ÍNDICE DE LA EXCERPTA....................................................... 7
SIGLAS .......................................................................................... 9
0. Presentación ....................................................................... 12
1. Prólogo .............................................................................. 14
2. La novedad de Lewis S. Ford: algunas categorías de su
ontologia temporal. Dios y tiempo en Ford ........................... 23
2.1. Obras de Lewis S. Ford .............................................. 23
2.2. Una ontología temporal: «La ciencia que buscamos…»
........................................................................................... 26
2.2.1. El carácter sistemático de su aproximación............. 26
2.2.2. El tiempo como elemento nuclear de la misma ....... 28
2.3. El futuro, categoría central ............................................. 36
2.3.1. Objeciones a la consideración de Dios como futura
creatividad ......................................................................... 44
2.3.2. Revisión de algunas categorías ................................ 48
2.3.3. Nueva consideración del futuro .............................. 57
TERCERA PARTE: ANEXOS .................................................. 73
ANEXO 1: FUENTES Y BIBLIOGRAFÍA ............................. 73
3. Fuentes ............................................................................... 73
3.1. Obras de Lewis S. Ford .............................................. 73
3.2. Autores de la TP ......................................................... 83
ÍNDICE GENERAL DE LA OBRA .......................................... 98
G.-E. GANNSLE-D.-M. WOODRUFF (edited by), God and Time. Essays on
the Divine Nature, Oxford U.-P., Oxford 2002.
E. EPSEN, Eternity is a present, time is its unwrapping, «Heythrop Journal» Ll
(2010) 417-429.
G.-E. GANNSLE-D.-M.WOODRUFF, o.c., p. 4.
R. SWINBURNE, Dios y el tiempo, en J. GÓMEZ CAFFARENA-J.-M.
MARDONES (coords.), La tradición analítica. Materiales para una filosofía de
la religión II, CSIC-Anthropos, Madrid-Barcelona 1992, pp. 211-233. En
realidad este autor (R. Swinburne) se rehace a una tradición que reivindica la
eternidad de Dios frente la atemporalidad. A este propósito nos podemos acercar
a una sustanciosa cita de R. Nash: «The timelessness doctrine was challenged in
the late middle ages by Duns Scotus and William of Ockham. Other Christian
thinkers subsequent to Scotus and Ockham have had second thoughts about
interpreting God’s eternal existence as timelessness. In the view of such people,
it is preferable to say that God is everlasting. By this, they mean that though
God’s existence has neither beginning nor end, it is a mistake to think of God as
entirely divorced from time. The interpretation of God’s eternal existence as
everlastingness rather than timelessness can be found in Samuel Clarke’s A
Demonstration of Being and Attributes of God (1705) and Jonathan Edwards’s
Freedom of the Will (1754). Contemporary proponents of this interpretation
include Nicholas Wolterstorff, Richard Swinburne and even a fundamentalist
theologian, J. Oliver Buswell, Jr» (R. NASH, Lewis Ford and the Evangelical
Critique of Process Theology, «Christian Scholar’s Review» 20 (1990) 287).
Ibid. Las entidades omnitemporales, según la caracterización de Garrett J.
DeWeese, son aquellas que tienen las siguientes características: propiedades
temporales con respecto al tiempo metafísico, son metafísicamente necesarias y
están presentes en todos los momentos actuales de cualquier mundo temporal
(Cf. G.-J. DEWEESE, God and the Nature of Time, Ashgate, Hampshire (UK)-
Burlington (VT) 2003, p. 252).
«These are several issues that help determine how best to think of God’s
relation to time. One issue includes other aspects of God’s nature. What we want
to say about God’s power or knowledge or omnipresence is relevant to
developing an adequate understanding of God’s relation to time» (G.-E.
GANNSLE-D.-M. WOODRUFF, o.c., p. 4). Otras visiones interesantes,
complementarias con estas, son la de Th.-F. TORRANCE, Space, Time and
Incarnation, Oxford U.-P., London 1969, y W.-R. STOEGER, God and Time.
The Action and Life of the Triune God in the World, «Theology Today» 55-3
(1998) 365-388.
B.-L. CLARKE, Process, Time and God, «Process Studies» 13/4 (1983) 245-
B. FORTE, La eternidad en el tiempo. Ensayo de antropología y ética
sacramental, Sígueme, Salamanca 2000, p. 36.
J. BARRIO, Peregrinos en espíritu y verdad. Escritos jacobeos, Instituto
Teológico Compostelano, Santiago 2004, pp. 66-67, citado por M. AGÍS
VILLAVERDE, Antropología de la peregrinación. ¿Quiénes son los peregrinos:
XI Encuentro de Santuarios de España, Santiago de Compostela 2008, p. 8.
C. P. CAVAFIS, Antología poética, Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1999.
«A succint way of putting the difference between Whitehead’s theory and my
own is: is the future a locus of creativity? For Whitehead all creativity is
concentrated in the creative advance, which is the present in its cosmic extent.
Therefore, the future, like the past, is devoid of creativity. I extend the locus of
creativity to include the future as well» (TPT 15).
«The interdisciplinarity of process theology is a coherent consequence of its
fundamental ecological disposition –the postulate of the “unitexturality of
reality” and the “essential relationality” of all reality and of cognition and
reality» (R. FABER, God as Poet of the World, p. 275).
Cf. M. BAY-M. TOSO, Questioni di Metodologia della ricerca nelle scienze
umane. Paradigmi, esperienze, prospettive, LAS, Roma 2009, pp. 67-80. Para la
Charta programática de la Interdisciplinaridad: B. NICOLESCU, La
transdisciplinarité: manifeste, Monaco 1996; IDEM, Nature et
transdisciplinarité, in «Rencontres Transdisciplinaires» (http://perso.club-
internet.fr/nicol/ciret/bulletin/b3et4c2.htm). La carta de la transdisciplinaridad
también en: http://perso.club-internet.fr/nicol/ciret.
