Anti Hepatitis B Titulos Peru 2001
Anti Hepatitis B Titulos Peru 2001
Anti Hepatitis B Titulos Peru 2001
ICBP "Victoria de Girón". Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas. La Habana.
Departamento del Aparato Digestivo. Hospital Nacional E. Rebagliati. ESSALUD,
Lima. Perú.
Servicio de Gastroenterología. Hospital Nacional. G. Almenara, ESSALUD, Lima.
Servicio de Epidemiología. Hospital Nacional del Sur, ESSALUD, Arequipa,. Perú
Servicio de Epidemiología. Hospital Nacional A. Aguinaga, ESSALUD, Chiclayo.
Given the importance attributed to the protection of health care workers against
viral Hepatitis B (VHB) by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for
Disease Control (CDC), in 1993, the Instituto Peruano del Seguro Social (Social
Security Peruvian Institute), today known as ESSALUD, ruled the vaccination of
personnel in risk working in the 4 national hospitals, using Cuban vaccine
Heberbiovac HB (20mg, schedule 0, 1, 2 months). Our purpose was to evaluate the
antibody persistence in the vaccinated individuals after six years from
immunization, and the possible presence of HB virus infection markers. Sera from
144 health care workers were studied, for a 70.24% coverage, in relation to the
initially seroprotected in the 1993 study. For markers detection, commercial
immunoenzymatic methods were used. HBsAg and anti-HBc were negative in all the
serology samples studied, thus we conclude that no evidence of infection by this
virus was found in any of the vaccinated subjects. AntiHBs was positive, being all of
them seroconverted, with seroprotection and hyperresponse as of 91.6% and
43.7% respectively. The mean life time of antiHBs (t 1/2) is three years, predicting
that the antibodies' level will be over 10 IU/l until after 15 years from the end of
the schedule. The subjects under 40 had significantly higher levels of seroprotection
and hyperresponse, being the females those that stayed in the upper categories of
response. Evaluation of the post-reinforcement memory in the seroconverted, not
protected cases, is recommended, as well as extend the work with ESSALUD to
other hospitals in the country.
El seguimiento a 6 años entre los vacunados se pudo realizar en 144 de los 205
trabajadores que recibieron la vacuna en el año 1993, para una cobertura del
Los resultados obtenidos en cuanto a edad y género, corroboran que las personas
menores de 40 años en general, y en particular las mujeres, tienen respuestas
superiores frente a esta vacuna, así como en términos de eficiencia inmunológica
en general.
Teniendo en cuenta la importancia que este trabajo tiene desde el punto de vista
científico se recomienda extender esta metodología de estudio a otros grupos
poblacionales de alto riesgo potencial como son estudiantes de medicina y