2018 - Procesamiento SEGESA DEF Vol-Val

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(En millones de Francos CFA)

CONCEPTO 2013 2014
Ejecuc. Ejecuc.
GASTOS DE SEGESA 20,911,216,000 35,319,121,999
A - Costes y Gastos de Explotacion 18,783,216,000 18,875,429,999
1. Compra de Electricidad 14,851,325,000 14,924,235,841
2. Compra de combustible 24 MW 253,824,403 255,070,524
3. Material electrico para acomeditas 2,158,642,000 2,169,239,600
4. Herramientas y Pequenos utillajes 84,667,000 85,082,663
5. Reparacion y Respuestos Vehiculos 22,528,793 22,639,395
6. Reparacion y Respuestos Grupos, Mantenimiento centrales 793,837,000 797,734,250
7. Combustibles Grupos + Centrales y Agencias 32,875,000 33,036,396
8. Combustibles Vehiculos 46,559,506 46,788,084
9. Lubrificante Grupos y Vehiculos 261,642,970 262,927,476
10. Consumo de luz interno 277,314,328 278,675,770
11. Diversos 0
B - Gastos de Personal 10,000,722,000 10,533,621,000
1. Sueldo y Salario 8,629,447,000 9,089,276,168
2. Nomina eventuales 0 0
3. Seguridad Social a cargo de Empresas 271,281,000 285,736,494
4. Fondo de Proteccion de Trabajo cargo de Empresas 1,099,994,000 1,158,608,338
5. Otros Gastos sociales y Formacion 0 0
C - Servicios y Suministros Exteriores 1,678,218,000 1,960,013,661
1. Alquiler de Inmuebles 155,474,000 180,144,246
2. Alquiler de Maquinas 28,648,000 33,193,797
3. Alquilares diversos y reparacion 6,705,000 7,768,934
4. Mantenimiento Oficinas 237,173,000 274,807,050
Alquiler de vehiculos con chofer
5. Mantenimiento Vehiculos 184,047,000 213,251,142
6. Mantenimiento Aires y Otros 0 0
7. Asistencia Asesores 236,086,000 273,547,568
8. Desplazamientos locales 240,624,000 278,805,647
9. Viajes y Misiones 207,049,000 239,903,045
10. Servicios de Seguridad, Vigilencia y otros 68,400,000 79,253,550
11. Formacion personal 9,383,000 10,871,872
12. Servicios Bancarios y Similares 11,966,000 13,864,737
13. Correos y Valija 7,135,000 8,267,165
14. Telefono, Fax 186,644,000 216,260,228
15. Flete y seguros 49,442,000 57,287,340
15.1 Flete 24,721,000 28,643,670
15.2 Seguro 24,721,000 28,643,670
16. Indemnizaciones danos y perjucios 0 15,500,000
16. Cotizacion PEAC 0
D - Otros Suministros 934,894,000 1,083,240,769
1. Materiales de Oficina 149,266,000 172,951,176
2. Material Informatico 30,874,000 35,773,013
3. Material de vehiculos y grupos electrogenos 402,000,000 465,788,409
4. Material de Limpieza 39,540,000 45,814,114
5. Material Diversos 26,705,000 30,942,486
6. Gastos de ceremonias 72,000,000 83,424,790
7. Publicidad, Propaganda, reproduccion documentos 57,560,000 66,693,485
8. Asistencia Tecnica Cubana 156,949,000 181,853,296
8.1. Sueldos y salarios 100,495,406 116,441,779
8.2. Prima de Vvienda 43,241,051 50,102,439
8.3 Desplazamientos 4,003,801 4,639,115
8.4 Vacaciones 9,208,742 10,669,963
9. Imprevistos 0
10. Material de oficina
11. Combustible y lubrificante
12. Indumentaria y distintivos
F - Impuestos y Tasas 33,880,902,000 53,219,569,340
1. Impuestos sobre empresas 13,077,231,908 15,152,296,117
2.Canon 12% Redevance SEGESA 2,128,000,000 16,428,192,000
3. Contribucion y tasas diversas 317,419,020 367,786,319
4. IRPF Impuestos sobre salarios 5,353,619,751 6,203,119,463
5. IVA recuperado de la venta de electricidad 13,004,631,321 15,068,175,441
G - Otros gastos de Gestion 33,993,530,000 871,533,231
1. Remuneracion Junta Directiva 125,641,786 145,578,327
2. Asignacion Junta Directiva
3. Imp s/Asignaciones
4. Sesiones 68,085,214 78,888,815
5. Contribuciones Atletico Malabo y Deporte Mongomo
Botiquin APS
Asistencia al personal
Atrasos con INSESO
Atrasos de impuestos
Antiguedad al personal
Otros atrasos y provedores
6. Otros gastos de Gestion corrientes 74,674,000 86,523,089
7. Gastos Financieros 370,140,000 560,543,000
8. Otros Intereses y Comisiones 0
9. Programa de Inversion 8,056,131,384
10. Construccion 25,298,857,616
11. Liciencia y programa
12. Devoluciones de Creditos Bancarios 0