Cf. G.-J. DEWEESE, o.c., p.1.
G. ROSIGNOLI, Primi passi nello studio della metafisica, SEI, Torino 19328,
pp. 9-11.
«¿Cuál de ellas diríamos que es la que andamos buscando? […]. ¿Cuál de ellas
ha de caracterizarse como la que ahora andamos buscando?». Cf.
ARISTÓTELES, Metafísica, introducción, traducción y notas de Tomás Calvo
Martínez, Biblioteca Clásica Gredos, Madrid 1998, 1ª reimpr., pp. 134 y 136.
J.-L. GUZÓN, Dios y tiempo en Lewis S. Ford, Facultad de Teología del Norte
de España, Burgos 2008, 230 pp.
J. OROZ EZCURRA, El ser como entidad actual en la filosofía del organismo
de Alfred North Whitehead, Deusto, Bilbao 1985, p. 80.
Ibid., p. 92.
Cf. PR 248.
KrV A 832/B860.
«From the perspective of the unitexturality of reality, process theology
understands the world as a nexus of temporal events and God as a dipolar
temporal process. Hence process theology is essentially a theology of time» (R.
FABER, God as the Poet of the World, p. 241)..
C.-R. MESLE, o.c., p. 49.
P. TOON, Contemporary Challenges to Evangelical Ortodoxy, Crossway
Books, Wheaton (IL) 1995, pp. 138-139.
PR 351. A.-N. WHITEHEAD, Proceso y realidad, trad. de J. Rovira
Armengol, Losada, Buenos Aires 1956, p. 470, citado por I. BARBOUR, o.c.,
pp. 482-483. En una edición más reciente reza así: «What is done in the world is
transformed into a reality in heaven, and the reality in heaven passes back into
the world. By reason of this reciprocal relation, the love in the world passes into
the love in heaven, and floods back again into the world. In this sense, God is the
great companion –the fellow-sufferer who unsdertands» (A.-N. WHITEHEAD,
Process and Reality, The Free Press, New York 1985, p. 351, edición corregida
por David Ray Griffin y Donald W. Sherburne).
A. KOYRÉ, Del mundo cerrado al universo infinito, S. XXI, Madrid 1979.
Aunque esta doctrina arrancaba ya de los griegos, siempre fueron más
dominantes las teorías del mundo cerrado (del «universo-bloque» -J.
Polkinghorne). Con todo, esta obra de Koyré parte de la asunción desde el punto
de vista de la epistemología y la teoría de la ciencia de un supuesto que
revoluciona las bases metafísicas de la física. Es un universo en continua
expansión. Las ecuaciones de Einstein fueron reanudadas por el físico y
matemático ruso Alexander Friedmann, el cual, en 1922, demostró que no se
podía esperar que el universo fuese estático. Friedmann predecía lo que Hubble
observaría unos pocos años después. Sus ecuaciones sugerían los dos conocidos
modelos de Friedmann: el universo abierto y el universo cerrado. Ambos
modelos parten de un estado de densidad infinita, que se expande formando
estados de densidad menor. Si la materia no llega a una cantidad crítica, la
expansión va a continuar eternamente: es el universo abierto. Pero si la materia
supera una cantidad crítica, entonces la gravedad es suficientemente fuerte como
para parar la expansión y volver a un estado superdenso: es el universo cerrado.
J. POLKINGHORNE, Ciencia y Teología. Una introducción, Sal Terrae,
Santander 1998, p. 132. Ford, en su artículo sobre Boecio, admite que hay
elementos importantes y muy conseguidos en la definición de la distinción entre
presente divino (the eternal now) y el presente finito (the temporal now), pero
encuentra algunas dificultades en su concepción del conocimiento de Dios (Cf.
L.-S. FORD, Boethius and Whitehead on Time and Eternity, «International
Philosophical Quarterly» 8 (1968) 51).
2. El tiempo es medible24.
3. El tiempo es irreversible25.
«First, in Whitehead’s opinion time is only one side of space-time and is an
abstraction insofar as it ignores the spatial side of what is really a single
manifold. But although “there can be no time apart from space, and no space
apart from time”, still space and time are quite readily distinguishable by
everyone and may be treate in partial independence of each other for expository
and critical purposes» (W.-W. HAMMERSCHMIDT, Whitehead’s Philosophy
of Time, King’s Crown Press, New York 1947, p. 4).
«Whitehead time is a succession of extended presents which constitute real
extended “strata” of nature. There is a sharp distinction between the reality of a
present and the reality of a past or future. And no present can be instantaneous;
its existence requires its temporal extension» (Ibid.).
«The passage of something without spatial extension is not directly
measurable. Therefore the passage of that which is not spatially extended is not
in time in Whitehead’s sense. This restriction on the use of the Word time, it
should be noted, is purely an arbitrary usage which he imposes to facilitate a
discussion of the subject» (Ibid.).
«The advance of time is irreversible. Whitehead sometimes ascribes the
irreversibility of time to the fact that events are unique, particular, unchangeable.
“An event is what it is, when it is, and where it is”» (Ibid.).
«Among the relations which hold between the regions of spacetime are the
empirically known relations of “inclusion” and its converse “inclusion by”. It
Whitehead is correct, we can empirically know that every region in space-time
include smaller regions of space-time and is included by larger regions of space-
time» (Ibid., p. 5).
