Oraculo 2
Oraculo 2
Oraculo 2
Your relationship is a treasure, providing even more tan
you need, but you may not see that right now. No matter
how long you´ve been together, you and your partner are
always discovering hidden gems about yourselves and
each other. Now is a time of discovery. It´s as if
everything is in sync and everything is new again.
Romance blooms, and love is in the air. You can be
assured that this partnership will bring you great gifts and
valuable lessons. Keep your heart open. The message of
this card is to celebrate love and what it teches you.
At this time, you can be confident that success is yours.
Your ideas are all hitting the mark, and you´re in a true
manifestation period when you will see evidence of the
seeds of prosperity you planed in the past. The appearance
of this card in a reading indicates that your dreams and
aspirations align with concrete signs of prosperity in the
world of form. This is a very auspicious and fortunate time
for business. Creative projects will flourish as inspiration
strikes. Share your wealth with others, too. Generasity and
gratitude should lead you now.
Getting along with others entails understanding and
respecting who they have become as a result of their
environment, culture, and experience. Find the middle
ground that allows the relationship to flourish while
honoring the individuality of the book instead of trying to
break the rules or pressure others to conform to the way
you want to do them. Your connection will deepen as a
At this time, you can expect a return on your investment.
Whatever you have pursued- be it a dream you´ve long
cherished, a skill you´ve cultivated, or a service you´re
called to- will come to you if you are willing to go by the
book. You don´t need to reinvent the wheel to be
successful. Follow in the footsteps of others who have
already achieved the things you´re striving for. You can
learn a lot by observing the structures that are already
working. Your creative projects and commitment to
prosperity are in alignment with the needs of the world,
but impatience may tempt you to cut corners to get there
more quickly. Stick with what you know works, and you
will attract abundance.
You´ve reached a moment of truth in the evolution of your
relationship. Which will you choose: to open up to the
possibility of love, or to remain isolated; to go deeper and
commit to mutual passion, or to walk away? This is a time
to take responsibility for you truest desire and follow it.
Be honest with yourself about what you´re willing to do,
invest, and give. Then choose. You cannot make a wrong
choice. If you move forward with a relationship, know that
it will be based in truth and authenticity. You will have
made a conscious decision rather than simply hanging on
because you don´t want to be alone- or ending things
because you´re afraid of the intensity of genuine
connection. All roads lead to the lessons you must learn in
your relationships. Regardless of the decision you make, it
will place you on the path to a truer experience of the
You´ve come as far as you can on this part of your
journey, and now you´re faced with a choice. Inherent in
this choice is the need for change, for evolution, and for a
bettering of your circumstances. Narrow it down to just a
single question: who do I need to become, and what do I
need to believe, in order to live a life of prosperity?
Answer honestly and from the heart. Then the decision
about which way to go will be effortless. Know that
abundance is all around you. Choose to see it, and it will
be easier to settle on a direction, for the way will be made
clear by your intuition, which know how to steer you
toward your well- being.
You are in the right place at the right time. Be grateful, for
the stars are aligned in your favor and fortune is smiling
on you. Victory and success are yours. The choices you
have made in the past have prepared you for the
opportunities now before you. This is your lucky moment.
The timing is perfect.
Perhaps you felt almost certain that serendipitous events
were meant to lead to something better. It was supposed to
be the perfect business, or that person you gave your heart
to was supposed to be “the one”- yet it all fell apart!
Consider this: sometimes synchronicity and serendipity
come together to lead you directly into difficulties in order
to deliver an important lesson you need to learn before you
hit the jackpot. Don´t get caught up in the drama of
disappointment. There really is a silver lining in this
cloud. Spirit always know what you need and is guiding
you to where you are meant to go. Pay attention to the
signs presented to you.
19. Flexible:
Teachability; openmindedness; being adaptable without
compromising what´s most important.
A tree´s roots are solidly planed in the ground, yet its
branches can bend in a hurricane… whereas a rigid
structure, like a building, would come crashing down.
