), you can
automatically generate the data pool for the SICAM 230 control system based on that.
Integrated system
• One tool for all systems
• Third-party systems
• Continuous engineering
• Scalable
• Simple and transparent engineering
• More engineering quality
• More efficient engineering
• Less costs
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Functional description
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Functional description
3.1. Scalability
The scalability of the process control system guarantees system solutions that are adjusted to the different
requirements of all process and information levels. Scalability allows for:
• operation close to the process, connecting to existing systems with adjusted handling concepts and
optimizations for touch screen operation
• the use as central control stations with branch-specific functions and multi-workstation architectures.
branch-specific servers increase the available CPU performance and allow for selective
• operation in distributed, multi-hierarchic control station environments
• the use of redundant control stations in every process level
• the provision of process information in the MS Office world via WEB clients without any extra
engineering efforts.
Another advantage of the continuous scalability is that all described systems are created, maintained and backed
up with one and the same engineering tool.
The scalability is also reflected in the different available licenses. The embedded and PC basic licenses differ
according to the number of licensed data points.
Touch devices Stand-Alone
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SICAM 230 04.12.2012
Functional description
The network architecture of the process control system is based on the standardized TCP/IP network protocol
and a multi-server/multi-client structure. Based on this architecture, a large number of configurations can be
implemented, for example:
• Simple and dialog-oriented engineering that does not require any special network skills
• Permanent watch dog monitoring of all network communications
• Automatic parameter synchronization between all control stations in the network (during live
operation, after interrupted connection/restart)
• Time synchronization of all workstations with the central time master
• Network-wide management of unique authorizations
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Functional description
3.3.1. Stand-alone
The most simple version is a stand-alone device with the SICAM 230 Server Runtime. This computer takes care
of all tasks, ranging from communication and process functions (like alarming) to visualization tasks.
Communication can be performed via the normal serial interface (e.g. with IEC 60870-101), via the Ethernet
interface (e.g. with IEC 60870-104; IEC 61850) or also via proprietary interface cards when using optional PLC
IEC 60870-101
In this configuration, additional SICAM 230 clients were added to the SICAM 230 server.
A distributed configuration requires the client(s) to have a TCP/IP network connection to the SICAM 230 server.
For simple visualization functions, a bandwidth of 64kBit and above is sufficient. If the clients are supposed to
display historical data (e.g. archives) in curves and tables or large parts of alarm/event lists, we recommend using
a higher bandwidth. Furthermore, project changes to objects like pictures will also be synchronized automatically
via this connection, which may lead to long delays when using a limited bandwidth.
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Functional description
The redundant functionality of the SICAM 230 system is only available in the SRX, SRXR and dedicated server.
There are so-called “SXR RED…” licenses. They are a bundle of 2 normal SRX server licenses. However, it is
also possible to configure one redundant system by combining two separately purchased SICAM 230 licenses. All
SICAM 230 network functions including redundancy and multi-hierarchy are already a part of the basic licenses.
The name of the (preferred) server and the standby server need to be defined in the Editor:
Every server must have a communication interface and a network connection to all substations.
If the project server is started on one computer, the names of the server/standby server and the local computer
name will be checked.
This check will then trigger one the following startup procedures:
If the standby server is not active, the (preferred) server starts up immediately.
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Functional description
If the (preferred) server is not active, the standby server starts up immediately.
As a safety measure for a crash of the active server, the standby server maintains a telegram buffer that is fed
into the system after it is promoted to be the active server. This makes sure that none of the telegrams are lost in
case the active server suddenly crashes.
Local computer is neither the (preferred) server nor the standby server
The computer starts as a client and then tries to connect to the (preferred) server. If that server is not available,
the client tries to connect to the standby server.
The smallest possible redundant system consists of two PCs that are connected via a network. The bandwidth of
such a network connection should be at least 100 MBit and should also have a redundant configuration between
the servers. If there is no redundant connection between the servers, both servers may see themselves as the
active server in case of a network failure and then log only their local command inputs. In this case, only the
archives of the “preferred” server will be preserved.
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Functional description
Circular redundancy
Circular Redundancy is a unique technology to efficiently combine several redundant projects. The Circular
Redundancy combines the functionalities multi-project administration and redundancy to a cost effective
possibility to increase equipment availability.
For redundant projects, you usually need two PCs. One PC is the server, the other one is the standby. When you
have two projects, you require four PCs, and so on. Circular redundancy also allows you to manage multiple
projects: Several projects can run simultaneously on one PC.
Each PC is the server for one project and at the same time the standby server for the neighboring project; and
additionally, it can be the client for other projects. This results in a circle. This functionality offers an enormous
potential for cost reduction for both hardware and software. Instead of 4, 6, or 8 PCs and licenses you now only
need half.
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Functional description
4. Multi-hierarchy
Nowadays, control centers often need to be connected directly. Therefore, functions
like archiving, alarming etc. need to be executed decentrally, so they can be used
by superordinate levels as well.
The control stations of one process level can be connected with each other, so that
every control station can be the central of the neighboring control station, if required.
• The network connections between the hierarchies are the foundation of a distributed control station
system. That is why the permanent monitoring of all network components is the most important
requirement for a high availability of the complete system.
• Data communication has been optimized with regard to WAN connections that are subject to costs.
• An integrated system monitoring function signalizes failures of subordinate control stations.
The project parameters of every server are available in every control station level. These parameters are again
subdivided into small parameter units like pictures, variables etc. In case of a parameter change, this means that
only the affected partial parameters need to be synchronized in the control station levels.
This concept results in a significant reduction of WAN load during project synchronization and a simpler
synchronization of all superordinate levels.
The project parameters are stored centrally in project-selective databases that the Editor can access, e.g. when
pictures are changed. Via the WAN/LAN connection, the Editor can be used in every process level. After the
changes are done, the changed parameters are copied to the according server via the WAN/LAN in the form of
aggregated parameter files and then the server is re-initialized. The server will automatically trigger the
synchronization of the superordinate levels and their re-initialization.
This automatic mechanism takes an immense load off the system administrator, as he only has to care about the
maintenance of the servers in the lowest levels, while the consistency of the parameters in the complete system is
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Functional description
An essential element of the maintenance and servicing of the single projects is the clearly structured project
management in the construction tool. For this task, an integrated project manager has been implemented, which
offers the following functions:
• Display of the project hierarchy in a tree structure in the project manager window. Free assignment
of projects to the different levels via drag&drop, i.e. by moving the project to the desired level. With
the graphical creation of the hierarchy, all parameters for the automatic synchronization and
initialization of the control station levels are generated.
• The parameters of the single projects can be accessed by using selection.
• You can use a superordinate global project to define parameters that are available in all single
projects. This includes, for example, font libraries, user definitions, window types, authorizations,
alarm classifications etc.
As the process can be controlled by way of command inputs, alarm acknowledgements etc. from every control
station level, the command authority must be clearly defined between these levels. In order to guarantee this, one
token per server in the hierarchy is maintained in addition to the local user rights. Process control is enabled only
by the combination of authorization and this token. Every level can request the command authority over this
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Functional description
5. Web access
There are two available technologies for accessing the SICAM 230 control system with an Internet browser:
In the standard version (“WEB SERVER”), only viewing is allowed. This means that you can view all pictures,
lists, curves etc., provided you have the appropriate rights. Command actions like command input, set point input
or alarm acknowledgement are not possible.
The “WEB SERVER PRO” version also allows you to perform command actions, as if you were using a normal
The SICAM 230 client software is embedded into an ActiveX control element. A Web client behaves like a normal
client, i.e. project data (pictures, functions…) are transmitted to the client after they are changed. If the connection
has only a low bandwidth, delays may occur.
The ActiveX element is version-dependent, which means that the Web client computers also have to install the
new ActiveX element after an update of the system. This requires local administrator rights.
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Functional description
The Web server based on “ActiveX” can run as an option for an existing SICAM 230 Runtime or also on a
separate computer. This does not require a server operating system.
• Displaying a “project main menu” (dropdown menu) is not possible.
• No additional applications, e.g. Excel, can be executed in the Web browser.
• No Easy Energy Report, no Switching Administration.
When using Web access based on “MS Terminal Server”, a SICAM 230 client is started several times in separate
and encapsulated sessions on the terminal server. Remote access from a Terminal Server Client (TSClient) takes
place via a Remote Desktop Connection (RDP).
Therefore, no special software is required on the Terminal Server Client. As these are fully-fledged SICAM 230
clients, there are not limitations regarding access.
No process data (only picture information) is exchanged between terminal server and terminal server client.
Therefore, less network bandwidth is required.
When using multi-monitor systems, the RDP client must support multiple monitors that can be switched off at the
same time.
The terminal server is based on the Microsoft Terminal Server technology and requires MS Windows 2008 R2
Server to work.
As opposed to a usual SICAM 230 Web server, the Web server based on MS Terminal Server requires a
separate computer and cannot be executed on a SICAM 230 server computer.
The SICAM 230 Editor cannot be executed on the Terminal Server computer.
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Functional description
6. Editor workstation
6.1. Workspace
The user interface of the Editor consists of different areas: Project Manager, Detail View of the Project Manager,
toolbars, property window and property help.
The workspace window is positioned on the left border as a default and includes two property pages: the Project
Manager and the Symbols. In the Project Manager, new variables, functions, pictures, etc. are created. The
symbol library offers pre-defined graphics, which can be used in new projects.
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Functional description
The Project Manager is the core of the Editor. This is where the current workspace with
its associated projects is displayed. The Project Manager is the central interface for the
functionality of projects.