C.-R. MESLE, o.c., p. 49. Evidentemente, existen diversos modelos
cosmológicos. Hay quienes hablan más que de otro Big Bang, de un Big Crunch.
No faltan interpretaciones de filósofos de la naturaleza y de la ciencia, así como
de científicos que hablan de una sucesión de Big Bangs.
J. POLKINGHORNE, Ciencia y Teología, p. 132. A este propósito Ford
señala: «God knowledge of the world is finite, temporal, and contingent because
the world is so, and this knowledge cannot be derived either form God’s
nontemporal act or its atemporal outcome in the primordial nature» (LU 109).
«To be sure, God cannot know the present, except indirectly in terms of the
creativity and aim God provides, and by knowing the total situation of past
actualities each event confronts, and by knowing the occasion’s decision once
made. But the decision making is unknowable, even for God» (TPT 237). «The
first premise of this argument, “God now knows some future event as actual”, is
false, and rests upon the erroneous assumption that the temporal “now” can be
identified with the eternal “now”» (L.-S. FORD, Boethius and Whitehead on
Time and Eternity, «International Philosophical Quarterly» 8 (1968) 54).
C.-R. MESLE, o.c., p. 50.
«At least he was apparently unable to integrate the provision of initial aims
with God’s responsive interaction with the World through his consequent
experience. This meant that two primary themes of process theism, divine
persuasion and temporalistic theism, are given no final synthesis. […]. Also they
(he) assume that either God influences the world in terms of God’s present
concrescence or in terms of divine pastness. Or by various stratagems God is
consider influential as nontemporal. One temporal modality, however, has not
been considered: God as future creativity, the source of our own creativity. That
will be our task in the rest of this book» (TPT 233).
Pero un futuro abierto. En este sentido Falgueras sale al paso de la posible
objeción sobre Heidegger: «Se podría objetar que Heidegger ha primado también
el futuro en antropología, pero es obvio que no en sentido positivo. El futuro
primado por Heidegger es la muerte, o sea, la oclusión del futuro como ultimidad
para el hombre. La muerte es aquel futuro que, en tanto no acontece, abre
posibilidades al presente, pero en sí misma es la imposibilidad de la existencia.
La muerte efectiva es la clausura del futuro para el existente humano; la muerte
como posibilidad, es la apertura de todas sus limitadas posibilidades, las cuales
advienen desde ella hacia el presente. Precisamente porque advienen desde la
muerte, las posibilidades del hombre carecen de sentido, el cual ha de ser
buscado en el pasado originario o fundamento. La libertad para Heidegger
consiste en disponer de las posibilidades o bien al margen de su proveniencia de
la muerte (impropiedad o inautenticidad), o bien aceptando la muerte
(propiamente) y desvelando el sentido del ser o fundamento (pasado) desde el
que ordenarlas» (I. FALGUERAS, Futurizar el presente. Presentación del libro
de L. Polo Antropología transcendental [cf.
www.leonardopolo.net/textos/presenta.htm, p. 2, 6 de julio de 2009].
L. POLO, Antropología transcendental. Tomo I: La persona humana,
EUNSA, Pamplona 1999.
I. FALGUERAS, Futurizar el presente. Presentación del libro de L. Polo
Antropología transcendental [cf. www.leonardopolo.net/textos/presenta.htm, pp.
2-3, 6 de julio de 2009].
Teología de la esperanza, Sígueme, Salamanca 19773; Experimento esperanza,
Sígueme, Salamanca 1977; Conversión al futuro, Marova-Fontanella, Madrid-
Der Gott der Hoffnung, en Grundfragen systematischer Theologie,
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1991; Metafisica e idea di Dio, Piemme, Casale
Monferrato 1996; Theologie und Philosophie. Ihr Verhältnis im Lichte ihrer
gemeinsamen Geschichte. [Trad. cast.: Una historia de la filosofía desde la idea
de Dios, Sígueme, Salamanca 2001]; Antropología en perspectiva teológica,
Sígueme, Salamanca 1993.
Gottes Sein ist im Werden. Verantwortliche Rede vom Sein Gottes bei Karl
Barth. Eine Paraphrase, JCB Mohr, Paul Siebeck, Tübingen 1965; Antwort an
Ioseph Blank en H. KÜNG-D. TRACY (eds.), Das neue Paradigma von
Theologie, Oecumenische Theologie 13, Benziger Verlag, Zürich 1986; Gott als
Geheimnis der Weit. Zür Begründung der Theologie des Gekreuzigten im Streit
swischen Theismus und Atheismus, JCB Mohr, Paul Siebeck, Tübingen 1977;
Von Zeit zu Zeit. Betrachtungen zu den Festzeiten im Kirchenjahr, Kaiser,
München 1976; Meine Theologie –kurz gefasst, en J-B. BAUER (ed.), Enwürfe
der Theologie, Styria, Graz-Wien-Köln 1985.
Das Prinzip Hoffnung, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1959.
Dios, futuro del hombre, Sígueme, Salamanca 1971; B. van IERSEL-E.
SCHILLEBEECKX, Un Dios personal, Concilium 123 (1977) 277; Los
hombres, relato de Dios, Sígueme, Salamanca 1994.
Das Prinzip Hoffnung, Berlin 1954-1959, 3 vols. [Trad. cast.: El principio
esperanza, Aguilar, Madrid 1977].
J. MOLTMANN, Conversión al futuro, Marova-Fontanella, Madrid-Barcelona
1974, pp. 153-154.
Cf. E. JÜNGEL, Antwort an Ioseph Blank, In H. KÜNG-D. TRACY (hgrs.),
Das neue Paradigma von Theologie, Oecumenische Theologie 13, Benziger
Verlag, Zürich 1986, pp. 66-71.