TOTAL GASTOS 99,271,482,000 86,543,408,000

65,916,493,000 86,911,242,000

Saldo Anterior 0
Clientes Oficiales 100% 76,894,623,000 116,120,037,000
Clientes Privados 70% 25,537,553,000 20,307,614,000
Prestacion de Servicios 696,918,000 1,711,204,000
Cobros Ejercicios Anteriores 0
Programa de Actualizaciones de Potencia 40,646,000 1,232,507,000

TOTAL INGRESOS 103,169,740,000 139,371,362,000

Numero de personal
2015 2016 2017 2018
Ejecuc. Ejecuc. Ejecuc. Ejecuc. id_operation
22,383,274,000 24,377,004,948 36,936,379,274 47,816,145,617
22,383,274,000 18,294,106,300 20,385,351,089 20,618,313,959 NPC
17,691,457,424 15,889,517,894 17,490,862,083 17,343,894,208 0P100A
302,365,184 744,413,326 936,140,983 1,084,987,245 0P2
2,571,455,613 435,725,517 479,637,896 475,607,714 P51
100,858,518 175,678,511 27,556,447 31,937,918 0P2
26,837,146 28,957,206 36,415,290 42,205,315 0P2
945,648,519 622,399,279 782,701,562 907,150,981 0P2
39,161,938 132,266,002 153,296,274 0P2
55,463,436 0 0P2
311,678,956 74,568,460 93,773,968 108,684,013 0P2
330,347,266 300,933,983 378,441,149 438,613,229 0P2
8,000,000 21,912,124 27,555,709 31,937,062 0P2
12,913,064,000 18,065,780,655 18,212,135,594 19,597,330,863 NPC
10,259,531,000 15,746,015,902 15,873,577,907 17,080,905,016 0D100100A
30,000,000 0 0 0D100100A
391,850,000 1,989,975,630 2,006,096,869 2,158,678,420 0D1002001
10,000,000 89,420,100 90,144,513 97,000,807 0D1002002
2,221,683,000 240,369,022 242,316,305 260,746,620 0D1002002
2,133,033,000 2,697,583,662 2,211,555,481 2,563,192,438 NPC
278,182,000 905,533,485 169,428,821 196,367,976 0P2
10,000,000 9,454,704 11,889,814 13,780,292 0P2
50,000,000 86,868,500 88,338,970 102,384,852 0P2
50,000,000 329,903,328 461,403,224 534,766,260 0P2
78,240,000 27,480,000 9,699,500 11,241,719 0P2
200,000,000 331,414,269 146,079,396 169,305,996 0P2
250,931,000 334,629,923 197,972,314 229,449,879 0P2
0 30,741,241 132,519,581 153,590,172 0P2
618,484,000 95,520,800 237,697,679 275,491,571 0P2
130,000,000 103,878,648 121,958,225 141,349,563 0P2
53,854,000 168,343,000 80,879,050 93,738,806 0P2
175,963,000 3,250,500 62,000 71,858 0P2
112,045,304 163,728,651 189,761,479 0P2
2,095,000 1,349,700 14,592,600 16,912,821 0P2
195,284,000 83,196,840 44,313,649 51,359,512 0P2
20,000,000 0 NPC
10,000,000 69,205,420 87,029,648 100,867,348 0P2
10,000,000 4,768,000 200,000,000 231,799,967 0P2
43,962,359 50,952,367 0D7002
2,515,440,000 2,412,690,727 1,305,548,621 1,513,130,636 NPC
338,928,000 5,955,280 18,615,250 21,575,072 0P2
288,817,000 1,846,495,721 121,643,481 140,984,774 P51
46,208,000 126,668,195 146,808,417 P51
300,000,000 22,042,270 52,152,440 60,444,669 0P2
194,442,885 244,522,696 283,401,764 0P2
300,000,000 118,990,240 152,717,496 176,999,553 0P2
527,809,000 21,585,750 48,433,933 56,134,920 0P2
99,236,000 298,001,153 228,976,322 265,383,519 0P2
63,541,418 0 0D100100A
27,340,531 0 0D1002002
2,531,531 9,636,500 12,118,432 14,045,261 0P2
5,822,520 0 0P2
157,334,531 197,856,886 229,316,098 0P2
339,515,000 36,207,550 103,811,063 120,317,005 0P2
181,014,000 137,676,788 159,567,375 0P2
93,913,000 89,331,961 103,535,728 0P2
9,103,000 26,331,856,773 37,819,492,527 51,642,667,118 NPC
1,221,346,541 821,465,476 952,493,003 0D5001
6,082,898,648 16,507,065,826 27,146,879,291 0D4005
9,103,000 4,200,500 389,521,370 640,591,715 0D200E
3,936,503,976 3,174,715,581 5,618,118,587 0D5004
15,086,907,108 16,926,724,274 17,284,584,522 0D200A
2,456,579,000 2,390,322,877 3,203,342,931 4,086,997,054 NPC
13,446,000 45,120,000 52,294,073 0D100100A
85,568,000 107,606,499 124,715,915 0D100100A
1,689,582,724 2,124,743,845 2,462,577,765 P51
11,120,000 0P2
1,885,000 0D7005
20,267,000 30,000,000 8,967,800 10,393,679 0P2
85,000,000 196,804,752 228,096,675 0D1002002
69,201,000 0 0 0D1002001
50,000,000 0D200A
503,688,000 0D100100A
1,226,011,000 325,882,339 409,815,091 474,975,623 0D7005
91,620,000 31,187,925 36,146,800 0P2
181,967,000 184,553,986 163,728,651 248,802,942 0D4001
119,268,000 61,289,828 115,368,368 133,711,919 0D4001
96,552,000 295,818,738 P51
19,462,925 P51
4,334,291,481 5,450,611,572 5,450,611,572
42,410,493,000 70,192,340,994 83,137,426,243 100,021,632,068 NPC
42,778,327,000 70,192,340,994 83,137,426,243 82,605,326,410
9,200,545,814 10,663,431,078