Consider how the tree remains supple and secure when
everything around it may be in shambles. This is how you
need to be now: willing to learn new things, teachable,
malleable, yet firmly grounded in who you are. Common
sense is important, but so is an open mind. Stay curious;
stay open. Stay aware. At this time, others will be more
flexible with you, too.
In every relationships , it´s important to be open to new
experiences and learning new things. Letting go of rigidity
is what´s required right at the time, do you? It´s okay to
come to a happy compromise- you can still get your needs
met. It´s a beautiful day when you meet halfway! The
appearance of this card in a Reading could also signal that
you have met someone new who may not be your “type”
but who will turn out to be so special that you can easily
release your old ideas about what sort of partner is right
for you. Be flexible- you´ll be happy you made that
Even when you have a clear vision of how you´re going to
manifest something- what it will look life, who will share
in it, and what will then be available to you- you still need
to relax and open up to other possibilities. Spirit may have
much better plans for you. It could be a job you hadn´t
thought of, a new source of money, or some other
opportunity that eluded your imagination. Be flexible and
remind yourself: This, or something better, manifests for
me now. Then be willing to bend a little. Enjoy the
miraculous results.
When you or someone else becomes too rigid, you lose the
Access to growth and untapped potential, and find
yourself in an “us versus them” scenario. Loosen up, open
your mind and heart, and see if a more flexible approach
feels better. Rigidity will set you up for a fight where there
are only losers and no winners. Could you find a way to
bring about a result that is mutually beneficial? Meet in
the middle. Spirit makes a great meditor.
This is a powerful time to get clear on how you create
your prosperity, what it means to you to be prosperous,
and what attributes you need to develop in yourself to
make thing happen. Who do you need to be to live out
your dreams? Can you imagine the kind of like you desire-
really imagine it, without holding back the sheer force of
your powers of creativity? If you can envision it, you can
have it. Get ready, for prosperity is waiting for you to
claim it now! Act “as if”. Your dreams really will come
Unexpected windfalls and good fortune come your way
now. You’re in a phase where any difficulties or obstacles
that have stymied your success seem to disappear on their
own. Be ready to receive. The windows of opportunity
will open wide. Accept the blessings give to you now, and
don’t forget to share them.
This is one of those times when you’re capable of clear
vision about your work and how you create your
prosperity. Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. You’re
called by a Presence to step into your power. Just being is
enough, for you are in peaceful harmony with spirit and it
shows in your work.
If you´re in a scenario that appears to be an echo of
something that´s already happened in the past in your
work life, it is because you´re being invited to see what
you couldn´t see before. This is a perfect time for you look
at the deeper motives you have and your life to be part of
your journey to prosperity. Who helps you navigate? Who
sabotajes you? Who supports you? What are the familiar
signs, and your responses to them, when you find yourself
in a repeat of a pattern of the past? It´s a good time to get a
coach or mentor who can help you see what you can´t on
your own. Repeat what works, not what doesn´t. Then you
will free yourself from the old cycles and cease going
round and round.
There are moments in a relationship when you just feel
good about whom you´re with and you know that your
heart is wide open… to befriend, to love, and to care for
another, without wanting anything in return. This is the
kind of “happy” that you just want to share. The
appearance of this card in a reading tells you that joy and
contentment are here now, not somewhere else or off in
the future. The grass is greenest right where you stand. Be
grateful and delight in your relationship; and if you´re
seeking one, be happy now- happiness attracts more of
itself, like bees to honey.
This is a time to take prode in your accomplishments. You
´re doing good work, providing exceptional service, and
are well compensated for it. The world rains gratitude
upon you, and you´re happy with the results of your
efforts and creativity. Isn´t it amazing to consider all that
you have done? Remember your partnership with spirit in
this moment, too. Your soul has always known you could
accomplish anything if it brought you joy.