E. JÜNGEL, Gottes Sein ist im Werden. Verantwortliche Rede vom Sein bei
Karl Barth. Eine Paraphrase, Tübingen 1965.
E. JÜNGEL, Dios como misterio del mundo, Sígueme, Salamanca 1984, p.
Ibid., p. 494.
Ibid., p. 492.
Ibid., p. 474. También el Dios que se acerca al hombre: «Por eso, cuando Dios
es experimentado como el que viene al mundo y así se acerca al hombre (¡como
individuo y como género!) más íntimamente de lo que el hombre pudiera estar
con respecto a sí mismo, entonces la experiencia de no poseerse a sí mismo se
transforma en experiencia de un acrecentamiento antropológico» (Ibid., p. 496).
Hay en la teología patrística muchos desarrollos interesantes, a veces
contradictorios, sobre este aspecto. P. L. Gavrilyuk sostiene, basándose en Cirilo
de Alejandría (370/3-444) que es posible compatibilizar la impasibilidad de Dios
con el compromiso histórico: «I will argue that divine impassibility functioned as
an apophatic qualifier of all divine emotions and served to rule out those
passions and experiences that were unbecoming of the divine nature […]. I will
show that for the Fathers, divine impassibility was fully compatible with God’s
providential care for the world, with direct divine involvement in history, and
with praiseworthy emotionally coloured characteristics, such as love and
compassion» (P.-L GAVRILYUK, The suffering of the impassible God. The
Dialectics of Patristic Thought, Oxford U.-P., Oxford 2006, p. 16). Para entender
cómo se ha generalizado el interés por el tema del sufrimiento de Dios en la
teología y para ver las cuestiones implicadas cf. S. del CURA, El «sufrimiento»
de Dios en el transfondo de la pregunta por el mal. Planteamientos teológicos
actuales, «Revista Española de Teología» 51 (1990) 331-373.
«For Whitehead all creativity is concentrated in the creative advance, which is
the present in its cosmic extent. Therefore, the future, like the past, is devoid of
creativity. I extend the locus of creativity to include the future as well» (TPT 15).
«Rather than eternity being transcendent to time, time transcends timelessness.
In that case God’s way of transcending the world and ourselves must be found in
time, not in some timeless realm. As we shall see, should God transcend us
temporally, it must be that God transcends us as our future» (TPT 9).
Cf. TPT 233ss.
Cf. Transforming Process Theism, pp, 233-263.
TPT 233. Ford ya cuenta con toda una tradición en la que la reflexión sobre la
creatividad ha ido madurando, y se ha ido explicando como fruto de la
reciprocidad y mutualidad entre Dios y mundo: «God and world stand in
reciprocity, that is, in an interprocess of creativity. The same creative relation
obtains between God and world as an expression of precisely the same common
intercreativity whereby their inner processes also “become” what they are» (R.
FABER, God as Poet of the World, p. 170).
Cf. RM 90, citada por TPT 234.
«If divine creativity were coincident with present creativity, either the divine
would determine present creativity, o vice versa» (TPT 234).
«This objection would be decisive if prehension were the only way God could
influence us. It is the way the past influences us, either concretely in terms of
actual occasions or abstractly in terms of eternal objects. Yet God could also
influence us in terms of the future, were God identified with future creativity.
The transmission of future creativity to the present could not be a prehensive
relation, because the occasion must first have creativity in order to prehend. Yet
there could divine influence if the present occasion is the present instantiation of
what just was part of the future divine creativity» (TPT 234).
«This objection certainly applies to pure creativity, but future creativity is a
distinctive kind of creativity informed by aim. The divine exercise of creativity
in the future is different from the various activities of creativity in the present.
We have been accustomed to conceiving of creativity as restricted to the present,
where it underlies all worldly activity, good or evil. That need not be so
concerning the future» (TPT 235).
«I do not think that such a derivation is necessary. Divine individuality and
personhood must be compatible with future creativity, to be sure, and that I hope
to show below» (TPT 235).
«If God is future creativity, God must be conceived as pure becoming, without
any admixture of being. Then God mus be imprehensible, although this need not
mean that God could have no influence upon the world. It simply means that
God does not influence the world the way the past does, by means of prehension.
It means that under certain conditions the everlasting concrescence need not
harbor any primordial being» (TPT 235).
«God is conceived as eternal, yet knowing past, present, and future. I am
profoundly skeptical whether any eternal knowing is posible, at least if eternal
means what is timeless or immutable. Timeless knowing abstracts from an
essential condition for subjectivity, namely, temporal duration itself. Objects can
be timeless because abstract (whether created or uncreated). God is thought to
know past, presente, and future, but process theism has argued that future
contingents cannot now be known as actual, and God can only know the
knowable. The present, as opposed to the inmediate past, is also unknowable.
Only being, not becoming, is knowable. Subjectivity, both in terms of the
interiority of experience and the freedom of decision, cannot be objectified in the
form of being» (TPT 237).
«On my view the static quality of future possibility has been transformed into
the dynamic quality of future divinity» (TPT 238).
Cf. TPT 238. «Characteristic of these proposals is the claim that the essence,
the necessary structure of God, is subject to change, usually by means of an
internal dialectic. The conception I propose holds that God does not change in
terms of any inner nature, but only in terms of experience. Any change entails
contingency: the perishing of what was, and the emergence of what had not yet
been. That which is necessary is context-independent, and hence invariant in
every temporal situation» (TPT 239).