0 100,579,380,722 127,256,865,657 129,525,818,751

747,898,000 749,521,472 197,578,065 0
300,000,000 270,270,533

24,428,699,000 101,599,172,727 127,454,443,722 129,525,818,751 0P100A

1,541 1,971 2,149 0E1001001

11,723,414 9,240,049 9,119,279 Salario medio
25% 20% 20% % IRPF
id_produit Branche
2016 2017

010001000 010001 Compras materias primas 16,325,243,411 17,970,499,979

008002000 010001 Otras compras 3359022813
009001000 010001
009005000 010001
012000002 010001
016000000 010001
008002000 010001
008002000 010001
008002000 010001
010001000 010001
009005000 010001
016000000 010001
016000000 010001
016000000 010001
011000001 010001
014001002 010001
012000002 010001
009001000 010001
016000000 010001
014002001 010001
014002001 010001
016000000 010001
016000000 010001
015001000 010001
014004002 010001
014004001 010001
014003001 010001
015002000 010001
014004001 010001
009005000 010001
009001000 010001
009001000 010001
009002000 010001
009005000 010001
013000000 010001
016000000 010001
016000000 010001
014001001 010001
014002001 010001
016000000 010001
009005000 010001
008002000 010001
007000001 010001
010001000 010001
009001000 010001
009005000 010001
019000000 010001

010001000 010001
009005000 010001
009001000 010001
011000001 010001
016000000 010001


010001000 010001
14,924,235,841 Electricité produite par differentes centrales, dont Turbogaz, et rachetée par SEGESA
22,639,395 reparacion de vehiculos

334,895,004 Combustible de grupo y centrales

20,262,913,037 0
15,889,517,894 1,158,608,338
435,725,517 0
16,325,243,411 2526918786
1 10135044999