Protección: Ilumina, porque este es el momento de ser
ridículo y tonto. Mira el mundo a través de los ojos de un
payaso, y no te tomes a ti mismo ni a ninguna situació n en
este momento demasiado en serio. Diviértete, sé juguetó n
y haz de la risa el orden del día. Te sorprenderá có mo todo
parece encajar cuando el humor lidera el camino. Ser feliz
y alegre es un rompehielos maravilloso. La vida está
pensada tanto para el juego como para el trabajo, para la
risa y las lá grimas, para la celebració n y el enfoque. El
espíritu quiere brillar a través de ti hoy. Sonríe y disfruta
cada respiració n y cada momento. Los milagros yacen en
las cosas tontas de hoy.
29. Respira:
Patience; waiting; going slowly; wellness; meditation;
Oraculo: patience in all things is called for right now.
What do you need to do when you’re in a rush? Slow
down, of course. Meditate, and trust. Breath, and repeat.
Humans cannot exist without drawing breath. Now is the
time to allow the life- giving element of air to replenish
your body, your being, and your very essence. Stop to
smell the roses, breathe in the sunlight, and release the
darkness- and miracles will appear.
don’t be in too much of a hurry right now. The heart needs
time to open. Take a breath, and let nature take its course.
Release constricción and anxiety, for there is no need for
tension. Savor the moment, and the waiting won’t prove
difficult. Your heart knows what the ego often resists
learning. Patience pays off in deep and meaning ful ways.
You have worked long and hard, your dreams are coming
to fruition, and you want to hurry things along. You are
the slow one moving languidly yet still progressing right
now, in a rhythm dictate by your authentic nature, the
essence of your dream, and the will of the universe. Slow
and steady wins this race. You will indeed win if you
relax, stay the course, trust your intuition, and breathe.
Inertia, laziness, and apathy are signs not of slowing down
but of decay and lifelessness. Wake up and do something
to shake this off! Go outside for some air. A walk in
nature will remind you that all of life is ensouled and
magical. Get some exercise, move out of your head and
into your body, and breathe in deeply. Each breath is
30. Tick-tock:
Atemporalidad; Tiempo divino; tiempo inconmensurable.
Cuando los humanos crearon el tiempo, todo cambió y se
contrajo. La gente ha llegado a mirar la vida de forma
lineal, imaginando que el pasado está detrá s de ellos y el
futuro por delante. Pero, ¿y si eso no es cierto en absoluto?
¿Qué pasaría si todo, creatividad, belleza, caos y orden,
estuviera sucediendo ahora, en una gloriosa
atemporalidad? Tienes todo el tiempo del mundo para
cocrear la vida que deseas, así que libera tu agenda. Deja
de lado tu necesidad de adaptar cada momento a tus
expectativas, sabiendo que lo que es tuyo nunca será
retenido de ti. Los milagros está n aquí ahora y siempre
aparecen cuando los necesitas, justo a tiempo.
Love, the fulfillment of desire, and even the body’s
reproductive cycles have their own timetable. Some things
are preordained and cannot be coerced. Everything has its
season, its Divine and appropriate timing, especially when
it comes to matters of the heart. Remember that you
always have enough time for love- to find it, to nurture it,
to give and receive it. Its clock is eternal and ticks
according to the beating of your heart, in perfect rhythm.
Isn’t that wonderful to know? Love is always right on
Your prosperity is co- created by your endeavors as they
occur in human- made time and the eternal efforts of your
most important manifestation partner-spirit-in a Divine,
measureless time. So keep doing what you’re doing. Stay
positive and make a commitment to remain in high-
vibration thoughts and feelings. If you heed the message
of this card, it will seem as if you will align with your
highest calling and your highest good in no time at all, like
magic. So what’s all the fuss about not having enough
time? The prosperous life that is yours will never pass you
¿Te has sentido como si el reloj estuviera corriendo y te
pusiste un poco nervioso porque tus sueñ os tardan
demasiado en manifestarse? No hay nada que temer.
Nunca te quedará s sin tiempo para las cosas importantes.
Los milagros que son tuyos y solo tuyos no se pueden
perder. ¿No es asombroso? ¡Está s en manos tan capaces,
con guías y á ngeles flotando en los espacios invisibles,
asegurando que tu viaje esté lleno de todo tipo de cosas!