«Process theism, as I understand it, seeks to conceive God purely in terms of
persuasive power. All other causes may act upon us efficiently, but God is the
ultimate dynamic source of final causation. Other causes re-enabling or
restricting causes, but God provides that ultimate lure which urges as forward.
By “persuasion” we mean that “relational power” Bernard Loomer speaks of a
power exercised together with its recipient, in contrast to the “coertion” of
“unilateral power”, where the activity of the recipient has no impact on the
exercise of the power.» (L.-S. FORD, The Divine curse understood in terms of
persuasion, «Semeia» 24 (1982) 81). Ya antes: God as King: Benevolent Despot
or Constitutional Monarch? «Christian Scholar’s Review» 1/4 (1971) 318-322.
Aunque esto es así, el atributo de la omnipotencia de Dios cabe presentarlo de
otras maneras. El mismo CEC, aunque subraya convenientemente este atributo,
matiza sus características: «De todos los atributos divinos, sólo la omnipotencia
de Dios es nombrada en el símbolo: confesarla tiene un gran alcance para nuestra
vida. Creemos que esa omnipotencia es universal, porque Dios, que ha creado
todo, rige todo y lo puede todo; es amorosa, porque Dios es nuestro Padre; es
misteriosa, porque sólo la fe puede descubrirla cuando “se manifiesta en la
debilidad” (2 Cor 12, 9)» (CEC 268). Pero esta vía la retomaremos en el diálogo
con Ford posteriormente.
En la tradición se han percibido de un modo radicalmente diferente las cosas.
La omnipotencia de Dios y la ausencia de todo condicionamiento interno o
externo se manifiestan en su obra creadora. Soberanía universal de Dios. La
creación de la nada no es más que la expresión negativa de la dependencia
radical respecto de Dios de todo cuanto existe, y de la universalidad de la
mediación de Cristo «sin el que nada de cuanto existe fue hecho» (Jn 1,3 ss).
«Persuasion necessarily requires final causation. The absence of final
causation typically occurs when divine activity is primarily conceived in terms of
efficient causation. We need to see that God does not act upon us from the past,
but lures us forward to the future» (TPT 6).
«Yet divine persuasion may very well describe God’s activity in creation as
depicted in Genesis 1. We have been accustomed to thinking of the unilateral
power of divine fiat, calling the World into being ex nihilo, but the image here
might depict the King of the Universe commanding his hosts to fashion the
world by stages. Instead of repetitiously congratulating himself his servants to
see how well they carry out his commands: “And God saw that it was good”.
The image of the king commanding, which is basic to much of the Old
Testament, is primarily a persuasive image. Commanding is that form of
persuasion which has the backing of authority» (L.-S. FORD, The Divine curse
understood in terms of persuasion, «Semeia» 24 (1982) 81-82). Cf. tb.: L.-S.
FORD, Contrasting conceptions of creation, «Review of Metaphysics» 45
(1991) 89-109.
TPT 7.
M.-H. SUCHOCKI, God, Christ, Church, Crossroad, New York 1989, p. 81.
Y continua: «This would be the world’s transitional influence upon God. But
how God deals with those influences is sheerly within the control of the divine
power» (Ibid.).
«This general principle of concrescence takes on special meaning for the
history of evolution. Science reports that over the past four billion years or more
there has been the emergence of elementary particles, atoms, molecules,
macromolecules, cells, plants, animals, and humans, each building upon and
developing out of its predecessors. One can understand divine persuasion as
coordinating and directing this process, though not controlling it» (TPT 7).
Cf. a este propósito L.-S. FORD, An Alternative to Creatio ex Nihilo. Process
Thinkers Principles, «Religious Studies» 19/2 (1983) 205-213. Tb.: TPT 7, 34 y
221; LU 21 y 40. Quizás convendría ver esta noción a la luz de otras
interpretaciones más recientes que unifican «ex nihilo» y «ex amore» (Cf. S. del
CURA, Creación “ex nihilo” como creación “ex amore”, su arraigo y
consistencia en el misterio trinitario de Dios, XXXVIII Semana de Estudios
Trinitarios, Secretariado Trinitario, Salamanca 2002, pp. 157-242).
«Whitehead, as we shall see, was deeply agnostic, even atheistic, from his late
thirties to his early sixties. The key issue for him was the traditional notion of
God as creator ex nihilo, which he rejected, presumably for its deterministic
implications. He became a theist later not because of some religious conversion,
but because he found a meaningful concept of God that did no entail that God
was “creator”. For him the term creator always had negative connotations. I
interpret his thought in terms of creation, for I find this an illuminating way to
understand concrescence. But I must make clear that I am here departing fom his
usage» (TPT 7). Sin embargo, también admite que una modificada TP podría ser
compatible: «While the tradicional sense of creatio ex nihilo is incompatible with
process philosophy, there is another sense in which a modified process
philosophy is compatible with it» (L.-S. FORD, Contrasting conceptions of
creation, «Review of Metaphysics» 45 (1991) 99). Cf. tb.: An Alternative to
Creatio Ex Nihilo, «Religious Studies» 17 (1987) 205-213. Esa modificación iría
en línea de la crítica que presenta Robert Cummings Neville (God the Creator,
Chicago U.-P., Chicago 1968): «Neville’s account of creatio ex nihilo, because it
can be interpreted in terms of emergence of form out of the absolutely
undifferentiated, is congenial to process theism» (L.-S. FORD, Contrasting
conceptions, p. 103).
Cf. R. FABER, God as Poet of the World, p. 210.
J.-B. COBB-D.-R. GRIFFIN, Prozesstheologie, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
Göttingen 1979, p. 64.
Cf. R. FABER, God as Poet of the World, p. 207.
Cf. ibid., pp. 208-209.