Tool tip
If you move the mouse pointer over a button, you will see a tool tip that shows you the
function of the button.
Sorting in the list view can also be cascading, i.e. you can sort on several columns simultaneously. Clicking on a
column header sorts entries by the arguments in this column. Hold the SHIFT key to add other columns for
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Functional description
You can filter by active or inactive checkboxes.
Place holder:
If you want to filter only by a certain character, you can use * and ? as wildcards.
There are cases, in which a Multiselect of properties is required. For example, if you create a dynamic picture
element Text Button and some other static element and select both of them, you will see the properties in which
they differ from each other in red letters in the property window.
This allows you to make simultaneous changes, like changing the background color of all selected elements.
Search replace
SICAM 230 supports a search/replace functionality for strings (e.g. picture names, variable names, variable
In the context menu of the detail view, select the entry 'Replace text in selected column'. The replacements are
defined in the dialog 'Replace text in selected column'.
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Functional description
External files
For external files within a project, it is possible to insert specific entries into the project manager. To insert
external files in the project, select the entry “Files” in the project manager.
The properties window displays parameters and properties of objects selected in the detail view of the Project
Manager resp. of elements selected in a picture. In the properties window, you can edit the properties of the
selected objects or elements.
Use the icons at the top to change various settings for the properties window. The settings for the view, sorting
and the favourites are saved for the next start of the Editor.
Grouped view
All properties of the selected object are listed in logical groups. With the context menu, properties can be added to
or removed from the Favorites.
All properties
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Functional description
All properties of the selected object are displayed in one list. With the context menu, properties can be added to
or removed from the Favorites.
Dialog view
The selected view (grouped, all properties) is extended by the section 'Favorites'. It is in the first position. In the
section 'Favorites', the most frequently used properties are listed.
Default favorites are proposed. Properties can be added to or removed from the favorites individually. You can do
this either by using the context menu 'Add XYZ to favorites' or by moving the desired property to the favorites
using Drag&Drop. The order of the properties in the favorites is determined by the sorting criterion (ascending,
descending, logic).
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Functional description
Embedded help
The Embedded Help is displayed below the Property window. There, the selected property is explained.
As opposed to the F1 online help, the properties help gives a short description of the currently selected property.
The advantage of this properties help (embedded help) is that it is integrated in the Editor and the user does not
have to leave the Editor to switch to the F1 online Help. You can find more information on the respective topic in
the online help. You can access the online help by pressing F1. Many embedded help entries provide a direct link
to the respective topic in the online help.
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Functional description
The Multi-user function of the control system allows multiple users to concurrently work on the same project.
For this, the projects are stored on a central SQL Server and can be worked on from different workstations at the
same time. The central storage of the project will be called Server DB in the following text.
Allow changes:
In order to be able to change elements, the status ‘Allow changes’ has to be activated for them.
This can be done in the context menu of the selected element.
For quicker editing, it is possible to check out the complete module of the variable administration. This means that
all variables, drivers and data types are locked for all other users.
Accept changes:
The changes are transferred into the server project. The element/module is unlocked for other users.
If changes were allowed via a module, they can also only be accepted via the module.
This means, that all variables, drivers and data types are transferred and unlocked for other users. Accepting a
single element is not possible in this case.
The changes in the local project copy are discarded and overwritten by the server data.
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Functional description
6.3. Wizards
Project Wizard
This wizard leads you step by step through the creation of a new project. With this wizard, the user can adapt the
project individually to his desires.
Import Wizard
This wizard helps you with the import of variables, functions, pictures and scripts from a XML file.
• Worldview Overview
• World view
• Function Picture switch
The wizards are available as VBA source code files on the installation CD. New wizards can be implemented with
the VBA environment.
Project backup
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Functional description
You can also export project backups and restore them on another workstation.
The exported project backup will automatically be stored in the compressed ZIP format.
Workstation backup
A workstation backup contains several project backups and their interrelations in a compressed file.
All dynamic elements can be linked to variables, colors, fonts and many other attributes via drag & drop.
This allows you, for example, to link dynamic elements with variables very fast and intuitively.
6.6. Symbols
The picture editor allows you to create any kind of symbol and store them in reusable symbol libraries.
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Functional description
Inherited symbols
Inherited symbols can consist of static and dynamic picture elements and allow you to dynamize complex picture
contents by replacing variable links.This gives you the advantage that you can manage complete branches
centrally. If you make a change to the original symbol, it will automatically be inherited to all copies.
To make complex symbols more universal, you can also choose to inherit single properties like visibility,
background color and authorization groups.
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Functional description
Different elements are available for representing dynamic process states in the pictures.
The existing dynamic picture elements can be selected via the toolbar or the menu item "Dyn. Elements".
Bitmap button Display bitmaps (pixel graphics; *.bmp, *.jpg, *.gif, *.png and *.wmf); operating
Combined element Display one or more variables in color or symbol (chained characters)
Multi-binary Element Display several variables in one picture point in colour and symbol (string)
The following section is about the most important dynamic picture element for the energy industry: the Combined
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Functional description
The dynamic element "Combined Element" allows you to link both the value and the states of a variable
simultaneously or individually (priority-controlled) to an element and to represent it as sum information. As
opposed to the "Multibin", the "Combined" element can also display symbols, texts or bitmaps.
Additionally, the element can be used to set the value of a bit variable or to execute a function. The “Combined
Element” can also be linked to a SICAM 230 command input.
When using the view type “Symbol from library”, you can use the symbol selection button to define link rules after
selecting the symbol. These substitution rules are saved for every status.
This means you can use the link rules to exchange all variables and functions.
Status text
You can enter a text with foreground and background color for every status.
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Functional description
You can select a picture file from the graphics directory for every state.
Picture symbol
You can define a picture symbol and a filling color for each status.
Topological coloring
If topology is activated, the element can also be colored topologically.
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Functional description
The element is processed from the first value and status combination to the last entry. The first complete
coincidence is displayed, if the property "overlapping" (for symbols from the library) or "chained" (for texts) has not
been activated. The sequence of the verification can be defined and changed by the buttons "upwards" and
The status can be defined via numerical values, status bits, relational operators and formulas.
Test mode
The test mode simulates the Runtime: You can test the change of a value and see how your Combined Element
would behave during the Runtime.
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Functional description
To avoid a cyclical polling of changing states, e.g. measured values, you can also choose an event-triggered
Function integrated:
The script is defined within a function, e.g. a dynamic element. As the dynamic element already has certain
properties like the variable reference, picture position etc., you only have to implement the functions in the script
that are required in addition to the element properties.
This allows you to extend elements like dynamic picture elements or set value dialogs project-specifically in a
simple way.
These extensions are reusable across projects without any adjustments.
Application oriented:
VBA allows you to implement complex cross-functional applications, because you can access all process control
system objects and the complete computer environment. You can integrate ActiveX-controls/WPF into the
process pictures. ActiveX-controls are prefabricated functions by third party manufacturers, like pie charts or
special curve representations. The connection between ActiveX X-controls and the process control system is
established via VBA/VSTA.
External access
The internal SICAM 230 objects (variables, archives etc.) can also be accessed by external programs, e.g. by
Visual Basic or MS Office programs. This requires the integration of the SICAM 230 object model, however.
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Functional description
7. Installation
The software is provided on an installation DVD. Administrator rights are required for all installation types.
Before the installation, the setup program checks whether all necessary programs (e.g. NET framework) are
installed and installs any missing programs automatically. The database is automatically installed and configured.
Because of to the use of standard installation routines, no special skills are required for the installation.
Only components required for visualization will be installed. No editor for the creation of projects will be installed.
Development environment.
All components that are required for engineering and visualization will be installed.
The following modules will be installed:
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Functional description
The optional Web server will be installed. The SICAM 230 Web server requires a conventional Web server
service like Microsoft Internet Information Server or Apache.
8. Updates / Hotfixes
SICAM 230 offers 2 different types of “Updates”.
8.1. Build
Builds are provided at regular intervals in addition to the service pack versions and contain urgent error
Generally, builds do not contain any new functions and can be installed without re-installing the basic software.
You do not have to convert project backups to a newer version after a build installation.
Service packs are provided at greater intervals than builds. Service packs contain all error corrections of previous
builds as well as function extensions.
Before installing a service pack, you need to uninstall the old version, because service packs are only available as
complete installations on a DVD.
Uninstalling the old SICAM 230 version will not remove any project data from the database, which is why all
projects will be available again after installing the new service pack installation. The project data will automatically
be converted to the new version after a security check. Before the conversion, a project backup of the old version
will be created.
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Functional description
9. Server licenses
The SRX license is the basic license for most of the other licenses. It contains the process connection, the archive
server, the network module and a fully-fledged visualization. The SRX license can be extended as required and
without limitations.
• SRX 500 Basic (max. 500 data points, extend. trend and archive server in starter edition)
• SRX 750 (max. 750 data points)
• SRX 2500 (max. 2500 data points)
• SRX 5000 (max. 5000 data points)
• SRX (unlimited number of data points)
The SRXR licenses are bundle licenses consisting of 2 SRX licenses for the operation of a redundant server pair.
The SICAM 230 Prot license is a server license with limited visualization capabilities. The Prot server is typically
used on-site as a pure event logging machine.
You can load only a picture of the type “Chronological Event List”. There is no limit for the number of data points
when connecting to the process.
• IEC 101/104
• IEC 61850
• Time control
No other options or drivers are available.
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Functional description
The SICAM 230 Server Gateway is a server license with limited visualization capabilities. The Server Gateway
can be used as an on-site logging machine, for example.
