⮚ I think that / I don't think that (Yo creo que/yo no creo que...)
⮚ I'm sure that / I'm not sure that (Estoy seguro que / no estoy que...)
⮚ I doubt that / I don't doubt that ( Yo dudo que / Yo no dudo que ...)
Complete the following sentences. Usa Will or Won't para predicciones y algunas
de las frases que ya estudiante, por ejemplo: (I think that, ... etc).
a. I'm sure that my sister will love her new toy bear.
b. I' think that my clothes will be fashionable next year.
c. I' m sure that my father will cook delicious pancakes every morning.
d. I' think that my dog wron' t eat any other food.
e. I' m sure that we will pass the exam.
f. I' think that they wron' t go to the party next saturday.
a Your dog is your best friend. He will always support you, and he
will always be by your side. That is why you have to be his best
a friend too! And that means giving him DoggyFood every day!
b d
DoggyFood is a delicious mixture of turkey, chicken and pork,
with extra vitamins that strengthen your dog’s bones and teeth.
Analiza cómo está estructurado el texto, es decir las partes que lo conforman y
aprende cada parte. (Estas partes las encontrarás en el "Match" del ejercicio
Now write your own radio advert. (Escribe tu propio anuncio, utiliza una hoja de
papel o un octavo de cartulina, colores y mucha imaginación, sigue el ejemplo del
texto que leíste anteriormente acerca de DoggyFood y las siguientes
5. A: This letter is in French, and I don't know French. Can you help me?
B: Sure, I ___________ it for you.
am going to translate X
won't translate
will translate
am translate
● Look at the foolowing images and write sentences using the simple future "will"
and the phrases: I think that / I don't think, that I'm sure that / I'm not sure
that, I doubt that / I don't doubt that
1. I don't doubt that she will wash her hands and brush her teeth every hour .
6. I'm sure that she will play with her own toys.
10. I’m not sure that she will sleep all night long.