Deja que tu fe disipe suavemente tu ansiedad. El espíritu
nunca te negará tu mayor bien. Todo es tuyo en tiempo
Divino, apropiado. Puedes relajarte.
We don´t always know why we engage in our
relationships in the way we do, mostly because our
feelings aren´t always logical. Now is the time to
recognize whether you are being triggered by someone
else, or if your behavior is motivated by unresolved issues
in the past. When you ask yourself, why am I feeling like
this? And why did I say that? And spend some time in
introspection, the answers may be surprising. Listen to the
message from your intuition, from the knowing deep
within you. What does it tell you about yourself and
others? In the end, life is all about being loved. Miracles,
and a deep understanding of your needs and how to get
them met, are the buried treasures of the “why”. Uncover
them by posing the most powerful question you can ask
yourself and your partner today: Why?
Knowing the motives behind your career and creative
ventures is the ticket to your greatest success. It´s time to
ask yourself some probing questions. Are you driven by a
desire to serve? Does your prosperity impact the greater
good? When you envision your most prosperous life, are
you guided by a sense of purpose or by a need to make
money, acquire things, save for the future… or all of
these? No motive is bad or good, but having agendas
hidden from yourself will lead to disappointment and
possibly failure. Be clear about why you want the things
you do. If the motives are true, accept them. If they are
not, change them so you can step into your extraordinary
It´s easy to yearn for a love affair or friendship you may
not have right now- one that is more romantic, more fun,
more reliable, more passionate. The good old days are
gone, and a new day has dawned. Let your heart trust that
you have everything you need right now whether you have
the relationship you desire or not. Tomorrow is beyond
your reach. Yesterday cannot return. The now is all that is
available to you. Stay present and aware that in this
momento, as you cherish and approve of your beautiful
self, you are a magnet for love. Spirit is madly in love with
you right now. Did you know that? Turn to spirit to feel
the joy of love in the here and now.
What you are working on is golden, and your efforts will
leave a powerful legacy. Focus not on meeting a goal in
the far- off future but on creating your dream now,
releasing your desire for an outcome and owning that it
already exists. It will appear in the material world as if by
magic. Claim your prosperity now. The essence is more
important than the form. When you are immersed in
prosperous thoughts, you automatically tune in to a sense
of timelessness and unlimited potential. You can “act as
if” in spite of the temporary outer conditions. You are
prosperous at this moment. What you think now becomes
your reality. Stay present.
Your partnerships, friendship, and romantic relationship
all have many qualities in common right now. Honest
devotion, faithfulness, and a loyal heart are being shown
to you. Are you as loyal in return? Now is the time for
heartfelt commitments and trusting in Divine protection.
Your long-term loyalty to your goals is becoming evident
in the world of conditions, where your aspirations for
success assume form in reality. Success is finally taking
shape. If you are loyal to your dreams, faithful to your
plans while remaining flexible, and devoted to serving
others, you will be shown proof of your true prosperity.
This is a time for a joyful celebration of spirit, your
manifesting partner.
If ever there was a time for you to take a leap of faith into
the unknown, it is now. This is the perfect moment to take
a big risk. The unknown is the only choice now, and if you
come to the edge, you will discover treasure beyond your
wildest dreams. Allow your courage to lead you in spite of
your fears. You don´t need to know the exact form of what
you´re going for. The essence is much more powerful, and
spirit has a way of delivering an even better version of
prosperity than you could imagine. Take that step. The
results will be amazing.