You can load only a picture of the type “Chronological Event List”.
• IEC 101/104
• IEC 61850
• Time control
The SICAM 230 Dedicated Server is a server license with limited visualization capabilities. You can load only a
picture of the type “Chronological Event List”.
Usually, the Dedicated Server is used in a server-client combination that provides visualization on the client only.
There is no limit for the number of data points.
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Functional description
• no additional modules
• no redundancy
• no multi-hierarchy projects
• no VBA/VSTA support
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Functional description
11.1. General
Beside the status information generated by the SICAM 1703 system, the SICAM 230 communication server
processes further system and user status information. A 32 bit word is available for the status of every process
variable. Status bits concerning the system and users can be stored in a fail-safe way.
Manual correction
Process variables that are not telecommunicated can be corrected manually. Optionally, you can also choose to
initialize the last valid status of the variable as an input for the manual value when activating manual correction.
Revision bit
Process variables can be set to revision. If this status is active, alarms and setting of commands are suppressed
by the process control system. Additionally, you can choose to perform a command input to the current state that
is interlocked for the commands “ON” and “OFF” in default operation mode.
Select bit
The status select is used for the selection of a command object in the process control system. If this status is
active, a new command access (e.g. from another working station) can be locked.
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Functional description
Runtime exceeded
The status “Runtime exceeded” is set by the command element if the runtime of a switching element is exceeded.
The reset is done by a change of the confirmation or another command set.
User status
The 8 user status bits can be defined project-specifically. Examples for user states are: special interlocking
conditions for command input, message locks etc.
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Functional description
The AK server is used for connecting SICAM 230 to remote control devices via the IEC101 (serial) protocol or the
IEC104 (Ethernet) protocol
The AK driver supports a maximum of 4 serial connections (IEC 101). When connecting via TCP/IP, the driver
supports a maximum of 256 connections.
The OPM generates a PVL file in the XML format, which can be sent to the AK driver via the SICAM 230 Editor /
Variables / Import XML.
• Watchdog
• GA activation
• Status of the communication connection
• End of initialization
• Polling of the counter groups
The application SICAM Disto for the disposal of fault signal records can be integrated via the AK driver.
The AK server provides service functions for testing and error search.
Error protocol
Errors are displayed directly in the driver window. Errors can be filtered by error classes.
Additionally, all errors are stored in detail in a log file.
The function “Logging” allows you to display received and sent 101/104 telegrams in plain text. Telegrams can be
filtered by incoming/outgoing, PA and TTA. The protocol can also be written to a text file.
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Functional description
The service functions can be activated during live operation without restarting.
You can trigger a GA to all connected stations or station-selective via a virtual send data point.
Set time
SICAM 230 can have its time set via the first IEC 60870-5-101/104 connection by a remote control device.
2 remote control heads can be combined into a group for redundant operation.
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Functional description
The IEC 61850 client is used for the connection of IEC 61850 servers to SICAM 230m
using Ethernet (10/100 Mbit) as the interface and TCP/IP as the protocol.
Upon request, further ACSI services, common data classes and data attributes can be implemented. Logical
nodes and data objects can be parameterized via private extensions of logical nodes.
Further characteristics:
The OPM generates a PVL file in the XML format, which can be sent to the IEC 61850 driver via the SICAM 230
Editor / Variables / Import XML.
The application SICAM Disto for the disposal of fault signal records can be integrated via the IEC 61850 driver.
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Functional description
Diagnostic information
Diagnostic information is displayed in the driver window. Via a configuration file, you can configure which
diagnostic information will be displayed.
The function “Logging” allows you to display received and sent IEC 61850 telegrams in plain text. Double-click on
a telegram to display the telegram status.
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Functional description
The mathematics driver is used for defining formulas (linkage type of arithmetics, trigonometry, etc.) and
calculating them by using the data from other process drivers. From the point of view of SICAM 230, the
Mathematics driver is a "normal" process driver. Variables are defined in the Editor (mathematics variables). The
calculated values of the Mathematics variables are provided for online operation.
Float formulas:
Select a variable in the window “Variable definition” and select a formula type by clicking on the corresponding
buttons for functions in the section “Formula definition”.
Bit formulas:
Enter directly in the section “Formulas” after selecting Boolean algebra. If the variable was created as a binary
variable, you will only be able to use Boolean algebra.
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Functional description
The SICAM 230 system driver is used for reading out internal project information, network information, hardware
information of the PC etc.
• Alarms
• Archive Server
• User administration
• Printers
• Hardware resources
• Network
• System folder
• Performance network
• Performance driver
• Project Information
• Recipes
• System information
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Functional description
More than 100 other drivers for connecting remote control devices to SICAM 230 are available.
• Siemens S7 TCP-IP
• Siemens S5 TCP-IP
• Profibus DP
• OPC Client
• OPC UA Client
• Modbus RTU and TCP
• DDE Client
• SQL driver
11.7. Allocations
Allocations allow you to automatically assign the value of a piece of process information (variable of a driver) to
another variable.
This way, you can write values from the PLC directly into an SQL-database or to write spontaneous value
changes from one communication interface (driver) to a second driver.
With allocations, the technical value of a source variable is transferred to a target variable. The source variable
and the target variable can belong to different drivers.
The value is transferred spontaneously after every change. Additionally, allocations can also be initiated via a
trigger variable.
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Functional description
12.1. Functions
The user can operate SICAM 230 via user-defined project functions. All functions used in a project are based on
the existing system functions. These are pre-defined macros that are easy to use and parameterize by the user.
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Functional description
Picture switch is the most frequently used function in SICAM 230. This function opens a selected picture.
Optionally, a dialog for the user can be opened before that.
The picture switch function can be applied to every existing picture. The picture will be loaded in the associated
For all predefined picture types in list form (AML, CEL, status list, archive edit …), a filter dialog will automatically
be displayed.
This dialog allows you to load the same picture several times, but with different filter settings (e.g. AML for
different alarm areas).
Another option allows you to load the AML for a certain day or time span during the Runtime via a calendar
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Functional description
Provide the file configuration (name, path, formatting, etc.), the archive and the time filter as the transfer
parameters. This function is configured via an input dialog.
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Functional description
12.1.4. Scripts
Alarming is used to draw attention to critical process events and to support the user in localizing and eliminating
Alarms that have occurred are displayed in a alarm message list and in the alarm status line.
Additionally, optical and acoustical signals can be used (e.g. flashing text on the screen, activation of external
network signal-horns etc.).
The additional Message Control module allows you to send notifications about critical alarms via SMS/Email or
voice message.
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Functional description
12.3. Rema/Limits
Reaction matrices and limits cause a reaction as soon as a limit or a status is violated or reached.
Limits are either defined in the Editor or adjust variably depending on the value of a variable in the Runtime. For
every data point, you can define several limits (e.g. Max/Min) that trigger an alarm if the associated values go
above or below them.
• Status text describing specific states (On, Off, Limit) for the use in lists and logs
• Status color defining the display of states in other functions (e.g. limit coloring)
• Function calls for the status-based execution of functions – spontaneous or by executing them via
the alarm message list (e.g. for selecting pictures)
• Assignment to an alarm group (1 - 256) for the technological selection of alarms in the lists
• Assignment to an alarm class (1 - 256) for prioritizing alarms for picture alarming and the selection of
alarms in the lists
• Obligatory acknowledgement and deletion for alarm processing
• Entry into the chronological event list
• Flashing display in the process pictures
• Print output to the running log
• Definition of up to four limits per value variable with a static or dynamic limit, which can be defined
via a limit variable
• Definition of a delay time until the triggering of the alarm
• Definition of hours and operation counters
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Functional description
Reaction matrices
You can define a reaction behavior in reaction matrices and then assign them to multiple variables.
Reaction matrices are required if many process variables have the same status definition and if you want to be
able to change this definition centrally.
• You can define up to 256 analog or binary states that you want to monitor
• The status of the process variables can be additionally monitored.
• Analog limits can be defined via “less than, greater than, equals and interval”.
• Monitoring of edge changes.
• Status changes can be hidden from monitoring.
• State and status bits can be moved to other status bits
• The update of process variables can be switched off via user states.
• The status definition can be tested during the parameterization in the Editor.
• The reaction matrices can be imported and exported, allowing them to be reused.
• Definition of hours and operation counters.
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Functional description
The alarm message lists allow the user to look up process and system events, sorted chronologically or by priority
in a line-based list.
• Acknowledge one/page/all
• Delete one/page/all
• Export
• List print
• Filter
• Predefined filters via picture call
• Time filter for time interval, relative time, daily/monthly/yearly filter. A calendar is available for
daily/monthly/yearly filters, which can be used to select the required time interval in a comfortable
• Filters can be saved as profiles for reuse during online operation
• Text filter for channel name and long text
• Filter by alarm groups and classes
• Max. number of entries
• Project-specific filters can be defined for distributed control systems
• A comment with a maximum of 80 characters can be defined for the selected alarm message line via
an input field. When reusing the entry, it will be shown in the input field. The comment is stored in the
alarm archive.
• The total number of entries is available as a display element
Alarm areas
The alarm area function allows you to analyze the state of a class depending on the alarm area.
Alarm classes are used for assigning priorities (e.g. alarm, malfunction, warning).
Alarm groups are used for discriminating technological categories (e.g. electricity 20kV, gas, water…)
A name, a number, a color, a function and a status variable can be assigned to each group or class.
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Functional description
The dynamic element “Picture alarming” sums up the alarm classes over picture hierarchies or over the entire
alarm administration and displays the sum in the form of an animated picture selection button.
