Taller#4 Reading and Writing 10°
Taller#4 Reading and Writing 10°
Taller#4 Reading and Writing 10°
Aprobado por Resolución No. 0664 del 2 de Septiembre de 2009 Para los niveles
de Educación Preescolar, Básica, Media y Media Técnica
DANE No. 113001000852 – Nit – 806012079 – 7
Teléfonos: 6710383 – 6710287 – Tele(Fax): 6710304
Email: inenscar2002@hotmail.com
Cartagena – Colombia
PARA TENER EN CUENTA Acabas de aprender recomendaciones para comprender
textos en inglés y responder preguntas relacionadas al texto
ACTIVIDADES Desarrolla la página #30 del libro de inglés. Ejercicios 1 y 2
Los siguientes cuadros te ayudarán a recordar las estructuras del pasado simple, las
cuales estarán presentes en los textos de las diferentes páginas.
Verbos Regulares
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a. Read
5. Look at the pictures. What social problems do you think each picture represents?
a b c
6. Read the stories. Match them with the pictures in exercise 5 and check your ideas from
exercise 5.
cus on Language
8. Look at the underlined past simple affirmative and negative forms in the stories in page
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9. Read the story of Chris, a sixteen-year-old boy from Toronto. Complete it with regular
10. Read the stories on page 27 again. Answer the questions. Write full sentences and use
the past simple in your answers.
a. Why did Thulani Madondo have to work while he was still at school?
b. What kind of organisation did Thulani create to help poor children?
c. What did Pushpa study at university?
d. Why did Pushpa start a children’s day centre?
e. What happened to Catalina Escobar’s son?
f. Why did the twelve-day-old baby die?
Focus on Vocabulary
11. A lot of common verbs are irregular in English. Match the infinitives with the past simple
affirmative forms.
did – swam – read – taught – got – met –
drank – ate – slept – wrote – drove –
came – gave – left – ran
12. Choose six irregular verbs from exercise 11. For each verb, write two past simple
sentences – one affirmative, and one negative.
Example: I slept very well last night. I didn’t sleep well on Saturday.
My friends went to the cinema at the weekend. They didn’t go to the zoo. Write
13. In pairs, look at the pictures and invent a short story. Write your story using verbs in the
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© MEN Colombia