hetée par SEGESA
Valeur id_source id_campagne id_operationde_princ_secd_mode_valor id_produit
-17,344 SEGES 1 0P100A 1 6 010001000
1,085 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000
476 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000
32 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000
42 SEGES 1 0P2 7 012000002
907 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
153 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000
0 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000
109 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000
439 SEGES 1 0P2 7 010001000
32 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000
17,081 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19
0 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19
2,159 SEGES 1 0D1002001 19
97 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19
261 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19
196 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
14 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
102 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
535 SEGES 1 0P2 7 011000001
11 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014001002
169 SEGES 1 0P2 7 012000002
229 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009001000
154 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
275 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014002001
141 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014002001
94 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
0 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
190 SEGES 1 0P2 7 015001000
17 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014004002
51 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014004001
101 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014003001
232 SEGES 1 0P2 7 015002000
51 SEGES 1 0D7002 19
0 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014004001
22 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000
141 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000
147 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000
60 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009002000
283 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000
177 SEGES 1 0P2 7 013000000
56 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
0 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19
0 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19
14 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014001001
0 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014002001
229 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000
120 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000
160 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000
104 SEGES 1 0P2 7 007000001
952 SEGES 1 0D5001 19
27,147 SEGES 1 0D4005 19
641 SEGES 1 0D200E 19
5,618 SEGES 1 0D5004 19
17,285 SEGES 1 0D200A 19 010001000
52 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19
125 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19
2,463 SEGES 1 P51 19 009001000
0 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000
0 SEGES 1 0D7005 19
10 SEGES 1 0P2 7 019000000
228 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19
0 SEGES 1 0D1002001 19
0 SEGES 1 0D200A 19 010001000
0 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19
475 SEGES 1 0D7005 19
36 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000
249 SEGES 1 0D4001 19
134 SEGES 1 0D4001 19
296 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000
0 SEGES 1 P51 7 011000001
19 SEGES 1 P51 7 016000000
0 SEGES 1 0D4001 19
129,526 SEGES 1 0P100A 1 6 010001000
2149 SEGES 1 0E1001001 31
id_Cranche cteur_deCite cteur_credite id_attriC_me id_origine_prid_mode_pro id_stat_val
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1002001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1002002 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
0 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1002001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1002001 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 2 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1002001 2 2 1
010001 0S1 0S1001001 1 1 2 1
010001 0S1001001 0S1 9 2 1
actif id_qualif_pat id_lieu id_ref_temp id_duree_empid_nature_emdate_creatio
date_maj ID_DE
Valeur id_operation id_produit id_secteur_did_secteur_credite
-17491 0P100A 010001000 0S1001001 0S1
936 0P2 008002000 0S1001001 0S1
480 P51 009001000 0S1001001 0S1
28 0P2 009005000 0S1001001 0S1
36 0P2 012000002 0S1001001 0S1
783 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
132 0P2 008002000 0S1001001 0S1
94 0P2 008002000 0S1001001 0S1
378 0P2 010001000 0S1001001 0S1
28 0P2 009005000 0S1001001 0S1
15874 0D100100A 0S1001001 0S1004
2006 0D1002001 0S1001001 0S1004
90 0D1002002 0S1001001 0S1004
242 0D1002002 0S1001001 0S1004
169 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
12 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
88 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
461 0P2 011000001 0S1001001 0S1
10 0P2 014001002 0S1001001 0S1
146 0P2 012000002 0S1001001 0S1
198 0P2 009001000 0S1001001 0S1
133 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
238 0P2 014002001 0S1001001 0S1
122 0P2 014002001 0S1001001 0S1
81 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
164 0P2 015001000 0S1001001 0S1002001
15 0P2 014004002 0S1001001 0S1
44 0P2 014004001 0S1001001 0S1
87 0P2 014003001 0S1001001 0S1
200 0P2 015002000 0S1001001 0S1002002
44 0D7002 0S1001001 0S1
19 0P2 009005000 0S1001001 0S1
122 P51 009001000 0S1001001 0S1
127 P51 009001000 0S1001001 0S1
52 0P2 009002000 0S1001001 0S1
245 0P2 009005000 0S1001001 0S1
153 0P2 013000000 0S1001001 0S1
48 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
12 0P2 014001001 0S1001001 0S1
198 0P2 016000000 0S1001001 0S1
104 0P2 009005000 0S1001001 0S1
138 0P2 008002000 0S1001001 0S1
89 0P2 007000001 0S1001001 0S1
821 0D5001 0S1001001 0S1003001
16507 0D4005 0S1001001 0S1003001
390 0D200E 0S1001001 0S1003001
3175 0D5004 0S1001001 0S1003001
16927 0D200A 010001000 0S1001001 0S1003001
45 0D100100A 0S1001001 0S1004
108 0D100100A 0S1001001 0S1004
2125 P51 009001000 0S1001001 0S1004
9 0P2 019000000 0S1001001 0S1
197 0D1002002 0S1001001 0S1004
410 0D7005 0S1001001 0S1
31 0P2 009005000 0S1001001 0S1
164 0D4001 0S1001001 0S1002001
115 0D4001 0S1001001 0S1002001
127454 0P100A 010001000 0S1 0S1001001
1971 0E1001001 0S1001001 0S1
Sum of Valeur id_operation
id_produit 0D100100A 0D1002001 0D1002002 0D200A 0D200E
010001000 16927
(blank) 16027 2006 529 390
Grand Total 16027 2006 529 16927 390

Val Code_Oper Code_Prod BRACH Sec_DEB Sec_CRE

109963 0P100A 010001000 010001 0S1 0S1001001
89 0P2 007000001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
1300 0P2 008002000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
198 0P2 009001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
52 0P2 009002000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
455 0P2 009005000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
378 0P2 010001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
461 0P2 011000001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
182 0P2 012000002 010001 0S1001001 0S1
153 0P2 013000000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
12 0P2 014001001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
10 0P2 014001002 010001 0S1001001 0S1
360 0P2 014002001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
87 0P2 014003001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
44 0P2 014004001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
15 0P2 014004002 010001 0S1001001 0S1
164 0P2 015001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1002001
200 0P2 015002000 010001 0S1001001 0S1002002
1512 0P2 016000000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
9 0P2 019000000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
2854 P51 009001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
16027 0D100100A 010001 0S1001001 0S1004
2006 0D1002001 010001 0S1001001 0S1004
529 0D1002002 010001 0S1001001 0S1004
16927 0D200A 010001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
390 0D200E 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
279 0D4001 010001 0S1001001 0S1002001
16507 0D4005 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
821 0D5001 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
3175 0D5004 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
44 0D7002 010001 0S1001001 0S1004
410 0D7005 010001 0S1001001 0S1
1971 0E1001001 010001 0S1001001 0S1