There is no need to parameterize a separate collective message.
The summation over picture hierarchies includes the picture alarm elements of all subordinate pictures.
The characters are displayed in the color of the alarm class when alarms of the assigned class occur. Currently
unacknowledged alarms are displayed as flashing. Historical unacknowledged alarms are displayed flashing in
the text color of the button.
Mapping to variable
Additionally, the status of the picture alarming element can be mapped onto a 32 Bit variable. Two bits each are
used per alarm class for the status and the blinking status.
This allows you to graphically display picture alarming information, independent of the picture alarming element.
Additionally, you can process alarm information (e.g. all alarms in the system acknowledged) and display it
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Functional description
The chronological event list (CEL) is used for logging all process and system events as well as all operating
actions. It processes both chronological real-time data and non-real-time data that was time-stamped in the
process control system.
The list is sorted chronologically after reloading the CEL or by manually starting the sorting process. In order to
tell apart the sorted and unsorted parts of the list, they are displayed in different colors. The position and size of
the system window is defined via the associated picture template.
There are a number of parameterizable command elements for the operation and display of the CEL:
• Scroll through the list with a scroll bar or via definable buttons for next/previous picture or line.
• Function call (e.g. direct picture selection) for functions that have been shared in the configuration of
the process variable.
• Stop the current update for scrolling in the list
• Print the current list content considering the activated filters
• Create selective lists via filter conditions. The filters are available in the configuration for the list
selection and during online operation. Filters can be saved as profiles for reuse during online
• Time filter for time interval, relative time, daily/monthly/yearly filter. A calendar is available for
daily/monthly/yearly filters, which can be used to select the required time interval in a comfortable
• Text filter for channel name and long text
• Filter by alarm groups and classes
• Max. number of entries
• Project-specific filters can be defined for distributed control systems
• A comment with a maximum of 80 characters can be defined for the selected alarm message line via
an input field. When reusing the entry, it will be shown in the input field. The comment is stored in the
alarm archive.
• Function for manual resorting of the list contents. Unsorted entries are highlighted with a different
• The total number of entries is available as a display element
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Functional description
The user administration allows you to lock and unlock command actions depending on the user that is logged in.
You can define users and user groups. You can allocate user groups to a user.
You can assign different authorization groups to user actions or picture elements.
For a better overview, you can assign names to the 128 different authorization groups.
User can be created and managed both in the Editor and the Runtime.
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Functional description
The SICAM 230 control system offers a variety of predefined picture types, which can be equipped e.g. with
default control elements.
Filter conditions that can be defined either in the Editor or the Runtime can be used to adjust the system windows
(e.g. time interval and variable selection for an extended trend curve) to different requirements. In addition to the
operating and display elements, you can integrate static and dynamic elements of the process pictures in the
system windows.
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Functional description
A world view is a process picture that is larger than the available screen size. The following technologies and
tools are available:
Picture elements like local network stations have a property called “Name for object list”, which can be used for
showing elements in the station list.
You can also define a part of the variable name as the “Name”. This way, the station list fills up automatically
when additional local network stations are inserted.
Select an entry in the station list to center the world view on that object. Additionally, you can display a circle that
zooms in around the object when you select it. This increases the overview, especially for small views or when
text is no longer readable.
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Functional description
You can zoom in different ways:
“Decluttering” refers to the hiding and showing of picture contents depending on the selected zoom level.
This way, a local network station can be displayed as a circle when zooming far out, for example. When zooming
in, more and more details appear, e.g. circuit breakers.
You can define any number of zoom levels and associate them with absolute zoom values in percent.
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Functional description
Panning (moving the picture content) can be used in different ways:
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Functional description
The command input is use for secure, multi-level inputs of commands (set values) and status manipulations. This
element can be used in its standard configuration or as a special element for railways (DB AG, ÖBB etc.).
• One or two level command execution, two-handed operation for the button “Execute” via a
combination of the mouse button and the ENTER key.
• Command input with runtime monitoring. The runtime monitoring is reset when messages are
changed or after another command input.
• Display of desired direction, i.e. desired directions can be displayed for switching elements in the
process picture based on the responses ON and OFF.
• Combined command input with up to 5 command elements (e.g. ON, OFF, OPEN, CLOSE, STOP) in
one input window.
• Display of the variable name or the long text of the command variable and the current state of the
• Optionally hide entries in the event list.
• Set value inputs
• Status inputs, e.g. revision, replacement value, locked …
• If the status bit “Revision” is set, the interlocking is set to the current state, runtime monitoring and
the display of the desired direction.
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Functional description
Commands can be sent via a Windows standard context menu that is linked to a dynamic element. The menu
items are generated from the actions configured in the associated command interlocking. Additional commands or
functions can be added. Standard windows are available for the two-step command input and interlocking
After selecting a command in the context menu, a dialog is displayed for confirming that action (optional 2nd step)
After the confirmation, the interlocking conditions are checked. This includes the interlockings defined in the
interlocking element and the interlockings derived from the topology. If none of the interlockings is violated, the
command will be sent and the dialog will be closed.
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Functional description
If one of the interlocking conditions apply, they will be displayed in a window. Every interlocking contains a plain
text. In the project configuration, you can specify whether an interlocking may be unlocked by the user or not.
After unlocking all interlockings, a dialog for finishing the command input and sending the command will be
Illustration: Execute
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Functional description
12.10.2. Command input element and pictures of the type set value input/status input
Command inputs can be made via an MDI window of the type command input, which is dynamically loaded by a
command element. As opposed to command input via the context menu, where the selection menu and the input
dialogs are loaded next to the selected equipment and may therefore cover other equipment pictures, this method
uses normal pictures of the type set value input/status input, whose position on the screen can be predefined.
e.g.: you can reserve an area in the menu bar for these dialogs.
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Functional description
12.10.3. Context menu with pictures of the type set value input/status input
The two methods of command input presented above can also be combined, i.e. the context menu can be used
for selecting the action. For all other dialogs, you can use pictures of the type set value input/status input. These
pictures can be loaded either at a predefined or at a relative position.
If the process requires a special type of command input, which cannot be realized with the usual mechanisms, a
specific command input (so-called scripting command input) can be designed for the customer.
Contact the SICAM 230 product management for any such requests.
The status log is used for the display and manipulation of variables. The status log is a picture type including the
associated MDI control elements. The statuses of the variables can be manipulated.
By using a “variables status test” picture, variables can be displayed and set in the Runtime.
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Functional description
The module “Counter groups” is used for processing and analyzing counter information. It supports absolute and
relative counter input values.
Windows-based menus guarantee an intuitive handling and allow you to design user-friendly projects. SICAM 230
supports two types of menus.
Main menus:
Main menus are displayed on the top border of the SICAM 230 Runtime.
Context menus
Context menus are opened with the right mouse button in the Runtime. Their contents depend on the location on
the screen that the right mouse button is clicked on (i.e. on the dynamic element).
The remarkable thing about this: the functionality is adjusted at the object. This way, it is not necessary to design
a new context menu for every object. For example, you can adjust directly at the object which help chapter you
want to open.
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Functional description
In the time control, you can define all function calls that should be executed at a defined (fixed) time or cyclically.
This way, important production data can be saved daily on a network drive, for example.
The Runtime offers language and unit switching into any number of languages. This way, projects can be
internationalized at the press of a button – customer engineers around the world can orient themselves
All texts, including the standard dialog texts, can be switched online. With SICAM 230 being a complete Unicode
application, Asian and Arabic languages can be used without any problems. Even the font and its characteristics
(size, font type) can be switched with the language.
By switching the language, paths for other language-related files like HTML pages, sounds and video files, and
project related help are automatically switched.
Changes in the language tables can be transferred to the target system without stopping the Runtime. Even for
the audio response via the module “Message Control“, multi-lingual “language engines” are at your disposal.
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Functional description
12.17. Multi-monitor
You can use the SICAM 230 monitor administration to define for each workplace if the target system of the project
is equipped with one or multiple monitors.
A maximum number of 4 monitors is supported.
The SICAM 230 monitor administration brings together the most diverse environments in only one project. That
• no additional effort with single and multiple monitor projects in the network.
• no cost intensive adaptation to various monitor resolutions.
Multiple display setups (monitor profiles) for different PC systems deliver projects to different monitor types
without any problems.
For example: In a control center, the project is displayed on a four-monitor system, while on the maintenance
laptop, the same project can be controlled with just one monitor.
An additional plus of the SICAM 230 monitor administration: the relative picture call. The picture is displayed on
the monitor on which it was called. Furthermore, the monitor on which the picture is displayed can also be
exclusively defined. In addition to the Runtime, a monitor selection can be shown. The user can use it to select
the monitor on which he wants to display the picture.
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Functional description
12.18. Archiving
The archiving of measurands and counter readings in the process control system works according to the principle
of archive cascading, i.e. follow-up archives (e.g. daily archives) access previous archives (e.g. hourly archives)
via aggregating functions.
The following aggregating functions over the archiving cycle per archive variable are variable:
• Summation
• Average
• Minimum
• Maximum
The archive contents can be evaluated and processed via the Extended Trend, the Report Generator or the
Archive Revision window.
There are different types of archiving. The following triggers for the entries into the archives are available:
Writing values to the archive is triggered by a predefined cycle. The maximum scan rate for cyclical archives is
one second.
Writing values to the archive is triggered by a defined bit variable.
Writing values to the archive is triggered by a value change of one of the linked variables, i.e. the number of
archived values depends on the frequency of change. The definition of a hysteresis for the variables can
decrease the frequency.