El miedo está abriendo el camino a lugares a los que no
necesita ir. La mayor parte de lo que temes en este
momento es una ilusió n derivada de una vieja creencia que
ni siquiera es cierta. Ahora es tiempo de coraje. No te
perderá s en el mar; no verá s a todos los demá s obtener lo
que quieres mientras te quedas solo y sin amor, ¡oh, el
drama de todo! Evidencia falsa que parece real se cierne
sobre ti. Cuanto má s te obsesiones con el miedo, má s real
se volverá . Pregú ntate, ¿quién en mí tiene miedo? Amo
esa parte de ti. Pregunte, ¿es esto cierto y real en este
momento? La respuesta, muy probablemente, es no. Date
un abrazo. Está bien tener miedo. El valor debe ser
convocado. A pesar de tu miedo, incluso cuando no te
sientes seguro, el espíritu siempre te atrapará .
Fear, envy, procrastination, green and the perception of
victimhood could all be active in your life at this moment.
Are you comparing yourself with others, thinking their
success should be yours? Maybe you´re afraid of all the
good that is coming your way, so you step out of your
lane, totally aware of what you´re doing but seemingly
powerless to stop yourself? Are you back where you
started, or in a situation that reminds you of past failures?
Financial insecurities scaring you? You must learn to love
yourself through missteps and sabotaging moments. Use
criticism constructively right now. Better yet, stop telling
this story altogether. Make up a new one. The universe
loves you deeply and will wait for you to figure that out.
Tell a new story and success is all but guaranteed. You can
do it!
Now is a time for even exchanges. Justice will prevail, and
you affairs, you will be able to negotiate fair settlements.
Mutual gain is the gift to you and your partners and
colleagues. This is also a good time to square your
finances and take stock of how you´re compensated for
your work. This card signifies balance, justice, and
negotiations, so remember that all things must be fairly
recompensed. Keep this as your truth… and so it will be.
Connections of the heart serve to inspire you, opening you
up to new ideas you would never have come to on your
own. You are looking in a mirror held up by this
experience and seeing yourself in an unexpected way.
Who is this extraordinary being looking back at you? You
are going to be so happy that you kept your heart open!
Your love is a unique work of art now, the very
embodiment of beauty.
Flashes of inspiration give rise to great success when you
receive this message. You are at your most creative now,
and whatever you most creative now, and whatever you
apply yourself to will lead to the fruition of your dreams.
Remember that all your ideas are channeled from a higher
source. You create your reality in partnership with spirit.
The potential for manifesatation is unlimited now. Revel
in its vastness.
Now is the time to take small steps, rather than larger
leaps, on the journey to creating your most prosperous life.
Move your focus off your big dream and attend to the
mundane chores. Focus on the little things that may have
piled up while you´ve been mapping out the greater plan
for the life you aspire to see manifest into reality. “chop
wood, carry water”, as the Zen proverb advises- or wash
dishes, walk the dog… while you´re doing all that, spirit
will have a chance to move mountains and set wondrous
miracles in motion for you. Remain humble and aware of
the present.
There are occasions when you just know, deep in your
heart and soul, that a person is going to play a meaningful
role in your path and suddenly, out of the blue, you´re
connected at a level impossible to describe. That feeling
marks a moment in time etched indelibly onto your soul.
Someone has entered your life who will be instrumental in
your journey, so pay attention. Two hearts are calling to
each other to begin an alchemical process. This is also a
sign that your intuition about the person you care about is
correct. Trust your heart to lead you now. Magic is about
to happen.
This is a time when your hunches will pay large dividends
if you listen to them, take the risk, and act. Within you
there is an oracular consciousness, a higher and deeper
knowing that transcends the machinations of the smaller
“thinking” mind. Al the deep level of your intuitive
senses, you have an access point to the genius of the
collective. The energies of all thinkers and creators, all
inventors and leaders, and all that you need in order to
leap into success are available to tune in to. This is an act
of listening intently. Past the busy mind, your genius
Calculed action is called for now. It´s important to sit
down and plan a strategy. Focus on the steps you´re going
to take to claim your prosperous life. Lists are your friend
now, so get out your journal. Write down what you´re
going to do today to signal to the universe that you´re
serious about attracting abundance. Your plans and
strategies will yield wonderful results. Remember, your
most effective strategic partner is spirit. You will win this
game, and your triumph will be for the highest good of all.