0D4001 0D4005 0D5001 0D5004 0D7002 0D7005

279 16507 821 3175 44 410

279 16507 821 3175 44 410

0E1001001 0P100A 0P2 P51 Grand Total
89 89
198 2854 3052
52 52
455 455
109963 378 127268
461 461
182 182
153 153
12 12
10 10
360 360
87 87
44 44
15 15
164 164
200 200
1512 1512
9 9
1971 42159
1300 1300
1971 109963 5681 2854 177584
Valeur id_source id_campa id_operationcode_prin id_mode_vid_produit id_Cranch id_secteur_d
-17344 SEGES 1 0P100A 1 6 010001000 010001 0S1001001
1085 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000 010001 0S1001001
476 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000 010001 0S1001001
32 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000 010001 0S1001001
42 SEGES 1 0P2 7 012000002 010001 0S1001001
907 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
153 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000 010001 0S1001001
109 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000 010001 0S1001001
439 SEGES 1 0P2 7 010001000 010001 0S1001001
32 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000 010001 0S1001001
17081 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19 010001 0S1001001
2159 SEGES 1 0D1002001 19 010001 0S1001001
97 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19 010001 0S1001001
261 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19 010001 0S1001001
196 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
14 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
102 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
535 SEGES 1 0P2 7 011000001 010001 0S1001001
11 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014001002 010001 0S1001001
169 SEGES 1 0P2 7 012000002 010001 0S1001001
229 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009001000 010001 0S1001001
154 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
275 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014002001 010001 0S1001001
141 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014002001 010001 0S1001001
94 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
190 SEGES 1 0P2 7 015001000 010001 0S1001001
17 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014004002 010001 0S1001001
51 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014004001 010001 0S1001001
101 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014003001 010001 0S1001001
232 SEGES 1 0P2 7 015002000 010001 0S1001001
51 SEGES 1 0D7002 19 010001 0S1001001
22 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000 010001 0S1001001
141 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000 010001 0S1001001
147 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000 010001 0S1001001
60 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009002000 010001 0S1001001
283 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000 010001 0S1001001
177 SEGES 1 0P2 7 013000000 010001 0S1001001
56 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
14 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014001001 010001 0S1001001
229 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
120 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000 010001 0S1001001
160 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000 010001 0S1001001
104 SEGES 1 0P2 7 007000001 010001 0S1001001
952 SEGES 1 0D5001 19 010001 0S1001001
27147 SEGES 1 0D4005 19 010001 0S1001001
641 SEGES 1 0D200E 19 010001 0S1001001
5618 SEGES 1 0D5004 19 010001 0S1001001
17285 SEGES 1 0D200A 19 010001000 010001 0S1001001
52 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19 010001 0S1001001
125 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19 010001 0S1001001
2463 SEGES 1 P51 19 009001000 010001 0S1001001
10 SEGES 1 0P2 7 019000000 010001 0S1001001
228 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19 0 0S1001001
475 SEGES 1 0D7005 19 010001 0S1001001
36 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000 010001 0S1001001
249 SEGES 1 0D4001 19 010001 0S1001001
134 SEGES 1 0D4001 19 010001 0S1001001
296 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000 010001 0S1001001
19 SEGES 1 P51 7 016000000 010001 0S1001001
129526 SEGES 1 0P100A 1 6 010001000 010001 0S1
2149 SEGES 1 0E1001001 31 010001 0S1001001
id_secteur_cid_attriC_ id_origine id_mode_pid_stat_va actif Sum of Valeur id_operation
0S1 2 2 1 yes id_produit 0D100100A
0S1 2 2 1 yes 007000001
0S1 2 2 1 yes 008002000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 009001000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 009002000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 009005000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 010001000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 011000001
0S1 2 2 1 yes 012000002
0S1 2 2 1 yes 013000000
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 014001001
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 014001002
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 014002001
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 014003001
0S1 2 2 1 yes 014004001
0S1 2 2 1 yes 014004002
0S1 2 2 1 yes 015001000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 015002000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 016000000
0S1 2 2 1 yes 019000000
0S1 2 2 1 yes (blank) 17258
0S1 2 2 1 yes Grand Total 17258
0S1 2 2 1 yes
0S1 2 2 1 yes
0S1 2 2 1 yes Val Code_Oper
0S1002001 2 2 1 yes 112182 0P100A
0S1 2 2 1 yes 104 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 1507 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 229 0P2
0S1002002 2 2 1 yes 60 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 525 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 439 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 535 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 211 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 177 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 14 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 11 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 416 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 101 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 51 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 17 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 190 0P2
0S1 2 2 1 yes 232 0P2
0S1003001 2 2 1 yes 1752 0P2
0S1003001 2 2 1 yes 10 0P2
0S1003001 2 2 1 yes 3523 P51
0S1003001 2 2 1 yes 19 P51
0S1003001 2 2 1 yes 17258 0D100100A
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 2159 0D1002001
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 586 0D1002002
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 17285 0D200A
0S1 2 2 1 yes 641 0D200E
0S1004 2 2 1 yes 383 0D4001
0S1 2 2 1 yes 27147 0D4005
0S1 2 2 1 yes 952 0D5001
0S1002001 2 2 1 yes 5618 0D5004
0S1002001 2 2 1 yes 51 0D7002
0S1 2 2 1 yes 475 0D7005
0S1 2 2 1 yes 2149 0E1001001
0S1001001 1 1 2 1 yes
0S1 9 2 1 yes 197009
0D1002001 0D1002002 0D200A 0D200E 0D4001 0D4005 0D5001 0D5004 0D7002 0D7005