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Functional description
Ring store for each archive, in which the defined number of archive cycles is stored; post processing of the
archive data within the ring; upon overflow of the ring store, optionally discard archive or export to file.
File export
After closing an archive cycle, it will immediately be exported to a file.
Export function
The archive export i.e. the saving of archives to files with time filter, is done in standard file formats (ASCII,
dBase, XML, SQL). The file names are issued independently from the system. The structure
(YYMMDDhhmmsst/XML) encodes the export time with an identifier for archive, year, month, day, hour, minute
and second. Files can be stored both locally and on a file server.
The values stored in a ring buffer can be revised later. Changed values receive the status “Manual value”.
Changes can also be updated in the aggregated follow-up archives via an update function. There is a separate
archive edit window or (optionally) the log generator, which you can use to revise archive contents.
The following control elements are available in the archive edit window:
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Functional description
Trend curves can be configured via the filters in the picture selection function, which can be changed online.
You can choose to display either values from the short-term trend buffers or archive values. You can change
these properties during online operation and store them in a profile. Once stored, you can load these profiles at
any time.
The curve window offers the following functions:
• Online selection of the values displayed in the curve from a predefined variable library
• You can define a separate value axis with technological scaling for every process variable. You can
choose either linear or logarithmic scaling
• Interpolation
• x/y value representation
• Online selection of the displayed interval via zoom windows, calendar, scrolling functions or by
defining an absolute or relative time interval
• Pointer function with display window for date/time, variable name, current value, unit and status;
display of the limit text after limit violation
• Show/hide grid lines
• Magnifying glass for the value range of the variables
• Change parameters like color, frames, line width/type and axis intervals
• Hardcopy of the curve without control elements and output to printer or to the clipboard for
documentation purposes
• Display of two time intervals, e.g. current day and last day
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Functional description
13. Options
Besides the topological coloring of the electrical connections between the network elements and the topological
command interlocking, the purpose of this module is to derive the required parameters for the description of the
topological network interrelations and their documentation from the displayed pictures.
The topological states of the network determine the color of the lines:
• Connected
• Disconnected
• Grounded
• Currently triggered
• Network or source coupling
You can define a separate color for every source. If different sources are coupled, the connections can be
displayed with dashed colors. A maximum of two colors can be used. These two colors are taken from the two
sources with the highest priority.
Furthermore, different supply states can be signalized with the width of the lines.
• Normal width: Supply not protected (only via one line)
• Extra width: Supply protected (via at least 2 lines)
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Functional description
• D: "unprotected“
There is only a unilateral supply.
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Functional description
Topological interlocking
Up to 43 interlocking conditions can be generated from the topology and analyzed. For this analysis, you can
define at a central spot which conditions will be checked and which of the analyzed conditions can be unlocked by
the operator.
To avoid switching errors, switching commands are checked against interlocking conditions. The following checks
are usually performed:
Interlockings that cannot be automatically derived from the topology (e.g. remote), can be created and managed
centrally (see also command input chapter). There are references to this interlocking in the data model.
Interlocking conditions are displayed in plain text. If they are unlocked, a record to the Chronological Event List
will be made.
If there are any logical errors, the user will be guided to the error location automatically.
Besides the normal line color representing the supply status, you can also configure a so-called “edges”. This
edge allows you to visualize additional information, e.g. source/consumer search.
Source/consumer search
The topological search functions for sources and consumers can be integrated in the context menu of equipment,
for example.
When searching for sources, all lines from the selected equipment to the supplying source will be “bordered”.
When there are multiple sources (coupled supply), only the first path that is found will be displayed.
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Functional description
The module “Error location from protection device” allows you to graphically display the possible location(s) of a
short circuit in the network world view. This feature requires:
• Digital protection devices that are connected online to the control system and provide the reactance
of the short-circuit.
• The complete network must be in one picture (world view).
• Line data (reactance values) of the lines between 2 municipal network stations
• The option “Topological coloring” (Topology)
The line data is stored directly in the picture editor as a property of the line.
The data of the protection device, the embedded line data from the topology and the current switching status of
the network is used to visualize the possible error location(s) in the network picture.
This display allows for a fast error analysis. It is not a substitute for an exact error search on the spot. The goal is
to find out the municipal network stations between which the short-circuit has occurred. This speeds up the error
search and the re-supply of the customer. The picture below shows an exact error location. It is marked by a blue
circle on the line. The color can be defined separately for every protection device.
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Functional description
The module supports both parallel lines and intermeshed networks. The picture below shows a situation where a
short-circuit has occurred in a closed ring. The two affected protection devices (black and green) each deliver a
reactance value (reactive part of impedance in linear networks). The picture shows two possible error locations for
every reactance value. The combination of the two displays results in an exact location.
For strongly intermeshed networks, the use of central node stations with remote-controlled short-circuit indicators
is recommended. This speeds up the search for error locations when there are several possible locations.
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Functional description
The deployment and expansion of renewable energies is accompanied by shifts in the direction of the energy
flow. On certain days, energy may be fed from cities and towns back into the high-voltage grid of upstream energy
Public utilities typically lack the tools needed to properly calculate the flow in demand. SICAM 230 calculates
energy distribution using a simplified, single-phase, strictly ohmic model without the phase angle. During the
multi-step command, the system calculates the future grid status and alarms the user if there is a risk of overload.
If you also wish to see which switching actions make sense in such situations, the “Simulation” add-on module
lets you run various scenarios in advance to preview the expected energy distribution offline. This gives you the
basic tools you need to face the key challenges of the energy future.
If your company is in the business of operating electrical grids, you and your partners need the reliable support of
the SICAM 230 to manage switching records.
From request to approval and planning to implementation, all the necessary transactions are displayed in one
user-friendly workflow and are seamlessly documented. The layouts and documentation expressions can be
easily customized in Microsoft Word.
And as always, you use the convenient SICAM 230 user administration interface to define which users have
which authorizations.
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Functional description
The report generator documents, evaluates and presents process data on the basis of online and archive data.
About 150 functions are available for the calculation and the output of data. Manual import is possible, also
reading and writing of values.
Flexible reporting is an essential component of any control system. SICAM 230’s Easy Energy Reporting requires
no special expertise. Standardized layouts based on Microsoft Excel are available for all areas, so producing gas,
water, and electricity reports is a snap. Use daily, monthly, or annual logs to generate manual or cyclical reports
from the SICAM 230 archive – even save them directly to PDF.
In addition to the reports, SICAM 230 also offers an archive editor with the following features:
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Functional description
The task of this module is sending messages to different recipients or the shift personnel as SMS. Voice Message
or eMail. Sending is executed with a function. A message can be linked to the limit of a variable, for example.
When the limit is violated, the message is sent to the defined recipient(s).
• ISDN card
• SMS via GSM hardware (mobile or GSM modem)
• Email
• Voice message
Positive and negative communication is logged in the Chronologic Event List (CEL).
13.7.1. Text-to-speech
Limit texts as well as every other dynamic text can be read out loud to the user by the system. The program offers
the following languages:
Remote control networks use a large number of network components like hubs, switches, routers, printer servers,
terminal servers etc.
In order to maintain a high availability and to find errors fast, monitoring these network components is an integral
part of the control system.
The network is monitored with the SNMP protocol (SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol), which is
based on TCP/IP. Based on the standardized SNMP protocol, all relevant data like status, performance, error,
alarms, reports etc. is transmitted.
The resulting messages are signalized by the control system with normal process variables and are available in
the same way as external process information (further processing is possible, like displaying in pictures, lists,
curves, alarming etc.).
Monitoring redundant network structures requires special network management, because a simple failure is often
not recognized.
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Functional description
The OPC server makes the variables of the project available for standard OPC client tools.
All OPC specifications from 1.0a to 2.0 are supported with synchronous as well as asynchronous communication.
The OPC server and the OPC client must be installed locally on the same computer.
The OPC UA server makes the variables of the project available for standard OPC UA clients.
UA Security consists of authentication and authorization, encryption and data integrity via signatures.
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Functional description
• Event archives
The control system allows you to automatically execute switching sequences. This includes the check of all
interlockings, as is the case for manual operation. A step will be executed only after the previous step has been
finished successfully.
There is a “switching sequence recorder” that can be used for storing switching sequences. Additionally, the
recorded switching sequences can be modified via an editor.
You can also switch client workstations to simulation mode. In simulation mode, the connection to the real
process is interrupted. When changing to simulation mode, you can choose whether you wish to use the current
process state or a previously stored “snapshot” as the basis for the simulation. Command inputs will automatically
be mirrored to the responses. This requires the use of the interlocking object.
Simulation mode is perfect for testing planned switching sequences. Simulation mode can be activated for every
client workstation.
The process state copies used by simulation mode can be stored and loaded at any time.
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Functional description
13.13. EMS
The task of an energy management system (EMS) is to optimize the economic management of power supply
companies (PSC) or industrial firms. The most important tool for this is energy trend calculation, which serves as
the basis for an automated energy supply optimization.
The goal of economic management in electricity and gas supply is to receive a maximum amount of energy from
the supplier and deliver it to the customers while keeping the supply price low. Costs can be saved by avoiding
supply peaks.
Supply peaks can be reduced with targeted control actions, e.g. load rejection for switchable consumers or input
from own generators.
This requires a forecast of the average capacity during a measuring period in order to recognize an imminent
violation of the defined supply limits and react accordingly.
• Electricity: 15 min
• Gas: 1h
The EMS does not calculate any forecasts; it only calculates a trend for the current billing period.
