Ingles Grupo

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Task 2 – Writing assignment

Realizado por:

Diego Tierradentro Clavijo: 94507385

GRUPO: 900002_207

Curso: English A2

Tutor: Leydi Katerine Ortega



Marzo de 2019
UDR Cali

1. Writing practices from the content units

 Diego Tierradentro : Mi familia es grande, somos mi esposa, mis tres hijas y yo.
2. Compartimos nuestras actividades juntos y nos apoyamos mutuamente. 3. Nos
encanta caminar y compartir tiempo juntos. 4. mi hija mayor es superactiva y le
encanta ver películas y series de televisión. 5. Quiere estudiar medicina. 6. Mi
esposa es terapeuta y siempre me apoya. 7. Mis hijas más jóvenes están en modo
activo todo el día, les encanta jugar. 8. Los fines de semana hacemos maratones
de películas y vamos al parque ,.

2. Gráfico ingenioh los temas gramaticales explicados


Presente El presente simple es un En las  oraciones A veces va al trabajo

simple tiempo verbal del presente afirmativas  se mantiene la en autobús.

  que se utiliza para hablar misma forma de verbo con  

Angie acerca de hechos o todos los pronombres, a Él siempre pasea a su

Dahianna verdades generales que excepción de  he, she  e  it . perro por la mañana.

Alzate cumplen hábitos, horarios al  verbo  de la  Tercera  

o programas, costumbres persona del singular  ( él / A menudo almuerza en

y rutinas de la vida ella / usted ) se le ánade su escritorio.

cotidiana. Una  -s  o  -es dependiendo  

de su terminación. Ana no juega fútbol en

la escuela todos los días.

Presente Forma continua del Para conjugar un verbo en el Afirmativa

progresivo inglés. Se usa para presente progresivo se debe  Estas hablando

  expresar las acciones que añadir “ing” al infinitivo. Negativa

  están teniendo un lugar en    No estas

  el momento del habla. Si el infinitivo termina en hablando

Juan Camilo “e”, es necesario eliminar esta Pregunta

Largo voz antes de añadir -ing. En el  ¿Estás

caso de -ee, -oe o -ye, la e se hablando?

mantiene. Com e  - com ING

  Sentarse - Si tting

En palabras con una  

pronunciación vocal corta

antes de una consonante final,

se duplica la consonante final

Frequency They are used to define In the structure the position  

adverbs the periodicity with which of the adverbs will depend on  

Diego a certain activity is the verb they accompany With the verb to be

Tierradentro performed, they are  With the verb TO Be: I am always happy

usually used with the • The adverb always follows She isn’t usually bored

present simple. the verb if the phrase is Question

As the simple present is affirmative or negative. Are you sometimes

used to talk about habits  • If it is a question, the sad?

and customs, therefore adverb will go after the  

adverbs of frequency are subject Verbs Present Simple

used to indicate the With verbs in simple present Affirmative or

frequency of those • If the sentence is interrogative prayer

actions. affirmative or interrogative, I hardly ever drink

the adverb will go between beer

the subject and the main verb. Negative sentences

  I don’t often  go to

• In the negations the adverb visit my sister

goes between the auxiliary  

verb and the main verb. ask about the


If you want to ask about the How often do you go

frequency with which an to Manizales ?.

activity is carried out, the

Interrogative Pronoun "how"

is used followed by the adverb

Leonor   We use "there + be" to   There is - hay (singular)   There is - hay (singular)

Vargas talk about the existence of There are - hay (plural) There are - hay (plural)
There was - hubo, había There was - hubo, había
something. "There + be" (singular) (singular)

can be expressed in all There were - hubo, había There were - hubo, había
(plural) (plural)
verb tenses, but unlike
Spanish, in English we    

conjugate this verb if the There has been - ha habido There has been - ha
(singular) habido (singular)
name that follows is in the There have been - ha habido There have been - ha
(plural) habido (plural)
plural or singular and if it is
There had been - había habido There had been - había
countable or uncountable. habido
There will be - habrá
There will be - habrá
There will have been - habrá
habido There will have been -
habrá habido
There would be - habría
There would be - habría
There would have been -
habría habido There would have been -
habría habido
There can be - Puede haber
There can be - Puede
There could be - podría / pudo haber
There could be - podría /
There may be - Puede haber pudo haber

There might be - podría haber There may be - Puede
There might be - podría
There should be - debería haber
There must be - debe haber
There should be -
  debería haber
There could have been - There must be - debe
podría/pudo haber habido haber
There might have been - podría  
haber habido
There could have been -
  podría/pudo haber
There has to be - tiene que habido
haber (singular) There might have been -
There have to be - tiene que podría haber habido
haber (plural)  
There had to be - tuvo/tenía There has to be - tiene
que haber (plural) que haber (singular)
  There have to be - tiene
There has to have been - tiene que haber (plural)
que haber habido (singular) There had to be -
There have to have been - tuvo/tenía que haber
tiene que haber habido (plural) (plural)
There had to have been -  
tuvo/tenía que haber habido There has to have been -
  tiene que haber habido
There is going to be - va a
haber (singular) There have to have been
- tiene que haber habido
There are going to be - va a (plural)
haber (plural)
There had to have been -
There was going to be - Iba a tuvo/tenía que haber
haber (singular) habido
There were going to be - Iba a  
haber (plural)
There is going to be - va
a haber (singular)
There are going to be -
va a haber (plural)
There was going to be -
Iba a haber (singular)
There were going to be -

Iba a haber (plural)

Diego The connectors are The conclusive connectors An example of

Arroyo words whose function is serve to conclude a proposed conclusive connectors

to establish union between event, therefore reflect what is is:

the sentences which said in the text some of them: Water is denser than

determine the text giving  Therefore oil, therefore, they can

it meaning, in the same  Hence not be mixed.

way there are many  So The animals are

connectors and depending   sentient beings so they

on the connector that we should not   be hurt.

use, we will determine our Mathematics is not

text therefore if we change about him, hence the

the connector we will give mistakes

a change also to the text.  

3. Letter with pictures and the paragraphs with different colors (conventions)

 Diego Tierradentro

Mom I always take you in my heart and although
Barcelona is very beautiful, and its people have
welcomed us very well, we feel the nostalgia of
our people, remember that here is a room for
you, I wait for you soon, so we can have that
coffee in the mornings that I long for, and David
hopes to be able to take you to walk the quiet
streets of this beautiful city and watch the
sunsets with you.

Your daughter who loves you

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