Functional Spanish
Functional Spanish
Functional Spanish
1. Expressing an apology
Siento + no + infinitive – Siento no terminar mis deberes (Sorry for not finishing my
2. Expressing Congratulations
¡Que Dios vaya con usted! – May God go with you! (formal)
4. Expressing condolences
6. Commending
¡Perfecto! – Perfect!
¡Excelente! – Excellent!
7. Giving a reminder
No olvides + infinitive (informal) – No olvides sacar la basura. Do not forget to take out
the garbage
No olvide + infinitive (formal) – No olvide traer el libro. Do not forget to bring the book.
8. Expressing preference
Prefiero + infinitive – Prefiero comer una pechuga (I prefer to eat a chicken breast
Prefiero + que + the present subjunctive – Prefiero que nosotros estudiemos para
nuestros exámenes (I prefer us to study for our examinations)
9. Expressing annoyance
10 . Expressing disappointment
11 . Expressing agreement
¡No te preocupes; todo estará bien! (informal)– Don’t worry; everything will be fine.
¡No se preocupe; todo estará bien! (formal) – Don’t worry; everything will be fine.
Los botones del teléfono celular no andan. The cellular phone buttons are not working.
18. Promising
Prometo + infinitve.
Podría + infinitive.
23. Suggesting
24. Insisting
25. Advising
Te invito a (informal)
Le invito a (formal)
Te presento a (informal)
Le presento a (formal)
29. Signs
¡Cuidado! – Be careful!
¡Peligro! – Danger!
iQué alegría!
What joy!
a. If a word ends in a vowel, n or s, put the stress on the second to last syllable.
Ejemplos – Examples
1. Casa – Ca/sa
2. Carmen – Car/men
3. Papeles – Pa/pe/les
b. If a word ends in a consonant other than n or s, put the stress on the last syllable.
Ejemplos – Examples
1. Delantal – De/lan/tal
2. Actividad – Ac/ti/vi/dad
3. Hablar – Ha/blar
c. Words that do not follow the two patterns above have a written accent. Wherever the
accent appears is where the stress must be emphasized.
Ejemplos – Examples
1. Lágrimas – Lá/gri/mas
2. Comunicación – Co/mu/ni/ca/ción
3. Paráfrasis – Pa/rá/fra/sis
Interrogative Words