Delay time
ON Delay time
Forewarning Forewarning
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Functional description
The average power during the measuring period, which is used to calculate the price, can be reduced when
corresponding peak power consumptions are limited due to pointedly controlled interventions. This very short-
term optimization can be achieved by the following interventions:
The goal of this optimization is to not exceed the contractually agree limit for the power in a measuring period
under any circumstances. Additionally, the energy consumption should stay very close below the set limit in order
to receive as much energy as possible.
The last option is important because it may only be small amounts which are available but these are needed
during peak demands. Independent of the amount of the stored natural gas, a strategy must be defined how
these storages are filled again over short or long periods of time. This requires communication between EMS and
a forecast/scheduling tool, which provides schedules for charging/discharging storages (e.g. SIEMENS Prophet
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Functional description
By default, there is a picture in the system that displays the current measuring period and the last five minutes of
the previous measuring period. The current point in time is shown by a line wandering through the processing
cycle. An arrow at the end of the period shows the expected average power value. The following parameters are
shown in the curves:
The forecast channel showing the forecasted maximum deviation for every calculated value further increases the
meaningfulness of the forecast representation.
Current period
Previouse period
Current value
Real value
process of time
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Functional description
The Production and Facility Scheduler is a comprehensive tool for managing time-controlled events directly from
within SICAM 230.
Two execution modes are supported: Absolute times and relative times. The relative times are influenced by
equipment models such as shift start, break times and freely definable events. All times can be displayed in a
calendar module with preview options, which allow you to check future switching points.
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Functional description
Unidirectional communication with any SQL database (not included in delivery). The Process Gateway holds up
the current process image for any variables.
This way, there is always a current image of real-time data in the database.
13.16. Straton
Straton is an IEC 61131-3 programming environment for different target systems with a Straton runtime kernel. In
the case of SICAM 230, the Straton runtime kernel is designed as a soft PLC. With the Straton development
environment - the so called Workbench - PLCs can be engineered and programmed in the five defined languages
of the IEC 61131-3.
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additional Fiber or Copper ports
Industry standard fiber optical connectors: Rugged Operating
Multimode and Singlemode optical transceivers
Long haul optics allow distances up to 90km
RuggedSwitch® RS900
Optional Ports:
XXUp to 3 Ports
XXFast 10/100BaseTx
XXFiber Optical (MMF/SMF)
XXBi-directional (single strand)
XXDistances up to 90km
Rugged Construction:
Operating Temperature
XX20 AWG. galvanized
XX- 40°C to +85°C
steel enclosure
XXNo Fans
XXConformal coating
ROS® Features
Cyber Security network traffic due to the internal queues that buffer frames
Cyber security is an urgent issue in many industries where and then transmit on a first come first serve basis. ROS®
advanced automation and communications networks play a supports ‘Class of Service’ in accordance with IEEE 802.1p
crucial role in mission critical applications and where high that allows time critical traffic to jump ahead to the front of the
reliability is of paramount importance. Key ROS® features that queue thus minimizing latency and reducing jitter to allow such
address security issues at the local area network level include: demanding applications to operate correctly. ROS® allows priority
classification by port, tags, MAC address, and IP type of service
Passwords - Multi-level user passwords secures switch (ToS). A configurable “weighted fair queuing” algorithm
against unauthorized configuration controls how frames are emptied from the queues.
SSH / SSL - Extends capability of password protection
to add 128-bit encryption of passwords and data as they cross
VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q)
the network
Virtual local area networks (VLAN) allow the segregation of a
Enable / Disable Ports - Capability to disable ports so that
physical network into separate logical networks with independent
traffic can not pass
broadcast domains. A measure of security is provided since hosts
802.1Q VLAN - Provides the ability to logically segregate
can only access other hosts on the same VLAN and traffic storms
traffic between predefined ports on switches
are isolated. ROS® supports 802.1Q tagged Ethernet frames and
MAC Based Port Security - The ability to secure ports on
VLAN trunks. Port based classification allows legacy devices to be
a switch so only specific Devices / MAC addresses can
assigned to the correct VLAN. GVRP support is also provided to
communicate via that port
simplify the configuration of the switches on the VLAN.
802.1x Port Based Network Access Control - The ability to
lock down ports on a switch so that only authorized clients can
communicate via this port Link Aggregation (802.3ad)
R ADIUS - authentication service using MD5 hash and The link aggregation feature provides the ability to aggregate
providing centralized password management several Ethernet ports into one logical link (port trunk) with
SNMPv3 - encrypted authentication access security and data higher bandwidth. This provides an inexpensive way to set up
encryption (CBC-DES with 56-bit encryption key) a high speed backbone to improve network bandwidth. This
Secure Socket Layer - Web-based management using SSL feature is also known as “port trunking”, “port bundling”, “port
with data encryption (128-bit encryption key) teaming”, and “Ethernet trunk”.
RSA – 1024 bit key for key management and key exchange
TACACS+ - Terminal Access Control and Accounting Services IGMP Snooping
Client provides encrypted authentication and authorization ROS® uses IGMP snooping (Internet Group Management
Point to Point (PPP) - using CHAP (MD5 Hash) Protocol v1&v2) to intelligently forward or filter multicast traffic
authentication service streams (e.g. MPEG video) to or from hosts on the network. This
SFTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol using SSH encryption reduces the load on network trunks and prevents packets from
being received on hosts that are not involved. ROS® has a very
The ROS® cyber security features are included to help address the powerful implementation of IGMP snooping that:
various industry specific security standards such as NERC CIP, ISA
S99, AGA 12, IEC 62443, ISO 17799:2005 and PCSRF SPP-ICS.
Can be enabled on a per VLAN basis.
Detects and filters all multicast streams regardless of whether
subscribers exist.
Enhanced Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (eRSTP™)
Supports “router-less” operation by supporting an “active” mode.
RuggedCom eRSTP™ allows the creation of fault-tolerant ring
Restores traffic streams immediately after an RSTP
and mesh Ethernet networks that incorporate redundant links
topology change.
that are ‘pruned’ to prevent loops. eRSTP™ yields worst-case
fault recovery1 of 5ms times the ‘bridge diameter’ and allows SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
rings of up to 160 switches. For example, a ring of ten switches SNMP provides a standardized method for network management
will have fault recovery times under 50ms. eRSTP™ implements stations the ability to interrogate devices from different
both STP and RSTP to ensure interoperability with commercial vendors. SNMP versions supported by ROS® are v1, v2c, and
switches unlike other proprietary ‘ring’ solutions. v3. SNMPv3 in particular provides security features such as
authentication, privacy with data encryption (CBC-DES with
Quality of Service (IEEE 802.1p) 56-bit encryption key) and access control not present in earlier
Some networking applications such as real-time control or VoIP SNMP versions. ROS® also supports numerous standard MIBs
(voice over IP) require predictable arrival times for Ethernet (Management Information Base) allowing for easy integration
frames. Switches can introduce latency in times of heavy with any network management system (NMS).
ROS® Features
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) (cont’d) Port Configuration and Status
A feature of SNMP supported by ROS® is the ability to generate ROS® allows individual ports to be ‘hard’ configured for speed,
“traps” upon system events. RuggedNMS™, the RuggedCom duplex, auto-negotiation, flow control and more. This allows
management solution, can record traps from multiple devices proper connection with devices that do not negotiate or have
providing a powerful network troubleshooting tool. It also unusual settings. Detailed status of ports with alarm and SNMP
provides a graphical visualization of the network and is fully trap on link problems aid greatly in system troubleshooting.
integrated with all RuggedCom products.
Port Statistics and RMON (Remote Monitoring)
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) ROS® provides continuously updating statistics per port that
SNTP automatically synchronizes the internal clock of all ROS ®
provide both ingress and egress packet and byte counters as
devices on the network. This allows for correlation of time well as detailed error figures. Also provided is full support for
stamped events for troubleshooting. the RMON statistics, history, alarms, and event groups. RMON
allows for very sophisticated data collection, analysis and
SCADA and Industrial Automation detection of traffic patterns.
ROS® contains features that optimize network performance and
simplify switch management based on the unique requirements Event Logging and Alarms
found in SCADA and industrial automation applications. Features ROS® records all significant events to a non-volatile system log
such as Modbus TCP management for retrieval of switch data using allowing forensic troubleshooting. Events include link failure and
the ubiquitous Modbus protocol and DHCP Option 82, a Rockwell recovery, unauthorized access, broadcast storm detection, and
Automation ODVA requirement for IP address assignment based self-test diagnostics among others. Alarms provide a snapshot of
on the location of the end device, provide capabilities not found in recent events that have yet to be acknowledged by the network
typical “commercial” or “office grade” Ethernet switches. administrator. An external hardware relay is de-energized during
the presence of critical alarms allowing an external controller to
Port Based Network Access Control (802.1x) react if desired.
ROS® supports the IEEE 802.1x standard that defines a
mechanism for port-based network access control which HTML Web Browser and Telnet User Interfaces
provides a means of authenticating and authorizing devices ROS® provides a simple, intuitive user interface for configuration
attached to LAN ports. and monitoring via a standard graphical web browser or via
Telnet. All system parameters include detailed on-line help to
Port Rate Limiting make setup a breeze. ROS®, presents a common look and feel
ROS® supports configurable rate limiting per port to limit unicast and standardized configuration process allowing easy migration
and multicast traffic. This can be essential to managing precious to other RuggedCom managed products.
network bandwidth for service providers. It also provides edge
security for denial of service (DoS) attacks. Configuration via ASCII Text File
All configuration parameters are stored in an ASCII formatted
Broadcast Storm Filtering text file that can easily be transferred via TFTP or Xmodem.
