Articulo 4
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Glándulas endocrinas y riñón*
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Eduardo Braun-Menéndez SciELO Analytics
(Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental, Costa Rica 4185, Buenos Aires) Traducción automática
Different aspects of the relations between endocrine glands and the kidney are revised, among them the renotrophic action of these
glands, their influence upon global kidney function, upon water and electrolite excretion and upon kidney metabolism and enzymes.
In spite of the numerous papers written on that subject it has not yet been possible to conclude whether the endocrine glands
exercise a direct influence on the kidney or whether the changes that can be detected in its morphology, excretion, and enzymatic
activity are a direct consecuence of hormonal excess or defficiences, or secondary to more general metabolic changes.
It has been fairly proved that the antidiuretic principle of posterior pitiuitary and the mineralcorticoid hormones act directly upon the
kidney. The former increases the maximal capacity of renal tubules to reabsorb water and the latter increases the maximal ability of
sodium reabsorption of the same. It is also probable that hormones act directly upon certain renal enzimes.
The influence of endocrine glands upon the trophism and speciphic functions of the kidney are indirect owing to the profound
influences of the pituitary, the thyroid and the sex male hormones in exerted through modifications in protein metabolism due to the
either and excess or a defficiency of those hormones. The administration of protein rich diets has a great a renotrophic action as
that of pituitary and thyroid hormones and the administration of protein poor diets produces hypotrophy and hypofunction of the
kidney similar to those that follow hypophysectomy or thyroidectomy. These and other reasons have led the authors to the
hypothesis that the renal mass and functions are controlled by a hypophetic substance -renotrophin- the blood level of which
depends on the intensity of protein metabolism. The renotrophin (or renotrophins) might be a product of the intermediate metabolism
of proteins.
*Relato leído en la reunión anual interna de la Sociedad Argentina de Endocrinología y Enfermedades de la Nutrición, el 9 de
noviembre de 1955. Recibido para su publicación el 2 de mayo de 1956.
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