Cf. ibid., p. 209.
Cf. ibid., pp. 210ss.
J.-L. RUIZ DE LA PEÑA, Teología de la creación, Sal Terrae, Santander
19872, p. 121.
R. FABER, God as Poet of the World, p. 213.
Ford se plantea en algún momento si ésta es la idea original de Whitehead o no
para responderse que sí, pero no lo hace sin una cierta discusión y análisis (Cf.
L.-S. FORD, The past as given by Mannoia, «The Modern Schoolman» 64
(1986) 45-51).
«Many argue that only present concrescence has primary existence, while past
beings exist only in a derivative sense dependent upon present concrescence.
This is a form of the ontological principle, which declares that eternal objects
derive their existence from present actualities. This is extended to past entities,
seen also as objects dependent on present actualities» (TPT 8).
PR 343.
ST I, 235.
«In the context of that debate we may wonder whether Tillich’s assertions
about God are finally inteligible. His via symbolica may degenerate into a simple
via negativa. If God is not a being, none of the terms we apply to beings can be
appropriate for God, except in an entirely different sense. But then we could
assert that God is multicelular, just not in the sense that beings might be
multicellular» (TPT 236).
«The context shifts dramatically if we reconceive God as pure becoming. Such
becoming is not a being, but it is not conceptualized simply in negative terms.
Pure becoming may be construed as a positive version of Tillich’s notion of God
as “not a being”. Moreover, God can still be conceived as an instance of the
metaphysical categories, for in Whitehead’s hands there are no longer categories
of being but primarily categories of becoming (concrescence)» (TPT 236).
Habla también del devenir en este artículo en que quiere aclarar una
interpretación de Whitehead: Can Whitehead rescue perishing?, «The
Personalist» 54/1 (1973) 92-93.
«Classical theists argue that process theists limit God by arguing that God can
be enriched by an experience of future contingents that only comes into existence
in the course of the creative advance. God, they reason, is a perfect being,
complete in every way, and therefore incapable of being enriched» (TPT 8). En
la perspectiva de Whitehead y las posteriores reinterpretaciones la cosa puede ser
diferente. Así lo atestigua R. Faber para quien la relación Dios-mundo puede
entenderse desde estas claves de comunicación, creatividad, etc.: «Within
theopoetic difference, creativity is disclosed as the same ground of activity of
both God and the world (Bracken, 1995), that is, as the intercreativity between
God and world» (R. FABER, God as Poet of the World, p. 172. Cf. ibid., pp.
«Since becoming is primary, God should be conceived as perfect becoming,
and the perfection of becoming includes being enriched by that which come into
being» (TPT 9). Cf. tb.: The past as given by Mannoia, «The Modern
Schoolman» 63 (1986) 45ss.
Esta nueva categoría que nos ofrece Ford debe romper aún
la tendencia inercial del pensamiento a considerar sólo dos modos
de actualidad: el pasado y el presente. Si esto es así, el futuro no
pertenece al reino de la actualidad, sino al de la posibilidad. Si
nuestra reflexión no pudiera ir más allá, lógicamente toda la
riqueza de contenidos que se nos aportan con esta nueva
consideración del tiempo no serían posibles. Por tanto, Ford intenta
explicar el carácter actual del futuro.
«Whitehead designated his forms as “eternal objects”, meaning by this that
they were “objects devoid of time”. Eternity is usually thought to transcend time.
If by eternity we really mean everlastingness, then it is a temporal notion
embracing past, present and future. But the Greeks conceived of eternity as
timelessness, and felt that only timelessness could properly and completely
transcend time. But it Whitehead’s “timeless objects” were dependent upon
becoming for their existence, then it is possible to conceive of them as derivative
from temporal actualities. They are abstract because they abstract from time.
Rather than eternity being transcendent to time, time transcends timelessness. In
that case God’s way of transcending the world and ourselves must be found in
time, not in some timeless realm. As we shall see, should God transcend us
temporally, it must be that God transcends us as our future» (TPT 9). Cf. Rigid
and Non-Rigid Forms, «Process Studies» 36/2 (2007) 272-290 y Non-Rigid
Forms: Retractions and Revisions, «Process Studies» 37/2 (2008) 68-73.
«Besides the ordinary passive future we are all familiar with, I wish to propose
a notion of the future which can serve as the appropriate mode of divine activity.
First, I need to show how an active future is possible. The I must try to show that
God can be appropriately conceived as the activity of the future. In this account I
shall be relying heavily on the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead,
primarily as found in his main work, Process and Reality (1929). In part I shall
be presenting his ideas, while in part I shall be building on them in ways he did
not foresee» (L.-S. FORD, The Active Future as Divine, Twentieth World
Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998,
citado desde «Paideia» (on line), p. 1.)
«Here, Whitehead’s own account is not very helpful, for he conceived the
future in terms of the causal conditions that the present (and past) lays down
upon it. The future borrows its reality for present projections, and this does not
even include the domain of real possibilities (Adventures of Ideas, ch. 12)» (TPT
11). Para Whitehead, el futuro se define en términos de presente: «It is one of the
elements in the actual world which has got to be referred to as an actual reason
and not as an abstract potentiality» (PR 121), edición de D.-R. Griffin y Donald
W. Sherburne. Cf. tb.: PR 14, 56, 123, 163, 168, 178, 204, 214-215, 277, 322,
Cf. TPT 11.