Broadcast storms wreak havoc on a network and can cause The configuration file can be saved for backup purposes and
attached devices to malfunction. This could be disastrous on easily manipulated by a text editor. The same text file can be
a network with mission critical equipment. ROS® limits this by downloaded to the switch at a later date in order to re-configure
filtering broadcast frames with a user-defined threshold. or restore a previous configuration.
IEC 60068-2-30 Humidity (Damp Heat, Cyclic) Test Db 95% (non-condensing), 55°C , 6 cycles
Notes: 1. Class 2 refers to “Measuring relays and protection equipment for which a very high security margin is required or where the vibration levels are very high, ( e.g. shipboard application and for severe transportation conditions”)
Technical Specifications
Power Supply Network Management
Power Consumption: 10W Max
HTTP graphical web-based, SSL (128-bit encryption)
24VDC: 10-36 VDC, 0.4A SNMP v1, v2c, v3 (56-bit encryption)
48VDC: 36-72 VDC, 0.2A Telnet, VT100, SSH/SFTP (128-bit encryption)
HI Voltage AC/DC: 88-300VDC, 85-264VAC, 0.1A Command Line Interface (CLI)
RSA Key Management (1024 bit key)
Critical Alarm Relay Authentication and Accounting - TACACS+ (encrypted),
Form-C failsafe contact relay: 1A@30VDC
RADIUS client, PPP
IEEE Compliance
Height:18.8cm / 7.4”
Width: 6.6cm / 2.6” 802.3u-100BaseTX, 100BaseFX
Depth: 12.7cm / 5.0” 802.3x-Flow Control
Weight: 1.22kg / 2.7lbs 802.3ad-Link Aggregation
Ingress Protection: IP40 (1mm objects) 802.1D-MAC Bridges
Enclosure: 20 AWG galvanized steel enclosure 802.1D-Spanning Tree Protocol
Mounting: DIN rail or panel mounted 802.1p-Class of Service
Switch Properties 802.1Q-VLAN Tagging
Switching method: Store & Forward 802.1w-Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
Switching latency: 8 us (100Mbps) 802.1x-Port Based Network Access Control
Switching bandwidth: 1.8Gbps 802.1Q-2005 (formerly 802.1s) MSTP
MAC addresses: 8192
IETF RFC Compliance
Priority Queues: 4
Frame buffer memory: 1 Mbit RFC783-TFTP
Simultaneous VLANs: 255 RFC791-IP
VLAN ID Range: 1 to 4094 RFC792-ICMP
IGMP multicast groups: 256 RFC793-TCP
Port rate limiting: 128kbps, 256, 512, 4, 8Mbps RFC826-ARP
No head of line blocking RFC854-Telnet
Approvals RFC894-IP over Ethernet
Hazardous Locations: Class 1, Division 2 RFC1112-IGMP v1
ISO: Designed and manufactured using a ISO9001: 2000 RFC1519-CIDR
certified quality program RFC1541-DHCP (client)
CE Marking RFC2030-SNTP
Emissions: FCC Part 15 (Class A), RFC2068-HTTP
EN55022 (CISPR22 Class A) RFC2236-IGMP v2
Safety: cCSAus (Compliant with CSA C22.2 No. 60950, RFC2284-EAP
UL 60950, EN60950) RFC2475-Differentiated Services
Laser Eye Safety (FDA/CDRH): Complies with 21 RFC2865-RADIUS
CFR Chapter1, Subchapter J. RFC3414-SNMPv3-USM
EMI Immunity and Environmental Compliance
IEC 61000-6-2 Industrial (Generic) IETF SNMP MIBS
IEC 61800-3 Industrial (Variable Speed Drive Systems)
IEC 61850-3 Electric Utility Substations RFC1907-SNMPv2-MIB
IEEE 1613 Electric Utility Substations RFC2012-TCP-MIB
NEMA TS 2 Traffic Control Equipment RFC2013-UDP-MIB
Warranty RFC2579-SNMPv2-TC
5 Years - Applicable to design or manufacturing RFC2819-RMON-MIB
related product defects. RFC2863-IF-MIB
Order Codes
RS900 - ____ - ___- ___- ____ - ____ - _____
M: Mounting Option
D = DIN Rail
P = Panel Mount
N = None
*Note:If P7 and P8 are selected, they must have the same connector type.
24VDC Power Supply, DIN Rail Mount, 2 10/100 TX Ports
48VDC Power Supply, Panel Mount, 2 10/100 TX Ports, 1 100FX ST MM, Conformal Coating
HI Power Supply, DIN Rail Mount, 1 100FX SC SM 20km, Conformal Coating
HI Power Supply, 2 100FX LC SM 20km
HI Power Supply, 2 100FX SC SM 50km, 1 100FX SC SM 90km, Conformal Coating
RuggedCom Inc.
300 Applewood Crescent, Unit 1,
Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 5C7
SICAM P50 / P55
Power Meter
Contents – SICAM P50 / P55
1 Description 2/3
Benefits 2/11
SICAM P is a power meter for panel mounting with graphic
display and background illumination, or for standard rail
mounting, used for acquiring and / or displaying measured
values in electrical power supply systems.
More than 100 values can be measured, including r.m.s.
values of voltages (phase-to-phase and / or phase-to-ground),
currents, active, reactive and apparent power and energy,
power factor, phase angle, harmonics of currents and voltages,
total harmonic distortion per phase plus frequency and
symmetry factor, energy output, as well as external signals
and states.
Module assignment
The assignment of the different analog / digital modules can
only be done in the course of an order of a SICAM P. 6
A change or a retrofit of modules of an existing SICAM P is
not possible. Fig. 2/4 shows an example of extended I / O for
various applications.
Power monitoring systems with SICAM P, a permanently
installed system, enables continuous logging of energy-relat- 7
ed data and provides information on operational characteris-
tics of electrical systems. SICAM P helps identify sources of
energy consumption and time of peak consumption.
This knowledge allows to allocate and reduce energy costs. Fig. 2/2 SICAM P55
The major application area is power monitoring and record-
ing at MV and LV level. The major information types are
measured values, alarms and status information. 8
SICAM P SICAM P Battery: Recordings like limit value violations or energy
3 field
Device without
counter values stay safely in the memory up to 3 months
in case of a blackout.
Measuring functions
Measured input voltages and input currents are sampled for
Fig. 2/3 SICAM P with Profibus DP, Modbus and IEC 60870-5-103 calculation of the corresponding r.m.s. values. All parameters
derived from the measured values are calculated by a
Flow rate, pressure, etc. Messages, limit Quality
value violations
Development and production of the device is carried out in
Long- distance heating Relay contacts
7 Digital inputs
Messages, switch settings,
Powerful on-board microprocessors ensure fast registration
states and updating of measured parameters.
Recorded signals and information
can be read out and evaluated SICAM P can be connected to any power system configura-
Time synchronization using the configuration software
SICAM P Manager. tion directly (up to 690 V systems) or via transformer –
from single-phase to four-wire balanced or unbalanced
three-phase systems. SICAM P can be connected to any
8 Fig. 2/4 SICAM P: Application examples power system configuration up to 1 or 5 A or via current
The power supply unit allows rated supply voltages from
24 to 250 V DC and 100 to 230 V AC.
Limit values
Several limit value groups with up to 6 selectable parameters
can be set in SICAM P. The values can be combined with 2
logical elements such as AND / OR; limit value violations are
counted, they are available at binary outputs or used for
triggering the oscilloscope.
Memory “read-out”
Inputs / Outputs Recorded quantities and binary state information can be read
Figure 2 / 7 shows the I / O pin configuration of SICAM P.
Depending on the type of power system, the non required
out with the configuration software SICAM P Manager using
the RS485 interface. This requires a separate cable together 3
inputs remain unassigned. with an RS232 / RS485 converter. The configuration software
offers features for indication and evaluation of all saved
measured values and binary information.
For further information, please refer to the chapter “SICAM P
SICAM P 7KG775x configuration software package”.
configurable, e.g.:
2, 3, 4 or 6 measured values in one screen
One list screen for minimum, average and maximum
Fig. 2/5 SICAM P: Inputs / outputs Screens for harmonics
Screen serving as phasor (vector) diagram.
Configuration Due to a wider graphical display, some display functions
Configuration of SICAM P is very easy. It can be done directly such as analog screen, oscilloscope, r.m.s. curve,
over the device display (if available) or over the SICAM P harmonic are available.
Manager parameterization software. Rapid configuration SICAM P is delivered with programmed default settings.
(even without consulting the manual) is possible due to A status line displayed in the measured value screens
indicates status, interfacing and diagnostic messages of
detailed index and operation via cursor and enter key.
Configuration and calibration settings are tamper-proof by SICAM P. The display is automatically refreshed every 1 s. 7
password protection.
Voltage L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1, Σ ± 0.1 % 2 / ± 0.3 % 6
Current L1, L2, L3, N, Σ 3) ± 0.1 % 2 / ± 0.3 % 6
Active power P + import, –export L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Reactive power Q + cap, –ind L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Apparent power S L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Power factor |cos φ| 4 L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Active power factor |cos φ| L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Phase angle 4 L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 2 °
Frequency L1- N ± 10 mHz
Active energy demand L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 % 2
Active energy supply L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Active energy, total L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Active energy Σ, total Σ ± 0.5 %
Reactive energy, inductive L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Reactive energy, capacitive L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Reactive energy, total L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 % 3
Apparent energy L1, L2, L3, Σ ± 0.5 %
Unbalance voltage four-wire system ± 0.5 %
Unbalance current four-wire system ± 0.5 %
THD voltage L1, L2, L3 ± 0.5 %
THD current
Harmonic voltage V 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 21st
L1, L2, L3
L1, L2, L3
± 0.5 %
± 0.5 %
Harmonic current I 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 21st L1, L2, L3 ± 0.5 %
Limit value violations counter 1, 2, 3, 4
Analog inputs external
Binary inputs external
The relay contacts can be used:
– As a switch at limit value violations, e.g. compensation of reactive power
Configuration software
The SICAM P configuration software package enables a
simple way to carry out the device settings. The package con-
sists of the parameterizing software, a configuration cable
with RS232 / RS485 converter, as well as a plug-in power
supply for the converter. The SICAM P can be connected to
any standard PC via the RS232 / RS485 converter by means of
a 9-pin D-Sub connector.