It´s over, or at the very least, the form this relationship has
taken is no longer of service to you or the other person.
This is a time of letting go, of knowing that the journey
has come to its conclusion. That doesn´t mean anything is
lost. Although this card could speak to a breakup, drifting
apart, or the end of a soul contract, it is more about release
than destruction. Remember the saying “if you love
something, let it go. If it comes back, it´s yours. If not, it
never was.” Ending are always a sign of new beginnings.
If you want something deeper, walk away.
This message is clear: the path you´ve been on with your
work, creative projects, and business alliances have come
to an end. You will not find the success you desire by
continuing with what is now in front of you. This is an
auspicious sign, because there is no choice that will
benefit you other than risking stepping into the unknown.
It is time to walk toward something new. This card also
pertains to the more neutral concept of completion. You
´ve finished your tasks and can rest assured that this
ending will open up a powerful new avenue of
opportunity- even better than any you can imagine. You
have done all you can; now trust that spirit keeps the plan
moving forward. Fortune requires you to conclude this
chapter of your life. And remember that when you close
one door, another opens.
The world is based on connections and relationships. No
matter what loss has occurred in the past or even now,
death and ending are only illusions. There is life after
death, love after loss; and in this moment, you are
radiating the regenerative life- force energy that makes
you irresistible to love in all forms. Now is the time when
you will see evidence of this new emergence. Can you feel
it? Love is rising up to greet you.
What happens when it appears you´ve failed al something?
Do you see the beauty in the lesson? The understanding
that arises from difficulties is like a seed that lies dormant
for a time. Then, once it germinates in your subconscious,
it pushes through into your awareness. It is becoming
apparent that there is a new you, a new start. A more
powerful version and form of your imagination has
surfaced. You are ripe for success. New opportunities-
much better than those that came before- appear, like gifts
from the gods. Now is one of those times when out of
seeming loss and failure comes remarkable abundance. Do
not dwell on the past, because you really are experiencing
a rebirth.
You either are in or are calling in a harmonious
relationship that can stand the test of time. For better or
worse, as you ride the ups and downs- and even strain,
break yourself, and are remade in new growth- you are
being redeemend by the power of regeneration. Harmony
does not mean there will never be a wrong note played but
that the relationship is marked by endurance and
dedication to overall unity. A new song can be written, an
instrument can be tuned, and the symphony of love will
play on. Listen with your heart. Isn´t it magnificent?
Your most precious dreams are not about instant
gratification but enduring prosperity. This is a time to
think long- term and engage in continued action. You will
experience momentum building as you translate the ebb
and flow into slow and steady movement forward. Your
efforts, ideas, and hard work now can lead to greater
riches than you can imagine. Stoke the fire so that an
uninterrupted stream of energy is available to support you
in all the phases of manifestation. Be assured that you are
in the right place right now
Oráculo: ¿Te sientes como si estuvieras vagando en el
desierto ahora por siglos y no pasa nada? Cuando conjuras
la imagen de un desierto, imaginas labios resecos, piel
quemada por el sol y espejismos, pero hay más que eso.
En medio de las arenas calientes hay criaturas con
espíritus resistentes, pieles duras y la voluntad de excavar
en las profundidades subterráneas en busca de agua para
que puedan prosperar. Este es un momento de desarrollo
de habilidades de supervivencia y resistencia. Estás
aprendiendo cómo conservar tu fuerza, y en este tiempo
temporal de austeridad, es aconsejable ser selectivo sobre
dónde gastas tu energía. Escucha el llamado de tu alma,
porque nunca te extraviará. Este es un momento
importante para dejar de lado lo que no es importante.
It is an advantageous time for you to get some distance
from what you´re doing and see your work and your
projects from a different perspective. The trick is to
connect to the essence of your goals and aspirations while
letting the form and timing be dictated by spirit. You may
be too personally attached to an outcome and unable to see
the miracle because it´s not turning out exactly as you
planned. Trust spirit. The perfect version of your
abundance is right in front of you. Remain neutral and
curious, and watch the miracle unfold.