2159 586 641 383 27147 952 5618 51 475

2159 586 17285 641 383 27147 952 5618 51 475

Code_Prod BRACH Sec_DEB Sec_CRE

010001000 010001 0S1 0S1001001
007000001 010001 0S100100 0S1
008002000 010001 0S100100 0S1
009001000 010001 0S100100 0S1
009002000 010001 0S100100 0S1
009005000 010001 0S100100 0S1
010001000 010001 0S100100 0S1
011000001 010001 0S100100 0S1
012000002 010001 0S100100 0S1
013000000 010001 0S100100 0S1
014001001 010001 0S100100 0S1
014001002 010001 0S100100 0S1
014002001 010001 0S100100 0S1
014003001 010001 0S100100 0S1
014004001 010001 0S100100 0S1
014004002 010001 0S100100 0S1
015001000 010001 0S100100 0S1002001
015002000 010001 0S100100 0S1002002
016000000 010001 0S100100 0S1
019000000 010001 0S100100 0S1
009001000 010001 0S100100 0S1
016000000 010001 0S100100 0S1
010001 0S100100 0S1004
010001 0S100100 0S1004
010001 0S100100 0S1004
010001000 010001 0S100100 0S1003001
010001 0S100100 0S1003001 641 0D200E
010001 0S100100 0S1002001 383 0D4001
010001 0S100100 0S1003001 27147 0D4005
010001 0S100100 0S1003001 952 0D5001
010001 0S100100 0S1003001 5618 0D5004
010001 0S100100 0S1004 51 0D7002
010001 0S100100 0S1 475 0D7005
010001 0S100100 0S1 2149 0E1001001
0E1001001 0P100A 0P2 P51 Grand Total
104 104
1507 1507
229 3523 3752
60 60
525 525
112182 439 129906
535 535
211 211
177 177
14 14
11 11
416 416
101 101
51 51
17 17
190 190
232 232
1752 19 1771
10 10
2149 57419
2149 112182 6581 3542 197009
Val 2018 Val 2017 Val 2016 Code_OpeCode_Prod BRACH Sec_DEB Sec_CRE
17344 17491 6817 0P100A 010001000 '010001 0S1 0S1001002
112 113 44 0P100A 016000000 '010001 0S1 0S1001002
63 64 25 0P100B 010001000 '010001 0S1 0S1001002
11373 11469 4470 0P2 005001002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
651 657 256 0P2 016000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
86 87 34 0P2 008002000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
176 177 69 0P2 009005000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
68 69 27 0P2 010001000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
8 8 3 0P2 012000002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
13 13 5 0P2 013000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
163 164 64 0P2 014001001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
234 236 92 0P2 014002001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
23 23 9 0P2 014003001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
5 5 2 0P2 014003002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
13 13 5 0P2 014004001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
8 8 3 0P2 014004002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
8 8 3 0P2 015001000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
231 233 91 0P2 015002000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
1613 1627 634 0P2 016000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
351 354 138 P51 011000001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
552 557 217 P51 009001000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
13 13 5 P51 016000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
972 980 382 0D100100A '010001 0S1001002 0S1004
219 221 86 0D1002001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1004
15 15 6 0D4001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1002001
196 198 77 0D5004 '010001 0S1001002 0S1003001
221 223 87 0E1001001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
Val Code_Oper Code_Prod BRACH Sec_DEB Sec_CRE
112182 0P100A 010001000 010001 0S1 0S1001001 SEGESA
104 0P2 007000001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
1507 0P2 008002000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
229 0P2 009001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
60 0P2 009002000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
525 0P2 009005000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
439 0P2 010001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
535 0P2 011000001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
211 0P2 012000002 010001 0S1001001 0S1
177 0P2 013000000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
14 0P2 014001001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
11 0P2 014001002 010001 0S1001001 0S1
416 0P2 014002001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
101 0P2 014003001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
51 0P2 014004001 010001 0S1001001 0S1
17 0P2 014004002 010001 0S1001001 0S1
190 0P2 015001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1002001
232 0P2 015002000 010001 0S1001001 0S1002002
1752 0P2 016000000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
10 0P2 019000000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
3523 P51 009001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
19 P51 016000000 010001 0S1001001 0S1
17258 0D100100A 010001 0S1001001 0S1004
2159 0D1002001 010001 0S1001001 0S1004
586 0D1002002 010001 0S1001001 0S1004
17285 0D200A 010001000 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
641 0D200E 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
383 0D4001 010001 0S1001001 0S1002001
27147 0D4005 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001
952 0D5001 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 Var ERETES
5618 0D5004 010001 0S1001001 0S1003001 0
51 0D7002 010001 0S1001001 0S1004 48
475 0D7005 010001 0S1001001 0S1 975
2149 0E1001001 010001 0S1001001 0S1 182
17344 0P100A 010001000 '010001 0S1 0S1001002 Turbogas 74
112 0P100A 016000000 '010001 0S1 0S1001002 758
63 0P100B 010001000 '010001 0S1 0S1001002 0
11373 0P2 005001002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 442
651 0P2 016000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 382
86 0P2 008002000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 144
176 0P2 009005000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 36
68 0P2 010001000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 40
8 0P2 012000002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 886
13 0P2 013000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 320
163 0P2 014001001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 6
234 0P2 014002001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 372
23 0P2 014003001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 43
5 0P2 014003002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 24
13 0P2 014004001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 112
8 0P2 014004002 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 2809
8 0P2 015001000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 33
231 0P2 015002000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1 7686
1613 0P2 016000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
351 P51 011000001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
552 P51 009001000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
13 P51 016000000 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
972 0D100100A '010001 0S1001002 0S1004
219 0D1002001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1004
15 0D4001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1002001
196 0D5004 '010001 0S1001002 0S1003001
221 0E1001001 '010001 0S1001002 0S1
Sum of Val Code_Oper
Code_Prod 0D100100 0D100200D1002002 0D200A
010001000 17285
(blank) 18230 2378 586
Grand Total 18230 2378 586 17285