The software runs with Windows 2000 and XP Professional
The configuration software permits a faster configuration
of the SICAM P devices. The user can set and store para-
meters even without having a unit by his side. The param- 2
eters are transferred to the SICAM P by using the “Send to
unit” command. Thus, a number of SICAM P units can be
configured with minimum effort. The stored set of param-
eters is simply reloaded when a unit has to be replaced.
Furthermore, firmware updates can be reloaded by means of
the SICAM P configuration software.
The configuration package supports all SICAM P units and is
absolutely essential for the devices SICAM P55.
Fig. 2/6 Configuration
Fig. 2/7 Configuration of the measurement memory
Log entries.
Fig. 2/9 Display and evaluation
A properly designed and installed monitoring system with
SICAM P has numerous benefits, including:
A better knowledge of how energy is used within a facility
allows to identify an array of prospects to improve
efficiency, minimize waste, and reduce energy consump-
tion, thereby allowing the facility to be a better steward of
its allotted natural resources.
Assessment of data in the master station through Profibus DP,
Modbus RTU / ASCII or IEC 60870-5-103 protocols from the
SICAM Ps can reveal existing or imminent issues that can
affect the operation and product within a facility. Historical
data from power monitoring systems can help locate and 2
optimize the productivity.
Monitoring systems can limit the exposure of personnel
to potentially hazardous electrical environments by
providing remote status and operational parameters of
equipment within hazardous areas. Some monitoring
devices also offer a variety of additional parameters 3
(temperature, pressure, flow rate, vibration, status
indicators, etc.) through the use of I / O modules of the
Each benefit discussed above either directly or indirectly
influences a business’ bottom line. In most cases, the
monetary impact from even one or two benefits can 4
quickly justify the purchase and installation of a power
monitoring system with SICAM P.
2 Fig. 2/10 Single-phase AC Fig. 2/11 4-wire 3-phase balanced
Fig. 2/12 3-wire 3-phase balanced Fig. 2/13 3-wire 3-phase
Connection terminals SICAM P Connection terminals SICAM P
Fig. 2/14 4-wire 3-phase (low-voltage system) 1 2 Fig. 2/15 4-wire 3-phase (high-voltage system)
The above-mentioned terminal assignments are just some Remarks regarding low-voltage applications:
configuration examples. Within the range of the permissible Up to VLN = 480 V, the SICAM P can be connected directly
maximum current and voltage values, a current or voltage without a transformer. In three- and four-phase systems,
transformer is not compulsory. except for three-phase systems without neutral: SICAM P
On the other hand, Y or V-connected voltage transformers can also be connected directly without a transformer up to
VLL = 690 V.
7 can be used.
All input or output terminals not required for measurement 2
In IT low-voltage systems, SICAM P50 has to be connected
remain unassigned. via voltage transformer to avoid false alarm of isolator
Rated frequency fEN 50 Hz; 60 Hz DIN EN 50022. SICAM P55: IP41
94 × 94 × 93.6 mm / 3.7 x 3.7 x 3.69 in.
Input frequency range fE ± 5 Hz, min > 30 % VEN
(W × H × D)
Waveform sinusoidal or distorted up to
Housing construction Panel-mounting housing according
the 21st harmonic
7KG7750 to DIN 43700.
AC current input IE 3 current inputs SICAM P50: IP41 (front),
Rated input current IEN 1 A; 5 A IP65 (option) 96 × 96 × 76.5 mm /
Continuous overload 10 A 3.78 in. x 3.78 in. x 3.01 in. (W × H × D)
Surge withstand capability 100 A for 1 s Connector elements Degree of protection IP20 (terminals)
Power consumption 83 μVA at 1 A; 2.1 mVA at 5 A Auxiliary power Terminal for cable diameter
AC voltage input VE 3 voltage inputs 2.5 mm2 / 0.0039 sq in.
Rated voltage VEN 100 / 110 V; 190 V; 400 V; 690 V Voltage inputs Terminal for cable diameter
(phase-phase) 2.5 mm2 / 0.0039 sq in.
Continuous overload capacity
Surge withstand capability
1.5 VEN
2.0 × VEN
Current inputs Terminal for cable diameter
4.0 mm2 / 0.0062 sq in.
Input resistance 2.663 MΩ Binary outputs Terminal for cable diameter
2.5 mm2 / 0.0039 sq in.
Power consumption 120 mW (VLE = 400 V)
RS485 bus interface 9-pin D-Sub connector
Surge voltage category acc. to DIN EN 61010 Part 1
VEN to 400 V (phase-earth) III
7KG7750 / 7KG7755 SICAM P50 / P55: approx. 0.60 kg
VEN to 690 V (phase-phase) II
with 1 I / O module approx. 0.65 kg
Auxiliary power
Rated range
multi-range power supply AC / DC
24 to 250 V DC or 100 to 230 V AC
Specification of analog / digital input and output modules
Total range ± 20 % of rated range
Analog input module
Power consumption
Rated input current 0 – 20 mA DC
7KG775 max. 4 W or 10 VA
Output range 0 – 24 mA DC
Binary outputs via isolated solid-state relay
Input impedance 50 Ω ± 0.1 %
Permissible voltage 150 V AC; 150 V DC
Power consumption 2 × 29 mW
Permissible current 100 mA continuous
Output resistance
300 mA for 100 s
50 Ω
at IN 0 – 24 mA
Accuracy 0.5 % of measuring range limit 4
Binary input module
Permissible switching frequency 10 Hz
Max. input voltage 150 V DC
Measurement functions
Max. current at high level 53 mA
Sampling rate 3.6 kHz
Current consumption 1.8 mA
Resolution 12 bit
at high level
Low level ≤ 10 V
7KG77 Varta CR2032, 3 V, Li-Mn or similar
High level ≤ 19 V
Real-time clock
Time lag between low-high, max. 3 ms
Deviation 150 ppm high-low
Communication interface Analog output module
Termination system 9-pin SUB D connector Rated output current 0 – 20 / 4 – 20 mA DC
Transmission rate 12 Mbit / sec max. with Profibus, Output range 0 – 24 mA DC
Modbus RTU / ASCII
Max. load impedance 250 Ω
Transmission protocols RS485 internal
Accuracy typ. 0.2 %; max. 0.5 % of nominal
parameterizable – Profibus DP and IEC 60870-5-103
Modbus RTU / ASCII Binary output module
Permissible voltage 150 V AC / 150 V DC
Ambient temperature acc. to IEC 60688
Operating temperature range 0 °C to + 55 °C Permissible current 100 mA
Storage / transportation – 25 °C to + 70 °C Permissible impulse current 300 mA for 100 ms
temperature range Output resistance 50 Ω
Climatic EN 60721-3-3 rare easy dewfall Triggering current 5 mA
Utilization category IR2 (environment) Triggering power 25 mW
Dielectric strength
Acc. to IEC 60688 5 kV 1.2 / 50 μs
Permissible switching
10 Hz
Relay module
Table 2/3 Technical data Permissible voltage 150 V AC / 120 V DC
Permissible current 5A
Min. current 1 mA at 5 V DC
Permissible power 5 A / 150 V AC or 5 A / 30 V DC
Output resistance 50 mΩ
Max. reaction time
Max. drop-out time
10 ms
7 ms
Wall with standard rails is
Fig. 2/16 SICAM P50 series Fig. 2/17 SICAM P55 series
I / O module
without (standard) A
2 binary outputs B
2 binary inputs C
2 analog outputs (0 – 20 / 4 – 20 mA DC) D
2 analog inputs (0 – 20 mA DC) E
3 relay outputs G
Communication module 2
RS485 with Profibus DP and Modbus RTU / ASCII 0
RS485 with IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus RTU / ASCII 1
Power meter without display
SICAM P55 7KG7755-0 A00 - 0AA
Snap-on rail mounting device 96 mm × 96 mm (3.78 in. x 3.78 in.), degree of protection for front IP20,
standard protocols: Profibus + Modbus
I / O module
without (standard) A
2 binary outputs B
2 binary inputs C
2 analog outputs (0 – 20 / 4 – 20 mA DC) D
2 analog inputs (0 – 20 mA DC) E
3 relay outputs G
Communication module 2
RS485 with Profibus DP and Modbus RTU / ASCII
RS485 with IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus RTU / ASCII
Power supply
AC 230 V / 50 Hz
AC 120 V / 60 Hz
B 7
irmware V4 comprising Modbus and IEC 60870-5-103 protocols is available for download
on the Internet at www.sicam.com.
Devices ordered with Profibus DP and Modbus RTU / ASC II (V3) can be upgraded to
IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus RTU / ASC II (V4) protocols.
Devices ordered IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus RTU / ASC II (V4) cannot be upgraded to
Profibus DP and Modbus RTU / ASC II (V3) protocols option.
Table 2/4 Selection and ordering data