«Let us try to reconceive the future in such a way that its actuality is
conceptually possible. If so, it must be less determinate than either the present or
the past. It should be the source of creativity for the present, and it could also be
the ultimate source of aim» (TPT 11). «The nature of present actuality gives as a
clue as the future actuality. Since the present is finite particular activity, it could
be universal activity, an infinite activity which could be the source of present
acting, and which as informed by aim could influence it in terms of divine
persuasion» (The Active Future as Divine, Twentieth World Congress of
Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998, citado por
«Paideia» (on line), p. 4).
TPT 11 (nota 11: See my essay on The Modes of Actuality («The Modern
Schoolman» 67/4 (may 1990) 275-283)).
TPT 14. Abunda la literatura sobre este particular: Dios y futuro. Sirva como
ejemplo un libro que he encontrado recientemente: C.-C. HILL, In God’s Time.
The Bible and the Future, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids (MI)-Cambridge (UK) 2002.
RAE 1992.
«A past occasion is absolutely determinate with respect to its own character.
All indecision as to what it is has been overcome in the process of concrescence.
If it had not been overcome, there would still be some further process of
determination. Present concrescence, then, is the transformation of
indeterminacy into determinateness. Whatever the future is, it must be less
determinate than either the present or the past» (TPT 11-12).
«The creativity of the World is the throbbing emotion of the past hurling into
a new transcendent fact» (AI 217). En otros contextos habla de «the way in
which the occasions in question have inherited their energy from the past of
nature» (AI 238); o bien: «the immanence of the past energizing in the present»
(AI 241).
«Process Studies» 13/2 (1983) 132-142: «In this essay I mean to call attention
to the way in which Whitehead’s account of the nature of experience places great
emphasis on the power of the past, the primacy of physical feelings, and the
literal transmission of energy as creative causal influx» (p. 132).
L.-S. FORD, The origin of subjectivity, «The Modern Schoolman» LXII
(1985) 267.
«Put another way, concrescence is the growing together or unification of the
inherited multiplicity into one final unity. Creativity as the process of unification
ceases or perishes in the attainment of the final unity. If it perishes, how can it be
available for supervening occasions? Whitehead’s theory contrasts the
subjectivity of present creativity with the objective character of past
determinateness. To ascribe creativity to the past is to give it a quality pertaining
only to present subjectivity, thus violating the temporal distinction between
subject and object so basic to this metaphysics» (Ibid.). El tema de la
subjetividad, es un tema muy importante para Ford. De tal manera que lo ha
tratado desde diversas perspectivas, durante toda su producción. Como ejemplo,
sirva una de las últimas publicaciones de nuestro autor de la que tengo
constancia: L.S. FORD, Enduring Subjectivity, «Process Studies» 35/2 (2006)
«Thus in terms of becoming, it is the indeterminacy of the future which is
earlier than the initial phase of concrescence, not the past. If so, we could
conceive of the future as containing a general activity of creativity to be
particularized in each present concrescence by its need to unify a past
multiplicity. In this way present occasion would be derived from both tha past
and the future, both of which would be earlier than the present, the first
according ot the order of being, the second according to the order of becoming.
On such a view we could explain the origin of subjectivity, at least so far as
pertains to creativity, in terms of the creativity of future» (L.-S. FORD, The
Origin of Subjectivity, «The Modern Schoolman» LXII (1985) 269).
PR 266 ss.
Cf. L.-S. FORD, The Origin of Subjectivity, p. 271; cf. tb.: TPT 13.
«Aim is only derivately existent, but it does not depend upon present or past
actualities for its existence. Aims exists as characterizing creativity, the actuality
of the future. If does not characterize creativity the way eternal objects or
objective forms do. For then the creativity could be prehended in terms of its
characteristics, whereas creativity is so indeterminate as to be imprehensible.
Aim characterizes future creativity by means of a subjetive forming that never
becomes objective» (TPT 13).
«God as future exists for the world as its lure and creative empowerment. But
on our Whiteheadian perspective, God cannot be simply identified with the
absolute future of the world. God is forever future, no matter what the present
might be» (L.-S. FORD, The Nature of the Power of the Future, en C.-E.
BRAATEN-P. CLAYTON, Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg. Twelve American
Critiques with an Autobiographical Essay, Minneapolis 1988, p. 89).
L.-S. FORD, The Origin of Subjectivity, p. 272. Y continua todavía: «Then
the future creativity shaped by the divine subjective forming is bequeathed to the
nascent occasion, an becomes the basis of its prehensions and their
concrescence» (TPT 13).
Este tema lo profundiza aún más en: L.-S. FORD, Growth, Subjectivity and
David Pailin, «Process Studies» 30/1(2001) 147-156.
PR 22, 23.
Él tematiza algunas de estas cuestiones a partir sobre todo del capítulo 8 de
Transforming Process Theism, pp. 233ss.
«For God to be personal, God must be an individualized instance of
creativity, which is only posible if creativity has a future instance» (TPT 240).
Desde luego, Ford lo ha estudiado en diversas obras. Por supuesto, en las
principales: TPT, LU, EWM, etc. Hay, no obstante, un artículo que da bastante
luz al respecto: When did Whitehead conceive God to be personal?, «Anglican
Theological Review» 72/3 (1990) 280-291. También: «As future, God is forever
future. In this our proposal differs from that of Wolfhart Pannenberg, who also
speaks of “the power of the future operative in the present”. He conceives of God
as now in the process of becoming, who at the end of history, however, will
finally become fully actual. But the actuality of God in this sense, as unifying
within himself all of history, necessarily marks the end of the history as well. We
conceived of history, and time, to have no end, so that God is always future,
never present, thereby never becoming past. He is always subject, never object;
always becoming, never being» (L.-S. FORD, The Divine Activity of the Future,
«Process Studies» 11/3 (1981) 179).