Ind precios nuevos CI

1.004297 64847 14984
Var ERETES CI Vol Var ERET CI Val id_produit Val
4643 4643 0 5810 005001002 5784 8.1% 5810 15.8%
46 94 46 48 007000001 94 0.1% 94 0.9%
918 1893 922 979 008002000 1893 2.6% 1901 14.2%
171 353 172 183 009001000 353 0.5% 355 2.0%
70 144 70 75 009002000 144 0.2% 145 0.5%
714 1472 717 761 009005000 1471 2.0% 1478 6.2%
51100 51100 0 51320 010001000 51092 71.2% 51320 0.7%
417 859 419 444 011000001 859 1.2% 863 4.8%
358 740 360 383 012000002 740 1.0% 743 2.0%
134 278 135 144 013000000 278 0.4% 279 1.7%
33 69 33 36 014001001 69 0.1% 69 1.6%
38 78 38 40 014001002 78 0.1% 78 0.1%
833 1719 837 889 014002001 1718 2.4% 1726 5.8%
302 622 303 322 014003001 622 0.9% 625 1.1%
6 12 6 6 014003002 12 0.0% 12 0.0%
350 722 352 373 014004001 722 1.0% 725 0.6%
41 84 41 43 014004002 84 0.1% 84 0.2%
23 47 23 24 015001000 47 0.1% 47 1.8%
107 219 107 113 015002000 219 0.3% 220 4.1%
2644 5453 2655 2821 016000000 5450 7.6% 5476 35.8%
31 64 31 33 019000000 64 0.1% 64 0.1%
62979 70665 7267 64847 Total 71793 100.0% 72114
0D200E 0D4001 0D4005 0D5001 0D5004 0D7002 0D7005 0E1001001 0P100A 0P100B

