Monografía de Los SIG PDF
Monografía de Los SIG PDF
Monografía de Los SIG PDF
This monograph will expose the importance of the implementation of geographic information systems (GIS) in the different
agropecuary and agricultural production systems in order to correct the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of climatic variables,
soils qualities, phytosanitary factors of production, human resource management, irrigation and drainage states, production
areas, geospatial location and state of agricultural machinery, among others. This is based on the combined use of CADD
programs, digital cartography and remote sensing (Softwares - Hardwares). The benefits and cons of GIS implementation in
the government's digital platforms are also exposed like the catalogue of climatic stations of the IDEAM, the digital
catalogue of cartographic plates of the IGAC, plans of territorial ordening, etc.