«God as future is empty. The future as yet has no being, since being belongs
exclusively to the present and past, most properly to the past. Yet at the same
time God has inwardly a rich subjectivity of an everlasting becoming, which
never terminates in being» (TPT 244).
J. MOLTMANN, La venida de Dios. Escatología cristiana, Sígueme,
Salamanca 2004, p. 47.
Dice T. Urdanoz: «Así, pues, no sólo se desenvuelve en el tiempo y en la
historia, sino que él mismo es temporal y es histórico, y su historicidad se
arraiga en la temporalidad. Esta miraba desde el presente al futuro. Pero la
historia implica “el continuo de las vivencias” en su acontecer o gestarse
histórico, todo el decurso del acontecer humano, desde el nacimiento hasta la
muerte. Historia (Geschichte, de geschehen= suceder) es un acontecer en
perspectiva del pasado, pero con acción en el presente hacia el porvenir, según
los tres ex-stasis de la temporalidad» (T. URDANOZ, Historia de la filosofía,
BAC, Madrid 1986, v.6, pp. 545-546).
Cf. C. CANTONE, Dall’ideologia all’Utopia. La teología occidentale dopo
la morte di Dio, Dehoniane, Roma 1989, pp. 295-303.
3. Fuentes
3.1. Obras de Lewis S. Ford
En la elaboración de esta bibliografía se han tenido en cuenta las siguientes
bibliotecas: Biblioteca de la Facultad de Teología del Norte de España (Sede de
Burgos), la Biblioteca del Instituto Superior de Filosofía «San Juan Bosco»
(Burgos), la Biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, La New York
Public Library, la SIBL (Science, Industry and Business Library) de Nueva
York, La Butler Library de la Columbia University (Nueva York), la NYU
Library de Nueva York, La Union Theological Library de Nueva York. También
cabe destacar el uso de bases documentales electrónicas como PIC, BIBL, BIES
y de la Biblioteca Nacional (OPAC, BOE, LISA e Hispanic). Me he servido de
algunas obras y su aportación bibliográfica, entre las que destaco: J. OROZ
EZCURRA, El ser como entidad actual en la filosofía del organismo de Alfred
North Whitehead, Deusto, Bilbao 1985, 263 pp.; J. SERNA ARANGO, Somos
tiempo. Crítica a la simplificación del tiempo en Occidente, Anthropos, Madrid
2009, 174 pp.; B. WHITNEY, Compilation, «Process Studies» 32/2 (2003) 322-
364; J.-M.LOZANO-GOTOR PERONA, Raum und Zeit in der evangelischen
Theologie. Zur Behandlung und Verhältnisbestimmung beider Begriffe bei
Wolfhart Pannenberg, Jürgen Moltmann und Christian Link, Dr. Kovac,
Hamburg 2007. Particularmente útil ha sido el servicio de la web de «Process
Studies», la revista por excelencia de la TP. Las obras de soporte electrónico no
son elencadas en la bibliografía que aparece a continuación. Aparecen citadas a
pie de página conforme a la metodología habitual: ISO, Norme internationale
ISO 690-2: 1997 (F). Information et Documentation. Références
bibliographiques. Partie 2: Documents électroniques, documents complets ou
parties de documents, première édition, ISO, Genève 1997, 18 pp.
3.2. Autores de la TP
130 FABER, R., Gott als Poet der Welt. Anliegen und
Perspektiven der Prozesstheologie, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2003. [Trad. inglesa: God
as Poet of the World: Exploring Process Theologies,
Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville (KN)-London
(UL) 2008].
203 PUGLIESE, M.-A., The One, the Many and the Trinity.
Joseph A. Bracken and the Challenge of Process
Metaphysics, The Catholic University of America Press,
Washington 2011, 297 pp.
207 STOEGER, W.-R., God and Time: The Action and Life
of the Triune God, «Theology Today» 55/3 (1998) 365-
Para una bibliografía exhaustiva cf. B.-A. WOODBRIDGE (ed.), Alfred North
Whitehead. A Primary-Secondary Bibliography, Bowling Green State
University, Bowling Green (OH) 1977, y P.-A. SCHILLP (ed.), The Philosophy
of Alfred North Whitehead, Open Court, La Salle (IL) 1951, 751ss.
SUMARIO ...................................................................................... 7
SIGLAS .......................................................................................... 9
O. PRÓLOGO ........................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
PRIMERA PARTE: INTRODUCCIÓN ................................... 22
Marcador no definido.
1.1. Dios y devenir en los planteamientos recientes .. ¡Error!
Marcador no definido.
1.1.1. Introducción ......... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
1.1.2. El argumento de la personalidad¡Error! Marcador
no definido.
1.1.3. El argumento del tiempo dinámico .............. ¡Error!
Marcador no definido.
1.1.4. Garrett J. DeWeese: omnitemporalidad ....... ¡Error!
Marcador no definido.
1.1.5. La TP y la obra de Ford ....... ¡Error! Marcador no
1.1.6. Coda conclusiva: el argumento de la Encarnación
¡Error! Marcador no definido.
1.2. Cuestiones introductorias de la Teología del Proceso
............................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
1.3. La TP en el contexto de la nueva epistemología .... ¡Error!
Marcador no definido.
1.3.1. El trasfondo epistemológico: planteamiento ... ¡Error!
Marcador no definido.
1.3.2. Teología y filosofía: historia y necesaria
referencialidad ................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
1.3.3. Correlación filosofía-teología en la TP ........... ¡Error!
Marcador no definido.
1.4. La Teología del Proceso en el contexto de los nuevos
teísmos ................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
1.5. La Escuela teológica del Proceso y su historia ....... ¡Error!
Marcador no definido.