129526 63


641 398 27147 952 5814 51 475 2370

641 398 27147 952 5814 51 475 2370 129638 63

Val Code_OpCode_ProBRACH Sec_DEBSec_CRE

129,526 0P100A 01000100 '010001 0S1 0S1001002
112 0P100A 01600000 '010001 0S1 0S1001002
63 0P100B 01000100 '010001 0S1 0S1001002
11,373 11,373 0P2 00500100 '010001 0S10010 0S1
668 104 0P2 00700000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
10236 1,593 0P2 00800200 '010001 0S10010 0S1
1471 229 0P2 00900100 '010001 0S10010 0S1
386 60 0P2 00900200 '010001 0S10010 0S1
4504 701 0P2 00900500 '010001 0S10010 0S1
507 507 0P2 01000100 '010001 0S10010 0S1
3438 535 0P2 01100000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
1407 219 0P2 01200000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
1221 190 0P2 01300000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
1137 177 0P2 01400100 '010001 0S10010 0S1
71 11 0P2 01400100 '010001 0S10010 0S1
4177 650 0P2 01400200 '010001 0S10010 0S1
797 124 0P2 01400300 '010001 0S10010 0S1
32 5 0P2 01400300 '010001 0S10010 0S1
411 64 0P2 01400400 '010001 0S10010 0S1
161 25 0P2 01400400 '010001 0S10010 0S1
1272 198 0P2 01500100 '010001 0S10010 0S1
2975 463 0P2 01500200 '010001 0S10010 0S1
25806 4,016 0P2 01600000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
64 10 0P2 01900000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
4,075 P51 00900100 '010001 0S10010 0S1
351 P51 01100000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
32 P51 01600000 '010001 0S10010 0S1
18,230 0D100100A 010001 0S10010 0S1004
2,378 0D1002001 010001 0S10010 0S1004
586 0D1002002 010001 0S10010 0S1004
17,285 0D200A 01000100 010001 0S10010 0S1003001
641 0D200E 010001 0S10010 0S1003001
398 0D4001 010001 0S10010 0S1002001
27,147 0D4005 010001 0S10010 0S1003001
952 0D5001 010001 0S10010 0S1003001
5,814 0D5004 010001 0S10010 0S1003001
475 0D7005 010001 0S10010 0S1
51 0D7002 '010001 0S10010 0S1004
2,370 0E1001001 010001 0S10010 0S1
Coef. Tec 55.6%
VA = 108447 57,587
Toal Prod 129,701
Total CI= 21,254 9,374 72114 60,234
Coef Tec 16.4%
0P2 P51 Grand Total
11373 11373
104 104
1593 1593
229 4075 4304
60 60
701 701
507 147381
535 351 886
219 219
190 190
177 177
11 11
650 650
124 124
5 5
64 64
25 25
198 198
463 463
4016 32 4160
10 10
21254 4458 231740
valeur id_source id_campagid_operati code_prin id_mode_vid_produit id_branch
129526 SEGES 1 0P100A 1 6 010001000 010001
112 SEGES 1 0P100A 2 6 016000000 010001
63 SEGES 1 0P100B 1 6 010001000 010001
5810 SEGES 1 0P2 7 005001002 010001
94 SEGES 1 0P2 7 007000001 010001
1901 SEGES 1 0P2 7 008002000 010001
355 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009001000 010001
145 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009002000 010001
1478 SEGES 1 0P2 7 009005000 010001
51320 SEGES 1 0P2 7 010001000 010001
863 SEGES 1 0P2 7 011000001 010001
743 SEGES 1 0P2 7 012000002 010001
279 SEGES 1 0P2 7 013000000 010001
69 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014001001 010001
78 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014001002 010001
1726 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014002001 010001
625 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014003001 010001
12 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014003002 010001
725 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014004001 010001
84 SEGES 1 0P2 7 014004002 010001
47 SEGES 1 0P2 7 015001000 010001
220 SEGES 1 0P2 7 015002000 010001
5476 SEGES 1 0P2 7 016000000 010001
64 SEGES 1 0P2 7 019000000 010001
4075 SEGES 1 P51 7 009001000 010001
351 SEGES 1 P51 7 011000001 010001
32 SEGES 1 P51 7 016000000 010001
18230 SEGES 1 0D100100A 19 010001
2378 SEGES 1 0D1002001 19 010001
586 SEGES 1 0D1002002 19 010001
17285 SEGES 1 0D200A 19 010001000 010001
641 SEGES 1 0D200E 19 010001
398 SEGES 1 0D4001 19 010001
27147 SEGES 1 0D4005 19 010001
952 SEGES 1 0D5001 19 010001
5814 SEGES 1 0D5004 19 010001
475 SEGES 1 0D7005 19 010001
51 SEGES 1 0D7002 19 010001
2370 SEGES 1 0E1001001 31 010001

Deflactar por el indice de precio de la rama 010 para tener los datos en volumen:

valeur id_source id_campagid_operati code_prin id_mode_vid_produit id_branch

128972 SEGES 1 0P100A 1 12 010001000 010001
112 SEGES 1 0P100A 2 12 016000000 010001
63 SEGES 1 0P100B 1 12 010001000 010001
4643 SEGES 1 0P2 13 005001002 010001
94 SEGES 1 0P2 13 007000001 010001
1893 SEGES 1 0P2 13 008002000 010001
353 SEGES 1 0P2 13 009001000 010001
144 SEGES 1 0P2 13 009002000 010001
1472 SEGES 1 0P2 13 009005000 010001
51100 SEGES 1 0P2 13 010001000 010001
859 SEGES 1 0P2 13 011000001 010001
740 SEGES 1 0P2 13 012000002 010001
278 SEGES 1 0P2 13 013000000 010001
69 SEGES 1 0P2 13 014001001 010001
78 SEGES 1 0P2 13 014001002 010001
1719 SEGES 1 0P2 13 014002001 010001
622 SEGES 1 0P2 13 014003001 010001
12 SEGES 1 0P2 13 014003002 010001
722 SEGES 1 0P2 13 014004001 010001
84 SEGES 1 0P2 13 014004002 010001
47 SEGES 1 0P2 13 015001000 010001
219 SEGES 1 0P2 13 015002000 010001
5453 SEGES 1 0P2 13 016000000 010001
64 SEGES 1 0P2 13 019000000 010001
4058 SEGES 1 P51 13 009001000 010001
349 SEGES 1 P51 13 011000001 010001
32 SEGES 1 P51 13 016000000 010001
18152 SEGES 1 0D100100A 22 010001
2368 SEGES 1 0D1002001 22 010001
583 SEGES 1 0D1002002 22 010001
17211 SEGES 1 0D200A 22 010001000 010001
638 SEGES 1 0D200E 22 010001
id_secteur_did_secteur_ id_attrib_ id_origine id_mode_pid_stat_va actif id_qualif_ id_lieu
0S1001001 1 1 2 1 yes
0S1001001 1 1 2 1 yes
0S1001001 1 1 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1002001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1004 2 1 yes
0S1001001 9 2 1 yes

id_secteur_did_secteur_ id_attrib_ id_origine id_mode_pid_stat_va actif

0S1001001 1 1 2 1 yes
0S1001001 1 1 2 1 yes
0S1001001 1 1 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1004 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1 yes
0S1001001 0S1003001 2 2 1 yes
id_ref_temid_duree_ id_nature_date_creatdate_maj extension extension_extension_id_de

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